Binance Square
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Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
Binance, lai atbalstītu tokenu apvienošanu, Ocean Protocol un SingularityNET Binance, viena no pasaulē lielākajām kriptovalūtu biržām, ir paziņojusi par atbalstu gaidāmajai marķieru apvienošanai, iesaistot (FET), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) un SingularityNET (AGIX). Šie marķieri tiks apvienoti ar jauno ASI marķieri saskaņā ar Mākslīgā superintelekta aliansi (ASI). Atbalsta marķieri: (FET), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) un SingularityNET (AGIX) Jauns marķieris: ASI (mākslīgā superintelekta alianse) Binance loma: Binance atvieglos pāreju, atbalstot marķiera sapludināšanas procesu. Apvienošanās nozīme: šī marķiera apvienošana ir nozīmīgs solis ceļā uz vienotas platformas izveidi mākslīgajam intelektam un decentralizētām tehnoloģijām. Jaunā ASI marķiera mērķis ir integrēt, Ocean Protocol un SingularityNET iespējas, veicinot sadarbību un inovācijas AI un blokķēdes sektoros. Kas lietotājiem jāzina: Pārejas periods: pārejas laikā FET, OCEAN un AGIX marķieru īpašniekiem tokeni tiks pārveidoti par ASI. Nav jāveic nekādas darbības: marķieru īpašniekiem nav jāveic nekādas darbības, jo Binance veiks konvertēšanas procesu. Uzlabotas iespējas: apvienotais marķieris piedāvās uzlabotu funkcionalitāti un plašākus lietošanas gadījumus, izmantojot visu trīs projektu stiprās puses. Līderu paziņojumi: Humayun Sheikh, izpilddirektors un Mākslīgā superintelekta alianses priekšsēdētājs, pauda sajūsmu, norādot: "Šī partnerība ar Binance un ASI izveide paātrinās mūsu redzējumu par decentralizēta superinteliģences tīkla izveidi." {spot}(FETUSDT) {spot}(OCEANUSDT) {spot}(AGIXUSDT)
Binance, lai atbalstītu tokenu apvienošanu, Ocean Protocol un SingularityNET

Binance, viena no pasaulē lielākajām kriptovalūtu biržām, ir paziņojusi par atbalstu gaidāmajai marķieru apvienošanai, iesaistot (FET), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) un SingularityNET (AGIX).

Šie marķieri tiks apvienoti ar jauno ASI marķieri saskaņā ar Mākslīgā superintelekta aliansi (ASI).

Atbalsta marķieri: (FET), Ocean Protocol (OCEAN) un SingularityNET (AGIX)

Jauns marķieris: ASI (mākslīgā superintelekta alianse)

Binance loma: Binance atvieglos pāreju, atbalstot marķiera sapludināšanas procesu.

Apvienošanās nozīme: šī marķiera apvienošana ir nozīmīgs solis ceļā uz vienotas platformas izveidi mākslīgajam intelektam un decentralizētām tehnoloģijām.

Jaunā ASI marķiera mērķis ir integrēt, Ocean Protocol un SingularityNET iespējas, veicinot sadarbību un inovācijas AI un blokķēdes sektoros.

Kas lietotājiem jāzina: Pārejas periods: pārejas laikā FET, OCEAN un AGIX marķieru īpašniekiem tokeni tiks pārveidoti par ASI.

Nav jāveic nekādas darbības: marķieru īpašniekiem nav jāveic nekādas darbības, jo Binance veiks konvertēšanas procesu.

Uzlabotas iespējas: apvienotais marķieris piedāvās uzlabotu funkcionalitāti un plašākus lietošanas gadījumus, izmantojot visu trīs projektu stiprās puses.

Līderu paziņojumi:

Humayun Sheikh, izpilddirektors un Mākslīgā superintelekta alianses priekšsēdētājs, pauda sajūsmu, norādot: "Šī partnerība ar Binance un ASI izveide paātrinās mūsu redzējumu par decentralizēta superinteliģences tīkla izveidi."
Skatīt oriģinālu
#Ethereum un#Bitcoin: Paredzamā kredītpleca — visas biržas #btc #eth
#Ethereum un#Bitcoin: Paredzamā kredītpleca — visas biržas

#btc #eth
Skatīt oriģinālu jūsu visaptverošā kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības lietotne (drīzumā) Vai meklējat lietotājam draudzīgu un ar funkcijām bagātu kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības platformu? varētu būt atbilde, ko jūs gaidījāt. Šī gaidāmā lietotne sola vienkāršot kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību gan iesācējiem, gan pieredzējušiem lietotājiem. Lūk, ieskats tajā, ko piedāvā ⭐Tirciet visus kriptovalūtus vienuviet: mērķis ir būt jūsu vienas pieturas aģentūrai visām kriptovalūtām. Viegli tirgojiet žetonus gan no centralizētām, gan decentralizētām biržām. ⭐Vienkāršota atvasināto instrumentu tirdzniecība: plāno nodrošināt lietotājam draudzīgu atvasināto instrumentu tirdzniecību tieši jūsu rokās. Tas varētu būt lielisks veids, kā potenciāli nodrošināt savas pozīcijas vai gūt papildu peļņu, taču atcerieties, ka atvasinātie instrumenti ir saistīti ar lielāku risku. ⭐Telegram integrācija: unikāla iezīme ir iespēja tirgoties tieši, izmantojot Telegram. Tas nodrošina papildu ērtības lietotājiem, kuri jau ir apmierināti ar ziņojumapmaiņas platformu. ⭐Citas funkcijas: piemin arī NFT fjūčerus un pirmspārdošanas tirdzniecību, kā arī iespēju gan centralizēti, gan pašizglabāt jūsu kriptovalūtus. ⭐Nopelnīt ar BLUM punktiem: plāno stimulēt lietotāju iesaistīšanos, izmantojot BLUM punktus. Lai gan informācija ir ierobežota, sagaidāms, ka tas ietvers tādas darbības kā lauksaimniecība, draugu uzaicināšana un uzdevumu veikšana. ⭐Pašreizējais statuss: joprojām tiek izstrādāts, taču tas ir izraisījis zināmu interesi kriptogrāfijas kopienā. Tos atbalstīja Binance Labs MVB programma, norādot uz potenciālo solījumu. ⭐Sekojiet līdzi informācijai: sekojiet līdzi oficiālajai izlaišanai. Viņu vietne ( varētu būt labs sākumpunkts turpmākiem atjauninājumiem. 🔥Atruna: tas ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Pirms ieguldīšanas jebkurā kriptovalūtā vienmēr veiciet savu izpēti jūsu visaptverošā kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības lietotne (drīzumā)
Vai meklējat lietotājam draudzīgu un ar funkcijām bagātu kriptovalūtu tirdzniecības platformu? varētu būt atbilde, ko jūs gaidījāt. Šī gaidāmā lietotne sola vienkāršot kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību gan iesācējiem, gan pieredzējušiem lietotājiem.

Lūk, ieskats tajā, ko piedāvā

⭐Tirciet visus kriptovalūtus vienuviet: mērķis ir būt jūsu vienas pieturas aģentūrai visām kriptovalūtām. Viegli tirgojiet žetonus gan no centralizētām, gan decentralizētām biržām.
⭐Vienkāršota atvasināto instrumentu tirdzniecība: plāno nodrošināt lietotājam draudzīgu atvasināto instrumentu tirdzniecību tieši jūsu rokās. Tas varētu būt lielisks veids, kā potenciāli nodrošināt savas pozīcijas vai gūt papildu peļņu, taču atcerieties, ka atvasinātie instrumenti ir saistīti ar lielāku risku.
⭐Telegram integrācija: unikāla iezīme ir iespēja tirgoties tieši, izmantojot Telegram. Tas nodrošina papildu ērtības lietotājiem, kuri jau ir apmierināti ar ziņojumapmaiņas platformu.
⭐Citas funkcijas: piemin arī NFT fjūčerus un pirmspārdošanas tirdzniecību, kā arī iespēju gan centralizēti, gan pašizglabāt jūsu kriptovalūtus.
⭐Nopelnīt ar BLUM punktiem: plāno stimulēt lietotāju iesaistīšanos, izmantojot BLUM punktus. Lai gan informācija ir ierobežota, sagaidāms, ka tas ietvers tādas darbības kā lauksaimniecība, draugu uzaicināšana un uzdevumu veikšana.
⭐Pašreizējais statuss: joprojām tiek izstrādāts, taču tas ir izraisījis zināmu interesi kriptogrāfijas kopienā. Tos atbalstīja Binance Labs MVB programma, norādot uz potenciālo solījumu.
⭐Sekojiet līdzi informācijai: sekojiet līdzi oficiālajai izlaišanai. Viņu vietne ( varētu būt labs sākumpunkts turpmākiem atjauninājumiem.

🔥Atruna: tas ir paredzēts tikai informatīviem nolūkiem, un to nevajadzētu uzskatīt par finanšu padomu. Pirms ieguldīšanas jebkurā kriptovalūtā vienmēr veiciet savu izpēti
Skatīt oriģinālu
Veiksmīgu gaisa pilienu reāli piemēri 1. **Uniswap (UNI)**: Uniswap veica vienu no visievērojamākajiem gaisa kritieniem nesenajā vēsturē. 2020. gada septembrī decentralizētā birža nodeva 400 UNI marķierus visiem lietotājiem, kuri platformu bija izmantojuši pirms noteikta datuma. Šis airdrop ne tikai atalgoja lojālos lietotājus, bet arī ievērojami veicināja UNI ieviešanu un atpazīstamību. 2. **Stellar (XLM)**: Stellar ir veicis vairākus lidojumus, no kuriem viens no lielākajiem ir 2 miljardu XLM žetonu piešķiršana maka lietotājiem. Šis milzīgais gaisa kritums palīdzēja Stellar iegūt plašu uzmanību un palielināja Stellar tīkla lietotāju bāzi. 3. **EOS**: EOS veica plašu gadu ilgu gaisa nolaišanas kampaņu savā ICO periodā. Periodiski izplatot marķierus, EOS izdevās izveidot spēcīgu un iesaistītu kopienu pirms galvenā tīkla palaišanas. ### Stratēģijas Airdrops atrašanai un dalībai tajos Piedalīšanās aerodromā var būt izdevīga, taču ir jābūt informētam un piesardzīgam. Šeit ir dažas stratēģijas, lai palielinātu savas iespējas: 1. **Pievienojieties kriptovalūtu kopienām**: aktīvi darbojoties kriptovalūtu kopienās tādās platformās kā Telegram, Reddit un Discord, varat būt informētam par gaidāmajiem lidojuma kritumiem. Daudzi projekti vispirms paziņo par lidojumiem, izmantojot šos kanālus. 2. **Sekojiet Airdrop apkopotāju vietnēm**: tādas vietnes kā AirdropAlert, un CoinMarketCap airdrop sadaļa veido notiekošo un gaidāmo lidojumu sarakstus. Šajās vietnēs ir sniegta detalizēta informācija par dalību un prasībām katram gaisa kuģim. 3. **Sociālie mediji**: sekojiet blokķēdes projektiem, ietekmes meklētājiem un kriptoziņu kontiem Twitter, LinkedIn un citās sociālo mediju platformās. Pa šiem kanāliem tiek paziņots par daudziem lidojumiem. 4. **Saglabājiet drošu maku**: pārliecinieties, ka jums ir saderīgs un drošs seifs, lai saņemtu gaisa pilienus. Populāra izvēle ir tādi maki kā MetaMask, Trust Wallet un Ledger. Vienmēr vēlreiz pārbaudiet ikviena airdrop prasību procesa autentiskumu, lai izvairītos no krāpniecības. #Write2Earn!
Veiksmīgu gaisa pilienu reāli piemēri

1. **Uniswap (UNI)**: Uniswap veica vienu no visievērojamākajiem gaisa kritieniem nesenajā vēsturē. 2020. gada septembrī decentralizētā birža nodeva 400 UNI marķierus visiem lietotājiem, kuri platformu bija izmantojuši pirms noteikta datuma. Šis airdrop ne tikai atalgoja lojālos lietotājus, bet arī ievērojami veicināja UNI ieviešanu un atpazīstamību.

2. **Stellar (XLM)**: Stellar ir veicis vairākus lidojumus, no kuriem viens no lielākajiem ir 2 miljardu XLM žetonu piešķiršana maka lietotājiem. Šis milzīgais gaisa kritums palīdzēja Stellar iegūt plašu uzmanību un palielināja Stellar tīkla lietotāju bāzi.
3. **EOS**: EOS veica plašu gadu ilgu gaisa nolaišanas kampaņu savā ICO periodā. Periodiski izplatot marķierus, EOS izdevās izveidot spēcīgu un iesaistītu kopienu pirms galvenā tīkla palaišanas.
### Stratēģijas Airdrops atrašanai un dalībai tajos
Piedalīšanās aerodromā var būt izdevīga, taču ir jābūt informētam un piesardzīgam. Šeit ir dažas stratēģijas, lai palielinātu savas iespējas:
1. **Pievienojieties kriptovalūtu kopienām**: aktīvi darbojoties kriptovalūtu kopienās tādās platformās kā Telegram, Reddit un Discord, varat būt informētam par gaidāmajiem lidojuma kritumiem. Daudzi projekti vispirms paziņo par lidojumiem, izmantojot šos kanālus.
2. **Sekojiet Airdrop apkopotāju vietnēm**: tādas vietnes kā AirdropAlert, un CoinMarketCap airdrop sadaļa veido notiekošo un gaidāmo lidojumu sarakstus. Šajās vietnēs ir sniegta detalizēta informācija par dalību un prasībām katram gaisa kuģim.

3. **Sociālie mediji**: sekojiet blokķēdes projektiem, ietekmes meklētājiem un kriptoziņu kontiem Twitter, LinkedIn un citās sociālo mediju platformās. Pa šiem kanāliem tiek paziņots par daudziem lidojumiem.

4. **Saglabājiet drošu maku**: pārliecinieties, ka jums ir saderīgs un drošs seifs, lai saņemtu gaisa pilienus. Populāra izvēle ir tādi maki kā MetaMask, Trust Wallet un Ledger. Vienmēr vēlreiz pārbaudiet ikviena airdrop prasību procesa autentiskumu, lai izvairītos no krāpniecības.

Skatīt oriģinālu
🇺🇸FED LĒMUMA KOPSAVILKUMS (12.06.24.): 1. Fed atstāj nemainīgas likmes 7. sanāksmē pēc kārtas 2. Ierēdņi paaugstina 2024. gada inflācijas prognozi no 2,4% uz 2,6%. 3. Vidējās prognozes liecina tikai par 1 likmes samazinājumu 2024. gadā 4. Vidējā prognoze liecina par 100 bps likmju samazināšanu 2025. gadā 5. Fed saka, ka inflācija ir mazinājusies, "bet joprojām ir paaugstināta" 6. Vidējā 2024. gada pamatinflācijas aplēse pieaugs no 2,6% līdz 2,8%. Mēs sagaidām, ka Fed turpinās savu "tikšanās pēc sanāksmes" pieeju. #Write2Earn!

1. Fed atstāj nemainīgas likmes 7. sanāksmē pēc kārtas

2. Ierēdņi paaugstina 2024. gada inflācijas prognozi no 2,4% uz 2,6%.

3. Vidējās prognozes liecina tikai par 1 likmes samazinājumu 2024. gadā

4. Vidējā prognoze liecina par 100 bps likmju samazināšanu 2025. gadā

5. Fed saka, ka inflācija ir mazinājusies, "bet joprojām ir paaugstināta"

6. Vidējā 2024. gada pamatinflācijas aplēse pieaugs no 2,6% līdz 2,8%.

Mēs sagaidām, ka Fed turpinās savu "tikšanās pēc sanāksmes" pieeju.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Filecoin konsolidējas par 6 USD Filecoin (FIL) bija viena no labākajām kriptovalūtām pirmajā ceturksnī. Tā vērtība pieauga virs USD 11,40, lai gan kopš tā laika Filecoin ir saskāries ar straujām korekcijām. Pēdējā mēneša laikā Filecoin ir saskārusies ar pretestību USD 6 vērtībā, maija vidū samazinoties līdz USD 5,3. Pēc ekspertu domām, Filecoin joprojām varētu pieaugt līdz 8,56 USD līdz ceturtā ceturkšņa beigām. Tomēr, ņemot vērā to, ka Filecoin konkurenti varētu piedāvāt lielāku atdevi, daudzi investori izvēlas investēt citur. Tā rezultātā Filecoin varētu saskarties ar papildu lāču spiedienu, izraisot tā cenas samazināšanos līdz 5,50 USD jūnijā. $FIL $FDUSD $BTC
Filecoin konsolidējas par 6 USD

Filecoin (FIL) bija viena no labākajām kriptovalūtām pirmajā ceturksnī. Tā vērtība pieauga virs USD 11,40, lai gan kopš tā laika Filecoin ir saskāries ar straujām korekcijām. Pēdējā mēneša laikā Filecoin ir saskārusies ar pretestību USD 6 vērtībā, maija vidū samazinoties līdz USD 5,3.
Pēc ekspertu domām, Filecoin joprojām varētu pieaugt līdz 8,56 USD līdz ceturtā ceturkšņa beigām. Tomēr, ņemot vērā to, ka Filecoin konkurenti varētu piedāvāt lielāku atdevi, daudzi investori izvēlas investēt citur. Tā rezultātā Filecoin varētu saskarties ar papildu lāču spiedienu, izraisot tā cenas samazināšanos līdz 5,50 USD jūnijā.

⚠️LTC Important Update⚠️ The Litecoin (LTC) blockchain has witnessed a surge in network activity this month, with the number of unique addresses interacting with the network more than doubling from 345,000 in May to over 700,000. According to data from on-chain analytics firm Santiment this key metric, comes as the network’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) enters its best “Opportunity Zone” region since September.  Litecoin has averaged ~704K unique addresses interacting on the network over the past week after averaging ~345K addresses throughout May. The network more than doubling in active addresses, along with its RSI well into an opportunity zone, may be foreshadowing an $LTC bounce.
⚠️LTC Important Update⚠️

The Litecoin (LTC) blockchain has witnessed a surge in network activity this month, with the number of unique addresses interacting with the network more than doubling from 345,000 in May to over 700,000.
According to data from on-chain analytics firm Santiment this key metric, comes as the network’s Relative Strength Index (RSI) enters its best “Opportunity Zone” region since September. 
Litecoin has averaged ~704K unique addresses interacting on the network over the past week after averaging ~345K addresses throughout May. The network more than doubling in active addresses, along with its RSI well into an opportunity zone, may be foreshadowing an $LTC bounce.
Things you need to know about IO LAUNCHPOOL The investors and people behind project Solana ventures 6MV HACKVC Multicoin Capital Sandbox Aptos Protagonist Amber Foresight Ventures Arcstream capital SevenX ventures Parc capital Moonhill capital Delphi digital M13 Longhash Animoca brands Continue Capital M-1 ventures Web3 ventures Wagmi ventures studio Springs capital & partola spring capital (a cryptocurrency investment fund) "Angel investors" these are the people help to develope Solana labs( Anatomy Yakovenko ) Aptos labs ( Mo Shaikh & Avery Ching ) Animoca labs ( Yat Sui ) Sandbox labs ( Sebastien Borget ) in my own opinion the people behind the project are very credible and well knowledgable and stablished into the said project and crypto space 🚀 Expected price of IO after launch? I can't tell yet but knowing the people and backers behind the project this might be huge if we base it on actual 95M circulating supply wild guess is around $1-$10 that's around $950M total marketcap now you how excellent the people behind or IO LAUNCHPOOL hope this helps you decide in your investment.
Things you need to know about IO LAUNCHPOOL

The investors and people behind project

Solana ventures
Multicoin Capital
Foresight Ventures
Arcstream capital
SevenX ventures
Parc capital
Moonhill capital
Delphi digital
Animoca brands
Continue Capital
M-1 ventures
Web3 ventures
Wagmi ventures studio
Springs capital
& partola spring capital (a cryptocurrency investment fund)

"Angel investors" these are the people help to develope
Solana labs( Anatomy Yakovenko )
Aptos labs ( Mo Shaikh & Avery Ching )
Animoca labs ( Yat Sui )
Sandbox labs ( Sebastien Borget )
in my own opinion the people behind the project are very credible and well knowledgable and stablished into the said project and crypto space 🚀
Expected price of IO after launch?

I can't tell yet but knowing the people and backers behind the project this might be huge
if we base it on actual 95M circulating supply
wild guess is around $1-$10 that's around $950M total marketcap
now you how excellent the people behind or IO LAUNCHPOOL

hope this helps you decide in your investment.
You’ve heard of the next coin coming but do you know what it really does?🤫🤫🚀🧨🧨 Before June 2022, io. One of the main investigated area of net was the building of trading models for trading in the U. S. stock and cryptocurrency market. They needed a highly scalable platform architecture to parse the data feed in real-time for over 1000 quotes, 150 virtual currencies and more than 30000 clients. In the initial stage of the team formation they thought that they must have a pool of skilled professionals in the team. But this can be done by utilizing open source platform referred to as “Ray”. About io, they created the system over a period of thirty nine days only. But it was at a cost of extensive utilization of GPU resources at some point. This was not sustainable as NVIDIA A100 cards which were used for the training cost $80 per day for training more of the model, and running the system was at a cost of whooping $100,000 per month which was more than what a self-funded start up entity could afford. To solve this, io. net could: 1. Optimize Algorithms: It therefore must be made less computationally intensive if it is to be of any useful . 2. Dynamic Scaling: The fourth advice is to use only those cloud services for which it is possible to gain priority over other consumption and use their resources for their own needs. 3. Cost-Effective Solutions: Instead you should consider cheaper use such as spot instance, hybrid cloud, on-premise hosting, or certain particular niche cloud solutions provider. You can stake with your $BNB and $FDUSD in the launchpool. Don’t forget to follow and comment..
You’ve heard of the next coin coming but do you know what it really does?🤫🤫🚀🧨🧨

Before June 2022, io. One of the main investigated area of net was the building of trading models for trading in the U. S. stock and cryptocurrency market. They needed a highly scalable platform architecture to parse the data feed in real-time for over 1000 quotes, 150 virtual currencies and more than 30000 clients.

In the initial stage of the team formation they thought that they must have a pool of skilled professionals in the team. But this can be done by utilizing open source platform referred to as “Ray”. About io, they created the system over a period of thirty nine days only. But it was at a cost of extensive utilization of GPU resources at some point. This was not sustainable as NVIDIA A100 cards which were used for the training cost $80 per day for training more of the model, and running the system was at a cost of whooping $100,000 per month which was more than what a self-funded start up entity could afford.

To solve this, io. net could:

1. Optimize Algorithms: It therefore must be made less computationally intensive if it is to be of any useful .

2. Dynamic Scaling: The fourth advice is to use only those cloud services for which it is possible to gain priority over other consumption and use their resources for their own needs.

3. Cost-Effective Solutions: Instead you should consider cheaper use such as spot instance, hybrid cloud, on-premise hosting, or certain particular niche cloud solutions provider.

You can stake with your $BNB and $FDUSD in the launchpool.

Don’t forget to follow and comment..
There are no completely risk-free trades, but you can minimize risk on Binance by: 1. Stop-loss orders: Set a stop-loss order to automatically sell a asset when it falls below a certain price. 2. Position sizing: Manage the amount of assets you trade to limit potential losses. 3. Diversification: Spread trades across multiple assets to reduce reliance on a single asset. 4. Arbitrage: Take advantage of price differences between two markets. 5. Hedging: Offset potential losses by taking opposing positions. 6. Futures trading: Use futures contracts to hedge against potential losses. 7. Options trading: Buy options contracts to limit potential losses. 8. Binance's risk management tools: Utilize Binance's built-in risk management features, such as margin limits and liquidation thresholds. Remember, even with these strategies, there is always some level of risk involved in trading. #Binance200M #Write2Earn! #Share2Win
There are no completely risk-free trades, but you can minimize risk on Binance by:

1. Stop-loss orders: Set a stop-loss order to automatically sell a asset when it falls below a certain price.

2. Position sizing: Manage the amount of assets you trade to limit potential losses.

3. Diversification: Spread trades across multiple assets to reduce reliance on a single asset.

4. Arbitrage: Take advantage of price differences between two markets.

5. Hedging: Offset potential losses by taking opposing positions.

6. Futures trading: Use futures contracts to hedge against potential losses.

7. Options trading: Buy options contracts to limit potential losses.

8. Binance's risk management tools: Utilize Binance's built-in risk management features, such as margin limits and liquidation thresholds.

Remember, even with these strategies, there is always some level of risk involved in trading.

#Binance200M #Write2Earn! #Share2Win
why suddenly market dump ? #CurrentEvents The cryptocurrency market saw a significant downturn yesterday due to a combination of factors. One of the primary reasons was heightened regulatory scrutiny. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued new warnings regarding unregistered securities offerings and took action against several prominent crypto exchanges. This added to existing fears among investors about increased regulatory enforcement in the crypto space Additionally, macroeconomic factors contributed to the decline. There was unexpected volatility in U.S. employment data, which caused broader market fluctuations and affected investor sentiment in riskier assets like cryptocurrencies Another factor was the congestion on the Bitcoin network, which led to a spike in transaction fees, further dampening investor enthusiasm Overall, these combined influences triggered a sell-off, resulting in a notable drop in cryptocurrency prices. Don't worry my holder's everything will be ok soon as possible 🤑🤑🤑🤑😊
why suddenly market dump ?

The cryptocurrency market saw a significant downturn yesterday due to a combination of factors. One of the primary reasons was heightened regulatory scrutiny. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued new warnings regarding unregistered securities offerings and took action against several prominent crypto exchanges. This added to existing fears among investors about increased regulatory enforcement in the crypto space

Additionally, macroeconomic factors contributed to the decline. There was unexpected volatility in U.S. employment data, which caused broader market fluctuations and affected investor sentiment in riskier assets like cryptocurrencies
Another factor was the congestion on the Bitcoin network, which led to a spike in transaction fees, further dampening investor enthusiasm
Overall, these combined influences triggered a sell-off, resulting in a notable drop in cryptocurrency prices.

Don't worry my holder's everything will be ok
soon as possible 🤑🤑🤑🤑😊
Liquidations 🩸 🔴$300 million liquidated from the cryptocurrency market in the past 1 hour. 🔴In the past 24 hours , 156 497 traders were liquidated , the total liquidations comes in at $451.50 million 🔴The largest single liquidation order happened on OKX - ETH-USD-SWAP value $5.20M ⚠️ Never invest more than what you can afford to lose. ⚠️ Don't try to make quick money. ⚠️ High Leverage does not give you more money #Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins
Liquidations 🩸

🔴$300 million liquidated from the cryptocurrency market in the past 1 hour.

🔴In the past 24 hours , 156 497 traders were liquidated , the total liquidations comes in at $451.50 million

🔴The largest single liquidation order happened on OKX - ETH-USD-SWAP value $5.20M

⚠️ Never invest more than what you can afford to lose.

⚠️ Don't try to make quick money.

⚠️ High Leverage does not give you more money

#Binance55thProject(IO) #BnbAth #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins
Lost password of million-dollar Bitcoin wallet found after 10 years The lost password of the wallet where 43.6 #BTC was stored, which was purchased in 2013 and is worth about $ 3 million at today's prices, was found years later. The one who revealed the password was two hackers who specialized in this field. He could not access his Bitcoins when the encrypted file was corrupted A man, whose identity was kept secret and named as Michael, had set up his wallet in 2013 and used the RoboForm platform to create a password. Michael, who did not want to store the password he created in RoboForm due to security concerns, kept it in an encrypted file. After a while, the encrypted file was corrupted and the owner could not access the 20-character password, hence the 43.6 $BTC in the wallet. According to the video released on Youtube, Michael contacted a hacker named Joe Grand to help in the year 2022. Grand has previously been famous for recovering lost Bitcoins held in a Trezor Tue wallet. They tried countless times until they found the right password Grand started working with a friend named Bruno to crack RoboForm's software. They discovered a vulnerability in the password generator of the software. Allegedly, the password was set according to a certain date and time on the computer where the password was created. Although the company closed the vulnerability in 2015, passwords created earlier could be accessed in this way. While Michael does not remember when he created the password, the hackers found that Bitcoins were transferred to the wallet on April 13, 2013. Then, they tried a large number of passwords one by one until they found the correct password. #Bitcoin will hold until it is 100 thousand dollars Grand and Bruno, who managed to open the wallet, took part of Michael's Bitcoins. Michael, who also made some sales for himself, still owns $2 million worth of Bitcoin. #Write2Earn! copied
Lost password of million-dollar Bitcoin wallet found after 10 years

The lost password of the wallet where 43.6 #BTC was stored, which was purchased in 2013 and is worth about $ 3 million at today's prices, was found years later. The one who revealed the password was two hackers who specialized in this field.
He could not access his Bitcoins when the encrypted file was corrupted
A man, whose identity was kept secret and named as Michael, had set up his wallet in 2013 and used the RoboForm platform to create a password. Michael, who did not want to store the password he created in RoboForm due to security concerns, kept it in an encrypted file. After a while, the encrypted file was corrupted and the owner could not access the 20-character password, hence the 43.6 $BTC in the wallet.
According to the video released on Youtube, Michael contacted a hacker named Joe Grand to help in the year 2022. Grand has previously been famous for recovering lost Bitcoins held in a Trezor Tue wallet.
They tried countless times until they found the right password
Grand started working with a friend named Bruno to crack RoboForm's software. They discovered a vulnerability in the password generator of the software. Allegedly, the password was set according to a certain date and time on the computer where the password was created. Although the company closed the vulnerability in 2015, passwords created earlier could be accessed in this way. While Michael does not remember when he created the password, the hackers found that Bitcoins were transferred to the wallet on April 13, 2013. Then, they tried a large number of passwords one by one until they found the correct password.
#Bitcoin will hold until it is 100 thousand dollars
Grand and Bruno, who managed to open the wallet, took part of Michael's Bitcoins. Michael, who also made some sales for himself, still owns $2 million worth of Bitcoin.

📈 Futures trade ✳️ BTC long Entry 65000 - 67000 Target 69500 70000 70500 71000 Use low leverage DYOR #Write2Earn!
📈 Futures trade

✳️ BTC long

Entry 65000 - 67000

Target 69500

Use low leverage

BTC 15m chart Latest Update: 2️⃣ 👉 Now, BTC has declined from the bullish trend and entered #bearishmomentum . So, everyone can open short positions now. If there are any changes in the market, I will share the updates. 👉 #BTC is anticipated to drop to these levels: ⭐ 66800 ⭐ 66100 ⭐ 65400 👉 Please note that #BTC is currently trading in the 70k zone, where a $700 price range fluctuation represents a 1% market change. Understand the market risk and trade with sufficient funds. Always keep your liquidation price at $6000. If you cannot tolerate profits or losses, consider leaving this community. 👉 Those who have profited from our analysis can show support to the author by sending tips from their profits. This support motivates us to provide more accurate trading information. #BTC is currently trading at 68450 Thanks for your support and love ❤️. Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT
BTC 15m chart Latest Update: 2️⃣

👉 Now, BTC has declined from the bullish trend and entered #bearishmomentum . So, everyone can open short positions now.
If there are any changes in the market, I will share the updates.

👉 #BTC is anticipated to drop to these levels:

⭐ 66800
⭐ 66100
⭐ 65400

👉 Please note that #BTC is currently trading in the 70k zone, where a $700 price range fluctuation represents a 1% market change. Understand the market risk and trade with sufficient funds. Always keep your liquidation price at $6000. If you cannot tolerate profits or losses, consider leaving this community.

👉 Those who have profited from our analysis can show support to the author by sending tips from their profits. This support motivates us to provide more accurate trading information.
#BTC is currently trading at 68450
Thanks for your support and love ❤️.
Author : @KingofBTC2024 (For All) BXT
Must Read
Must Read

🔴 Helicopter Incident Involving Iranian President
1️⃣Reports indicate the Iranian president's helicopter encountered issues.
2️⃣Some media outlets report a crash, while others describe it as a crash landing.
3️⃣The situation remains unclear, causing expected market instability.
4️⃣If this escalates into conflict, it could cross a significant red line.

📉 Market Instability Warning
Stay informed as developments unfold. Market volatility may follow due to the uncertain situation surrounding the helicopter incident.

🌐 Global Impact
This incident could have far-reaching implications. Stay tuned for updates as the situation continues to develop.

📣 Stay Alert and Informed!
Keep an eye on the news for the latest updates. Your safety and knowledge are crucial during uncertain times like these.

🚨 BREAKING NEWS ALERT: POTENTIAL MARKET IMPACT 🚨 🔴 Helicopter Incident Involving Iranian President 1️⃣Reports indicate the Iranian president's helicopter encountered issues. 2️⃣Some media outlets report a crash, while others describe it as a crash landing. 3️⃣The situation remains unclear, causing expected market instability. 4️⃣If this escalates into conflict, it could cross a significant red line. 📉 Market Instability Warning Stay informed as developments unfold. Market volatility may follow due to the uncertain situation surrounding the helicopter incident. 🌐 Global Impact This incident could have far-reaching implications. Stay tuned for updates as the situation continues to develop. 📣 Stay Alert and Informed! Keep an eye on the news for the latest updates. Your safety and knowledge are crucial during uncertain times like these. #Write&Earn

🔴 Helicopter Incident Involving Iranian President
1️⃣Reports indicate the Iranian president's helicopter encountered issues.
2️⃣Some media outlets report a crash, while others describe it as a crash landing.
3️⃣The situation remains unclear, causing expected market instability.
4️⃣If this escalates into conflict, it could cross a significant red line.

📉 Market Instability Warning
Stay informed as developments unfold. Market volatility may follow due to the uncertain situation surrounding the helicopter incident.

🌐 Global Impact
This incident could have far-reaching implications. Stay tuned for updates as the situation continues to develop.

📣 Stay Alert and Informed!
Keep an eye on the news for the latest updates. Your safety and knowledge are crucial during uncertain times like these.

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