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Kas ir STORJ?Storj mērķis ir kļūt par mākoņu krātuves platformu, kuru nevar cenzēt vai uzraudzīt, kā arī dīkstāves. Tā ir pirmā decentralizētā, pilnībā šifrētā mākoņkrātuve, kas izmanto blokķēdes tehnoloģiju un kriptogrāfiju, lai aizsargātu jūsu failus.Storj ir platforma, kriptovalūta un decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu komplekts, kas ļauj uzglabāt datus drošā un decentralizētā veidā. Jūsu faili tiek šifrēti, sasmalcināti mazos gabaliņos, ko sauc par “shards”, un glabāti decentralizētā datoru tīklā visā pasaulē. Nevienam, izņemot jūs, nav pilnīgas jūsu faila kopijas, pat ne šifrētā veidā.

Kas ir STORJ?

Storj mērķis ir kļūt par mākoņu krātuves platformu, kuru nevar cenzēt vai uzraudzīt, kā arī dīkstāves. Tā ir pirmā decentralizētā, pilnībā šifrētā mākoņkrātuve, kas izmanto blokķēdes tehnoloģiju un kriptogrāfiju, lai aizsargātu jūsu failus.Storj ir platforma, kriptovalūta un decentralizētu lietojumprogrammu komplekts, kas ļauj uzglabāt datus drošā un decentralizētā veidā. Jūsu faili tiek šifrēti, sasmalcināti mazos gabaliņos, ko sauc par “shards”, un glabāti decentralizētā datoru tīklā visā pasaulē. Nevienam, izņemot jūs, nav pilnīgas jūsu faila kopijas, pat ne šifrētā veidā.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kas ir XRP (Ripple)?Ripple, uzņēmums, kas nodrošina xRapid, xCurrent un XRP risinājumus, turpina lielus ieguldījumus savas ekosistēmas attīstībā. Tās galvenais mērķis vienmēr ir bijis palielināt savas valūtas un tirdzniecības tehnoloģiju patieso vērtību, kā arī pacelt kriptovalūtu ieviešanu jaunā līmenī. Uzņēmums nesen sadarbojās ar MoneyGram, starptautisku naudas pārvedumu pakalpojumu. Sākotnējā partnerības ideja bija MoneyGram pārbaudīt xRapid un xCurrent kā darījumu rīkus.XRapid un xCurrent var izmantot starptautisko darījumu nokārtošanai ātrāk un daudz lētāk nekā izmantojot tradicionālās metodes. Par laimi, šķiet, ka tests ir bijis veiksmīgs, jo MoneyGram ir paziņojis, ka pilnībā pārņems XRP un Ripple risinājumus. Saskaņā ar ZyCrypto teikto, xRapid tika uzskatīts par efektīvu darījumu veidu, kas samazina pārskaitījumu norēķinu laiku un izmaksas. Interesanti, ka nesenā partnerība radās sāncensības rezultātā. Uzņēmumam Ripple, kas cenšas ieviest pārsūtīšanas risinājumu revolūciju, MoneyGram bija tiešais konkurents, jo abi bija vienā nozarē.

Kas ir XRP (Ripple)?

Ripple, uzņēmums, kas nodrošina xRapid, xCurrent un XRP risinājumus, turpina lielus ieguldījumus savas ekosistēmas attīstībā. Tās galvenais mērķis vienmēr ir bijis palielināt savas valūtas un tirdzniecības tehnoloģiju patieso vērtību, kā arī pacelt kriptovalūtu ieviešanu jaunā līmenī. Uzņēmums nesen sadarbojās ar MoneyGram, starptautisku naudas pārvedumu pakalpojumu. Sākotnējā partnerības ideja bija MoneyGram pārbaudīt xRapid un xCurrent kā darījumu rīkus.XRapid un xCurrent var izmantot starptautisko darījumu nokārtošanai ātrāk un daudz lētāk nekā izmantojot tradicionālās metodes. Par laimi, šķiet, ka tests ir bijis veiksmīgs, jo MoneyGram ir paziņojis, ka pilnībā pārņems XRP un Ripple risinājumus. Saskaņā ar ZyCrypto teikto, xRapid tika uzskatīts par efektīvu darījumu veidu, kas samazina pārskaitījumu norēķinu laiku un izmaksas. Interesanti, ka nesenā partnerība radās sāncensības rezultātā. Uzņēmumam Ripple, kas cenšas ieviest pārsūtīšanas risinājumu revolūciju, MoneyGram bija tiešais konkurents, jo abi bija vienā nozarē.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kas ir Memecoin?Memeland ir neatkarīga 9GAG tīmekļa 3 riska studija.Memeland uzmanības centrā ir SocialFi un satura veidotāju ekonomika, un tās mērķis ir savienot satura veidotājus un kopienas, izmantojot NFT, marķieri un produktus.Kopš 2022. gada jūnija Memeland ir izlaidusi 3 NFT kolekcijas, tostarp You The Real MVP, The Captainz un The Potatoz.$MEME $BTC $XRP #MEME

Kas ir Memecoin?

Memeland ir neatkarīga 9GAG tīmekļa 3 riska studija.Memeland uzmanības centrā ir SocialFi un satura veidotāju ekonomika, un tās mērķis ir savienot satura veidotājus un kopienas, izmantojot NFT, marķieri un produktus.Kopš 2022. gada jūnija Memeland ir izlaidusi 3 NFT kolekcijas, tostarp You The Real MVP, The Captainz un The Potatoz.$MEME $BTC $XRP #MEME
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kas ir Bitcoin?Bitcoin (BTC) ir vienādranga kriptovalūta, kuras mērķis ir darboties kā apmaiņas līdzeklis, kas ir neatkarīgs no jebkuras centrālās iestādes. BTC var pārsūtīt elektroniski drošā, pārbaudāmā un nemainīgā veidā.BTC tika palaists 2009. gadā, un tā ir pirmā virtuālā valūta, kas atrisina dubultu tēriņu problēmu, veicot darījumu laikspiedolu, pirms tos pārraida uz visiem Bitcoin tīkla mezgliem. Bitcoin protokols piedāvāja risinājumu Bizantijas ģenerāļu problēmai ar blokķēdes tīkla struktūru, šo jēdzienu pirmo reizi radīja Stjuarts Hābers un V. Skots Storneta 1991. gadā.

Kas ir Bitcoin?

Bitcoin (BTC) ir vienādranga kriptovalūta, kuras mērķis ir darboties kā apmaiņas līdzeklis, kas ir neatkarīgs no jebkuras centrālās iestādes. BTC var pārsūtīt elektroniski drošā, pārbaudāmā un nemainīgā veidā.BTC tika palaists 2009. gadā, un tā ir pirmā virtuālā valūta, kas atrisina dubultu tēriņu problēmu, veicot darījumu laikspiedolu, pirms tos pārraida uz visiem Bitcoin tīkla mezgliem. Bitcoin protokols piedāvāja risinājumu Bizantijas ģenerāļu problēmai ar blokķēdes tīkla struktūru, šo jēdzienu pirmo reizi radīja Stjuarts Hābers un V. Skots Storneta 1991. gadā.
When is the bull run?The next halving event will occur in April 2024, and traditionally, bull runs can start months before and continue until the price of Bitcoin reaches a new all-time high. In fact, predictions that Bitcoin's price will reach over $100,000 are becoming more commonplace now that the halving is less than 180 days away.#BTC #etf #xrp #MemeCoinBuzz #BullRunPredictions

When is the bull run?

The next halving event will occur in April 2024, and traditionally, bull runs can start months before and continue until the price of Bitcoin reaches a new all-time high. In fact, predictions that Bitcoin's price will reach over $100,000 are becoming more commonplace now that the halving is less than 180 days away.#BTC #etf #xrp #MemeCoinBuzz #BullRunPredictions
Memecoin launch Fellow Binancians, Binance will list Memecoin (MEME), and open trading for MEME/BNB, MEME/BTC, MEME/USDT, MEME/FDUSD, MEME/TUSD and MEME/TRY spot trading pairs in 1 minute, GET READY #meme #launch $BTC $MEME

Memecoin launch

Fellow Binancians, Binance will list Memecoin (MEME), and open trading for MEME/BNB, MEME/BTC, MEME/USDT, MEME/FDUSD, MEME/TUSD and MEME/TRY spot trading pairs in 1 minute, GET READY #meme #launch $BTC $MEME
Does PEPE coin have a future?Conclusion. Pepe has had probably the most infamous run of all cryptocurrencies in 2023, and it has not been without controversy. Looking ahead, the coin is in a solid position to grow. However, its lack of utility, current downtrend and $267 million market cap means it also has downside risk.25 Oct 2023Current market cap: $482MCirculation supply: 417.06T PEPEMax supply: 420.69T PEPELet us know how much PEPE you have$PEPE $BTC #BTC #PEPE🔥🔥

Does PEPE coin have a future?

Conclusion. Pepe has had probably the most infamous run of all cryptocurrencies in 2023, and it has not been without controversy. Looking ahead, the coin is in a solid position to grow. However, its lack of utility, current downtrend and $267 million market cap means it also has downside risk.25 Oct 2023Current market cap: $482MCirculation supply: 417.06T PEPEMax supply: 420.69T PEPELet us know how much PEPE you have$PEPE $BTC #BTC #PEPE🔥🔥
163 DAYS until #BTC halving. How much BTC You got?
163 DAYS until #BTC halving.
How much BTC You got?
YES or NO Question are you bullish or bearish on XRP I want an honest straight answer and why? #XRP #crypto
YES or NO Question

are you bullish or bearish on XRP

I want an honest straight answer and why?

#XRP #crypto
BTC miners sold more than 20,000 coins this week.BTC miners sold more than 20,000 coins this week. This is a record amount since April 2023. Apparently, not everything is so smooth at the moment.Whales also sell ETH.Since February, addresses with a balance of 10,000 to 100,000 ETH have been selling or redistributing cryptocurrency. During this time, more than 5 million ETH worth $8.5 billion were withdrawn from whale wallets.#XRP #crypto #trading #BTC #BNB

BTC miners sold more than 20,000 coins this week.

BTC miners sold more than 20,000 coins this week. This is a record amount since April 2023. Apparently, not everything is so smooth at the moment.Whales also sell ETH.Since February, addresses with a balance of 10,000 to 100,000 ETH have been selling or redistributing cryptocurrency. During this time, more than 5 million ETH worth $8.5 billion were withdrawn from whale wallets.#XRP #crypto #trading #BTC #BNB
Bitcoin Monthly MA Ribbon Turned Green Again?? 🤔 The Monthly MA Ribbon has acted as a strong support in the past, marking the Bitcoin bear market bottom in the last two cycles. However, in the current cycle, price broke down below the MA Ribbon, causing the Ribbons to turn Red for the first time ever. Currently, price has managed to flip the monthly MA Ribbon back into support, and the ribbons have turned Green again. #XRP #BTC #bitcoin
Bitcoin Monthly MA Ribbon Turned Green
Again?? 🤔
The Monthly MA Ribbon has acted as a
strong support in the past, marking the Bitcoin bear market bottom in the last two cycles.
However, in the current cycle, price broke down below the MA Ribbon, causing the Ribbons to turn Red for the first time ever. Currently, price has managed to flip the monthly MA Ribbon back into support, and the ribbons have turned Green again.
#XRP #BTC #bitcoin
How Quickly Can You Become a Meme Coin Millionaire? Someone buying into the first meme crypto Dogecoin ($DOGE) on December 15, 2013, would have needed to put in $819.51 to become a millionaire. People can get rich from meme coins, if they buy in before the meme coin has gone viral, and sell to take profits instead of holding on. For example, by buying $11.87 worth of Shiba Inu ($SHIB) when it just launched in 2020, an investor could have become a meme coin millionaire within 1 year and 3 months. #BTC #crypto #crypto2023 #trading
How Quickly Can You Become a Meme Coin Millionaire?

Someone buying into the first meme crypto Dogecoin ($DOGE ) on December 15, 2013, would have needed to put in $819.51 to become a millionaire.

People can get rich from meme coins, if they buy in before the meme coin has gone viral, and sell to take profits instead of holding on. For example, by buying $11.87 worth of Shiba Inu ($SHIB ) when it just launched in 2020, an investor could have become a meme coin millionaire within 1 year and 3 months.

#BTC #crypto #crypto2023 #trading
Important Developments this week you must know about.Monday, October 9-16:00 Fed member Logan and Barr will speakTuesday, October 10- 16:30 Fed member Bostic will speak- 20:00 Fed member Waller will speak Wednesday, October 11-15:30 US Producer Price Index Will Be Announced (Expected: 1.6% Previous: 1.6%)- 19:15 Fed member Bostic will speak- 21:00 Fed FOMC Minutes Will Be Announced Thursday, October 12- 15:30 US Consumer Price Index (CPI) Will Be Announced (Expected: 3.6% Previous: 3.7%)- 15:30 Applications for Unemployment Rights (Expected: 210K Previous: 207K)- APT Unlock ($23.9 Million)#BTC #XRP #FED

Important Developments this week you must know about.

Monday, October 9-16:00 Fed member Logan and Barr will speakTuesday, October 10- 16:30 Fed member Bostic will speak- 20:00 Fed member Waller will speak Wednesday, October 11-15:30 US Producer Price Index Will Be Announced (Expected: 1.6% Previous: 1.6%)- 19:15 Fed member Bostic will speak- 21:00 Fed FOMC Minutes Will Be Announced Thursday, October 12- 15:30 US Consumer Price Index (CPI) Will Be Announced (Expected: 3.6% Previous: 3.7%)- 15:30 Applications for Unemployment Rights (Expected: 210K Previous: 207K)- APT Unlock ($23.9 Million)#BTC #XRP #FED
2 things you should know about swing trading and how to make profits -a beginner's guide.Swing trading is often considered better for beginners compared to scalp trading or day trading.Swing trading is a commonly used trading strategy that can be ideal for beginner traders. It's a relatively convenient way to express opinions about the market due to the manageable time horizons involved.Swing trading is a trading strategy that involves trying to capture price moves that happen on a short to medium time frame. The idea behind swing trading is to catch market "swings" that play out over a few days to several weeks.Swing trading strategies work best in trending markets. If there's a strong trend on a higher time frame, swing trading opportunities can be plentiful, and swing traders can take advantage of larger price swings. In contrast, swing trading can be more difficult in a consolidating market. After all, if the market is going sideways, it's harder to capture large price changes.How To be profitable in swing trading :1. Start with small positions and gradually increase the size of your trades as you gain experience.2. Keep a close eye on your overall portfolio risk.3. Make sure that your swing trading strategy doesn't expose you to too much risk.4. Use stop-loss orders to limit your losses on each trade.5. Always do your own research.#BTC #elonmusk #BLACKROCK #MILLIONAIRE

2 things you should know about swing trading and how to make profits -a beginner's guide.

Swing trading is often considered better for beginners compared to scalp trading or day trading.Swing trading is a commonly used trading strategy that can be ideal for beginner traders. It's a relatively convenient way to express opinions about the market due to the manageable time horizons involved.Swing trading is a trading strategy that involves trying to capture price moves that happen on a short to medium time frame. The idea behind swing trading is to catch market "swings" that play out over a few days to several weeks.Swing trading strategies work best in trending markets. If there's a strong trend on a higher time frame, swing trading opportunities can be plentiful, and swing traders can take advantage of larger price swings. In contrast, swing trading can be more difficult in a consolidating market. After all, if the market is going sideways, it's harder to capture large price changes.How To be profitable in swing trading :1. Start with small positions and gradually increase the size of your trades as you gain experience.2. Keep a close eye on your overall portfolio risk.3. Make sure that your swing trading strategy doesn't expose you to too much risk.4. Use stop-loss orders to limit your losses on each trade.5. Always do your own research.#BTC #elonmusk #BLACKROCK #MILLIONAIRE
Top 10 Popular Cryptocurrency on October 9, 2023 by Binance.The world of cryptocurrency has become a global phenomenon, captivating the attention of investors, traders, and enthusiasts worldwide. With its transformative potential and ability to reshape traditional financial systems, cryptocurrencies have seen tremendous growth and popularity in recent years. In this article, we dive into the exciting realm of digital assets and explore the top Gainers cryptocurrencies that are dominating the currentmarket.Top Popular Cryptocurrencies Today:$BNB$BTC$ETH$BNT$ZRX$BAKE$SOL$TRX$NMR$REQRemember to conduct your own research and exercise caution when trading. Stay tuned for further updates, Happy trading!#BTC #ETH #XRP #BNT

Top 10 Popular Cryptocurrency on October 9, 2023 by Binance.

The world of cryptocurrency has become a global phenomenon, captivating the attention of investors, traders, and enthusiasts worldwide. With its transformative potential and ability to reshape traditional financial systems, cryptocurrencies have seen tremendous growth and popularity in recent years. In this article, we dive into the exciting realm of digital assets and explore the top Gainers cryptocurrencies that are dominating the currentmarket.Top Popular Cryptocurrencies Today:$BNB$BTC$ETH $BNT $ZRX$BAKE$SOL$TRX$NMR$REQRemember to conduct your own research and exercise caution when trading. Stay tuned for further updates, Happy trading!#BTC #ETH #XRP #BNT
Will BTC actually ever reach 100 thousand?Mike McGlone, senior commodity strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence, predicts that Bitcoin will hit $100,000 by 2025 and says that he expects the cryptocurrency market to flourish as a “revived bull market.”Popular trader Credible Crypto shares McGlone’s fearless forecast. Last month, Credible Crypto published an updated forecast for Bitcoin’s price trajectory, pointing to BTC hitting favorable figures.In his assessment, McGlone says Bitcoin’s strong reversal is just getting started. The current bear market reflects the most dramatic inflation over the past four decades. $BTC $XRP $ALGO

Will BTC actually ever reach 100 thousand?

Mike McGlone, senior commodity strategist at Bloomberg Intelligence, predicts that Bitcoin will hit $100,000 by 2025 and says that he expects the cryptocurrency market to flourish as a “revived bull market.”Popular trader Credible Crypto shares McGlone’s fearless forecast. Last month, Credible Crypto published an updated forecast for Bitcoin’s price trajectory, pointing to BTC hitting favorable figures.In his assessment, McGlone says Bitcoin’s strong reversal is just getting started. The current bear market reflects the most dramatic inflation over the past four decades. $BTC $XRP $ALGO
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