Binance Square
Digital Ninja
I'm a trader and Metavrese cractor (Coming surprise)
Viss saturs
Skatīt oriģinālu
Raisul Islam
$KAYNE pieaugums: Memecoin pirmspārdošanas fenomens
Mememonētas ir kļuvušas par kultūras fenomenu kriptovalūtas jomā, ko raksturo strauja vide, kurā inovācijas un spekulācijas nonāk konfliktā. Kriptovalūtas pasaulē, kur tiek kalti sapņi un tirgotas mēmes, ir viens vārds, kas izceļas haosā: Kanje Vests vai Jezi Jē, kā mēs viņu mīļi dēvējam kriptovalūtu pasaulē. Viņš ir SOL augstākais piemiņnieks. Šis memecoin ($ KAYNE) iepriekšpārdošana ne tikai garantē iespēju saņemt finansiālu atlīdzību, bet arī darbojas kā kultūras kustības izpausme, kuru iedvesmojis pats vienīgais Ye.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Oho! Lielisks projekts
Oho! Lielisks projekts
Raisul Islam
$KAYNE pieaugums: Memecoin pirmspārdošanas fenomens
Mememonētas ir kļuvušas par kultūras fenomenu kriptovalūtas jomā, ko raksturo strauja vide, kurā inovācijas un spekulācijas nonāk konfliktā. Kriptovalūtas pasaulē, kur tiek kalti sapņi un tirgotas mēmes, ir viens vārds, kas izceļas haosā: Kanje Vests vai Jezi Jē, kā mēs viņu mīļi dēvējam kriptovalūtu pasaulē. Viņš ir SOL augstākais piemiņnieks. Šis memecoin ($ KAYNE) iepriekšpārdošana ne tikai garantē iespēju saņemt finansiālu atlīdzību, bet arī darbojas kā kultūras kustības izpausme, kuru iedvesmojis pats vienīgais Ye.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Lielisks projekts
Lielisks projekts
Citētais saturs tika izņemts
Skatīt oriģinālu
Raisul Islam
Daži straumētāji, iespējams, ļaunprātīgi izmanto Binance Live funkciju, kas var izraisīt krāpniecību.
Zuki Moba komanda ir ziņojusi par problēmu saistībā ar plānoto AMA (Ask Me Anything) sadarbību ar #CryptoArenaTeam (Binance Live). Zuki Moba apgalvo, ka viņiem bija maksājuma līgums:
50% priekšapmaksa
50% pēc veiksmīgas AMA
Saskaņā ar Zuki Moba teikto, Crypto Arena neizpildīja viņu vienošanās pusi.

Pierādījums par 50% nodošanu Txhash:
Vienošanās pierādīta
Mēs paveicām lielisku AMA ar Zuki Moba!

Mēs nesen sadarbojāmies ar Zuki Moba fantastiskā AMA (Ask Me Anything) sesijā! Mēs izpētījām viņu aizraujošo spēli, lai nopelnītu, un tās iespējas nopelnīt spēles laikā. Tā bija lieliska iespēja demonstrēt spēli mūsu auditorijai un sazināties ar vairāk nekā 15 apbrīnojamiem ietekmētājiem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
nepalaid garām
nepalaid garām
Raisul Islam
SAKAI paziņo Staking Pool V2 ar pārsteidzošām atlīdzībām!
SAKAI ar prieku paziņo par pavisam jaunu Staking Pool V2 ar neticamām atlīdzībām, kas paredzētas, lai stimulētu lietotājus un veicinātu plaukstošu ekosistēmu! Šeit ir īss kopsavilkums:
200 000 SAKAI marķieru, kas īpaši piešķirti Staking Pool V2 dalībniekiem, demonstrējot SAKAI centību atalgot savu lietotāju bāzi.
Papildu 18 000 SAKAI žetonu kā daļa no viņu DAO ikmēneša atbalsta stratēģijas, uzsverot viņu pastāvīgo apņemšanos pret kopienu.
SAKAI likšana līdzi nekad nav bijusi tik atalgojoša! SAKAI ir apņēmies nepārtraukti optimizēt savu likmju programmu, lai nodrošinātu godīgu atlīdzību visiem dalībniekiem. Sekojiet līdzi turpmākajiem atjauninājumiem un uzlabojumiem!
Great projects
Great projects
Raisul Islam

$SAKAI is thrilled to announce a brand new Staking Pool V2 with incredible rewards designed to incentivize users and foster a thriving ecosystem! Here's a quick rundown:

200,000 $SAKAI tokens specifically allocated for Staking Pool V2 participants, showcasing SAKAI's dedication to rewarding its user base.

An additional 18,000 $SAKAI tokens as part of their DAO Monthly Support Strategy, highlighting their ongoing commitment to the community.

Staking $SAKAI has never been more rewarding! $SAKAI is committed to continuously optimizing their staking program to ensure fair rewards for all participants.
Stay tuned for future updates and enhancements!

Follow SAKAI for more information!





#HalvingComingSoon #EarhWithStaking
Skatīt oriģinālu
Raisul Islam
Cīņa uzkarst: $BNB pret $BTC — kurš uzvarēs uz priekšu?
Kriptofondu tirgus ir pārņemts ar spekulācijām: vai Bitcoin (BTC), ilgstoši valdošais karalis, saglabās savu dominējošo stāvokli, vai arī Binance Coin (BNB) izaicinās savu troni? Abas monētas pēdējā laikā ir piedzīvojušas iespaidīgu izaugsmi, bet kura no tām iegūs vairāk?

Tālāk ir sniegts sadalījums, kas palīdzēs jums izlemt:

Pēdējā veiktspēja:

BTC: pēdējo 30 dienu laikā palielinājies par 51,11%! Ievērojams bullish skrējiens.
BNB: Pieaugums par 7,7%, salīdzinot ar pagājušo nedēļu, uzrādot stabilu izaugsmi.
Cenu salīdzinājums: ⚖️

1 BTC = 140,47 BNB (uz 2024. gada 11. martu).
Tas mums norāda, ka, lai gan BTC ir augstāka individuālā cena, jums ir nepieciešams lielāks BNB daudzums, lai sasniegtu tādu pašu vērtību.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kripto ceļojums: ceļvedis iesācējiemKriptovalūta ir digitāls vai virtuāls marķieris, kas izmanto kriptogrāfiju, lai nodrošinātu savus darījumus un kontrolētu jaunu vienību izveidi. Kriptovalūtas ir decentralizētas, kas nozīmē, ka tās nav pakļautas valdības vai finanšu iestāžu kontrolei. Pirmā kriptovalūta Bitcoin tika izveidota 2009. gadā. Kopš tā laika ir radīti tūkstošiem citu kriptovalūtu, kuras kopā sauc par altkoīniem. Kriptovalūtas bieži tiek tirgotas decentralizētās biržās, un tās var izmantot arī preču un pakalpojumu iegādei.

Kripto ceļojums: ceļvedis iesācējiem

Kriptovalūta ir digitāls vai virtuāls marķieris, kas izmanto kriptogrāfiju, lai nodrošinātu savus darījumus un kontrolētu jaunu vienību izveidi. Kriptovalūtas ir decentralizētas, kas nozīmē, ka tās nav pakļautas valdības vai finanšu iestāžu kontrolei.
Pirmā kriptovalūta Bitcoin tika izveidota 2009. gadā. Kopš tā laika ir radīti tūkstošiem citu kriptovalūtu, kuras kopā sauc par altkoīniem.
Kriptovalūtas bieži tiek tirgotas decentralizētās biržās, un tās var izmantot arī preču un pakalpojumu iegādei.
Skatīt oriģinālu
čali pastu
čali pastu
Raisul Islam
DeFi nākotne ir gaiša! 🚀
Raugoties nākotnē, sagaidiet masveida ieviešanu, saderību starp ķēdēm un regulējuma problēmas.
Drošība būs prioritāte, un DeFi varētu apvienoties ar tradicionālajām finansēm. Reālās pasaules īpašumi tiks marķēti, DAO valdīs, un DeFi dos arī sociālu labumu.
Atcerieties, ka izglītība ir galvenais, un mēs risināsim vides problēmas.
Sekojiet līdzi decentralizētai finanšu revolūcijai 💰🌐 #FutureofDeFi #NeverGiveUp #DeFiChallenge
Skatīt oriģinālu
Komentējiet un pieprasiet savu lodziņu. Kripto diena
Komentējiet un pieprasiet savu lodziņu.

Kripto diena
Skatīt oriģinālu
Bezmaksas signāls nāk pēc dažām minūtēm 🥳🥳
Bezmaksas signāls nāk pēc dažām minūtēm 🥳🥳
Skatīt oriģinālu
Mēs svinam savu 6 gadu jubileju
Mēs svinam savu 6 gadu jubileju
Raisul Islam
Pivotal Moments in My Blockchain Journey

Embracing Binance: In 2019, joining Binance introduced me to the vast world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. It was a turning point that ignited my curiosity and set me on a path of exploration and discovery.

Crypto and Blockchain: Understanding the workings of cryptocurrencies and blockchain systems opened my eyes to the immense potential for disruption and transformation. Witnessing the power of decentralized networks and trustless transactions reshaped my perspective.

NFT Projects: The emergence of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) as a digital ownership revolution captivated me. Exploring the intersection of art, technology, and blockchain, I witnessed how NFTs empowered creators and revolutionized digital asset ownership.

Raisul Islam
A blockchain is a distributed database that is shared across a network of computers. Each block in the chain contains a number of transactions, and every time a new transaction occurs on the blockchain, a record of that transaction is added to every participant's ledger. This makes it very difficult to change or hack the blockchain, as any changes would have to be made to every participant's ledger.

Free Signals
Free Signals
Raisul Islam
Hi Team #INSHALLHA We make profit

Today PNL 🔥

We are trying to best for you Guys.

Last Trade Gone Wrong but we make profit anyway's 😍

Next week, we Trade on Live (BinanceLive) Streem

and help from Closely Provide Free #Signals and more fun and Trade

🎯Please Complete 5k Follower 🎯


without trading earn 1000USDT
without trading earn 1000USDT
Raisul Islam

1. Start building a portfolio of $BNB till you have atlast $1000 worth of $BNB

2. Hold that $BNB in your spot wallet or you stake it in one of Binance Earn product but let it be flexible one that you can redeem anytime.

3. Whenever there's an upcoming listing on Binance Launchpad or launchpad , make sure you always participate by committing your BNB.There are 2 good think about Biance launchpad &Launchpad pool ,in Launchpad if you don't meet the hardcase you will only be deducted a very little #BNB



Raisul Islam
🔥BNB #Aleat !

Market try to Pump but SEC Effect not possible today 💥

I was publish the chart on social media

please Don't worry market will pump . last day maybe some risk aleat ⚠️

Only for future trader


Entry :234

🎯Target 227

🎯Target 218

🎯 Target 215

Stop Lose :241💲

if the buttom hit BNB, Sport trader can entry. 🌿

100 Like please



The Metaverse: Redefining the Boundaries of Digital ExperienceIntroduction: The concept of the metaverse has been gaining significant attention and traction in recent years. Coined by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash," the metaverse refers to a virtual universe that encompasses multiple interconnected digital worlds and spaces. This futuristic vision of a shared, immersive, and interactive online environment has captivated the imagination of tech enthusiasts and industry leaders alike. In this article, we will explore the metaverse, its potential applications, and the impact it may have on various aspects of our lives. Defining the Metaverse: The metaverse is an expansive digital realm where users can engage with each other and the environment in real-time, transcending the limitations of physical presence. It goes beyond traditional virtual reality (VR) experiences and aims to create a seamless convergence of the physical and digital realms, leveraging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. Applications and Opportunities: The metaverse offers numerous exciting possibilities across various sectors. In gaming, for instance, it can provide unprecedented levels of immersion, allowing players to participate in vast virtual worlds with lifelike graphics and realistic interactions. Beyond gaming, the metaverse has the potential to revolutionize education, enabling immersive and collaborative learning experiences. Virtual conferences, meetings, and social gatherings could become more engaging and interactive, transcending geographical boundaries. Economic Implications: The metaverse has significant economic implications. It creates new avenues for digital commerce, where users can buy virtual assets, trade unique digital items, and engage in virtual marketplaces. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) have already gained popularity in this context, enabling the ownership and trading of unique digital assets. As the metaverse expands, virtual real estate could become valuable, with businesses and individuals establishing virtual spaces for commercial activities, social interactions, and entertainment. Challenges and Considerations: Despite its immense potential, the metaverse faces several challenges. Privacy and security concerns are paramount, as users interact and share personal data within the digital realm. Ensuring user safety, preventing fraud, and addressing issues of virtual property rights will require robust frameworks and regulations. Moreover, accessibility and inclusivity must be prioritized, ensuring that the metaverse is accessible to people of diverse backgrounds and abilities. Conclusion: The metaverse represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with digital technology, opening up new possibilities for social interaction, entertainment, education, and commerce. While still in its early stages, the metaverse has the potential to reshape our digital experiences and blur the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds. As technology continues to advance, it will be crucial to address the challenges and ethical considerations associated with the metaverse, ensuring its responsible and inclusive development. The journey towards a fully realized metaverse is just beginning, and its ultimate form and impact on society remain to be seen.

The Metaverse: Redefining the Boundaries of Digital Experience

Introduction: The concept of the metaverse has been gaining significant attention and traction in recent years. Coined by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel "Snow Crash," the metaverse refers to a virtual universe that encompasses multiple interconnected digital worlds and spaces. This futuristic vision of a shared, immersive, and interactive online environment has captivated the imagination of tech enthusiasts and industry leaders alike. In this article, we will explore the metaverse, its potential applications, and the impact it may have on various aspects of our lives.

Defining the Metaverse: The metaverse is an expansive digital realm where users can engage with each other and the environment in real-time, transcending the limitations of physical presence. It goes beyond traditional virtual reality (VR) experiences and aims to create a seamless convergence of the physical and digital realms, leveraging technologies such as augmented reality (AR), virtual reality, blockchain, and artificial intelligence.

Applications and Opportunities: The metaverse offers numerous exciting possibilities across various sectors. In gaming, for instance, it can provide unprecedented levels of immersion, allowing players to participate in vast virtual worlds with lifelike graphics and realistic interactions. Beyond gaming, the metaverse has the potential to revolutionize education, enabling immersive and collaborative learning experiences. Virtual conferences, meetings, and social gatherings could become more engaging and interactive, transcending geographical boundaries.

Economic Implications: The metaverse has significant economic implications. It creates new avenues for digital commerce, where users can buy virtual assets, trade unique digital items, and engage in virtual marketplaces. NFTs (non-fungible tokens) have already gained popularity in this context, enabling the ownership and trading of unique digital assets. As the metaverse expands, virtual real estate could become valuable, with businesses and individuals establishing virtual spaces for commercial activities, social interactions, and entertainment.

Challenges and Considerations: Despite its immense potential, the metaverse faces several challenges. Privacy and security concerns are paramount, as users interact and share personal data within the digital realm. Ensuring user safety, preventing fraud, and addressing issues of virtual property rights will require robust frameworks and regulations. Moreover, accessibility and inclusivity must be prioritized, ensuring that the metaverse is accessible to people of diverse backgrounds and abilities.

Conclusion: The metaverse represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with digital technology, opening up new possibilities for social interaction, entertainment, education, and commerce. While still in its early stages, the metaverse has the potential to reshape our digital experiences and blur the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds. As technology continues to advance, it will be crucial to address the challenges and ethical considerations associated with the metaverse, ensuring its responsible and inclusive development. The journey towards a fully realized metaverse is just beginning, and its ultimate form and impact on society remain to be seen.
Must read every one
Must read every one
Raisul Islam

I saw a message, i received 10 $BTC 😱

But the balance was locked !

I am so excited and try to unlock the Balance😁

click the link and Giving my own bank account information 💲Because i will receive 10 BTC😮

when i click 💥SUBMIT 💥

Again received again message but this message for my Bank 😮

I am excited because maybe this message to confirm received BTC 💸

Open and i was Cryed 😩

What happen the message is

" Dear NeverGiveUp

You are transferred 2,78,904.02 USD

ACCOUNT NO is 1937xxx475 "

😫My Account is Empty 😫

The scammer also transfer 0.2 $

💬 Don't click Unverified or Unnone Link

💬Don't open Unnone Mail

NOTE: No one sent you $ . Money is the most valuable think so don't think any one sent 10BTC and you are not rice.



Uzzini jaunākās kriptovalūtu ziņas
⚡️ Iesaisties jaunākajās diskusijās par kriptovalūtām
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👍 Apskati tevi interesējošo saturu
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