Binance Square
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Viss saturs
Bu hafta, NFT satışları %30’un üzerinde düştü. Yaklaşık 164.4 milyon dolar biriktirdiğini gösteriyor. Tersine, NFT alıcılarının sayısı %37,17 arttı ve satıcılar %31,1 arttı. 22 farklı blok zinciri ağı arasında, BTC merkezli NFT işlemleri 56,81 milyon dolarlık kazançla önde oldu. Ethereum-NFT işlemleri 49 milyon dolara ulaştı, ancak ETH tabanlı NFT satışları %27,14 düştü. Solana NFT işlemleri, geçen haftaya göre %23,85’lik bir düşüşe işaret ederek 25,61 milyon dolar geriledi. Polygon NFT kazançları %27,38’lik bir düşüşle 11,34 milyon dolar oldu. NFT satışlarında beşinci sırada yer alan Mythos Chain, %15,39’luk bir artış göstererek 7,10 milyon dolar topladı. Diğer zincirlerde de kayda değer kazançlar görüldü. Immutable X ve BNB Chain satışları sırasıyla %3,53’ten %13,08’e yükseldi. #NFT #ai #BTC #altcoins #BlackRock
Bu hafta, NFT satışları %30’un üzerinde düştü. Yaklaşık 164.4 milyon dolar biriktirdiğini gösteriyor. Tersine, NFT alıcılarının sayısı %37,17 arttı ve satıcılar %31,1 arttı. 22 farklı blok zinciri ağı arasında, BTC merkezli NFT işlemleri 56,81 milyon dolarlık kazançla önde oldu. Ethereum-NFT işlemleri 49 milyon dolara ulaştı, ancak ETH tabanlı NFT satışları %27,14 düştü.
Solana NFT işlemleri, geçen haftaya göre %23,85’lik bir düşüşe işaret ederek 25,61 milyon dolar geriledi. Polygon NFT kazançları %27,38’lik bir düşüşle 11,34 milyon dolar oldu. NFT satışlarında beşinci sırada yer alan Mythos Chain, %15,39’luk bir artış göstererek 7,10 milyon dolar topladı.
Diğer zincirlerde de kayda değer kazançlar görüldü. Immutable X ve BNB Chain satışları sırasıyla %3,53’ten %13,08’e yükseldi.
#NFT #ai #BTC #altcoins #BlackRock
Skatīt oriģinālu
Ikdienas ieņēmumi no Bitcoin ieguves samazinājās līdz mazāk nekā 3 miljoniem ASV dolāru, salīdzinot ar vidējiem USD 6 miljoniem 2024. gada pirmajos četros mēnešos. Bitcoin kalnraču nopelnītie ienākumi maijā ievērojami samazinājās pēc BTC samazināšanas uz pusi. Bitcoin tīkls tika plānots ar pusi samazināšanas mehānismu, lai padarītu arvien grūtāk atbrīvot kopējo piedāvājumu 21 miljona apmērā. 20. aprīļa samazinājums uz pusi samazināja ieguves atlīdzību no 6,25 BTC līdz 3125 BTC. Līdz ar Bitcoin Runes samazināšanos uz pusi un uzsākšanu, kalnraču ikdienas ienākumi īslaicīgi turpinājās augstā līmenī. Tomēr maijā bija liels ieņēmumu kritums. 1. maijā kopējie ieņēmumi no bloku atlīdzībām un darījumu maksām samazinājās līdz 26,3 miljoniem ASV dolāru. #BlackRock⁩ #altcoins #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #ai
Ikdienas ieņēmumi no Bitcoin ieguves samazinājās līdz mazāk nekā 3 miljoniem ASV dolāru, salīdzinot ar vidējiem USD 6 miljoniem 2024. gada pirmajos četros mēnešos.

Bitcoin kalnraču nopelnītie ienākumi maijā ievērojami samazinājās pēc BTC samazināšanas uz pusi. Bitcoin tīkls tika plānots ar pusi samazināšanas mehānismu, lai padarītu arvien grūtāk atbrīvot kopējo piedāvājumu 21 miljona apmērā. 20. aprīļa samazinājums uz pusi samazināja ieguves atlīdzību no 6,25 BTC līdz 3125 BTC.

Līdz ar Bitcoin Runes samazināšanos uz pusi un uzsākšanu, kalnraču ikdienas ienākumi īslaicīgi turpinājās augstā līmenī. Tomēr maijā bija liels ieņēmumu kritums. 1. maijā kopējie ieņēmumi no bloku atlīdzībām un darījumu maksām samazinājās līdz 26,3 miljoniem ASV dolāru.
#BlackRock⁩ #altcoins #BTC🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #ai
Skatīt oriģinālu
Token Lock atvēršana notiks maijā Mēs dalīsimies ar informāciju par ievērojamiem marķieru palaišanas datumiem un saistītajiem projektiem. Saskaņā ar TokenUnlocks datiem kriptovalūtu tirgū maijā notiks marķieru atbloķēšanas darbība 3 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Dažas no lielākajām atbloķēšanas iespējām notiks DeFi orākula nodrošinātājā Pyth un decentralizētajā kriptoatvasinājumu platformā Aevo (agrāk Ribbon Finance). #BTC #bitcoinhalving #CryptoWatchMay2024 #eth‬ $ETH
Token Lock atvēršana notiks maijā

Mēs dalīsimies ar informāciju par ievērojamiem marķieru palaišanas datumiem un saistītajiem projektiem. Saskaņā ar TokenUnlocks datiem kriptovalūtu tirgū maijā notiks marķieru atbloķēšanas darbība 3 miljardu dolāru vērtībā. Dažas no lielākajām atbloķēšanas iespējām notiks DeFi orākula nodrošinātājā Pyth un decentralizētajā kriptoatvasinājumu platformā Aevo (agrāk Ribbon Finance).
#BTC #bitcoinhalving #CryptoWatchMay2024 #eth‬ $ETH
Skatīt oriģinālu
13. maijā pulksten 11:30: STTPUSDT, SNTUSDT un MBLUSDT USDⓈ-M beztermiņa līgumi 14. maijā pulksten 11:30: RADUSDT un CVXUSDT USDⓈ-M beztermiņa līgumi Paziņojums par izņemšanu no saraksta tika saņemts no Binance. Milzu birža paziņoja, ka no fjūčeru tirdzniecības svītros 5 tirdzniecības pārus. Binance Exchange paziņojums attiecas uz STP (STPT), Status (SNT), MovieBloc (MBL), Radworks (RAD) un Convex Finance (CVX) marķieriem. Saskaņā ar paziņojumu Binance Futures slēgs visas pozīcijas un veiks automātiskos maksājumus STTPUSDT, SNTUSDT un MBLUSDT beztermiņa līgumos no 13.maija plkst.12:00, bet RADUSDT un CVXUSDT beztermiņa līgumiem no 14.maija plkst.12:00. Lai izvairītos no automātiskas slēgšanas, lietotājiem ieteicams aizvērt visas atvērtās pozīcijas pirms izņemšanas no saraksta. #altcoins #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC #Memecoins $BTC
13. maijā pulksten 11:30: STTPUSDT, SNTUSDT un MBLUSDT USDⓈ-M beztermiņa līgumi

14. maijā pulksten 11:30: RADUSDT un CVXUSDT USDⓈ-M beztermiņa līgumi

Paziņojums par izņemšanu no saraksta tika saņemts no Binance. Milzu birža paziņoja, ka no fjūčeru tirdzniecības svītros 5 tirdzniecības pārus. Binance Exchange paziņojums attiecas uz STP (STPT), Status (SNT), MovieBloc (MBL), Radworks (RAD) un Convex Finance (CVX) marķieriem. Saskaņā ar paziņojumu Binance Futures slēgs visas pozīcijas un veiks automātiskos maksājumus STTPUSDT, SNTUSDT un MBLUSDT beztermiņa līgumos no 13.maija plkst.12:00, bet RADUSDT un CVXUSDT beztermiņa līgumiem no 14.maija plkst.12:00. Lai izvairītos no automātiskas slēgšanas, lietotājiem ieteicams aizvērt visas atvērtās pozīcijas pirms izņemšanas no saraksta.
#altcoins #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BTC #Memecoins $BTC
Skatīt oriģinālu
Gaidāms Altcoin bullis! Kāda ir jaunākā situācija attiecībā uz Ethereum (ETH), kas uzņem apgriezienus, Bitcoin (BTC) pagriežoties uz augšu? Altcoins, kas dažas dienas nevarēja noteikt savu virzienu, ieguva vērtību ar šo BTC gājienu. Jo īpaši fakts, ka Ethereum (ETH) atlēca no kritiskās atbalsta zonas un sāka augt, iepriecināja altcoin investorus. Ethereum (ETH), altkoinu līderis, piedzīvoja intensīvu pārdošanas spiedienu pēc USD 4000 pārsniegšanas. ETH, kas īsā laikā tuvojās USD 3000, dabiski satricināja altkoīnus. Ja skatāmies uz pašreizējo situāciju, tad ETH, kas deva zaļo gaismu tirgum, atstāja aiz sevis ievērojamu pretestību un deva cerību uz altkoiniem. ETH var virzīties uz USD 3640 – USD 3970 un USD 4373 attiecīgi. Pretējā gadījumā var būt kritumi attiecīgi 3000 - 2720 un 2545 dolāru virzienā. #News #Bitcoin #Ethereum $BNB $SOL
Gaidāms Altcoin bullis!
Kāda ir jaunākā situācija attiecībā uz Ethereum (ETH), kas uzņem apgriezienus, Bitcoin (BTC) pagriežoties uz augšu?

Altcoins, kas dažas dienas nevarēja noteikt savu virzienu, ieguva vērtību ar šo BTC gājienu. Jo īpaši fakts, ka Ethereum (ETH) atlēca no kritiskās atbalsta zonas un sāka augt, iepriecināja altcoin investorus. Ethereum (ETH), altkoinu līderis, piedzīvoja intensīvu pārdošanas spiedienu pēc USD 4000 pārsniegšanas. ETH, kas īsā laikā tuvojās USD 3000, dabiski satricināja altkoīnus.

Ja skatāmies uz pašreizējo situāciju, tad ETH, kas deva zaļo gaismu tirgum, atstāja aiz sevis ievērojamu pretestību un deva cerību uz altkoiniem.

ETH var virzīties uz USD 3640 – USD 3970 un USD 4373 attiecīgi. Pretējā gadījumā var būt kritumi attiecīgi 3000 - 2720 un 2545 dolāru virzienā.

#News #Bitcoin #Ethereum $BNB $SOL
Skatīt oriģinālu
Svarīgs solis attiecībā uz Ethereum darījumu maksām: Ethereum gāzes limits attiecas uz maksimālo gāzes daudzumu, kas iztērēts darījumu vai viedo līgumu izpildei katrā blokā. Gāze ir maksa, kas nepieciešama, lai veiktu darījumu vai noslēgtu viedo līgumu tīklā. Šis solis varētu izraisīt 1. slāņa darījumu maksu samazinājumu par 15% līdz 33%, viņš teica publicētajā ziņojumā. "Palielinot gāzes bloka ierobežojumu par 33%, Layer-1 Ethereum tīkls spēj apstrādāt par 33% lielāku darījumu slodzi dienā." #Bitcoin  #News $BTC $ETH $BNB
Svarīgs solis attiecībā uz Ethereum darījumu maksām:

Ethereum gāzes limits attiecas uz maksimālo gāzes daudzumu, kas iztērēts darījumu vai viedo līgumu izpildei katrā blokā. Gāze ir maksa, kas nepieciešama, lai veiktu darījumu vai noslēgtu viedo līgumu tīklā.

Šis solis varētu izraisīt 1. slāņa darījumu maksu samazinājumu par 15% līdz 33%, viņš teica publicētajā ziņojumā.

"Palielinot gāzes bloka ierobežojumu par 33%, Layer-1 Ethereum tīkls spēj apstrādāt par 33% lielāku darījumu slodzi dienā."

#Bitcoin  #News $BTC $ETH $BNB
The Fed interest rate decision, which the cryptocurrency market and traditional markets were eagerly awaiting, was announced. According to the published statement, the FOMC does not intend to reduce interest rates until there is more confidence that inflation is returning to target. Bitcoin's first reaction after its decision was as follows. Here are the final evaluations after the decision: Inflation fell last year but remains high. Job gains were strong and the unemployment rate remained low. The committee aims to achieve maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent in the long term. The committee does not expect it to be appropriate to lower the target range until it gains greater confidence that inflation will move sustainably towards 2 percent. In addition, the Committee will continue to reduce its holdings of Treasury securities, agency debt, and agency mortgage-backed securities, as described in its previously announced plans. The Committee has a strong determination to return inflation to the 2 percent target. The Fed stands ready to adjust its monetary policy stance as appropriate if risks emerge that could prevent it from achieving its goals. #Bitcoin #News $BTC $ETH $BNB
The Fed interest rate decision, which the cryptocurrency market and traditional markets were eagerly awaiting, was announced.

According to the published statement, the FOMC does not intend to reduce interest rates until there is more confidence that inflation is returning to target. Bitcoin's first reaction after its decision was as follows.

Here are the final evaluations after the decision:

Inflation fell last year but remains high.
Job gains were strong and the unemployment rate remained low.
The committee aims to achieve maximum employment and inflation of 2 percent in the long term.
The committee does not expect it to be appropriate to lower the target range until it gains greater confidence that inflation will move sustainably towards 2 percent.
In addition, the Committee will continue to reduce its holdings of Treasury securities, agency debt, and agency mortgage-backed securities, as described in its previously announced plans.
The Committee has a strong determination to return inflation to the 2 percent target.
The Fed stands ready to adjust its monetary policy stance as appropriate if risks emerge that could prevent it from achieving its goals.

#Bitcoin #News $BTC $ETH $BNB
Binance 3 Altcoin Goes Delist Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, made a delist announcement for 3 altcoins on March 20. According to the exchange's latest reviews, Binance will stop trading and delist all trading pairs for the following token(s) as of 06:00 UTC on April 3: DREP Mobilecoin (MOB) pNetwork (PNT) The exact removed trading pairs are: DREP/BTC, DREP/USDT, MOB/BTC, MOB/USDT, PNT/USDT. All trading orders will be automatically removed once trading is stopped on each relevant trading pair. Deposits for these tokens will be closed after April 4 at 06:00 UTC. However, withdrawals will not be supported after July 3 at 06:00 UTC. Delisted tokens can be converted into stablecoins on behalf of users after July 3, 06:00 CET. However, Binance does not guarantee that delisted tokens will be converted into stablecoins. The exchange will make a separate notification prior to conversion where appropriate. #BTC #News $BTC $ETH $BNB
Binance 3 Altcoin Goes Delist

Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, made a delist announcement for 3 altcoins on March 20. According to the exchange's latest reviews, Binance will stop trading and delist all trading pairs for the following token(s) as of 06:00 UTC on April 3:

Mobilecoin (MOB)
pNetwork (PNT)

The exact removed trading pairs are: DREP/BTC, DREP/USDT, MOB/BTC, MOB/USDT, PNT/USDT. All trading orders will be automatically removed once trading is stopped on each relevant trading pair. Deposits for these tokens will be closed after April 4 at 06:00 UTC. However, withdrawals will not be supported after July 3 at 06:00 UTC. Delisted tokens can be converted into stablecoins on behalf of users after July 3, 06:00 CET. However, Binance does not guarantee that delisted tokens will be converted into stablecoins. The exchange will make a separate notification prior to conversion where appropriate.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Bitcoin samazinās: ir gandrīz 500 miljonu dolāru zaudējumi! Kad Bitcoin (BTC) samazinājās līdz USD 60 775, bija liels zaudējums bullish darījumos. BTC, kas piedzīvoja strauju kritumu pirms sadalīšanas uz pusi, sasniedza 60 775 USD un iznīcināja fjūčeru tirgu. Kriptovalūtu pionieris, kas īpaši nopietni ietekmēja ilgtermiņa darījumus, radīja pesimistisku atmosfēru visā nozarē. Bitcoin, kas jau kādu laiku saglabā savu augšupvērsto cenu kustību, pēc krituma ieguva lielāku aktivitāti. Šī mobilitāte tieši ietekmēja likvidācijas datus. Līdz ar Bitcoin cenu kustību īsā laikā tika likvidēts 190 091 fjūčeru lietotājs. Kopējā likvidācijas summa reģistrēta 656,96 miljonu dolāru apmērā. #Bitcoin #News $BTC $ETH $BNB
Bitcoin samazinās: ir gandrīz 500 miljonu dolāru zaudējumi!

Kad Bitcoin (BTC) samazinājās līdz USD 60 775, bija liels zaudējums bullish darījumos. BTC, kas piedzīvoja strauju kritumu pirms sadalīšanas uz pusi, sasniedza 60 775 USD un iznīcināja fjūčeru tirgu. Kriptovalūtu pionieris, kas īpaši nopietni ietekmēja ilgtermiņa darījumus, radīja pesimistisku atmosfēru visā nozarē. Bitcoin, kas jau kādu laiku saglabā savu augšupvērsto cenu kustību, pēc krituma ieguva lielāku aktivitāti. Šī mobilitāte tieši ietekmēja likvidācijas datus. Līdz ar Bitcoin cenu kustību īsā laikā tika likvidēts 190 091 fjūčeru lietotājs. Kopējā likvidācijas summa reģistrēta 656,96 miljonu dolāru apmērā.

#Bitcoin #News $BTC $ETH $BNB
Bitcoin has fallen: Liquidations have been devastated! According to the data shared by Coinglass, 225,361 investors were liquidated in the last 24 hours. The liquidation amount reached 529.75 million dollars. Of this amount, $443 million was long transactions and $86.75 million was short transactions. The largest loss in a single transaction was recorded as 7.31 million dollars in ETH/USD parity on the OKX exchange. #Bitcoin   #News   $BTC  #metis  $METIS
Bitcoin has fallen: Liquidations have been devastated!

According to the data shared by Coinglass, 225,361 investors were liquidated in the last 24 hours. The liquidation amount reached 529.75 million dollars. Of this amount, $443 million was long transactions and $86.75 million was short transactions. The largest loss in a single transaction was recorded as 7.31 million dollars in ETH/USD parity on the OKX exchange.

#Bitcoin   #News   $BTC  #metis  $METIS
Which will be the prominent cryptocurrencies of the day? Bitcoin (BTC), which has been moving in a downward direction since its pinpoint at $ 73,800, has devastated altcoins. The admiral of the cryptocurrencies, which loosened to the $ 63,000 band with the last price move, caused a decline of nearly 10 per cent in altcoins. The sales pressure, especially in meme coins, did not go unnoticed. So, which altcoins were most active in the last 24 hours? #Bitcoin  #News  $BTC #metis $METIS
Which will be the prominent cryptocurrencies of the day?

Bitcoin (BTC), which has been moving in a downward direction since its pinpoint at $ 73,800, has devastated altcoins. The admiral of the cryptocurrencies, which loosened to the $ 63,000 band with the last price move, caused a decline of nearly 10 per cent in altcoins. The sales pressure, especially in meme coins, did not go unnoticed. So, which altcoins were most active in the last 24 hours?

#Bitcoin  #News  $BTC #metis $METIS
A rising trend breakout has arrived in Solana (SOL): Will the decline continue? Solana (SOL), which showed an effective performance with the Memecoin craze, lost value by succumbing to the retreat in the market. SOL, with the wind of Memecoin behind it, touched $ 210 a few days ago, making both its ecosystem and investors happy. The sharp rise of memecoins on the Solana network was a driving force for parity. However, the decline of Bitcoin (BTC) dealt a blow to the market, especially SOL. SOL, which has been maintaining its upward momentum for days, retreated to $170 with this development. The major coin, which saw a sales wave after falling below $ 200, may retreat to $ 148.63 - 130.30 and $ 117, respectively, if it cannot maintain $ 168.58 as a support level. This decline of SOL, which had a very effective bull season, confused people. #Bitcoin #Solana $SOL #News $BTC
A rising trend breakout has arrived in Solana (SOL): Will the decline continue?

Solana (SOL), which showed an effective performance with the Memecoin craze, lost value by succumbing to the retreat in the market. SOL, with the wind of Memecoin behind it, touched $ 210 a few days ago, making both its ecosystem and investors happy. The sharp rise of memecoins on the Solana network was a driving force for parity. However, the decline of Bitcoin (BTC) dealt a blow to the market, especially SOL. SOL, which has been maintaining its upward momentum for days, retreated to $170 with this development. The major coin, which saw a sales wave after falling below $ 200, may retreat to $ 148.63 - 130.30 and $ 117, respectively, if it cannot maintain $ 168.58 as a support level. This decline of SOL, which had a very effective bull season, confused people.

#Bitcoin #Solana $SOL #News $BTC
Fall in Bitcoin; How long will sales last? #Bitcoin (BTC), which started to move downwards after hitting $73,800, lost nearly 10 percent of its value in a short time. Bitcoin (BTC), which has been on an almost uninterrupted rise since $48,000, has finally given a correction. Factors such as the release of Fud news, BTC staying below $70,000, or buyers not establishing the old pressure will continue the bearish scenario. In such a development, a retreat may be observed first to $65,000 and then to the $60,000 band. #Ethereum #XRP🚀 #BNB $BTC $SOL
Fall in Bitcoin; How long will sales last?

#Bitcoin (BTC), which started to move downwards after hitting $73,800, lost nearly 10 percent of its value in a short time.

Bitcoin (BTC), which has been on an almost uninterrupted rise since $48,000, has finally given a correction.

Factors such as the release of Fud news, BTC staying below $70,000, or buyers not establishing the old pressure will continue the bearish scenario. In such a development, a retreat may be observed first to $65,000 and then to the $60,000 band.

#Ethereum #XRP🚀 #BNB $BTC $SOL
Binance Delists 5 Trading Pairs. On March 15, ARPA/BNB, COMP/TUSD, EDU/BNB, EDU/TUSD, PENDLE/TUSD trading pairs will be delisted. Exchanges delist and delist some spot trading pairs due to many factors such as poor liquidity and trading volume. In its last announcement, the stock exchange announced that it will delist 5 trading pairs. #Bitcoin #newsdaily #Binance $ETH $BNB
Binance Delists 5 Trading Pairs.

On March 15, ARPA/BNB, COMP/TUSD, EDU/BNB, EDU/TUSD, PENDLE/TUSD trading pairs will be delisted.

Exchanges delist and delist some spot trading pairs due to many factors such as poor liquidity and trading volume. In its last announcement, the stock exchange announced that it will delist 5 trading pairs.

#Bitcoin #newsdaily #Binance $ETH $BNB
#BinanceLabs announced that it will invest in seven pioneering projects starting from the sixth season of its Incubation program. According to the stock exchange announcement, among the selected projects; Cellula, Derivio, Ethena, NFPrompt, QnA3, Shogun and UXUY. The projects selected for investment are critical to the advancement of Binance Labs's Web3. Derivio: Futures exchange on zkSync. Ethena: It is a derivatives infrastructure provider that provides #staking rewards. Shogun: It is the #DEFİ protocol. UXUY: It is the #DEX exchange. Cellula: It is an autonomous life simulation and strategy game on Blockchain. NFPrompt: It is an artificial intelligence-driven content platform. QnA3: It is an artificial intelligence-supported #web3 information sharing and search platform. $BTC $ETH $BNB
#BinanceLabs announced that it will invest in seven pioneering projects starting from the sixth season of its Incubation program. According to the stock exchange announcement, among the selected projects; Cellula, Derivio, Ethena, NFPrompt, QnA3, Shogun and UXUY. The projects selected for investment are critical to the advancement of Binance Labs's Web3.

Derivio: Futures exchange on zkSync.

Ethena: It is a derivatives infrastructure provider that provides #staking rewards.

Shogun: It is the #DEFİ protocol.

UXUY: It is the #DEX exchange.

Cellula: It is an autonomous life simulation and strategy game on Blockchain.

NFPrompt: It is an artificial intelligence-driven content platform.

QnA3: It is an artificial intelligence-supported #web3 information sharing and search platform.

Where are GameFi projects heading? Rally in the #GameFi sector? GameFi industry has shown impressive growth. The combined value of Web3 gaming tokens is currently $32.7 billion. Notably, GameFi tokens like #floki witnessed a 3% increase in value. FLOKI, which has experienced a 21% increase in the last 24 hours. The GameFi industry has seen significant growth. $GALA price increased by 200%. #sandbox $SAND token increased by 65% and #AxieInfinity $AXS increased by 65%.
Where are GameFi projects heading?
Rally in the #GameFi sector?

GameFi industry has shown impressive growth.
The combined value of Web3 gaming tokens is currently $32.7 billion. Notably, GameFi tokens like #floki witnessed a 3% increase in value. FLOKI, which has experienced a 21% increase in the last 24 hours.
The GameFi industry has seen significant growth. $GALA price increased by 200%. #sandbox $SAND token increased by 65% and #AxieInfinity $AXS increased by 65%.
Ethereum???? $ETH 💥Ethereum rose to a new multi-month high above $3,880. 💥The price is trading above $3,700 and the 100 hourly Simple Moving Average. 💥There is a short-term bullish flag pattern forming with resistance near $3,850 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD. 💥The pair could continue its rise if it clears the $3,850 resistance zone. #Ethereum
Ethereum???? $ETH

💥Ethereum rose to a new multi-month high above $3,880.

💥The price is trading above $3,700 and the 100 hourly Simple Moving Average.

💥There is a short-term bullish flag pattern forming with resistance near $3,850 on the hourly chart of ETH/USD.

💥The pair could continue its rise if it clears the $3,850 resistance zone.

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