Binance Square
Motivation and Inspiration Traders to become the best version.
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Visizplatītākais tirgotāju veids: 1. Scalping Trader: Scalping ir īpaši īstermiņa tirdzniecības stratēģija, kurā tirgotāju mērķis ir gūt peļņu no nelielām cenu izmaiņām. 2. Dienas tirgotājs: Dienas tirdzniecība ietver aktīvu pirkšanu un pārdošanu tajā pašā tirdzniecības dienā. 3. Swing trading: atšķirībā no dienas tirdzniecības svārstību tirgotāji var ieņemt pozīcijas nakti vai vairākas dienas, lai gūtu peļņu no cenu svārstībām. 4. Pozīciju tirgotājs: Pozīciju tirdzniecība koncentrējas uz ilgtermiņa tendencēm un var aptvert nedēļas, mēnešus vai pat gadus. LABĀK ZINĀT, KAS ESAT UN MĀCĪTIES.
Visizplatītākais tirgotāju veids:

1. Scalping Trader: Scalping ir īpaši īstermiņa tirdzniecības stratēģija, kurā tirgotāju mērķis ir gūt peļņu no nelielām cenu izmaiņām.

2. Dienas tirgotājs: Dienas tirdzniecība ietver aktīvu pirkšanu un pārdošanu tajā pašā tirdzniecības dienā.

3. Swing trading: atšķirībā no dienas tirdzniecības svārstību tirgotāji var ieņemt pozīcijas nakti vai vairākas dienas, lai gūtu peļņu no cenu svārstībām.

4. Pozīciju tirgotājs: Pozīciju tirdzniecība koncentrējas uz ilgtermiņa tendencēm un var aptvert nedēļas, mēnešus vai pat gadus.

Labāk zini, kas tu esi...! pārbaudiet, kurš tirdzniecības stils jums ir piemērots.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Atjaunināt ....! 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Cena sanāca tā, kā biju paredzējis. #bitcoin noraidīts pēc pieprasījuma zonas un velciet uz augšu, pārtrauciet Fibonači zelta griezumu par 61,8% pie 64 876. #bitcoin var turpināt līdz Mēnesim (vecākā augstākā cena 71K) Buļļu tendence turpināsies...!
$BTC Atjaunināt ....! 🚀🚀🚀🚀

Cena sanāca tā, kā biju paredzējis.

#bitcoin noraidīts pēc pieprasījuma zonas un velciet uz augšu, pārtrauciet Fibonači zelta griezumu par 61,8% pie 64 876.

#bitcoin var turpināt līdz Mēnesim (vecākā augstākā cena 71K)
Buļļu tendence turpināsies...!
$BTC Breakout atjauninājums..! 🚀🚀🚀 (Šūpoles tirdzniecība)

#bitcoin izlaužas no piegādes zonas pie 63 750.
#bitcoin turpināsies uz visu laiku augstāko cenu 71 997.

Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Breakout atjauninājums..! 🚀🚀🚀 (Šūpoles tirdzniecība) #bitcoin izlaužas no piegādes zonas pie 63 750. #bitcoin turpināsies uz visu laiku augstāko cenu 71 997. SEKOT, LAI VAIRĀK ATJAUNINĀTU BTC CENU..!
$BTC Breakout atjauninājums..! 🚀🚀🚀 (Šūpoles tirdzniecība)

#bitcoin izlaužas no piegādes zonas pie 63 750.
#bitcoin turpināsies uz visu laiku augstāko cenu 71 997.

$BTC Atjaunināt...! (Šūpoles tirdzniecība)🚀

Cena ir pieaugusi, kā es paredzēju, 62K.

Tagad #bitcoin nokļuva piegādes zonā un tika noraidīts, kā mēs redzējām.

Ja šī piegādes zona nevar noturēt #bitcoin cenu, mēs atkal redzēsim bitcoin 71K vērtībā.
Šī piegādes zona ir tik svarīga, ja tā nevar salūzt, mēs veiksim bitcoin pie 44K.

Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Atjaunināt...! (Šūpoles tirdzniecība)🚀 Cena ir pieaugusi, kā es paredzēju, 62K. Tagad #bitcoin nokļuva piegādes zonā un tika noraidīts, kā mēs redzējām. Ja šī piegādes zona nevar noturēt #bitcoin cenu, mēs atkal redzēsim bitcoin 71K vērtībā. Šī piegādes zona ir tik svarīga, ja tā nevar salūzt, mēs veiksim bitcoin pie 44K. SEKOT VAIRĀK BITCOIN ANALĪZEI..!
$BTC Atjaunināt...! (Šūpoles tirdzniecība)🚀

Cena ir pieaugusi, kā es paredzēju, 62K.

Tagad #bitcoin nokļuva piegādes zonā un tika noraidīts, kā mēs redzējām.

Ja šī piegādes zona nevar noturēt #bitcoin cenu, mēs atkal redzēsim bitcoin 71K vērtībā.
Šī piegādes zona ir tik svarīga, ja tā nevar salūzt, mēs veiksim bitcoin pie 44K.

$BTC Atjaunināt....! 🚀

#bitcoin Palieciet sānceļā (58 448 - 54, 307) gandrīz 1 nedēļu kopš pagājušās piektdienas.

Kā redzams grafikā, #bitcoin stingri noraidīja pieprasījuma zonu un mēģiniet atkal un atkal izjaukt pretestības zonu pie 58 448 (vāja pretestība).

Drīzumā mēs iegūsim bitcoin par 62 000 cenu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Atjaunināt...! Kā jau prognozēju, daudz likviditātes 58 870 virs pretestības līnijas 58 448. Tagad #bitcoin pārkāpj pretestības līniju un turpina līdz 62K cenai.
$BTC Atjaunināt...!
Kā jau prognozēju, daudz likviditātes 58 870 virs pretestības līnijas 58 448.

Tagad #bitcoin pārkāpj pretestības līniju un turpina līdz 62K cenai.
$BTC Atjaunināt....! 🚀

#bitcoin Palieciet sānceļā (58 448 - 54, 307) gandrīz 1 nedēļu kopš pagājušās piektdienas.

Kā redzams grafikā, #bitcoin stingri noraidīja pieprasījuma zonu un mēģiniet atkal un atkal izjaukt pretestības zonu pie 58 448 (vāja pretestība).

Drīzumā mēs iegūsim bitcoin par 62 000 cenu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
$BTC Atjaunināt....! 🚀 #bitcoin Palieciet sānceļā (58 448 - 54, 307) gandrīz 1 nedēļu kopš pagājušās piektdienas. Kā redzams grafikā, #bitcoin stingri noraidīja pieprasījuma zonu un mēģiniet atkal un atkal izjaukt pretestības zonu pie 58 448 (vāja pretestība). Drīzumā mēs iegūsim bitcoin par 62 000 cenu.
$BTC Atjaunināt....! 🚀

#bitcoin Palieciet sānceļā (58 448 - 54, 307) gandrīz 1 nedēļu kopš pagājušās piektdienas.

Kā redzams grafikā, #bitcoin stingri noraidīja pieprasījuma zonu un mēģiniet atkal un atkal izjaukt pretestības zonu pie 58 448 (vāja pretestība).

Drīzumā mēs iegūsim bitcoin par 62 000 cenu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 FED priekšsēdētājs Džeroms Pauels saka, ka dati neatbalsta lielāku pārliecību par inflācijas kursu, kas Federālajai rezervju sistēmai ir nepieciešams, lai samazinātu likmes. LABA ZĪME TIRGAM
JUST IN: 🇺🇸 FED priekšsēdētājs Džeroms Pauels saka, ka dati neatbalsta lielāku pārliecību par inflācijas kursu, kas Federālajai rezervju sistēmai ir nepieciešams, lai samazinātu likmes.

Skatīt oriģinālu
Tirgošanās nav vienkārša. Pastāvīgi ienesīga tirdzniecība ir vēl grūtāka. Tie, kas gūst panākumus šajā jomā vai kuriem ir vislielākās izredzes gūt panākumus, ir tie, kas uzsāk tirdzniecību ar visreālākajām cerībām. Vispirms iegūstiet pareizos rīkus. Apgūstiet prasmi. Ielieciet ādu spēlē.
Tirgošanās nav vienkārša. Pastāvīgi ienesīga tirdzniecība ir vēl grūtāka. Tie, kas gūst panākumus šajā jomā vai kuriem ir vislielākās izredzes gūt panākumus, ir tie, kas uzsāk tirdzniecību ar visreālākajām cerībām.

Vispirms iegūstiet pareizos rīkus. Apgūstiet prasmi. Ielieciet ādu spēlē.
Friendly remind of RISK MANAGEMENT.
Friendly remind of RISK MANAGEMENT.
Successful trading is composed of 80% suffering and 20% pleasure. By suffering I mean the time spent: - Addressing your weaknesses. - Recognizing the times when you are wrong with zero ego involved. - Having the patience to not overtrade during your losing periods. - Sticking to your plan through good and bad and especially through bad. These are only four of the boxes that a successful trader ticks daily. If I had to condense all of that into one short sentence, I would go for A small ego can equal huge returns.
Successful trading is composed of 80% suffering and 20% pleasure. By suffering I mean the time spent:
- Addressing your weaknesses.
- Recognizing the times when you are wrong with zero ego involved.
- Having the patience to not overtrade during your losing periods.
- Sticking to your plan through good and bad and especially through bad.

These are only four of the boxes that a successful trader ticks daily. If I had to condense all of that into one short sentence, I would go for A small ego can equal huge returns.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Labāk zini, kas tu esi...! pārbaudiet, kurš tirdzniecības stils jums ir piemērots.
Labāk zini, kas tu esi...! pārbaudiet, kurš tirdzniecības stils jums ir piemērots.
In trading, it is almost a recipe for disaster to trade on rumors or follow other traders’ ideas. I am certain that in more than 99% of the cases, it pays to learn how to fish than to pay for the fish. Great traders are contrarian in their own ways. They certainly don’t think like everyone else. Great traders certainly don’t read the books that everyone else reads and they most certainly don’t visit the same blogs. Great traders are great, not just because they read a lot, but mainly because they ask more questions more often look for the right answers. Contrary thinking is just a way of thinking, but I believe that we should not put too much weight on it. It is just another way of looking at things and not a crystal ball. The only way to become good at trading is to become good at questioning. As the man from the street would say, “If you don’t think things through, you are through thinking.”
In trading, it is almost a recipe for disaster to trade on rumors or follow other traders’ ideas. I am certain that in more than 99% of the cases, it pays to learn how to fish than to pay for the fish.

Great traders are contrarian in their own ways. They certainly don’t think like everyone else. Great traders certainly don’t read the books that everyone else reads and they most certainly don’t visit the same blogs.

Great traders are great, not just because they read a lot, but mainly because they ask more questions more often look for the right answers.

Contrary thinking is just a way of thinking, but I believe that we should not put too much weight on it. It is just another way of looking at things and not a crystal ball. The only way to become good at trading is to become good at questioning. As the man from the street would say, “If you don’t think things through, you are through thinking.”
Some of the best traders that I know can recognize that they are in a losing trade immediately and in a second, change their mind and readjust their positions so that in the end of the day they still end up making money. Trying to always be right is a recipe for disaster and if you want to make it in trading, you should consider that what you have learnt in school or in university might not be practical in the world of trading.
Some of the best traders that I know can recognize that they are in a losing trade immediately and in a second, change their mind and readjust their positions so that in the end of the day they still end up making money.

Trying to always be right is a recipe for disaster and if you want to make it in trading, you should consider that what you have learnt in school or in university might not be practical in the world of trading.
We traders have the bad habit of overcomplicating things without the need to do so.
We traders have the bad habit of overcomplicating things without the need to do so.
$BTC update..! #bitcoin price stuck in range price 58,513 - 54,307 with too much liquidity (Still in the Bearish Trend). At this moment, I recommend to keep waiting for the price to break this range first. Soon we'll see liquidity again after Bitcoin break this range (58,513 - 54,307).
$BTC update..!

#bitcoin price stuck in range price 58,513 - 54,307 with too much liquidity (Still in the Bearish Trend).

At this moment, I recommend to keep waiting for the price to break this range first.

Soon we'll see liquidity again after Bitcoin break this range (58,513 - 54,307).
Atrader once sent me an email asking me: “Any tips on minimizing execution errors? This week I did a terrible job executing. I had a very good week, but those errors hurt me.” My response to his email was the following: “There will always be errors! Nobody is immune from them! It is all about how you manage them and making sure you don’t let them influence your psyche! Instead of thinking about mistakes think of everything you did right and how you can repeat that and possibly improve it!” My message to you here is the same, so instead of concentrating on trading mistakes, try to accept and minimize them. Instead of blaming yourself for why you have taken this last bad trade, try to ask yourself the question: How can I repeat my successful trades one more time and then again and again? If you manage to reach to that trading level, making trading mistakes will not be a scary process anymore, but a great stage for learning.
Atrader once sent me an email asking me: “Any tips on minimizing execution errors? This week I did a terrible job executing. I had a very good week, but those errors hurt me.”

My response to his email was the following: “There will always be errors! Nobody is immune from them! It is all about how you manage them and making sure you don’t let them influence your psyche! Instead of thinking about mistakes think of everything you did right and how you can repeat that and possibly improve it!”

My message to you here is the same, so instead of concentrating on trading mistakes, try to accept and minimize them. Instead of blaming yourself for why you have taken this last bad trade, try to ask yourself the question: How can I repeat my successful trades one more time and then again and again? If you manage to reach to that trading level, making trading mistakes will not be a scary process anymore, but a great stage for learning.
In trading, if you see only two possibilities, it means that your analysis is poor. Good traders see things multi-dimensionally. They also see a lot of different scenarios and can narrow them down to the most probable ones. Unlike a classroom, the world of trading does not like repetition. A definition of good trader is someone, who is not afraid of the unknown and knows how to embrace it. Changing your mind in a matter of seconds is the only true definition of a great trader who is not afraid to expose his or her weaknesses.
In trading, if you see only two possibilities, it means that your analysis is poor. Good traders see things multi-dimensionally. They also see a lot of different scenarios and can narrow them down to the most probable ones.

Unlike a classroom, the world of trading does not like repetition. A definition of good trader is someone, who is not afraid of the unknown and knows how to embrace it.

Changing your mind in a matter of seconds is the only true definition of a great trader who is not afraid to expose his or her weaknesses.
Most of the successful traders I know went through years of losing or breaking even. Trading is a serious discipline, so make sure that this is what you want to do before you even think of starting it.
Most of the successful traders I know went through years of losing or breaking even. Trading is a serious discipline, so make sure that this is what you want to do before you even think of starting it.
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