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Cik daudz jūsu valdībai pieder Bitcoins? Bitcoin holdingi valdībām visā pasaulē 🐋 🤑 🇺🇸 ASV Bitcoin Holdings: 212 847 🇨🇳 Ķīna Bitcoin Holdings: 190 000 🇻🇬 Lielbritānija Bitcoin Holdings: 61 245 🇩🇪 Vācija Bitcoin Holdings: 49 859 🇺🇦 Ukraina Bitcoin Holdings: 46 351 🇸🇻 Salvadora Bitcoin Holdings: 5718 🇧🇹 Butāna Bitcoin Holdings: 621 🇻🇪 Venecuēla Bitcoin Holdings: 240 🇫🇮 Somija Bitcoin Holdings: 90 🇬🇪 Gruzija Bitcoin Holdings: 66 Kopumā valdībām visā pasaulē pieder 2,7% no kopējā#BTCpiedāvājuma
Cik daudz jūsu valdībai pieder Bitcoins?
Bitcoin holdingi valdībām visā pasaulē 🐋 🤑

🇺🇸 ASV

Bitcoin Holdings: 212 847

🇨🇳 Ķīna

Bitcoin Holdings: 190 000

🇻🇬 Lielbritānija

Bitcoin Holdings: 61 245

🇩🇪 Vācija

Bitcoin Holdings: 49 859

🇺🇦 Ukraina

Bitcoin Holdings: 46 351

🇸🇻 Salvadora

Bitcoin Holdings: 5718

🇧🇹 Butāna

Bitcoin Holdings: 621

🇻🇪 Venecuēla

Bitcoin Holdings: 240

🇫🇮 Somija

Bitcoin Holdings: 90

🇬🇪 Gruzija

Bitcoin Holdings: 66

Kopumā valdībām visā pasaulē pieder 2,7% no kopējā#BTCpiedāvājuma
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Ne monēta
Ne monēta
RĪKOTIES TAGAD: pasargājiet savus notcoinus, pirms tie pazūd!
Visiem Notcoin īpašniekiem ir jāizņem savi Notcoins no Notcoin robota savā personīgajā makā līdz 2024. gada 16. jūnijam. Visi Notcoins, kas būs atstāti robotā pēc šī datuma, tiks neatgriezeniski sadedzināti. 🔥

Šis ir būtisks atgādinājums, ka jārīkojas ātri, lai aizsargātu savus ieguldījumus. Noteikti pārsūtiet savus Notcoins uz drošu maku, lai izvairītos no iespējamiem zaudējumiem. Atcerieties, ka tas attiecas tikai uz notcoiniem, kas atrodas botā. Ja jūsu Notcoins ir likts uz likmēm, jums nav jāuztraucas — tie netiks ietekmēti un netiks sadedzināti. ❤️‍🔥
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MONĒTA NESASNIEDZ 1 USD. Telegrammu lietotāji iegūst miljoniem marķieru, vienkārši pieskaroties , pēc tam, kad tie ir iekļauti citās biržās, kalnrači var izpārdot un iziet no projekta. NOT Token 24 stundu laikā palielinās par 23,5%. Saskaņā ar Foresight News, marķieris NOT ir piedzīvojis ievērojamu cenu pieaugumu. NOT pirmstirgus cena tika reģistrēta 0,006 USDT, un tā ir piedzīvojusi 24 stundu pieaugumu par 23,5%. Šis būtiskais marķiera vērtības pieaugums norāda uz pozitīvu tirgus reakciju.

Telegrammu lietotāji iegūst miljoniem marķieru, vienkārši pieskaroties , pēc tam, kad tie ir iekļauti citās biržās, kalnrači var izpārdot un iziet no projekta.

NOT Token 24 stundu laikā palielinās par 23,5%.
Saskaņā ar Foresight News, marķieris NOT ir piedzīvojis ievērojamu cenu pieaugumu. NOT pirmstirgus cena tika reģistrēta 0,006 USDT, un tā ir piedzīvojusi 24 stundu pieaugumu par 23,5%. Šis būtiskais marķiera vērtības pieaugums norāda uz pozitīvu tirgus reakciju.
Skatīt oriģinālu
NFT nav miris😱😱😱 JUST IN: Crypto Punk#635ir pārdots par 4000 USD ETH (12 405 000 USD). #CryptopunkNFT
NFT nav miris😱😱😱
JUST IN: Crypto Punk#635ir pārdots par 4000 USD ETH (12 405 000 USD).

Skatīt oriģinālu
Jaunais Altcoins Pump The Hardest Pēdējā vēršu skrējienā $SHIB sūknēts 30000% $MATIC sūknēts 25000% $SOL sūknēts 20000% Kuri 3 jaunie altkoini šajā vēršu skrējienā iedarbosies visvairāk?👇
Jaunais Altcoins Pump The Hardest

Pēdējā vēršu skrējienā

$SHIB sūknēts 30000%

$MATIC sūknēts 25000%

$SOL sūknēts 20000%

Kuri 3 jaunie altkoini šajā vēršu skrējienā iedarbosies visvairāk?👇
Skatīt oriģinālu
10 populārākās kriptogrāfijas ziņas pēdējo 24 stundu laikā 🚀 1️⃣ 💰 Bitcoin reģistrē lielāko vienas dienas zaudējumu kopš FTX sabrukuma. 2️⃣ 🇺🇲 BlackRock saņem memecoins, NFT pēc tam, kad ir noguldījis 100 miljonus USDC vietnē. 3️⃣ 💰 Solana memecoin tirgotājs vietnē $SHROOM stundas laikā gūst 8,9 miljonus dolāru peļņu, izraisot apgalvojumus par "iekšējo". 4️⃣ 📱 Apple līdzdibinātājs uzvar pret YouTube Bitcoin krāpniecības tiesā. 5️⃣ 💰 Coinbase vairāku frontes tiesu cīņā ar SEC. 6️⃣ 📲 Robinhood izplata kriptovalūtu maku Android lietotājiem visā pasaulē. 7️⃣ 💰 Coinbase, lai palaistu DOGE nākotnes līgumus, saka, ka tā ir "pārsniegusi" mēmu izcelsmi. 8️⃣ 🇭🇰 CBDC izmēģinājums Honkongā beidzot varētu dot iespēju blokķēdei digitalizēt piegādi, izmantojot Ant Group palīdzību. 9️⃣ 🇰🇷 Melnkalnes apelācijas tiesa noraida Do Kvona apelāciju par Dienvidkorejas izdošanu. 🔟 🇭🇳 Hondurasa iegūst jaunu atbalstu 11 miljardu dolāru cīņā ar kriptovalūtu salu Próspera.
10 populārākās kriptogrāfijas ziņas pēdējo 24 stundu laikā 🚀

1️⃣ 💰 Bitcoin reģistrē lielāko vienas dienas zaudējumu kopš FTX sabrukuma.

2️⃣ 🇺🇲 BlackRock saņem memecoins, NFT pēc tam, kad ir noguldījis 100 miljonus USDC vietnē.

3️⃣ 💰 Solana memecoin tirgotājs vietnē $SHROOM stundas laikā gūst 8,9 miljonus dolāru peļņu, izraisot apgalvojumus par "iekšējo".

4️⃣ 📱 Apple līdzdibinātājs uzvar pret YouTube Bitcoin krāpniecības tiesā.

5️⃣ 💰 Coinbase vairāku frontes tiesu cīņā ar SEC.

6️⃣ 📲 Robinhood izplata kriptovalūtu maku Android lietotājiem visā pasaulē.

7️⃣ 💰 Coinbase, lai palaistu DOGE nākotnes līgumus, saka, ka tā ir "pārsniegusi" mēmu izcelsmi.

8️⃣ 🇭🇰 CBDC izmēģinājums Honkongā beidzot varētu dot iespēju blokķēdei digitalizēt piegādi, izmantojot Ant Group palīdzību.

9️⃣ 🇰🇷 Melnkalnes apelācijas tiesa noraida Do Kvona apelāciju par Dienvidkorejas izdošanu.

🔟 🇭🇳 Hondurasa iegūst jaunu atbalstu 11 miljardu dolāru cīņā ar kriptovalūtu salu Próspera.
📢In the past 24 hours 106,869 traders were liquidated. ➡️The total liquidations comes in at $311.50 million ➡️The largest single liquidation order happened on OKX - ETH-USDT-SWAP value $5.86M #write2earn
📢In the past 24 hours 106,869 traders were liquidated.

➡️The total liquidations comes in at $311.50 million

➡️The largest single liquidation order happened on OKX - ETH-USDT-SWAP value $5.86M

Bitcoin Leaves Tesla in the Dust, but Morgan Stanley Remains Bullish on the EV Leader’s Stock.
Bitcoin Leaves Tesla in the Dust, but Morgan Stanley Remains Bullish on the EV Leader’s Stock.
4 Phases of The Bitcoin Halving 1. Pre-Halving Rally Approximately 35 days remain until the Bitcoin Halving in April 2024 History has repeated in this respect Now, Bitcoin is slightly more halfway through its Pre-Halving Rally phase Even so, Bitcoin has performed a historic, never-before-done feat in its price action in the Pre-Halving period... It has broken to new All Time Highs This Pre-Halving Rally phase has thus been extensive,However technically, the next step is a Pre-Halving Retrace.Historically, in anticipation of the Halving, investors "Buy the Hype" in an effort to "Sell the News" Short-term traders and speculators "Buy The Hype" several weeks before the Halving in anticipation of making a profit from this hype-fuelled rally Then these speculators "Sell The News" to realise that profit, contributing to a Pre-Halving retrace which occurs only a handful of weeks before the Halving event itself 2. Final Pre-Halving Retrace After the Pre-Halving Rally has concluded... A Pre-Halving retrace tends to occur a few weeks before the Halving event itself (dark blue circle) In 2016, this Pre-Halving retrace was -38% deep In 2020, this Pre-Halving retrace was -20% deep Also, this Pre-Halving Retrace could also be much shorter than has otherwise been the case historically 3. Re-Accumulation The Pre-Halving retrace is followed by multi-month re-accumulation (red) This period can last up to 150 days (i.e 5 months) Many investors get shaken-out in this stage due to boredom, impatience, and disappointment with lack of major results in their BTC investment in the immediate aftermath of the Halving. 4. Parabolic Uptrend Once Bitcoin breaks out from the re-accumulation area breakout into the parabolic uptrend (green) It is during this phase Bitcoin experiences accelerated growth into a parabolic uptrend Historically, this phase has lasted just over a year (~385 days) however with a potential Accelerated Cycle occurring right now, this figure may get cut in half in this market cycle $BTC #Crypto #Bitcoin #Write2Earn‬
4 Phases of The Bitcoin Halving

1. Pre-Halving Rally
Approximately 35 days remain until the Bitcoin Halving in April 2024

History has repeated in this respect

Now, Bitcoin is slightly more halfway through its Pre-Halving Rally phase
Even so, Bitcoin has performed a historic, never-before-done feat in its price action in the Pre-Halving period...
It has broken to new All Time Highs
This Pre-Halving Rally phase has thus been extensive,However technically, the next step is a Pre-Halving Retrace.Historically, in anticipation of the Halving, investors "Buy the Hype" in an effort to "Sell the News"
Short-term traders and speculators "Buy The Hype" several weeks before the Halving in anticipation of making a profit from this hype-fuelled rally
Then these speculators "Sell The News" to realise that profit, contributing to a Pre-Halving retrace which occurs only a handful of weeks before the Halving event itself

2. Final Pre-Halving Retrace
After the Pre-Halving Rally has concluded...
A Pre-Halving retrace tends to occur a few weeks before the Halving event itself (dark blue circle)
In 2016, this Pre-Halving retrace was -38% deep
In 2020, this Pre-Halving retrace was -20% deep

Also, this Pre-Halving Retrace could also be much shorter than has otherwise been the case historically
3. Re-Accumulation
The Pre-Halving retrace is followed by multi-month re-accumulation (red)
This period can last up to 150 days (i.e 5 months)
Many investors get shaken-out in this stage due to boredom, impatience, and disappointment with lack of major results in their BTC investment in the immediate aftermath of the Halving.

4. Parabolic Uptrend
Once Bitcoin breaks out from the re-accumulation area breakout into the parabolic uptrend (green)

It is during this phase Bitcoin experiences accelerated growth into a parabolic uptrend

Historically, this phase has lasted just over a year (~385 days) however with a potential Accelerated Cycle occurring right now, this figure may get cut in half in this market cycle

$BTC #Crypto #Bitcoin #Write2Earn‬
We have survived 👇 - #BTC       crash from $69k to $15k - #LUNA to $0 by Do kwon - #3AC going from $18bln to $0 - #Celsius and #voyager bankrupt - #FTX and #FTT Meltdown - #USDC de-peg - #BUSD gone - CZ stepping down from #Binance       and you are still here in #crypto #Write2Earn‬
We have survived 👇

- #BTC       crash from $69k to $15k
- #LUNA to $0 by Do kwon
- #3AC going from $18bln to $0
- #Celsius and #voyager bankrupt
- #FTX and #FTT Meltdown
- #USDC de-peg
- #BUSD gone
- CZ stepping down from #Binance      
and you are still here in #crypto

Ripple to Face Another Lawsuit, SHIB Army Petitions Grayscale to Launch ETF, Major Bitcoin Correction After Halving Predicted by Top Analyst... In a surprising development, the Shiba Inu community created a petition, requesting the Grayscale team to consider establishing a Shiba Inu Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). Justifying their plea, the members of the Shiba Inu army provided the following arguments: first, they stated that the SHIB token notably satisfies the Howey test, thus affirming its nonsecurity status. Second, per recent Google Trends data, SHIB is the United States' second favorite crypto after Bitcoin, which shows the asset's popularity and market's readiness for an ETF centered on SHIB. Last but not least, proponents of the SHIB ETF believe the product will broaden accessibility to Shiba Inu for every class of investor. At the moment of writing, the petition has scored 1,963 signatures, gaining significant traction. It remains to be seen whether Whether Grayscale Investments will respond to the SHIB community's demand for an ETF. #Write2Eam
Ripple to Face Another Lawsuit, SHIB Army Petitions Grayscale to Launch ETF, Major Bitcoin Correction After Halving Predicted by Top Analyst...

In a surprising development, the Shiba Inu community created a petition, requesting the Grayscale team to consider establishing a Shiba Inu Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). Justifying their plea, the members of the Shiba Inu army provided the following arguments: first, they stated that the SHIB token notably satisfies the Howey test, thus affirming its nonsecurity status. Second, per recent Google Trends data, SHIB is the United States' second favorite crypto after Bitcoin, which shows the asset's popularity and market's readiness for an ETF centered on SHIB. Last but not least, proponents of the SHIB ETF believe the product will broaden accessibility to Shiba Inu for every class of investor. At the moment of writing, the petition has scored 1,963 signatures, gaining significant traction. It remains to be seen whether Whether Grayscale Investments will respond to the SHIB community's demand for an ETF.

NEW: Adam Back's complete email history with Satoshi Nakamato was entered in the court records today Email #1: Adam and Satoshi discuss #Bitcoin    4 months before its official launch. #Write2Earn
NEW: Adam Back's complete email history with Satoshi Nakamato was entered in the court records today

Email #1: Adam and Satoshi discuss #Bitcoin    4 months before its official launch.

IS AMAZON BUYING BITCOIN SECRETLY? Jeff Bezos sells another $2.37 billion worth of Amazon stock with a total of $8.4 billion $AMZN shares sold over the past two weeks. #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic

Jeff Bezos sells another $2.37 billion worth of Amazon stock with a total of $8.4 billion $AMZN shares sold over the past two weeks.

#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic
🏎Ferrari has begun accepting #Dogecoin as a means of payment in the 🇺🇸US The #memecoin now joins the likes of #Bitcoin   , #Ethereum, and USDC as payment options for customers looking to acquire Ferrari with #crypto 🤷🏻 Link👇… #Write2Earn
🏎Ferrari has begun accepting #Dogecoin as a means of payment in the 🇺🇸US

The #memecoin now joins the likes of #Bitcoin   , #Ethereum, and USDC as payment options for customers looking to acquire Ferrari with #crypto 🤷🏻


DON'T BE TOO LATE TO JOIN PI COMMUNITY. Except a few seconds everyday, most of us didn't invested much in #PiNetwork 🤔 It is now time to do so! The Open Mainnet is coming in 2024 and we have the strongest crypto community. We need to let the whole world know about $Pi this year 💪 Mine Free Now: 1.Go to app store and download Pi network 2. sign up and Use my referal code : Amixbhtsaki You will get 1 PI free. Happy mining. #Write2Earn

Except a few seconds everyday, most of us didn't invested much in #PiNetwork 🤔

It is now time to do so!

The Open Mainnet is coming in 2024 and we have the strongest crypto community. We need to let the whole world know about $Pi this year 💪

Mine Free Now:
1.Go to app store and download Pi network
2. sign up and Use my referal code : Amixbhtsaki
You will get 1 PI free.

Happy mining.

Price of #bitcoin    on Valentine's Day 💝 2024: $51,646 2023: $22,001 2022: $42,332 2021: $49,000 2020: $10,242 2019: $3,569 2018: $9,031 2017: $1,008 2016: $397 2015: $247 2014: $632 2013: $26 2012: $5 2011: $1 2010: $0.05 2009:$0 #Write2Earn #BTCBefore2025
Price of #bitcoin    on Valentine's Day 💝

2024: $51,646
2023: $22,001
2022: $42,332
2021: $49,000
2020: $10,242
2019: $3,569
2018: $9,031
2017: $1,008
2016: $397
2015: $247
2014: $632
2013: $26
2012: $5
2011: $1
2010: $0.05

#Write2Earn #BTCBefore2025
#SHIB EMERGES AS THE TOP MEME COIN IN THE 🇺🇸 USA🚀 REMEMBER @Fidelity Investments, Hints To Probably Lists Shiba Inu ✅ 40 million individual investors ✅23,000 businesses ✅3,600 advisory firms ✅$9.6 Trillion under management ✅$3.1M Daily Ave #Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #SHIBNEWS

@Fidelity Investments, Hints To Probably Lists Shiba Inu
✅ 40 million individual investors
✅23,000 businesses
✅3,600 advisory firms
✅$9.6 Trillion under management
✅$3.1M Daily Ave

#Write2Earn #TrendingTopic #SHIBNEWS
Banks should be mindful of legal, cyber risks emanating from AI: RBI Deputy Governor NaBFID Chairman K V Kamath said what he had predicted 20 years ago has come true that banks will look like technology companies offering banking services. He further said that there is need for banks to be resilient, adopt cloud-based solutions. The banking sector and players in the space should be mindful of legal and cyber risks, and skill gaps emanating from Artificial Intelligence (AI), RBI Deputy Governor T Rabi Sankar has said. "With the adoption of AI and GenAI, laws are to be redefined. Industry needs to note that Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act rules are going to come soon, and banks may be in violation of some of it so it's important to start preparing for it," he said.Addressing the 19th Annual Banking Technology Conference organised by the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) in Mumbai on Friday, he called upon banks to think of customer convenience and provide services accordingly. "When rules are made by us, we need to think of making it convenient for customers and keep improving continuously," he said. Every new technology has erased few jobs but created newer ones, he said, adding that skilling and reskilling of the work force is a must.NaBFID Chairman K V Kamath said what he had predicted 20 years ago has come true that banks will look like technology companies offering banking services. There is need for banks to be resilient, adopt cloud-based solutions, Kamath said, adding that competition is the key challenge that banks are facing not just within banks but in the larger financial space.IBA Chairman Atul Kumar Goel said GenAI opens doors to unprecedented opportunities for banking leaders, shaping the future of financial services. Banks are already partnering with fintech companies to bolster their own digital transformation initiatives and keep up with startups that are successfully disrupting the banking industry, Goel, who is also Punjab National Bank MD, said.The future is AI-driven, and the time to transform is now, Goel added. #Write2Earn
Banks should be mindful of legal, cyber risks emanating from AI: RBI Deputy Governor
NaBFID Chairman K V Kamath said what he had predicted 20 years ago has come true that banks will look like technology companies offering banking services. He further said that there is need for banks to be resilient, adopt cloud-based solutions.

The banking sector and players in the space should be mindful of legal and cyber risks, and skill gaps emanating from Artificial Intelligence (AI), RBI Deputy Governor T Rabi Sankar has said. "With the adoption of AI and GenAI, laws are to be redefined. Industry needs to note that Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act rules are going to come soon, and banks may be in violation of some of it so it's important to start preparing for it," he said.Addressing the 19th Annual Banking Technology Conference organised by the Indian Banks' Association (IBA) in Mumbai on Friday, he called upon banks to think of customer convenience and provide services accordingly. "When rules are made by us, we need to think of making it convenient for customers and keep improving continuously," he said.
Every new technology has erased few jobs but created newer ones, he said, adding that skilling and reskilling of the work force is a must.NaBFID Chairman K V Kamath said what he had predicted 20 years ago has come true that banks will look like technology companies offering banking services. There is need for banks to be resilient, adopt cloud-based solutions, Kamath said, adding that competition is the key challenge that banks are facing not just within banks but in the larger financial space.IBA Chairman Atul Kumar Goel said GenAI opens doors to unprecedented opportunities for banking leaders, shaping the future of financial services.
Banks are already partnering with fintech companies to bolster their own digital transformation initiatives and keep up with startups that are successfully disrupting the banking industry, Goel, who is also Punjab National Bank MD, said.The future is AI-driven, and the time to transform is now, Goel added. #Write2Earn
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