Binance Square
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Lūdzu, nenieziet rokas, vienkārši pacelieties un pārdodiet. kad tu būsi bagāts?
Lūdzu, nenieziet rokas, vienkārši pacelieties un pārdodiet. kad tu būsi bagāts?
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paskaties $MOVR pieaugs? Pērciet un turiet !!!!!
paskaties $MOVR pieaugs?

Pērciet un turiet

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ticiet man $MOVR tagad var būt virs SOL, Pērciet un turiet tūlīt
ticiet man $MOVR tagad var būt virs SOL, Pērciet un turiet tūlīt
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$MOVR Būs neparasti pārsteigumi, pamatā Pirkt un turēt. Uz Mēness Moonriver
$MOVR Būs neparasti pārsteigumi, pamatā Pirkt un turēt. Uz Mēness Moonriver
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sveiks draugs Vai jūs joprojām atceraties Project Avive? Drīzumā tas tiks iekļauts lielajā tirgū. Nepalaidiet garām šo iespēju, šī projekta spēks ir ļoti spēcīgs kopienās visā pasaulē. #Arbitrum #listing #okx $ARB
Sveiks draugs

Vai jūs joprojām atceraties Project Avive? Drīzumā tas tiks iekļauts lielajā tirgū.

Nepalaidiet garām šo iespēju, šī projekta spēks ir ļoti spēcīgs kopienās visā pasaulē.

#Arbitrum #listing #okx $ARB
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Mēs esam priecīgi paziņot par mūsu #AMA ar @bsc_daily nākamajā pirmdienā Norises vieta: Binance tiešraide Laiks: 29. maijs, 13:30 (UTC)  Atlīdzības fonds: $ 200 - $ 100 par kriptogrāfijas kastīti - $ 100 par 5 labākajiem jautājumiem vietnē Binance Live Chat 3671983920615852
Mēs esam priecīgi paziņot par mūsu #AMA ar


nākamajā pirmdienā Norises vieta: Binance tiešraide Laiks: 29. maijs, 13:30 (UTC)  Atlīdzības fonds: $ 200 - $ 100 par kriptogrāfijas kastīti - $ 100 par 5 labākajiem jautājumiem vietnē Binance Live Chat 3671983920615852
Skatīt oriģinālu
Citāts no Hotbit Twitter tvīta: "Ir pienācis laiks paklanīt darbības no 22. maija, UTC 04:00. Mēs lūdzam visus lietotājus izņemt savus atlikušos līdzekļus līdz 21. jūnijam, plkst. 4:00 UTC. Iepriekš minētā ziņojuma būtība, kurā ir aktīvi Hotbitā, nekavējoties izņemiet, jo Hotbit tiks aizvērts!
Citāts no Hotbit Twitter tvīta:

"Ir pienācis laiks paklanīt darbības no 22. maija, UTC 04:00. Mēs lūdzam visus lietotājus izņemt savus atlikušos līdzekļus līdz 21. jūnijam, plkst. 4:00 UTC.

Iepriekš minētā ziņojuma būtība, kurā ir aktīvi Hotbitā, nekavējoties izņemiet, jo Hotbit tiks aizvērts!
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kas ir Binance un kā tā darbojas?Citējot Investopedia, Binance ir kriptovalūtu birža, kas dibināta 2017. gadā Honkongā. Tam ir liela uzmanība uz altcoin tirdzniecību. Citējot, binance ir blokķēdes ekosistēma ar produktu komplektu, kas ietver lielāko digitālo aktīvu apmaiņu. Binance piedāvā kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību ar vairāk nekā 600 virtuālajām kriptovalūtām un marķieriem, tostarp Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE) un savu marķieri Binance Coin (BNB). Binance nodrošina kriptovalūtu makus tirgotājiem, lai uzglabātu savus elektroniskos līdzekļus. Biržai ir arī atbalsta pakalpojumi, lai lietotāji varētu nopelnīt procentus vai veikt darījumus, izmantojot kriptovalūtas. Tā piedāvā arī programmu kalnračiem un palīdz tirgotājiem pieņemt lēmumus par ieguldījumiem. Binance piedāvā pakalpojumus saistībā ar kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību, iekļaušanu sarakstā, līdzekļu vākšanu un kriptovalūtu izņemšanu no saraksta. Kriptovalūtas entuziasti, kas vēlas laist klajā žetonu, izmanto Binance, lai piesaistītu līdzekļus, izmantojot sākotnējo monētu piedāvājumu (ICO). Binance izmanto liels skaits tirgotāju un dalībnieku, lai apmainītos ar dažādām kriptovalūtām un ieguldītu tajās. Citējot Investopedia, birža Binance atbalsta trīs galvenos tirdzniecības rīkojumu veidus, proti, limita, tirgus un stop-limit orderus. Limita uzdevumi tiek izpildīti tikai par tirgotāja noteikto limita cenu. Tirgus rīkojumi tiek izpildīti nekavējoties par labāko pieejamo tirgus cenu. Stop-limit orderis kļūst par derīgu pasūtījumu tikai tad, kad cena sasniedz noteiktu līmeni.

Kas ir Binance un kā tā darbojas?

Citējot Investopedia, Binance ir kriptovalūtu birža, kas dibināta 2017. gadā Honkongā. Tam ir liela uzmanība uz altcoin tirdzniecību. Citējot, binance ir blokķēdes ekosistēma ar produktu komplektu, kas ietver lielāko digitālo aktīvu apmaiņu. Binance piedāvā kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību ar vairāk nekā 600 virtuālajām kriptovalūtām un marķieriem, tostarp Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE) un savu marķieri Binance Coin (BNB).

Binance nodrošina kriptovalūtu makus tirgotājiem, lai uzglabātu savus elektroniskos līdzekļus. Biržai ir arī atbalsta pakalpojumi, lai lietotāji varētu nopelnīt procentus vai veikt darījumus, izmantojot kriptovalūtas. Tā piedāvā arī programmu kalnračiem un palīdz tirgotājiem pieņemt lēmumus par ieguldījumiem. Binance piedāvā pakalpojumus saistībā ar kriptovalūtu tirdzniecību, iekļaušanu sarakstā, līdzekļu vākšanu un kriptovalūtu izņemšanu no saraksta. Kriptovalūtas entuziasti, kas vēlas laist klajā žetonu, izmanto Binance, lai piesaistītu līdzekļus, izmantojot sākotnējo monētu piedāvājumu (ICO). Binance izmanto liels skaits tirgotāju un dalībnieku, lai apmainītos ar dažādām kriptovalūtām un ieguldītu tajās. Citējot Investopedia, birža Binance atbalsta trīs galvenos tirdzniecības rīkojumu veidus, proti, limita, tirgus un stop-limit orderus. Limita uzdevumi tiek izpildīti tikai par tirgotāja noteikto limita cenu. Tirgus rīkojumi tiek izpildīti nekavējoties par labāko pieejamo tirgus cenu. Stop-limit orderis kļūst par derīgu pasūtījumu tikai tad, kad cena sasniedz noteiktu līmeni.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Zvans no Binance plūsmas veidotājiem: jūs gaida milzīga balva — USD 3000 USD — tiksim galā, sekojot man un manam Binance plūsmas kontam. #binancepizza
Zvans no Binance plūsmas veidotājiem: jūs gaida milzīga balva — USD 3000 USD — tiksim galā, sekojot man un manam Binance plūsmas kontam. #binancepizza
Skatīt oriģinālu
#bitcoin #Binance Šobrīd bitcoin emisija ir panikas režīmā, un atkal būs iespēja nokrist līdz $25000 cenai.
#bitcoin #Binance Šobrīd bitcoin emisija ir panikas režīmā, un atkal būs iespēja nokrist līdz $25000 cenai.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#sui #Binance #crypto2023 Jūsu zināšanai! ir sākuši parādīties daudzi projekti ar tīklu Sui, viens no tiem ir ORNN projekts ar Mint NFT un Stake SUI iegūs ORNN žetonus, un tos jau var apmainīt pret ORNN žetoniem! DYOR.
#sui #Binance #crypto2023
Jūsu zināšanai! ir sākuši parādīties daudzi projekti ar tīklu Sui, viens no tiem ir ORNN projekts ar Mint NFT un Stake SUI iegūs ORNN žetonus, un tos jau var apmainīt pret ORNN žetoniem! DYOR.
Getting to Know What Blockchain Sui Is: Technology and How It WorksThe crypto world doesn't want to stop developing. As if every day, there are always new tokens, coins, projects and blockchains that support this development. As will be discussed in this article, Sui. Have you ever heard of this new blockchain? Get to Know What Sui Is Sui is a layer 1 blockchain that uses a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. This blockchain facilitates its developers in creating Web3 projects. Sui is a smart contract platform focused on low throughput and latency. This project is made by Mysten Labs, aka a company founded by former employees of Meta's (Facebook) Project Libra. This platform successfully pocketed $300 million in Series B funding, this funding was led by FTX, Andreessen Horowitz, Jump Crypto, Coinbase Venture to Binance Labs. This blockchain was built with the aim of providing a much better user experience through scalability and low latency. This blockchain adopts a programming language like Aptos, namely Move. This network also has a native token on its platform called SUI. SUI Technology There are several technologies that can be utilized in this blockchain, such as: Proof-of-Stake. In this consensus, the validator will lock up a number of SUI tokens and then become the validator responsible for validating transactions on the network. Move (programming language). As previously mentioned, this blockchain uses a type of programming language similar to Aptos, namely Move. Move is used because it is much simpler and simpler when compared to Solidity alias used by Ethereum. Parallel Execution. This blockchain uses the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus protocol. This consensus will be possible for a transaction to be carried out in parallel. That way, the transaction process will be much faster. Roadmap Sui Sui released its Devnet in May 2022. Until now, there are at least 4 nodes operated by Mysten Labs and Sui Explorer. But there is still no testnet. This Tetsnet will be worked on in stages while introducing and testing features and mechanisms that support the mainnet so that it is ready for production. The testnets in question are as follows: Network. For the first time, a multi-entity public Sui network will be assembled. Distributed genesis ceremonies, validator configuration, operational coordination, and basic network operations will all be tested. Developers also have the opportunity to implement it on the testnet. Staking. The concept of staking is indeed used in the Proof-of-Stake consensus. Developers will have the first opportunity to deploy on the testnet. Any entity must be allowed to accumulate enough SUI tokens to act as a validator in the DPoS Sui mechanism. Updates. This stage will put operators through their paces as they drill into key network operations such as validator set changes, software updates, and incident response. How the Sui Blockchain Works This blockchain works at a much more efficient speed and scale than others. This blockchain is at the forefront in terms of increasing its efficiency. This blockchain can support speed and scalability, this is because the platform will make the network connection open longer, make every request, to confirm that a transaction has been completed. In the case of a simple transaction, the user usually only wants to carry out a simple transaction such as sending assets to the beneficiary. The platform will lock the sender's address in the blockchain. Why is that? this is done to avoid the consensus mechanism in direct transactions. Then, the platform will validate transactions made individually. This strategy allows for low latency, so that every transaction that has been successfully verified can get an instant certificate of finality. The Advantages of the Sui Blockchain This blockchain has several interesting features which are its main attraction. Especially when considering that Sui focuses on the development of the newest technology, Web3. Here are some of the advantages that can be obtained: Unique Security Approach. In contrast to other blockchains which focus more on asynchronous assumptions and platforms. Chain on Sui can maintain its security, so the network can survive even after being hit by DoS attacks and network splits. Simple interface. This one blockchain provides the Move programming language. As a result, developers can access the blockchain more easily. UX improvements. This blockchain ensures that their platform will be more user friendly and allow software engineers to easily produce DApps or other Web3 projects because of the UX they provide. Sui specifically facilitates various types of feature development such as asset tokenization services, NFT upgrades, loyalty rewards programs to on-chain finance and advanced DeFi games. Sui Tokenomics SUI tokens have a total supply of around 10 billion. This amount is 10 times larger than the total supply of APT coins. However, there is no definite amount regarding where these tokens will be distributed. If we take a peek at the data on the tokens that have been used by the ecosystem, these tokens are flowed for the use of gas fees, storage data, and proof of ownership mechanisms. Blockchain Sui has indeed succeeded in attracting the attention of many people because it is considered quite promising. But even so, this one blockchain must continuously upgrade its network and ecosystem so that it is not inferior to other blockchains.

Getting to Know What Blockchain Sui Is: Technology and How It Works

The crypto world doesn't want to stop developing. As if every day, there are always new tokens, coins, projects and blockchains that support this development. As will be discussed in this article, Sui. Have you ever heard of this new blockchain?

Get to Know What Sui Is

Sui is a layer 1 blockchain that uses a Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. This blockchain facilitates its developers in creating Web3 projects. Sui is a smart contract platform focused on low throughput and latency. This project is made by Mysten Labs, aka a company founded by former employees of Meta's (Facebook) Project Libra. This platform successfully pocketed $300 million in Series B funding, this funding was led by FTX, Andreessen Horowitz, Jump Crypto, Coinbase Venture to Binance Labs. This blockchain was built with the aim of providing a much better user experience through scalability and low latency. This blockchain adopts a programming language like Aptos, namely Move. This network also has a native token on its platform called SUI.

SUI Technology

There are several technologies that can be utilized in this blockchain, such as: Proof-of-Stake. In this consensus, the validator will lock up a number of SUI tokens and then become the validator responsible for validating transactions on the network. Move (programming language). As previously mentioned, this blockchain uses a type of programming language similar to Aptos, namely Move. Move is used because it is much simpler and simpler when compared to Solidity alias used by Ethereum. Parallel Execution. This blockchain uses the Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) consensus protocol. This consensus will be possible for a transaction to be carried out in parallel. That way, the transaction process will be much faster.

Roadmap Sui

Sui released its Devnet in May 2022. Until now, there are at least 4 nodes operated by Mysten Labs and Sui Explorer. But there is still no testnet. This Tetsnet will be worked on in stages while introducing and testing features and mechanisms that support the mainnet so that it is ready for production. The testnets in question are as follows:

Network. For the first time, a multi-entity public Sui network will be assembled. Distributed genesis ceremonies, validator configuration, operational coordination, and basic network operations will all be tested. Developers also have the opportunity to implement it on the testnet.

Staking. The concept of staking is indeed used in the Proof-of-Stake consensus. Developers will have the first opportunity to deploy on the testnet. Any entity must be allowed to accumulate enough SUI tokens to act as a validator in the DPoS Sui mechanism.

Updates. This stage will put operators through their paces as they drill into key network operations such as validator set changes, software updates, and incident response.

How the Sui Blockchain Works

This blockchain works at a much more efficient speed and scale than others. This blockchain is at the forefront in terms of increasing its efficiency. This blockchain can support speed and scalability, this is because the platform will make the network connection open longer, make every request, to confirm that a transaction has been completed.

In the case of a simple transaction, the user usually only wants to carry out a simple transaction such as sending assets to the beneficiary. The platform will lock the sender's address in the blockchain. Why is that? this is done to avoid the consensus mechanism in direct transactions. Then, the platform will validate transactions made individually. This strategy allows for low latency, so that every transaction that has been successfully verified can get an instant certificate of finality.

The Advantages of the Sui Blockchain

This blockchain has several interesting features which are its main attraction. Especially when considering that Sui focuses on the development of the newest technology, Web3. Here are some of the advantages that can be obtained:

Unique Security Approach. In contrast to other blockchains which focus more on asynchronous assumptions and platforms. Chain on Sui can maintain its security, so the network can survive even after being hit by DoS attacks and network splits.

Simple interface. This one blockchain provides the Move programming language. As a result, developers can access the blockchain more easily.

UX improvements. This blockchain ensures that their platform will be more user friendly and allow software engineers to easily produce DApps or other Web3 projects because of the UX they provide. Sui specifically facilitates various types of feature development such as asset tokenization services, NFT upgrades, loyalty rewards programs to on-chain finance and advanced DeFi games.

Sui Tokenomics

SUI tokens have a total supply of around 10 billion. This amount is 10 times larger than the total supply of APT coins. However, there is no definite amount regarding where these tokens will be distributed. If we take a peek at the data on the tokens that have been used by the ecosystem, these tokens are flowed for the use of gas fees, storage data, and proof of ownership mechanisms. Blockchain Sui has indeed succeeded in attracting the attention of many people because it is considered quite promising. But even so, this one blockchain must continuously upgrade its network and ecosystem so that it is not inferior to other blockchains.
Skatīt oriģinālu
#sui #Binance #crypto2023 🎉🎉🎉Esmu veicis pētījumus no dažādiem avotiem, prognozēju, ka Sui uzplauks un drīzumā Sui cena šogad var sasniegt 2-3$. Lūdzu, atrodiet avotus un pārliecinieties paši. DYOR!
#sui #Binance #crypto2023 🎉🎉🎉Esmu veicis pētījumus no dažādiem avotiem, prognozēju, ka Sui uzplauks un drīzumā Sui cena šogad var sasniegt 2-3$. Lūdzu, atrodiet avotus un pārliecinieties paši. DYOR!
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