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mana pēdējā prognoze 72k kross šodien $BTC
mana pēdējā prognoze 72k kross šodien

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215 miljoni dolāru pāriet no Arbitrum: vai tas pieaugs?😱🚀🚀 Uz Ethereum balstītā 2. slāņa tīkla#ArbitrumDAO izpildīs pieprasījumus sadalīt simtiem tūkstošu dolāru, lai atbalstītu spēļu projektus tīklā nākamo trīs gadu laikā. Priekšlikumā paredzēts piešķirt 225 miljonus $ARB dolāru trīs gadu laikā, kuru vērtība ir aptuveni 215 miljoni no tās pašreizējās cenas, spēļu katalizatora programmai (GCP), kuras mērķis ir veicināt kredītus un Arbitrum/Orbit/Stylus ieviešanu. Arbitrum priecēja spēļu entuziastus Priekšlikumi, kas pirmo reizi tika iesniegti martā, tika oficiāli pieņemti piektdien ar vairāk nekā 75% balsu atbalstu. Organizācijas, kas būtiski atbalstīja priekšlikumu, bija L2Beat, Wintermute un uz spēlēm vērstais Treasure DAO, savukārt Blockworks Research un Camelot DAO bija arī starp iebildumiem. Treasure DAO ir daudz rakstījis par X, atbildot uz priekšlikumu: “Arbitrum ir spēļu mājvieta; tas ietver visas spēles, spēļu ķēdes un visus veidotājus tās orbītā. — Nāc, tas ir nedaudz maģiski. Lielākā finansējuma daļa tiek piešķirta izdevējiem; Lai gan jaunām un agrīnās stadijas izstrādei ir iespēja pieteikties uz dotācijām, kuru vērtība nepārsniedz ARB 500 000 (aptuveni 483 000 USD pašreizējā palaišanas brīdī), labākiem rādītājiem ir jāpiesakās ieguldījumiem ar vērtības daļu. Žetoni, kapitāls vai līdzīgi instrumenti tiks sadalīti bonusiem un izplatīšanas izdevumiem, kas saistīti ar fondu aizmugurējo infrastruktūru. Ikdienas operācijas veiks īpaša GSP komanda, bet programmu pārraudzīs GSP izvēlēta “mitināta 5 ar dziļu spēļu pieredzi, iniciatīvas sistēmu, analīzi/pārskatiem un/vai DAO pārvaldības uzturēšanu”. DAO ir sistēma, kas uzliek veto lēmumu par ieguldījumiem un komandas locekļu iecelšanu. GCP komandas budžets tika noteikts 25 miljonu dolāru apmērā, lai segtu niecīgus izdevumus; DAO ir jāaizpilda, lai segtu liekos izdevumus. #ARB🔥🔥🔥 #altcoins
215 miljoni dolāru pāriet no Arbitrum: vai tas pieaugs?😱🚀🚀

Uz Ethereum balstītā 2. slāņa tīkla#ArbitrumDAO izpildīs pieprasījumus sadalīt simtiem tūkstošu dolāru, lai atbalstītu spēļu projektus tīklā nākamo trīs gadu laikā.

Priekšlikumā paredzēts piešķirt 225 miljonus $ARB dolāru trīs gadu laikā, kuru vērtība ir aptuveni 215 miljoni no tās pašreizējās cenas, spēļu katalizatora programmai (GCP), kuras mērķis ir veicināt kredītus un Arbitrum/Orbit/Stylus ieviešanu.

Arbitrum priecēja spēļu entuziastus
Priekšlikumi, kas pirmo reizi tika iesniegti martā, tika oficiāli pieņemti piektdien ar vairāk nekā 75% balsu atbalstu. Organizācijas, kas būtiski atbalstīja priekšlikumu, bija L2Beat, Wintermute un uz spēlēm vērstais Treasure DAO, savukārt Blockworks Research un Camelot DAO bija arī starp iebildumiem.

Treasure DAO ir daudz rakstījis par X, atbildot uz priekšlikumu: “Arbitrum ir spēļu mājvieta; tas ietver visas spēles, spēļu ķēdes un visus veidotājus tās orbītā.

— Nāc, tas ir nedaudz maģiski.

Lielākā finansējuma daļa tiek piešķirta izdevējiem; Lai gan jaunām un agrīnās stadijas izstrādei ir iespēja pieteikties uz dotācijām, kuru vērtība nepārsniedz ARB 500 000 (aptuveni 483 000 USD pašreizējā palaišanas brīdī), labākiem rādītājiem ir jāpiesakās ieguldījumiem ar vērtības daļu.

Žetoni, kapitāls vai līdzīgi instrumenti tiks sadalīti bonusiem un izplatīšanas izdevumiem, kas saistīti ar fondu aizmugurējo infrastruktūru.

Ikdienas operācijas veiks īpaša GSP komanda, bet programmu pārraudzīs GSP izvēlēta “mitināta 5 ar dziļu spēļu pieredzi, iniciatīvas sistēmu, analīzi/pārskatiem un/vai DAO pārvaldības uzturēšanu”. DAO ir sistēma, kas uzliek veto lēmumu par ieguldījumiem un komandas locekļu iecelšanu.

GCP komandas budžets tika noteikts 25 miljonu dolāru apmērā, lai segtu niecīgus izdevumus; DAO ir jāaizpilda, lai segtu liekos izdevumus.
#ARB🔥🔥🔥 #altcoins
Skatīt oriģinālu
Sveiki, Binances laukums! Es nezinu, kāpēc cilvēki ir tik nobijušies par pēkšņo kriptovalūtu cenu kritumu. Pastāv arī dažas krāpniecības, mēģinot ietekmēt jūs pārdot savas monētas. Nedari tā. Es domāju, ka ir labākais brīdis, lai turētu vai nopirktu vairāk. Šodien es pazaudēju aptuveni 1000 dolāru no saviem ietaupījumiem kriptovalūtā (man ir vairāk nekā Binance). Varbūt es turpināšu zaudēt vairāk, bet galvenais ir tas, ka tie ir jūsu ietaupījumi, iespējams, rīt tirgū būs straujš un jūs varat atgūt daļu no tiem. Ja jums ir daži ietaupījumi, kurus nevarat atļauties zaudēt, izmantojiet stabilās monētas. #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETHETFsApproved #Binance55thProject(IO) #BTC #bitcoin $NOT $PEPE $BOME

Binances laukums!

Es nezinu, kāpēc cilvēki ir tik nobijušies par pēkšņo kriptovalūtu cenu kritumu. Pastāv arī dažas krāpniecības, mēģinot ietekmēt jūs pārdot savas monētas.

Nedari tā. Es domāju, ka ir labākais brīdis, lai turētu vai nopirktu vairāk.

Šodien es pazaudēju aptuveni 1000 dolāru no saviem ietaupījumiem kriptovalūtā (man ir vairāk nekā Binance). Varbūt es turpināšu zaudēt vairāk, bet galvenais ir tas, ka tie ir jūsu ietaupījumi, iespējams, rīt tirgū būs straujš un jūs varat atgūt daļu no tiem.

Ja jums ir daži ietaupījumi, kurus nevarat atļauties zaudēt, izmantojiet stabilās monētas.

#BTC #bitcoin

Skatīt oriģinālu
PĀRTRAUKŠANA: pēdējo 60 minūšu laikā no kriptovalūtu tirgus ir LIKVIDĒTI 300 miljoni USD. Es vienmēr mīlu asins peldi. Atcerieties, pat buļļu tirgū ir asiņainas sadaļas! #Bitcoin #Binance #ETHEREUM #Solana #NFT $SOL $ORDI $NOT
PĀRTRAUKŠANA: pēdējo 60 minūšu laikā no kriptovalūtu tirgus ir LIKVIDĒTI 300 miljoni USD.

Es vienmēr mīlu asins peldi.
Atcerieties, pat buļļu tirgū ir asiņainas sadaļas!

#Bitcoin #Binance #ETHEREUM #Solana #NFT $SOL $ORDI $NOT
Skatīt oriģinālu
#crypto market #BTC☀ pēkšņas avārijas iemesls ir 👉 SEC priekšsēdētājs Gerijs Genslers saka, ka "kriptovalūtu biržas dara lietas, ko likums nekad neļautu NYSE vai tradicionālajām biržām." lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, sekojiet un patīk manam ierakstam. #BlackRock #altcoins #BnbAth $BTC $ETH $BNB
#crypto market #BTC☀ pēkšņas avārijas iemesls ir 👉 SEC priekšsēdētājs Gerijs Genslers saka, ka "kriptovalūtu biržas dara lietas, ko likums nekad neļautu NYSE vai tradicionālajām biržām."

lai iegūtu vairāk informācijas, sekojiet un patīk manam ierakstam.


🚀🚀🚀😱Altcoins with Big Bang Potential: 5X May Be Possible😱🚀🚀🚀 1. Floki (#FLOKI ) $FLOKI , a meme coin influenced by Elon Musk’s Shiba Inu, has become a center of investor enthusiasm. With a significant increase of 24.23% over the last day, hitting an all-time high of $0.0003462 FLOKI now has a market cap surpassing $3 billion, highlighting its increasing importance in the world of cryptocurrencies. FLOKI’s rapid surge in value is fueled by increased trading volume and a circulating supply of over 4 trillion tokens. This indicates a strong interest in meme-based cryptocurrencies among retail investors looking for lucrative prospects. 2. $ORDI (#ORDI ) Meanwhile, ORDI, a less dominant altcoin, has slowly but surely moved up in the rankings. The token has experienced a 19.34% increase in the last day, pushing its market capitalization to over $1 billion, highlighting its strength and potential for continued expansion. Although ORDI has a lower trading volume than other altcoins, its strong performance demonstrates the variety of investment options available in the crypto market. This appeals to both popular and specialized projects. 3. Uniswap (#UNI ) Uniswap price has also experienced substantial progress, driven by a 17.98% increase in the last 24 hours. Approaching a $7 billion market cap, $UNI is strengthening its role as a central part of the decentralized finance (DeFi) industry, giving users convenient entry to various digital assets. UNI’s importance in supporting liquidity provision and token exchanges remains crucial as the DeFi ecosystem grows and evolves. This contributes to the growth in its value, despite increased market volatility. #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved $SOL
🚀🚀🚀😱Altcoins with Big Bang Potential:
5X May Be Possible😱🚀🚀🚀

1. Floki (#FLOKI )

$FLOKI , a meme coin influenced by Elon Musk’s Shiba Inu, has become a center of investor enthusiasm. With a significant increase of 24.23% over the last day, hitting an all-time high of $0.0003462
FLOKI now has a market cap surpassing $3 billion, highlighting its increasing importance in the world of cryptocurrencies.

FLOKI’s rapid surge in value is fueled by increased trading volume and a circulating supply of over 4 trillion tokens.

This indicates a strong interest in meme-based cryptocurrencies among retail investors looking for lucrative prospects.

2. $ORDI (#ORDI )

Meanwhile, ORDI, a less dominant altcoin, has slowly but surely moved up in the rankings. The token has experienced a 19.34% increase in the last day, pushing its market capitalization to over $1 billion, highlighting its strength and potential for continued expansion.

Although ORDI has a lower trading volume than other altcoins, its strong performance demonstrates the variety of investment options available in the crypto market.

This appeals to both popular and specialized projects.

3. Uniswap (#UNI )
Uniswap price has also experienced substantial progress, driven by a 17.98% increase in the last 24 hours. Approaching a $7 billion market cap, $UNI is strengthening its role as a central part of the decentralized finance (DeFi) industry, giving users convenient entry to various digital assets.
UNI’s importance in supporting liquidity provision and token exchanges remains crucial as the DeFi ecosystem grows and evolves.

This contributes to the growth in its value, despite increased market volatility.

#altcoins #ETHETFsApproved $SOL
Skatīt oriģinālu
💯 prognoze
💯 prognoze
🔥💥Šiem 4 Altcoiniem pieaug pieprasījums:

Vērša zīme!

1- Pepe (PEPE)

PEPE, kas, iespējams, ir labākais memecoin nosaukums pēdējo dienu laikā, īsā laikā uzrādīja 8 procentu pieaugumu. PEPE, kurš radīja lielu atšķirību ne tikai memecoin kategorijā, bet arī altcoin tirgū, lika viņa investoram pasmaidīt. Ja priekšplānā izvirzās Memecoin tendence, var novērot lielāku PEPE pieaugumu.

2-#Wormholecoin (W)

W, viens no jaunajiem Solanas ekosistēmas altcoiniem, pārsteidza visus, parādot atveseļošanās tendenci. W, kas kopš tās palaišanas virzās lejupejošā virzienā, ir izvirzījusies saraksta otrajā vietā, pēdējo 24 stundu laikā piedzīvojot 4 procentu pieaugumu.


FLOKI, kas ir viena no svarīgākajām mememonētu figūriņām ar suņiem, pēdējo 24 stundu laikā piedzīvoja pieaugumu par 2 procentiem. Līdz ar šo attīstību populārā monēta, kas atrodas saraksta ceturtajā rindā, deva spēcīgu signālu memecoin tendences vārdā. FLOKI var būt liels faktors monētu, īpaši suņu monētu, izcelšanā.

4-#InternetComputer (ICP)

ICP, viens no populārākajiem 2021. gada bulla altkoiniem, ir spējis saglabāt spēku, neskatoties uz BTC kritumu. No piektās vietas sarakstā iekļauta ICP, kas pēdējā diennaktī uzrādījusi 1,50 procentus.

Scenārijā, kad Bitcoin pieaug, cerības no ICP palielināsies.

#altcoins #binance

advising friends to hold onto MOVR for the next two days, predicting a price increase from $25 to around $28. That's a potential 12% gain! prediction is evident, but remember that cryptocurrency markets can be unpredictable. Let's keep an eye on $MOVR's price movement and see if your prediction comes to fruition! follow me for new information and also like #MOVRUpdate #MOVR/USDT #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #StartInvestingInCrypto $MOVR $BNB $SOL
advising friends to hold onto MOVR for the next two days, predicting a price increase from $25 to around $28.

That's a potential 12% gain!

prediction is evident, but remember that cryptocurrency markets can be unpredictable.

Let's keep an eye on $MOVR 's price movement and see if your prediction comes to fruition!

follow me for new information and also like

#MOVRUpdate #MOVR/USDT #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #StartInvestingInCrypto
5 Altcoins Which You'll Regret Ignoring in the Next 60 Days ✔️ The current bull run presents exciting opportunities for cryptocurrency investors. Here are 5 altcoins with significant potential gains in the next 60 days. 1. **CYBRO**: - **Platform Benefits**: Helps users earn more on Blast Blockchain, offering better returns on Ethereum and stablecoins. - **Presale Price**: Tokens are priced at $0.025, 58% cheaper than expected future prices. - **Crypto Whale Interest**: Significant interest from a major investor. - **Limited Supply**: Only 21% of tokens are available for presale; 25 million sold. - **Holder Benefits**: Staking rewards, airdrops, cashback, lower fees, and insurance. 2. **Starknet (STRK)**: - **Recent Growth**: 516% increase in the last 6 months. - **Potential**: Indicators suggest a possible rise if it breaks the $1.41 resistance level. 3. **SOCKS**: - **Impressive Growth**: Up 458% in the last week and 516% in the last month. - **High Potential**: 291% increase in six months with potential to surpass $0.046 resistance. 4. **Arbitration (ARB)**: - **Oversold Zone**: Current indicators suggest the price is likely in a corrective move. 5. **GameStop Crypto (GME)**: - **Fast Move**: High volatility expected as it tests new resistance levels. ### Investment Recommendation: While STRK, SOCKS, ARB, and GME show potential, CYBRO stands out due to its early presale and favorable entry terms, leveraging the native yield potential of Blast Blockchain. $STRK $ARB $CYBER #BnbAth #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BTC #bitcoin
5 Altcoins Which You'll Regret Ignoring in the Next 60 Days ✔️

The current bull run presents exciting opportunities for cryptocurrency investors. Here are 5 altcoins with significant potential gains in the next 60 days.

1. **CYBRO**:

- **Platform Benefits**:

Helps users earn more on Blast Blockchain, offering better returns on Ethereum and stablecoins.

- **Presale Price**: Tokens are priced at $0.025, 58% cheaper than expected future prices.

- **Crypto Whale Interest**: Significant interest from a major investor.

- **Limited Supply**: Only 21% of tokens are available for presale; 25 million sold.

- **Holder Benefits**: Staking rewards, airdrops, cashback, lower fees, and insurance.

2. **Starknet (STRK)**:
- **Recent Growth**: 516% increase in the last 6 months.

- **Potential**: Indicators suggest a possible rise if it breaks the $1.41 resistance level.

3. **SOCKS**:

- **Impressive Growth**: Up 458% in the last week and 516% in the last month.

- **High Potential**: 291% increase in six months with potential to surpass $0.046 resistance.

4. **Arbitration (ARB)**:

- **Oversold Zone**: Current indicators suggest the price is likely in a corrective move.

5. **GameStop Crypto (GME)**:

- **Fast Move**:

High volatility expected as it tests new resistance levels.

### Investment Recommendation:

While STRK, SOCKS, ARB, and GME show potential, CYBRO stands out due to its early presale and favorable entry terms, leveraging the native yield potential of Blast Blockchain.


Skatīt oriģinālu
DogeCoin un Litecoin ir kriptovalūtas, kuru pamatā ir tā pati kodu bāze kā Bitcoin, taču tās atšķiras vairākos veidos, piemēram, 1. DogeCoin ir ievērojami augstāka tirgus kapitalizācija un cena, salīdzinot ar Litecoin. 2021. gada oktobrī DogeCoin tirgus ierobežojums bija aptuveni 27 miljardi USD ar cenu aptuveni 0,21 USD, savukārt Litecoin tirgus ierobežojums bija aptuveni USD 7 miljardi ar cenu aptuveni 107 USD. 2. DogeCoin tika izveidots kā mēmu kriptovalūta 2013. gadā, lai izklaidētu toreizējo ažiotāžu ap Bitcoin. Tā bija paredzēta kā viegla un jautra kriptovalūta bez nopietna lietošanas gadījuma. No otras puses, Litecoin tika izveidots, lai novērstu dažus Bitcoin ierobežojumus, piemēram, lēnu darījumu laiku un augstas maksas. Tā tika izstrādāta kā ātrāka un efektīvāka alternatīva Bitcoin. 3. DogeCoin izmanto ieguves algoritmu ar nosaukumu Scrypt, ko izmanto arī Litecoin. Šis algoritms ir izstrādāts tā, lai tas būtu izturīgs pret ASIC ieguvi, kas padara to pieejamāku atsevišķiem kalnračiem, kuri izmanto patērētāja līmeņa aparatūru. Kas attiecas uz izmantošanas gadījumiem reālajā pasaulē, gan DogeCoin, gan Litecoin galvenokārt tiek izmantotas kā investīciju iespējas un līdzekļi spekulācijām kriptovalūtu biržās. Tomēr daži tirgotāji ir sākuši pieņemt tādas kriptovalūtas kā Bitcoin, Litecoin un DogeCoin kā maksājuma veidu, lai gan šis pieņemšanas līmenis joprojām ir salīdzinoši zems. Esmu diezgan optimistisks par abiem, man bija iespēja palielināt savu ieguldījumu dogecoin, izmantojot kādu no parastajiem airdrop pasākumiem vietnē mexcglobal $DOGE $BNB $SOL #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #StartInvestingInCrypto #BnbAth #BTC
DogeCoin un Litecoin ir kriptovalūtas, kuru pamatā ir tā pati kodu bāze kā Bitcoin, taču tās atšķiras vairākos veidos, piemēram,

1. DogeCoin ir ievērojami augstāka tirgus kapitalizācija un cena, salīdzinot ar Litecoin. 2021. gada oktobrī DogeCoin tirgus ierobežojums bija aptuveni 27 miljardi USD ar cenu aptuveni 0,21 USD, savukārt Litecoin tirgus ierobežojums bija aptuveni USD 7 miljardi ar cenu aptuveni 107 USD.

2. DogeCoin tika izveidots kā mēmu kriptovalūta 2013. gadā, lai izklaidētu toreizējo ažiotāžu ap Bitcoin. Tā bija paredzēta kā viegla un jautra kriptovalūta bez nopietna lietošanas gadījuma. No otras puses, Litecoin tika izveidots, lai novērstu dažus Bitcoin ierobežojumus, piemēram, lēnu darījumu laiku un augstas maksas. Tā tika izstrādāta kā ātrāka un efektīvāka alternatīva Bitcoin.

3. DogeCoin izmanto ieguves algoritmu ar nosaukumu Scrypt, ko izmanto arī Litecoin. Šis algoritms ir izstrādāts tā, lai tas būtu izturīgs pret ASIC ieguvi, kas padara to pieejamāku atsevišķiem kalnračiem, kuri izmanto patērētāja līmeņa aparatūru.

Kas attiecas uz izmantošanas gadījumiem reālajā pasaulē, gan DogeCoin, gan Litecoin galvenokārt tiek izmantotas kā investīciju iespējas un līdzekļi spekulācijām kriptovalūtu biržās. Tomēr daži tirgotāji ir sākuši pieņemt tādas kriptovalūtas kā Bitcoin, Litecoin un DogeCoin kā maksājuma veidu, lai gan šis pieņemšanas līmenis joprojām ir salīdzinoši zems. Esmu diezgan optimistisks par abiem, man bija iespēja palielināt savu ieguldījumu dogecoin, izmantojot kādu no parastajiem airdrop pasākumiem vietnē mexcglobal


Bitcoin ecosystem exploded again. With almost the same market value, should we buy $ORDI or (DOG)? ​​ (Comparison and reference) 1. $DOG has been rising for several days, and its market value has reached about 900 million, but there was no long-term bottoming and turnover during the sharp rise. If DOG rises again, I believe 90% of people will not dare to get on the train. In many people's minds, ORDI is the first dragon, so with the same market value, more people are willing to buy ORDI. 2. Regarding the difference in liquidity, today DOG's trading volume on the chain + gate is 70 million; while ORDI's trading volume on Binance is 190 million. 3. Although inscriptions and runes are more aggressive on the chain, once they fall, the amplitude will not be small. DOG may suddenly plummet by 30%, but ORDI is less likely to plummet by 30%. After all, ORDI has been on Binance for almost half a year, and with two major callbacks, the bottoming out and turnover can be said to be very sufficient. With the same market value of about 1 billion, ORDI is much more stable than DOG. #BTC #DOG #ORDI #Notcoin👀🔥 #pepe⚡ $CREAM $NOT
Bitcoin ecosystem exploded again.

With almost the same market value, should we buy $ORDI or (DOG)? ​​

(Comparison and reference)

$DOG has been rising for several days, and its market value has reached about 900 million, but there was no long-term bottoming and turnover during the sharp rise. If DOG rises again, I believe 90% of people will not dare to get on the train.

In many people's minds, ORDI is the first dragon, so with the same market value, more people are willing to buy ORDI.

Regarding the difference in liquidity, today DOG's trading volume on the chain + gate is 70 million; while ORDI's trading volume on Binance is 190 million.

Although inscriptions and runes are more aggressive on the chain, once they fall, the amplitude will not be small.

DOG may suddenly plummet by 30%, but ORDI is less likely to plummet by 30%.

After all, ORDI has been on Binance for almost half a year, and with two major callbacks, the bottoming out and turnover can be said to be very sufficient.

With the same market value of about 1 billion, ORDI is much more stable than DOG.

#BTC #DOG #ORDI #Notcoin👀🔥 #pepe⚡

What are you buying this week? btc bnb eth sol w wif doge pepe meme saga bonk bome ai xai ton xrp ada shib avax wbtc link dot trx not bch near matic pixel uni ltc ICP dai etc rndr apt hbar wbeth imx fil floki ftm fet $ORDI $NOT $PEPE
What are you buying this week?



#yescoin mining free link $NOT
#yescoin mining free link


If Peter Brandt Is Right Bitcoin Could Soar 230% Against Gold Compared to gold, Peter Brandt anticipates a 230% increase in Bitcoin's value in the next 12 to 18 months. Inflation graph showing gold relative to bitcoin, as revealed by Willy Woo. Peter Brandt, a seasoned trader, recently posted on his X account on how Bitcoin has beaten gold since its start. He anticipates that the ratio will "chop" for another twelve to eighteen months, after which he will progress to 100 oz of GC in order to purchase one bitcoin. At the current price of 29 bitcoins per ounce of gold (GLD), the price of one Bitcoin is $68,000. After the Bitcoin consolidation phase ends, this ratio might increase to 100 ounces, according to Brandt. Bitcoin vs. Gold is an area where Brandt has long held a strong position. Bitcoin has gained more than 375,000% compared to gold since its launch in 2009, far outperforming the traditional haven asset. Despite Bitcoin's enormous gains, the trader thinks it still has plenty of space to run against gold. There is ample space for Bitcoin's long-term rally against gold, as shown on his BTC/GLD ratio chart. Willy Woo also discussed the gold issue, but he frames it in terms of mining advancement. A graphic showing the development of gold mining technologies was revealed in a post he made on his X account. According to him, out of 149 billion tons of ore, 213,000 metric tons have been extracted thus far. "We are still early," he joked as he ended his post. The question of why Woo's chart is nearly ten years old prompted Woo to clarify that the chart in question is actually from OurWorldInData and not his own. Additionally, he provided a graphic that shows the percentage growth over the past decade, up until the present day. This figure was created by extrapolating the last known annual mining rate from December 2023. Woo's graph compares the inflation rates of gold and bitcoin (BTC). It's clear that Bitcoin's inflation rate is falling in comparison to gold's. #BTC #GOLD #btc70k $BTC $NOT $ORDI
If Peter Brandt Is Right

Bitcoin Could Soar 230% Against Gold
Compared to gold, Peter Brandt anticipates a 230% increase in Bitcoin's value in the next 12 to 18 months.

Inflation graph showing gold relative to bitcoin, as revealed by Willy Woo.

Peter Brandt, a seasoned trader, recently posted on his X account on how Bitcoin has beaten gold since its start.

He anticipates that the ratio will "chop" for another twelve to eighteen months, after which he will progress to 100 oz of GC in order to purchase one bitcoin.

At the current price of 29 bitcoins per ounce of gold (GLD), the price of one Bitcoin is $68,000.

After the Bitcoin consolidation phase ends, this ratio might increase to 100 ounces, according to Brandt.

Bitcoin vs. Gold is an area where Brandt has long held a strong position.

Bitcoin has gained more than 375,000% compared to gold since its launch in 2009, far outperforming the traditional haven asset.

Despite Bitcoin's enormous gains, the trader thinks it still has plenty of space to run against gold.

There is ample space for Bitcoin's long-term rally against gold, as shown on his BTC/GLD ratio chart.

Willy Woo also discussed the gold issue, but he frames it in terms of mining advancement.

A graphic showing the development of gold mining technologies was revealed in a post he made on his X account.

According to him, out of 149 billion tons of ore, 213,000 metric tons have been extracted thus far. "We are still early," he joked as he ended his post.

The question of why Woo's chart is nearly ten years old prompted Woo to clarify that the chart in question is actually from OurWorldInData and not his own.

Additionally, he provided a graphic that shows the percentage growth over the past decade, up until the present day. This figure was created by extrapolating the last known annual mining rate from December 2023.

Woo's graph compares the inflation rates of gold and bitcoin (BTC).

It's clear that Bitcoin's inflation rate is falling in comparison to gold's.

#BTC #GOLD #btc70k $BTC $NOT $ORDI
According to Odaily, the digital currency ORDI has experienced a significant surge in its value, breaking through the 52 USDT mark. The latest figures show that ORDI is now valued at 52.64 USDT, marking a substantial increase in its value. Over the past 24 hours, the digital currency has seen a rise of 13.53%, indicating a strong performance in the market. The sudden surge in ORDI's value is a notable development in the digital currency market. The increase in value signifies a positive trend for ORDI, which has managed to break through the 52 USDT mark. The 13.53% rise in the past 24 hours is a significant increase, demonstrating the currency's strong market performance. The current value of ORDI at 52.64 USDT is a clear indication of the currency's growing strength in the market. The substantial increase in value over a short period of time is a positive sign for investors and market watchers. The 13.53% rise in value over the past 24 hours is a testament to the currency's strong performance and potential for future growth. $ORDI $PEPE $NOT
According to Odaily, the digital currency ORDI has experienced a significant surge in its value, breaking through the 52 USDT mark.

The latest figures show that ORDI is now valued at 52.64 USDT, marking a substantial increase in its value.

Over the past 24 hours, the digital currency has seen a rise of 13.53%, indicating a strong performance in the market.

The sudden surge in ORDI's value is a notable development in the digital currency market.

The increase in value signifies a positive trend for ORDI, which has managed to break through the 52 USDT mark.

The 13.53% rise in the past 24 hours is a significant increase, demonstrating the currency's strong market performance.

The current value of ORDI at 52.64 USDT is a clear indication of the currency's growing strength in the market.

The substantial increase in value over a short period of time is a positive sign for investors and market watchers.

The 13.53% rise in value over the past 24 hours is a testament to the currency's strong performance and potential for future growth.



All information of Lina Coin Will Linear Finance reach $1? Linear Finance would need to gain 11,792.31% to reach $1. According to our Linear Finance prediction algorithm, the price of Linear Finance will not reach $1. The highest expected price our algorithm estimates is $ 0.347022 by Jan 1, 2049. Lina coin a good investment? Is it profitable to invest in LINA? Over the last 30 days, LINA had 28/30 (93%) green days. According to our historical data, it is currently profitable to invest in LINA. The price of LINA increased by 29.39% in the last 1 year, while the coin's 3-year performance is -88.91%. ✅LINA Live Price Summary✅ LINA is +3.38% in the last 24 hours, with a circulating supply of 6.23B LINA coins and a maximum supply of 10.00B LINA coins. LINA ranks 692 by market cap. It has a 24H high of $0.00833758 recorded on May 24, 2024, and its 24H low so far is $0.00791269, recorded on May 24, 2024. #linafinance #Megadrop #MtGox $LINA $NOT $PEPE
All information of Lina Coin

Will Linear Finance reach $1?

Linear Finance would need to gain 11,792.31% to reach $1.

According to our Linear Finance prediction algorithm, the price of Linear Finance will not reach $1.

The highest expected price our algorithm estimates is $ 0.347022 by Jan 1, 2049.

Lina coin a good investment?

Is it profitable to invest in LINA? Over the last 30 days, LINA had 28/30 (93%) green days.

According to our historical data, it is currently profitable to invest in LINA.

The price of LINA increased by 29.39% in the last 1 year, while the coin's 3-year performance is -88.91%.

✅LINA Live Price Summary✅

LINA is +3.38% in the last 24 hours, with a circulating supply of 6.23B LINA coins and a maximum supply of 10.00B LINA coins.

LINA ranks 692 by market cap. It has a 24H high of $0.00833758 recorded on May 24, 2024, and its 24H low so far is $0.00791269, recorded on May 24, 2024.

#linafinance #Megadrop #MtGox



ChatGPT-4o predicts XRP’s price after the launch of Ripple’s stablecoin At its current trading value of $0.52, ChatGPT-4o suggested that XRP could follow two different paths depending on the unveiling of the stablecoin. If the stablecoin launch is successful, with increased liquidity and adoption along with positive regulations and a thriving crypto market, XRP might surge from $0.80 to $1.20 in the short to medium term. Conversely, if the stablecoin launch fails to attract attention or if Ripple faces unfavorable regulatory decisions, XRP's price could drop to $0.30 to $0.40 in a bearish market or amidst negative news. #Megadrop #XRPGoal #XRPPredictions #Xrp🔥🔥 #xrpsucess $XRP $SOL $ORDI
ChatGPT-4o predicts XRP’s price after the launch of Ripple’s stablecoin

At its current trading value of $0.52, ChatGPT-4o suggested that XRP could follow two different paths depending on the unveiling of the stablecoin.

If the stablecoin launch is successful, with increased liquidity and adoption along with positive regulations and a thriving crypto market, XRP might surge from $0.80 to $1.20 in the short to medium term.

Conversely, if the stablecoin launch fails to attract attention or if Ripple faces unfavorable regulatory decisions, XRP's price could drop to $0.30 to $0.40 in a bearish market or amidst negative news.

#Megadrop #XRPGoal #XRPPredictions #Xrp🔥🔥 #xrpsucess

$DAR against USDT it is clearly finding a fair value point, as it got quite a pump initially due to the hype surrounding metaverse tokens when it was launched on Binance. You can infer that quite a few people got excited at first, FOMO-ing in and shooting the price up. This pump, unfortunately, was short-lived and, therefore, it is likely that there will be some long-term bag holders. This is not an ideal situation because there is a possibility that as soon as the price will pump, bag holders will sell, suppressing the price. For a better understanding, we can take $DOGE as an example where the price pumped to around $0.7, however, it was also short-lived. And recently, whilst all dog coins were going parabolic, it did not deliver the same returns as anticipated by many. However, DAR is much different due to the fact that its market cap is low at this point. Once the price finds its fair value point, buyers will start to accumulate. I think that this fair value area could be around $1.85 to $2.43 because this is the range where the price was accumulated last time. Therefore, it is possible that this area will turn out to be an accumulation zone again. The price will at least stay around this previous accumulation area for a bit. If you look at multiple charts, you will find that prices usually slow down in previous points of control as buyers and sellers try to agree on what fair value for the coin is. There is a clear demand for the coin as visible in the chart where the support was successful at the $1.85 level. #buynow #altcoins #LongTermAnalysis #StartInvestingInCrypto #MtGox $SUI
$DAR against USDT

it is clearly finding a fair value point, as it got quite a pump initially due to the hype surrounding metaverse tokens when it was launched on Binance.

You can infer that quite a few people got excited at first, FOMO-ing in and shooting the price up. This pump, unfortunately, was short-lived and, therefore, it is likely that there will be some long-term bag holders.

This is not an ideal situation because there is a possibility that as soon as the price will pump, bag holders will sell, suppressing the price. For a better understanding, we can take $DOGE as an example where the price pumped to around $0.7, however, it was also short-lived. And recently, whilst all dog coins were going parabolic, it did not deliver the same returns as anticipated by many.

However, DAR is much different due to the fact that its market cap is low at this point. Once the price finds its fair value point, buyers will start to accumulate.

I think that this fair value area could be around $1.85 to $2.43 because this is the range where the price was accumulated last time.

Therefore, it is possible that this area will turn out to be an accumulation zone again. The price will at least stay around this previous accumulation area for a bit. If you look at multiple charts, you will find that prices usually slow down in previous points of control as buyers and sellers try to agree on what fair value for the coin is.

There is a clear demand for the coin as visible in the chart where the support was successful at the $1.85 level.

#buynow #altcoins #LongTermAnalysis #StartInvestingInCrypto #MtGox $SUI
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