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#POND/USDT Atvērts Long | Pašreizējā cena: 0,02157 Stratēģijas veids: DCA + SL $POND ➖ ATVĒRT ŠEIT: ➖ 1. ieraksts: 0,02157 vai mazāk (1%) 2. ieraksts: 0,0211 (1,3%) 3. ieraksts: 0,0209 (1,7%) 4. ieraksts: 0,02 (2,3%) ➖ AIZVERT ŠEIT: ➖ Galvas ādas mērķi: 1. mērķis: 0,028 2. mērķis: 0,030 3. mērķis: 0,032 4. mērķis: 0,0335 Primārais mērķis: 0,035 Vai atpakaļgaitas signāls Stop-loss: 0,017 Svira: 10x 20x krusts #Angelus
Atvērts Long | Pašreizējā cena: 0,02157
Stratēģijas veids: DCA + SL
1. ieraksts: 0,02157 vai mazāk (1%)
2. ieraksts: 0,0211 (1,3%)
3. ieraksts: 0,0209 (1,7%)
4. ieraksts: 0,02 (2,3%)
Galvas ādas mērķi:
1. mērķis: 0,028
2. mērķis: 0,030
3. mērķis: 0,032
4. mērķis: 0,0335
Primārais mērķis: 0,035
Vai atpakaļgaitas signāls
Stop-loss: 0,017
Svira: 10x 20x krusts

Skatīt oriģinālu
#AGLD/USDT Atvērts Long | Pašreizējā cena: 1.4511 Stratēģijas veids: DCA + SL $AGLD ➖ ATVĒRT ŠEIT: ➖ 1. ieraksts: 1,4511 vai mazāks (1%) 2. ieraksts: 1,43 (1,3%) 3. ieraksts: 1,40 (1,7%) 4. ieraksts: 1,30–1,350 (2,3%) ➖ AIZVERT ŠEIT: ➖ Galvas ādas mērķi: 1. mērķis: 1,80 2. mērķis: 20 3. mērķis: 2.30 4. mērķis: 2,450 Primārais mērķis: 2,60 Vai atpakaļgaitas signāls Stop-loss: 1,050 Svira: 10x krusts #Angelus
Atvērts Long | Pašreizējā cena: 1.4511
Stratēģijas veids: DCA + SL
1. ieraksts: 1,4511 vai mazāks (1%)
2. ieraksts: 1,43 (1,3%)
3. ieraksts: 1,40 (1,7%)
4. ieraksts: 1,30–1,350 (2,3%)
Galvas ādas mērķi:
1. mērķis: 1,80
2. mērķis: 20
3. mērķis: 2.30
4. mērķis: 2,450
Primārais mērķis: 2,60
Vai atpakaļgaitas signāls
Stop-loss: 1,050
Svira: 10x krusts

Skatīt oriģinālu
$AUCTION Atvērts Long | Pašreizējā cena: 21.381 Stratēģijas veids: DCA + SL ➖ ATVĒRT ŠEIT: ➖ 1. ieraksts: 21,381 vai mazāk (1%) 2. ieraksts: 21 (1,3%) 3. ieraksts: 20,5 (1,7%) 4. ieraksts: 19,5 (2,3%) ➖ AIZVERT ŠEIT: ➖ Galvas ādas mērķi: 1. mērķis: 24 2. mērķis: 26 3. mērķis: 27 4. mērķis: 28 Galvenais mērķis: 29 Vai atpakaļgaitas signāls Stop-loss: 16.50 Svira: 10x krusts #Angelus #AUCTIONUSDT

Atvērts Long | Pašreizējā cena: 21.381
Stratēģijas veids: DCA + SL

1. ieraksts: 21,381 vai mazāk (1%)
2. ieraksts: 21 (1,3%)
3. ieraksts: 20,5 (1,7%)
4. ieraksts: 19,5 (2,3%)
Galvas ādas mērķi:
1. mērķis: 24
2. mērķis: 26
3. mērķis: 27
4. mērķis: 28
Galvenais mērķis: 29
Vai atpakaļgaitas signāls
Stop-loss: 16.50
Svira: 10x krusts

Skatīt oriģinālu
Čau visiem 👋 Atjaunināta informācija: par minētā signāla statusu#CFX& $CFX visi DCA pirkumi uz signālu #CFX Tika sasniegts papildu ieraksts. Ieejas punkts tagad ir izdevīgāks, un jūsu pozīcija ir augsta peļņa Aizveriet šeit: 1. — ------ 0,8359 $ — 50% 2. — ------1,334 $ – 12,5% 3. — ------ 1,823 $ – 12,5% 4. — ------ 2,489 $ – 12,5% Primārais mērķis: 3,499 $–12,5%#CFX #Angelus
Čau visiem 👋
Atjaunināta informācija:
par minētā signāla statusu#CFX& $CFX
visi DCA pirkumi uz signālu #CFX
Tika sasniegts papildu ieraksts. Ieejas punkts tagad ir izdevīgāks, un jūsu pozīcija ir augsta peļņa
Aizveriet šeit:
1. — ------ 0,8359 $ — 50%
2. — ------1,334 $ – 12,5%
3. — ------ 1,823 $ – 12,5%
4. — ------ 2,489 $ – 12,5%
Primārais mērķis: 3,499 $–12,5%#CFX
Citētais saturs tika izņemts
Skatīt oriģinālu
Hello everyone...
Hello everyone...
x🚨💥 BREAKING NEWS 💥🚨 📉 Bitcoin just took an unexpected nosedive on BitMEX exchange, plummeting to a jaw-dropping $8,900! 😱 What caused the chaos, you ask? Well, it seems a daring user decided to sell off over 400 BTC in the blink of an eye! 💰💨 🔄 But fear not, the storm has passed, and prices have swiftly returned to normal. BitMEX is now on the case, investigating the wild rollercoaster ride that left traders on the edge of their seats! 🕵️‍♂️🔍 Get ready for the adrenaline rush of the crypto world! 🌪️ Don't miss out on the next thrilling twist! 🚀 #Bitcoin #HotTrends

📉 Bitcoin just took an unexpected nosedive on BitMEX exchange, plummeting to a jaw-dropping $8,900! 😱 What caused the chaos, you ask? Well, it seems a daring user decided to sell off over 400 BTC in the blink of an eye! 💰💨

🔄 But fear not, the storm has passed, and prices have swiftly returned to normal. BitMEX is now on the case, investigating the wild rollercoaster ride that left traders on the edge of their seats! 🕵️‍♂️🔍

Get ready for the adrenaline rush of the crypto world! 🌪️ Don't miss out on the next thrilling twist! 🚀

There are few tricks to survive & earn in the $BTC market. 1/ Buy when there is a pullback 20-30% 2/ Buy when huge negative funding happen across the board. 2/ Buy at Production cost level (medium risk) 3/ Buy at Electricity cost level (very safe) 4/ Buy at breakout pattern (consolidation at least 1 month or 6 months - Need to understand well about TA) #Angelus
There are few tricks to survive & earn in the $BTC market.

1/ Buy when there is a pullback 20-30%

2/ Buy when huge negative funding happen across the board.

2/ Buy at Production cost level (medium risk)

3/ Buy at Electricity cost level (very safe)

4/ Buy at breakout pattern (consolidation at least 1 month or 6 months - Need to understand well about TA)

Skatīt oriģinālu
#ETHFI Pērciet $ETHFI , kad tas nokrities par 50%-80% pārdot pēc tam, kad tas sasniedz 100% no jūsu ieraksta #Angelus

Pērciet $ETHFI , kad tas nokrities par 50%-80%

pārdot pēc tam, kad tas sasniedz 100% no jūsu ieraksta

$ETHFI Bearish / Bullish signal!!! You Honour your MONEY THEN then this is Station B4 buying $ETHFI I . I know how ready you are to buy $ETHFI You are going to lose if you don’t ignore your feelings to buy ETHFI in during blind trading Many people will lose money if they don’t do enough research 🔬 and read contents that warn them, I would not like it if you put your money in something you are not sure whether it will cost you a fortune 🔮/ not! #HotTrends #ETHFI #Angelus
$ETHFI Bearish / Bullish signal!!!

You Honour your MONEY THEN then this is Station B4 buying $ETHFI I .

I know how ready you are to buy $ETHFI You are going to lose if you don’t ignore your feelings to buy ETHFI in during blind trading Many people will lose money if they don’t do enough research 🔬 and read contents that warn them, I would not like it if you put your money in something you are not sure whether it will cost you a fortune 🔮/ not!

$ETHFI I know today many people will lose money. I know people will buy $ETHFI at a high price. I know when $ETHFI will be launched, it will be overhyped. THEN EVENTUALLY IT WILL BE GOING DOWN. Be careful when you make a trade #TrendingTopic. #ETHFI #Angelus

I know today many people will lose money.

I know people will buy $ETHFI at a high price.

I know when $ETHFI will be launched, it will be overhyped.


Be careful when you make a trade

#TrendingTopic. #ETHFI
#FLM Open Long | Current price: 0.1155 Strategy type: DCA + SL $FLM ➖ OPEN HERE: ➖ Entry 1: 0.1155 or lower (1%) Entry 2: 0.1121 (1.3%) Entry 3: 0.1058 (1.7%) Entry 4: 0.100 - 0.07299 (2.3%) ➖ CLOSE HERE: ➖ Scalp targets: Target 1: 0.1208 Target 2: 0.1233 Target 3: 0.1258 Target 4: 0.1283 Primary target: 0.1435 Or reverse signal Stop-loss: 0.933 updated. Remove the stop loss Leverage: 10x 20x 30x cross #Angelus

Open Long | Current price: 0.1155
Strategy type: DCA + SL


Entry 1: 0.1155 or lower (1%)
Entry 2: 0.1121 (1.3%)
Entry 3: 0.1058 (1.7%)
Entry 4: 0.100 - 0.07299 (2.3%)

Scalp targets:
Target 1: 0.1208
Target 2: 0.1233
Target 3: 0.1258
Target 4: 0.1283

Primary target: 0.1435
Or reverse signal

Stop-loss: 0.933 updated. Remove the stop loss
Leverage: 10x 20x 30x cross

The Salvadoran President 🇸🇻 has announced that his country will be making a daily fixed investment of one Bitcoin. This "daily fixed investment" will continue until the day when Bitcoin can not be purchased with fiat currency. $BTC #Angelus
The Salvadoran President 🇸🇻 has announced that his country will be making a daily fixed investment of one Bitcoin.

This "daily fixed investment" will continue until the day when Bitcoin can not be purchased with fiat currency.

Coinbase's report indicates that the Bitcoin halving is expected to occur between April 16 and 20 of this year. This event will result in a reduction in the total amount of Bitcoin issued through mining from approximately 900 Bitcoin per day (representing an annual issuance rate of 1.8%) to around 450 Bitcoin per day (or an issuance rate of 0.9%). $BTC #Angelus
Coinbase's report indicates that the Bitcoin halving is expected to occur between April 16 and 20 of this year.

This event will result in a reduction in the total amount of Bitcoin issued through mining from approximately 900 Bitcoin per day (representing an annual issuance rate of 1.8%) to around 450 Bitcoin per day (or an issuance rate of 0.9%).

"The Rules" Rule 1: Those who trade breakouts shall perish. Rule 2: In order to sell, someone has to be willing to buy. Rule 3: Smart money knows you are using indicators to place your orders, be careful!. Rule 4: Never go long when a price of an asset is in (Premium zone) and never go short when a price of an asset is in a (Discount zone). Rule 5: Whales plan their moves according to monthly and weekly charts . Rule 6: Trendlines Doesn't Exist, they only exist in your head. Rule 7: You don't actually lose until you sell! Rule 8: Technical analysis can go in vain. it's all about whales. we are shrimps. #Angelus
"The Rules"

Rule 1: Those who trade breakouts shall perish.

Rule 2: In order to sell, someone has to be willing to buy.

Rule 3: Smart money knows you are using indicators to place your orders, be careful!.

Rule 4: Never go long when a price of an asset is in (Premium zone) and never go short when a price of an asset is in a (Discount zone).

Rule 5: Whales plan their moves according to monthly and weekly charts .

Rule 6: Trendlines Doesn't Exist, they only exist in your head.

Rule 7: You don't actually lose until you sell!

Rule 8: Technical analysis can go in vain. it's all about whales. we are shrimps.

update in 20th of March
update in 20th of March
$BTC Bitcoin => 65K => 63K => 60K => 80K soon buy your crypto coin when it dip or never. #BTC

Bitcoin => 65K => 63K => 60K => 80K

buy your crypto coin when it dip or never.

$CFX Hong Kong concept: $CFX Since the beginning of last year, Hong Kong’s attitude towards this area has been changing. Coupled with the approval of the ETF this time, I feel that the Hong Kong sector can make bigger moves. At the same time, there is action on the $MASK chain, and the chips are relatively concentrated. At the end of last year, Murong Sui, the leader in Hong Kong, kept saying that there would be a Hong Kong carnival in April 2024, and CFX also kept bottoming out. Let me talk about the logic of CFX: 1: CFX’s Bitcoin L2 testnet is expected to be deployed in March, and the mainnet is expected to be deployed in May. 2: Hong Kong Web3 Carnival from April 6 to 8, 2024. The Hong Kong concept may be hyped again in March just like in 2023. It is estimated that before the subsequent Hong Kong Carnival starts, the Hong Kong sector will improve. Lina and ACH are both Hong Kong sectors. Everyone should add their own selections. When ambushing, be sure to watch the K-line. If there is a pullback, you can place a bottom position! #CFX/USDT . #Angelus

Hong Kong concept: $CFX Since the beginning of last year, Hong Kong’s attitude towards this area has been changing.

Coupled with the approval of the ETF this time, I feel that the Hong Kong sector can make bigger moves. At the same time, there is action on the $MASK chain, and the chips are relatively concentrated. At the end of last year, Murong Sui, the leader in Hong Kong, kept saying that there would be a Hong Kong carnival in April 2024, and CFX also kept bottoming out.

Let me talk about the logic of CFX:

1: CFX’s Bitcoin L2 testnet is expected to be deployed in March, and the mainnet is expected to be deployed in May.

2: Hong Kong Web3 Carnival from April 6 to 8, 2024. The Hong Kong concept may be hyped again in March just like in 2023.
It is estimated that before the subsequent Hong Kong Carnival starts, the Hong Kong sector will improve. Lina and ACH are both Hong Kong sectors.

Everyone should add their own selections. When ambushing, be sure to watch the K-line. If there is a pullback, you can place a bottom position! #CFX/USDT .

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