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Hosky TokenIevads Hosky Token ($HOSKY) tika izveidots, jo Cardano ekosistēmā trūka zemas kvalitātes s**t monētu mēmu žetonu. Mēs redzējām, ka pastāv tik liela vajadzība, un esam šeit, lai aizpildītu šo caurumu, kā to darītu jebkurš labs zēns. Mēs piedāvājam neko citu kā zemas kvalitātes mēmes, nekādu finansiālu vērtību, nekādus solījumus par mastifu ieguvumiem, bez prāta bīglošanas tehnoloģijām, tikai doggo mēmes. Tehniskas detaļas Šī ir sadaļa, kurā jūs parasti varat atrast brīnišķīgus tehnoloģiskos solījumus, lai vēlāk tos lauztu, diagrammas, kurās redzams, ka mūsu žetons ir daudz ātrāk, laika grafiki, kas tiks koriģēti uz visiem laikiem, un doodads, lai jūs apmulsinātu. Mēs esam mēmu monēta, tāpēc mēs to nedarīsim. Tehniskie ir ot mums kā tīršķirnes ir mutt.

Hosky Token

Hosky Token ($HOSKY) tika izveidots, jo Cardano ekosistēmā trūka zemas kvalitātes s**t monētu mēmu žetonu. Mēs redzējām, ka pastāv tik liela vajadzība, un esam šeit, lai aizpildītu šo caurumu, kā to darītu jebkurš labs zēns. Mēs piedāvājam neko citu kā zemas kvalitātes mēmes, nekādu finansiālu vērtību, nekādus solījumus par mastifu ieguvumiem, bez prāta bīglošanas tehnoloģijām, tikai doggo mēmes.

Tehniskas detaļas
Šī ir sadaļa, kurā jūs parasti varat atrast brīnišķīgus tehnoloģiskos solījumus, lai vēlāk tos lauztu, diagrammas, kurās redzams, ka mūsu žetons ir daudz ātrāk, laika grafiki, kas tiks koriģēti uz visiem laikiem, un doodads, lai jūs apmulsinātu. Mēs esam mēmu monēta, tāpēc mēs to nedarīsim. Tehniskie ir ot mums kā tīršķirnes ir mutt.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Rīcība: HOSKY ieguldījums Cardano paplašināšanā, izmantojot sāknēšanu USD USD apmērāJa vien neesat paslēpies zem akmens vai pilnībā atvienojies no sociālajiem medijiem, diskusijas par to, kas trūkst Cardano, ir izplatīta tiešsaistes diskusiju tēma. Tomēr HOSKY mēs ticam vairāk nekā tikai mizai — mēs ticam darbībai. Tāpēc mēs uzņēmāmies iniciatīvu atbalstīt @MehenOfficial komandu pēc neveiksmīga finansējuma mēģinājuma Project Catalyst 9. fondā, lai Cardano nogādātu pirmo FIAT atbalstīto stabilo monētu. Lai gan citi var izvēlēties izrunāt Kardano nepilnības, mēs dodam priekšroku atrotīt piedurknes, nosmērēt ķepas un radīt taustāmas pārmaiņas. Mūsu lēmums finansiāli palīdzēt Cardano stabilas monētas izstrādē nebija tikai vajadzību apmierināšana; tas bija par aktīvu ieguldījumu ekosistēmas izaugsmē un progresā, kas HOSKY vienmēr ir bijis saistīts.

Rīcība: HOSKY ieguldījums Cardano paplašināšanā, izmantojot sāknēšanu USD USD apmērā

Ja vien neesat paslēpies zem akmens vai pilnībā atvienojies no sociālajiem medijiem, diskusijas par to, kas trūkst Cardano, ir izplatīta tiešsaistes diskusiju tēma. Tomēr HOSKY mēs ticam vairāk nekā tikai mizai — mēs ticam darbībai. Tāpēc mēs uzņēmāmies iniciatīvu atbalstīt @MehenOfficial komandu pēc neveiksmīga finansējuma mēģinājuma Project Catalyst 9. fondā, lai Cardano nogādātu pirmo FIAT atbalstīto stabilo monētu.
Lai gan citi var izvēlēties izrunāt Kardano nepilnības, mēs dodam priekšroku atrotīt piedurknes, nosmērēt ķepas un radīt taustāmas pārmaiņas. Mūsu lēmums finansiāli palīdzēt Cardano stabilas monētas izstrādē nebija tikai vajadzību apmierināšana; tas bija par aktīvu ieguldījumu ekosistēmas izaugsmē un progresā, kas HOSKY vienmēr ir bijis saistīts.
Skatīt oriģinālu
vai #HOSKY token būs nākamā lielā lieta? $DOGE $SHIB
vai #HOSKY token būs nākamā lielā lieta?

Skatīt oriģinālu
izvēlieties vienu suņa memecoin $DOGE , $SHIB vai #HOSKY ? HOSKY ir Cardano suņu memecoin numur viens!
izvēlieties vienu suņa memecoin
$DOGE , $SHIB vai #HOSKY ?

HOSKY ir Cardano suņu memecoin numur viens!
Skatīt oriģinālu
HOSKY pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir palielinājies par 6%. $HOSKY ir PREMIERE zemas kvalitātes s#!t monētu doggo meme žetons, kas paredzēts tikai #Cardano Ecosystem.
HOSKY pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir palielinājies par 6%.

$HOSKY ir PREMIERE zemas kvalitātes s#!t monētu doggo meme žetons, kas paredzēts tikai #Cardano Ecosystem.
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
Hosky Token (HOSKY), zemas kvalitātes s#!t monētu doggo meme žetons, kas paredzēts tikai Cardano ekosistēmā. Tā reāllaika cena ir USD 0,0000000286 USD un tirgus maksimālā vērtība USD 6 520 105 USD. Tas apgalvo, ka tas nesniedz neko citu kā zemas kvalitātes mēmes, nekādu finansiālu vērtību, nekādus solījumus par mastifu ieguvumiem, bez prāta bīglošanas tehnoloģijām, tikai doggo mēmes. #Hosky #Cardano
Hosky Token (HOSKY), zemas kvalitātes s#!t monētu doggo meme žetons, kas paredzēts tikai Cardano ekosistēmā. Tā reāllaika cena ir USD 0,0000000286 USD un tirgus maksimālā vērtība USD 6 520 105 USD. Tas apgalvo, ka tas nesniedz neko citu kā zemas kvalitātes mēmes, nekādu finansiālu vērtību, nekādus solījumus par mastifu ieguvumiem, bez prāta bīglošanas tehnoloģijām, tikai doggo mēmes.
#Hosky #Cardano
Skatīt oriģinālu
kas ir HOSKY?
kas ir HOSKY?
Hosky Fan
🚀 #HoskyToken ir pirmais Cardano žetonu komplektā ar satriecošiem 93 000+ turētājiem, un to skaits turpina pieaugt! 🌟 Sabiedrības virzītā izaugsme un atbalsts #Hosky ir neticami! 🙌 #cardano #Ada
Skatīt oriģinālu
🌍Drīzumā tepiķu baseinā netālu no jums! 🎉 Ar prieku paziņojam par diviem jauniem likmju fondiem jaunos pasaules reģionos: GOMA 🇨🇩 - Atrodas Kongo Demokrātiskajā Republikā HAWAK 🇦🇪. - Atrodas Apvienotajos Arābu Emirātos Sekojiet līdzi palaišanas datumiem un plašākai informācijai. #Hosky #HoskyToken #cardano #Write2Earn
🌍Drīzumā tepiķu baseinā netālu no jums! 🎉

Ar prieku paziņojam par diviem jauniem likmju fondiem jaunos pasaules reģionos:

- Atrodas Kongo Demokrātiskajā Republikā

- Atrodas Apvienotajos Arābu Emirātos

Sekojiet līdzi palaišanas datumiem un plašākai informācijai.

#Hosky #HoskyToken #cardano #Write2Earn
Skatīt oriģinālu
$HOSKY ir spēcīgs kā#1turētais Cardano Native Token! #Hosky #Ada
$HOSKY ir spēcīgs kā#1turētais Cardano Native Token!

#Hosky #Ada
Skatīt oriģinālu
Skatīt oriģinālu
$Hosky marķieris ir palielinājies par 66% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā 😨 #Hosky #Ada
$Hosky marķieris ir palielinājies par 66% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā 😨

#Hosky #Ada
Skatīt oriģinālu
$Hosky ir palielinājies par 20% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā 🤦‍♂️ #Hosky #Ada
$Hosky ir palielinājies par 20% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā 🤦‍♂️

#Hosky #Ada
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kas ir Hosky Token? $Hosky ir vairākas iniciatīvas, kuru mērķis ir veicināt decentralizāciju #Cardano ekosistēmā. Tālāk ir norādīti daži veidi, kā #Hosky veicina decentralizāciju. Partnerattiecības ar nelieliem likmju fondiem: Hosky mudina savus ADA žetonus piesaistīt maziem likmju fondiem, kas palīdz izplatīt Cardano tīkla akcijas un padarīt to izturīgāku pret centralizāciju. Cardano izmantošanas veicināšana: Hosky mērķis ir palielināt Cardano blokķēdes kopējo izmantošanu, iesaistot jaunus lietotājus un padarot to pieejamāku. Tas var netieši veicināt decentralizāciju, palielinot aktīvo dalībnieku skaitu tīklā. Kopienas veidošana: Hosky veicina spēcīgu un aktīvu kopienu ap Cardano, kam var būt izšķiroša loma tīkla decentralizētas pārvaldības uzturēšanā. Lai gan Hosky galvenā uzmanība tiek pievērsta vieglai jautrībai un humoram, tas arī dod pozitīvu ieguldījumu Cardano decentralizācijā. Projekta iniciatīvas palīdz tīklam piesaistīt jaunus lietotājus, palielināt likmju kopu daudzveidību un stiprināt Cardano kopienu.
Kas ir Hosky Token?

$Hosky ir vairākas iniciatīvas, kuru mērķis ir veicināt decentralizāciju #Cardano ekosistēmā. Tālāk ir norādīti daži veidi, kā #Hosky veicina decentralizāciju.

Partnerattiecības ar nelieliem likmju fondiem: Hosky mudina savus ADA žetonus piesaistīt maziem likmju fondiem, kas palīdz izplatīt Cardano tīkla akcijas un padarīt to izturīgāku pret centralizāciju.

Cardano izmantošanas veicināšana: Hosky mērķis ir palielināt Cardano blokķēdes kopējo izmantošanu, iesaistot jaunus lietotājus un padarot to pieejamāku. Tas var netieši veicināt decentralizāciju, palielinot aktīvo dalībnieku skaitu tīklā.

Kopienas veidošana: Hosky veicina spēcīgu un aktīvu kopienu ap Cardano, kam var būt izšķiroša loma tīkla decentralizētas pārvaldības uzturēšanā.

Lai gan Hosky galvenā uzmanība tiek pievērsta vieglai jautrībai un humoram, tas arī dod pozitīvu ieguldījumu Cardano decentralizācijā. Projekta iniciatīvas palīdz tīklam piesaistīt jaunus lietotājus, palielināt likmju kopu daudzveidību un stiprināt Cardano kopienu.
Skatīt oriģinālu
🚀 #HoskyToken ir pirmais Cardano žetonu komplektā ar satriecošiem 93 000+ turētājiem, un to skaits turpina pieaugt! 🌟 Sabiedrības virzītā izaugsme un atbalsts #Hosky ir neticami! 🙌 #cardano #Ada
🚀 #HoskyToken ir pirmais Cardano žetonu komplektā ar satriecošiem 93 000+ turētājiem, un to skaits turpina pieaugt! 🌟 Sabiedrības virzītā izaugsme un atbalsts #Hosky ir neticami! 🙌 #cardano #Ada
What is the Most Efficient Way to Obtain Hosky?Generally, Staking to a Rug Pool is the primary way that Hosky is released to the community. Each Rug Pool receives an equal amount of Hosky each epoch from the total allocation of 0.5T per epoch. This amount is split between rewards for ADA staked (40%) and for the NFTs held (60%) in that staked wallet. The more popular a Rug Pool becomes for ADA or NFTs, the lower the Hosky per asset (ADA or NFT) is earned. NFTs, however, vary in the amount of Hosky they earn depending on various bonuses: Loyalty Bonus: How many epochs the NFT has remained in the same staked wallet to a Rug Pool. This can double the Effective Weight of your Cash Grab NFTs within 5 epochs, meaning that one Cash Grab with loyalty is equivalent to two Cash Grabs without (see Section 4.3 for more details). Matching Trait Bonus: Both CGs and Gnomeskies have certain traits (e.g. hats, backgrounds, etc.) which result in double Effective Weight. Gnomeskies Bonus: A Gnomesky counts as 15 Cash Grabs when in a Rug Pool staked wallet. “Holiday” special edition Gnomeskies earn the same amount of Hosky as 5 Cash Grabs. S#!tties Bonus: S#!tties will multiply an entire wallet’s Effective Weight for Cash Grabs by 1.69 (this does NOT affect ada or Gnomeskies) but earns no Hosky itself. A report (known as the “PDF” or “spreadsheet”) is created each epoch based on a snapshot of the state of the Cardano network, and posted in the #announcements channel. Searching by “stake address” which is available when staked to a Rug Pool will let you know how much Hosky will be returned when “pulling” from the $rugpool address. Being a member of the official Discord channel and reviewing that report is the only way to see rewards before pulling (for now). Hosky rewards less than 25M in total will accumulate until they exceed 25M. #Hosky #Ada #cardano #Memecoins

What is the Most Efficient Way to Obtain Hosky?

Generally, Staking to a Rug Pool is the primary way that Hosky is released to the community.
Each Rug Pool receives an equal amount of Hosky each epoch from the total allocation of 0.5T per epoch. This amount is split between rewards for ADA staked (40%) and for the NFTs held (60%) in that staked wallet. The more popular a Rug Pool becomes for ADA or NFTs, the lower the Hosky per asset (ADA or NFT) is earned. NFTs, however, vary in the amount of Hosky they earn depending on various bonuses:
Loyalty Bonus: How many epochs the NFT has remained in the same staked wallet to a Rug Pool. This can double the Effective Weight of your Cash Grab NFTs within 5 epochs, meaning that one Cash Grab with loyalty is equivalent to two Cash Grabs without (see Section 4.3 for more details).
Matching Trait Bonus: Both CGs and Gnomeskies have certain traits (e.g. hats, backgrounds, etc.) which result in double Effective Weight.
Gnomeskies Bonus: A Gnomesky counts as 15 Cash Grabs when in a Rug Pool staked wallet. “Holiday” special edition Gnomeskies earn the same amount of Hosky as 5 Cash Grabs.
S#!tties Bonus: S#!tties will multiply an entire wallet’s Effective Weight for Cash Grabs by 1.69 (this does NOT affect ada or Gnomeskies) but earns no Hosky itself.
A report (known as the “PDF” or “spreadsheet”) is created each epoch based on a snapshot of the state of the Cardano network, and posted in the #announcements channel. Searching by “stake address” which is available when staked to a Rug Pool will let you know how much Hosky will be returned when “pulling” from the $rugpool address.
Being a member of the official Discord channel and reviewing that report is the only way to see rewards before pulling (for now).
Hosky rewards less than 25M in total will accumulate until they exceed 25M.

#Hosky #Ada #cardano #Memecoins
How to Acquire Hosky?Hosky may be acquired in one of six ways. Staking to a Rug Pool: By either a) Staking ADA, and/or b) holding C(ash grab) NFTs, Gnomeskies, and/or S#!tties in a wallet that is staked to a Single Pool Operator (SPOs) on the Cardano network which has been selected by the project team as a “Rug Pool”, AND sending 2 ADA every epoch to $rugpool (common address used for all SPOs).There are currently 18 (soon 20 at time of writing) approved Rug Pools. Roughly 1.7 ADA will be returned with your Hosky allocation for that epoch.This does not affect your standard epoch Cardano rewards. Purchase for ADA or USD: Purchased from a Cardano Decentralised Exchange (DEX), or from an exchange offering a Hosky-USD pair. Discord Tips and Rain: Through participation in the Discord chat, certain members will tip specific members Hosky, or will rain Hosky to all members who have participated over a defined period of time. Information on the Tip Bot can be found by direct messaging !info to @Cardano Tip Bot#7235. User guide can be found here. Purchase from Doggie Bowl: By sending 2 ADA exactly to the Doggie Bowl ($doggiebowl), which will return 1.5 ADA and a random amount of Hosky. See Purchase from Promotional Sites: Some sites support the Hosky project by allowing a certain number of Hosky (along with other tokens) to be claimed each epoch. Costs and eligibility rules differ from site to site. Rewards and Competition Prizes: Occasionally the team will run competitions and/or reward particular community members for their services to the project’s principles. #Hosky #Ada #cardano #Memecoins

How to Acquire Hosky?

Hosky may be acquired in one of six ways.
Staking to a Rug Pool: By either a) Staking ADA, and/or b) holding C(ash grab) NFTs, Gnomeskies, and/or S#!tties in a wallet that is staked to a Single Pool Operator (SPOs) on the Cardano network which has been selected by the project team as a “Rug Pool”, AND sending 2 ADA every epoch to $rugpool (common address used for all SPOs).There are currently 18 (soon 20 at time of writing) approved Rug Pools. Roughly 1.7 ADA will be returned with your Hosky allocation for that epoch.This does not affect your standard epoch Cardano rewards.
Purchase for ADA or USD: Purchased from a Cardano Decentralised Exchange (DEX), or from an exchange offering a Hosky-USD pair.
Discord Tips and Rain: Through participation in the Discord chat, certain members will tip specific members Hosky, or will rain Hosky to all members who have participated over a defined period of time. Information on the Tip Bot can be found by direct messaging !info to @Cardano Tip Bot#7235. User guide can be found here.
Purchase from Doggie Bowl: By sending 2 ADA exactly to the Doggie Bowl ($doggiebowl), which will return 1.5 ADA and a random amount of Hosky. See
Purchase from Promotional Sites: Some sites support the Hosky project by allowing a certain number of Hosky (along with other tokens) to be claimed each epoch. Costs and eligibility rules differ from site to site. Rewards and Competition Prizes: Occasionally the team will run competitions and/or reward particular community members for their services to the project’s principles.
#Hosky #Ada #cardano #Memecoins
Skatīt oriģinālu
Kas ir Hoskis? Hosky ir native token Cardano blokķēdē. Šos žetonus projekta komanda ir piešķīrusi dažādiem mērķiem, kas tika piešķirti saskaņā ar oriģinālo “Brown Paw-per”, ko var iegūt vietnē #Hosky #Ada
Kas ir Hoskis?

Hosky ir native token Cardano blokķēdē. Šos žetonus projekta komanda ir piešķīrusi dažādiem mērķiem, kas tika piešķirti saskaņā ar oriģinālo “Brown Paw-per”, ko var iegūt vietnē

#Hosky #Ada
HOSKY to Partner with United Nations Refugee Agency to “Reward” Those Raising Funds for Refugees.HOSKY to Partner with the United Nations Refugee Agency to Raise Funds for Refugees via the WRFGS Cardano Stake Pool. HOSKY, the Cardano-based cryptocurrency and meme token, is excited to announce its partnership with the WRFGS Stake Pool, a stake pool supporting the United Nations Refugee Agency, also known as UNHCR. Through this partnership, HOSKY aims to help raise funds for refugees around the world. Those staking to the 100% margin Pool WRFGS, will be able to claim HOSKY tokens from HOSKY and the Cardano Foundation are proud to support the community members who are sacrificing their $ADA rewards to help refugees and providing them with the “nothing” that is $HOSKY token for their contribution to the cause. HOSKY joins the ranks of other organizations within the Cardano ecosystem like NMKR and TURF NFT in supporting the United Nations Refugee Agency, which helps people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of violence. According to the UN Refugee Agency, there are more than 82 million people forcibly displaced worldwide, and they need all the support they can get. The partnership with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR is part of HOSKY’s commitment to using its platform for a good cause. “We believe in the power of crypto to make a positive impact on the world,” said the HOSKY team. “And we’re thrilled to be partnering with WRFGS and UNHCR to help make a difference in the lives of refugees.” Additionally, it is important to note that HOSKY is committed to supporting the WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR beyond just offering their worthless $HOSKY tokens to those staking to the pool. Typically, HOSKY delegates 25,000 $ADA to pools participating in their rug pool program, but in this partnership, they will be delegating a wallet of 50,000 $ADA to the WRFGS Stake Pool to further support the mission of providing aid and assistance to refugees around the world. HOSKY’s increased commitment to the partnership demonstrates their dedication to making a positive impact and helping those in need through their platform. In conclusion, HOSKY is proud to be working with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR to support refugees around the world. They encourage the Cardano community to join them in their efforts by staking to the WRFGS Stake Pool and claiming their worthless $HOSKY Tokens. For more information on #Hosky and their partnership with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR, please follow their official social media channels. Contact: HOSKY Token Team Email: Website: Twitter: @hoskytoken The Cardano Foundation is a non-profit organization that was established in 2017 with the aim of promoting and supporting the Cardano blockchain ecosystem. The Foundation is based in Switzerland and is responsible for overseeing the development and growth of Cardano, as well as ensuring that the ecosystem remains decentralized, sustainable, and transparent. The Foundation works closely with Cardano’s other entities, including IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) and Emurgo, to advance the Cardano platform’s technology and adoption. Some of the Foundation’s key responsibilities include promoting Cardano’s adoption, supporting Cardano’s community, facilitating partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, and ensuring that the platform remains decentralized and secure. The Cardano Foundation plays a crucial role in the ongoing development and success of the Cardano blockchain.HOSKY is a cryptocurrency and meme token built on the Cardano blockchain. It was created with the intention of providing a fun and entertaining way for people to engage with the world of cryptocurrency while also making a positive impact on the Cardano ecosystem. HOSKY aims to be a community-driven project, with its developers and community members working together to support causes that align with their values. While HOSKY began as a meme token, it has evolved into a project with a strong social conscience and a commitment to using its platform for good.The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) is the UN agency responsible for protecting and assisting refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, and other people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of violence. The agency provides life-saving assistance such as shelter, food, and medical care, as well as legal protection and support to help refugees rebuild their lives. The UNHCR also works to find long-term solutions for refugees, such as resettlement in a third country or voluntary return to their home country when conditions allow. The UNHCR operates in more than 135 countries worldwide, providing vital aid and assistance to millions of people in need.

HOSKY to Partner with United Nations Refugee Agency to “Reward” Those Raising Funds for Refugees.

HOSKY to Partner with the United Nations Refugee Agency to Raise Funds for Refugees via the WRFGS Cardano Stake Pool.
HOSKY, the Cardano-based cryptocurrency and meme token, is excited to announce its partnership with the WRFGS Stake Pool, a stake pool supporting the United Nations Refugee Agency, also known as UNHCR. Through this partnership, HOSKY aims to help raise funds for refugees around the world.
Those staking to the 100% margin Pool WRFGS, will be able to claim HOSKY tokens from HOSKY and the Cardano Foundation are proud to support the community members who are sacrificing their $ADA rewards to help refugees and providing them with the “nothing” that is $HOSKY token for their contribution to the cause.
HOSKY joins the ranks of other organizations within the Cardano ecosystem like NMKR and TURF NFT in supporting the United Nations Refugee Agency, which helps people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of violence. According to the UN Refugee Agency, there are more than 82 million people forcibly displaced worldwide, and they need all the support they can get.
The partnership with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR is part of HOSKY’s commitment to using its platform for a good cause. “We believe in the power of crypto to make a positive impact on the world,” said the HOSKY team. “And we’re thrilled to be partnering with WRFGS and UNHCR to help make a difference in the lives of refugees.”
Additionally, it is important to note that HOSKY is committed to supporting the WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR beyond just offering their worthless $HOSKY tokens to those staking to the pool. Typically, HOSKY delegates 25,000 $ADA to pools participating in their rug pool program, but in this partnership, they will be delegating a wallet of 50,000 $ADA to the WRFGS Stake Pool to further support the mission of providing aid and assistance to refugees around the world. HOSKY’s increased commitment to the partnership demonstrates their dedication to making a positive impact and helping those in need through their platform.
In conclusion, HOSKY is proud to be working with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR to support refugees around the world. They encourage the Cardano community to join them in their efforts by staking to the WRFGS Stake Pool and claiming their worthless $HOSKY Tokens.
For more information on #Hosky and their partnership with WRFGS Stake Pool and UNHCR, please follow their official social media channels.
HOSKY Token Team
Twitter: @hoskytoken

The Cardano Foundation is a non-profit organization that was established in 2017 with the aim of promoting and supporting the Cardano blockchain ecosystem. The Foundation is based in Switzerland and is responsible for overseeing the development and growth of Cardano, as well as ensuring that the ecosystem remains decentralized, sustainable, and transparent. The Foundation works closely with Cardano’s other entities, including IOHK (Input Output Hong Kong) and Emurgo, to advance the Cardano platform’s technology and adoption. Some of the Foundation’s key responsibilities include promoting Cardano’s adoption, supporting Cardano’s community, facilitating partnerships and collaborations with other organizations, and ensuring that the platform remains decentralized and secure. The Cardano Foundation plays a crucial role in the ongoing development and success of the Cardano blockchain.HOSKY is a cryptocurrency and meme token built on the Cardano blockchain. It was created with the intention of providing a fun and entertaining way for people to engage with the world of cryptocurrency while also making a positive impact on the Cardano ecosystem. HOSKY aims to be a community-driven project, with its developers and community members working together to support causes that align with their values. While HOSKY began as a meme token, it has evolved into a project with a strong social conscience and a commitment to using its platform for good.The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) is the UN agency responsible for protecting and assisting refugees, asylum seekers, stateless persons, and other people who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or other forms of violence. The agency provides life-saving assistance such as shelter, food, and medical care, as well as legal protection and support to help refugees rebuild their lives. The UNHCR also works to find long-term solutions for refugees, such as resettlement in a third country or voluntary return to their home country when conditions allow. The UNHCR operates in more than 135 countries worldwide, providing vital aid and assistance to millions of people in need.
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