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Ethereum vaļi izraisīs milzīgu izgāztuvi, ja nesaņems pietiekami daudz ETH par zemām cenām, lai gūtu peļņu (414,59 miljardus USD)! Ethereum (ETH), otrā lielākā kriptovalūta pēc tirgus kapitalizācijas, atrodas uz ievērojama cenu krituma robežas. Pašlaik Ethereum tirgojas par USD 3 383,17, kas pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir samazinājies par 3,87%, un Ethereum ir ievainojamības pazīmes, jo vaļu aktivitāte liecina par iespējamu 10–12% izgāšanos tuvāko stundu laikā. Kā ziņo CoinMarketCap, Ethereum tirgus ierobežojums ir milzīgs 414,59 miljardu dolāru, un apgrozībā esošais ETH apjoms ir 122,28 miljoni. Neskatoties uz ievērojamo klātbūtni tirgū un dominējošo stāvokli 17,82% apmērā, kriptogrāfijas gigants nav imūna pret liela mēroga investoru iegribām, ko parasti dēvē par vaļiem. Vaļiem, milzīgu ETH daudzumu turētājiem, ir galvenā loma kriptovalūtas cenu dinamikā. Tiek baumots, ka šie galvenie spēlētāji gatavojas milzīgai izpārdošanai, kas varētu samazināt Ethereum cenu pat par 10–12%. Šāds solis neapšaubāmi radītu triecienviļņus tirgū, radot pirkšanas iespēju tiem, kas vēlas iekļūt par zemāku cenu. Interesanti, ka vaļi diez vai atjaunos ETH, kamēr nebūs uzkrājuši pietiekami daudz kriptovalūtas par pazeminātām cenām. Šī stratēģija nodrošina, ka viņi var palielināt savu peļņu, kad viņi galu galā paaugstina cenu. Šādu manevru laiks ir izšķirošs, un šķiet, ka vaļi rūpīgi plāno savu nākamo gājienu. Investoriem ir jāņem vērā šis riska brīdinājums: kriptovalūtu tirgus ir ļoti nestabils, un to ietekmē nozīmīgas ieinteresētās personas. Ethereum visu laiku augstākais līmenis — 4891,70 $, kas sasniegts 2021. gada novembrī, šobrīd šķiet tāls atmiņa, taču tas kalpo kā atgādinājums par šī digitālā aktīva potenciālajiem augstākajiem un zemākajiem rādītājiem. Kā vienmēr, investoriem tiek ieteikts pašiem veikt izpēti un rīkoties piesardzīgi, rūpīgi sekojot vaļu aktivitātei un tirgus tendencēm. Tik īss ETH?🤒🤒 Tāpēc neaizmirstiet man sekot☺️☺️ #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #FIT21 #BlackRock #BTC $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT)

Ethereum vaļi izraisīs milzīgu izgāztuvi, ja nesaņems pietiekami daudz ETH par zemām cenām, lai gūtu peļņu (414,59 miljardus USD)!

Ethereum (ETH), otrā lielākā kriptovalūta pēc tirgus kapitalizācijas, atrodas uz ievērojama cenu krituma robežas.

Pašlaik Ethereum tirgojas par USD 3 383,17, kas pēdējo 24 stundu laikā ir samazinājies par 3,87%, un Ethereum ir ievainojamības pazīmes, jo vaļu aktivitāte liecina par iespējamu 10–12% izgāšanos tuvāko stundu laikā.

Kā ziņo CoinMarketCap, Ethereum tirgus ierobežojums ir milzīgs 414,59 miljardu dolāru, un apgrozībā esošais ETH apjoms ir 122,28 miljoni.

Neskatoties uz ievērojamo klātbūtni tirgū un dominējošo stāvokli 17,82% apmērā, kriptogrāfijas gigants nav imūna pret liela mēroga investoru iegribām, ko parasti dēvē par vaļiem.

Vaļiem, milzīgu ETH daudzumu turētājiem, ir galvenā loma kriptovalūtas cenu dinamikā.

Tiek baumots, ka šie galvenie spēlētāji gatavojas milzīgai izpārdošanai, kas varētu samazināt Ethereum cenu pat par 10–12%.

Šāds solis neapšaubāmi radītu triecienviļņus tirgū, radot pirkšanas iespēju tiem, kas vēlas iekļūt par zemāku cenu.

Interesanti, ka vaļi diez vai atjaunos ETH, kamēr nebūs uzkrājuši pietiekami daudz kriptovalūtas par pazeminātām cenām.

Šī stratēģija nodrošina, ka viņi var palielināt savu peļņu, kad viņi galu galā paaugstina cenu.

Šādu manevru laiks ir izšķirošs, un šķiet, ka vaļi rūpīgi plāno savu nākamo gājienu.

Investoriem ir jāņem vērā šis riska brīdinājums: kriptovalūtu tirgus ir ļoti nestabils, un to ietekmē nozīmīgas ieinteresētās personas.

Ethereum visu laiku augstākais līmenis — 4891,70 $, kas sasniegts 2021. gada novembrī, šobrīd šķiet tāls atmiņa, taču tas kalpo kā atgādinājums par šī digitālā aktīva potenciālajiem augstākajiem un zemākajiem rādītājiem.

Kā vienmēr, investoriem tiek ieteikts pašiem veikt izpēti un rīkoties piesardzīgi, rūpīgi sekojot vaļu aktivitātei un tirgus tendencēm.

Tik īss ETH?🤒🤒

Tāpēc neaizmirstiet man sekot☺️☺️

#ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #FIT21 #BlackRock #BTC $ETH

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CTK Coin Poised for Explosive 4x Growth in Coming Hours With Detailed Look By Whales And Investors ($116.57 Million)! The cryptocurrency market is abuzz with anticipation as CTK coin shows a remarkable 17.12% surge, pushing its price to $0.8592. Experts are predicting a potential 4x growth in the next few hours, driven by a potent mix of institutional investors, whales, and retail investors. CTK, also known as Shentu, is a prominent cryptocurrency ranked 366th by CoinMarketCap. Launched on October 27, 2020, CTK quickly made a name for itself in the blockchain space. It reached an all-time high of $3.974 on April 7, 2021, showcasing its potential for significant returns. Currently, its market cap stands at $116.57 million (₹9.73 billion), with a fully diluted market cap mirroring the same figure. The market dominance of CTK is 0.0049%, indicating its growing influence in the cryptocurrency market. The coin has a circulation and total supply of 135.25 million CTK, issued initially at a price of $0.77 (₹64.2565). The current bullish sentiment around CTK can be attributed to several key factors. Large-scale investors, or institutional investors, are increasingly eyeing CTK for its robust technological foundations and promising future applications in cybersecurity. Additionally, significant whale activity has been observed, which typically indicates a strong confidence in the coin’s growth potential. This whale activity often signals upcoming price movements to other investors. Retail investor enthusiasm is also amplifying demand, further driving the price upwards. The surge in retail investments reflects the broader interest and confidence in CTK’s future. The information provided here is for informational purposes only and is not intended as financial advice. Always perform your own research before investing in any cryptocurrency. Don't forget to follow me ☺️☺️ #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC #TopCoins2025 $CTK
Shentu's Ascendancy And CTK Poised for a 3x Surge By whales And Investors Caused A High Demand of CTK Coins!!!! CTK (Shentu) is currently trading at $0.7954, showing a notable 4.42% increase, and this might just be the beginning of a major price rally. As CTK stands, its market cap is $106.76 million, ranking it at No. 383. Despite its modest market dominance of 0.0046%, the potential for significant growth is clear. The cryptocurrency market often experiences cyclical phases, and given CTK's all-time high of $3.974 in April 2021, there is substantial room for recovery and growth. Returning to even half of its previous peak would result in significant gains. Shentu's focus on security and reliability in the blockchain space positions it well for future developments. Its secure blockchain infrastructure is designed to meet the growing demand for robust digital transaction systems. CTK's listing on major exchanges like Binance enhances its visibility and accessibility, driving higher trading volumes and interest. The circulating supply of CTK is 135.23 million, matching its total supply, which indicates a stable and predictable market. Since its issue date on October 27, 2020, at an initial price of $0.77, CTK has shown resilience and potential for growth. With a market cap of $106.76 million and a fully diluted market cap reflecting the same value, CTK's market dominance may seem modest at 0.0046%, but its growth potential is significant. Given the current price and historical performance, CTK has a realistic potential to triple in value, especially as the market regains momentum. The recent price uptick is a positive signal for investors looking to capitalize on a high-growth opportunity. Investing in CTK now could be a strategic move for those looking to benefit from a potential 3x surge. However, as always, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and consider the inherent risks of cryptocurrency investments. DYOR Don't forget to follow me 🥹🥹 #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #FIT21 #BlackRock #BTC $CTK
Bitcoin ETF Profit-Taking: Strategic Sell-Off at $71K and the Path Ahead For Dump!!! In a decisive move, Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have begun pulling their money from Bitcoin, capitalizing on the substantial gains made as Bitcoin reached its peak of $71,000. The strategic sell-off, amounting to profits exceeding $1 billion, marks a calculated effort to maximize returns from the recent bull run. As of the latest trading data, Bitcoin (BTC) is valued at $64,586.00, reflecting a 3.40% decline. Bitcoin ETFs have long been viewed as a barometer for market sentiment and institutional involvement in the cryptocurrency space. The recent profit-taking maneuver demonstrates the sophisticated strategies employed by these funds to safeguard investor returns while navigating the volatile crypto market. Analysts predict that these ETFs might continue to apply selling pressure on Bitcoin, potentially driving its price down to around $60,000 before considering a buy-back. This anticipated dip provides a window of opportunity for ETFs and other investors to re-enter the market at more favorable prices. Market watchers suggest that the re-accumulation phase could significantly impact Bitcoin's near-term trajectory, possibly setting the stage for another rally. Bitcoin remains the dominant cryptocurrency, with a market cap of $1.27 trillion and a market dominance of 54.83%. The circulation supply stands at 19.71 million BTC, out of a maximum supply of 21 million. As the market adjusts to these movements, investors are advised to stay informed and consider the inherent risks of trading in such a dynamic environment. The strategic actions of ETFs could play a pivotal role in shaping Bitcoin's price action in the coming months, offering both challenges and opportunities for savvy market participants. Don't forget to follow me ☺️☺️ #BinanceTournament #AirdropGuide #BTCFOMCWatch #CPIAlert #ETHETFsApproved $BTC
The Rise and Fall of NOT Coin With A Tale of Fortune and Folly For Investors Who Died And lost Billions of Dollars!!! In the tumultuous world of cryptocurrency, NOT Coin emerged as a meteoric phenomenon, promising astronomical gains to its early investors. Launched amidst fervent anticipation on May 16, 2024, NOT Coin quickly ascended to astonishing heights, reaching a peak of $0.028958487751721 (approximately ₹2.4134) on June 2, 2024. Its market cap soared to a staggering $1.57 billion, reflecting the euphoria surrounding this new digital asset. However, the euphoria was short-lived. As swiftly as it rose, NOT Coin plummeted. Whales, the large holders of NOT Coin, seized the opportunity to liquidate their holdings, triggering a cascade of sell-offs. The price plummeted by more than 103.5253% from its peak, hitting successive lower lows. Retail investors, caught up in the frenzy and lured by the promise of quick riches, found themselves on the wrong side of the trade. Many had invested at the top or during the peak, only to watch helplessly as their investments evaporated into losses.The market sentiment quickly turned from optimism to despair. Social media platforms buzzed with tales of woe from investors who had bet big on NOT Coin. Some had invested their life savings, while others had taken out loans, hoping to capitalize on the upward momentum. Instead, they faced financial ruin as the price collapsed relentlessly. As NOT Coin continued its downward spiral, questions arose about its future viability. With a fully diluted market cap of approximately $130.98 billion, it seemed improbable that the cryptocurrency could recover its former glory. The allure that once surrounded NOT Coin faded into a cautionary tale of greed and overzealous speculation. one thing that remains certain in the realm of cryptocurrencies? fortunes can change in an instant, leaving dreams shattered and lessons learned! So don't forget to follow 🥹🥹 #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC #ETHETFsApproved #NOT🔥🔥🔥 $NOT
Bitcoin Liquidations Surge to $366.52 Million: Potential for Tripling at $60K Signals Further Dump Worth Billions!!! Recent data from CoinGlass indicates that Bitcoin (BTC) liquidations have reached a staggering $366.52 million. If Bitcoin's price hits $60,000, this liquidation amount could potentially triple, leading to an intensified sell-off. As of the latest trading data, Bitcoin (BTC/USDT) is priced at $64,408.54, reflecting a 2.50% decline. The market remains highly volatile, with significant movements anticipated based on liquidation levels. Key market metrics show a market cap of $1.28 trillion and a fully diluted market cap of $1.36 trillion. Bitcoin's market dominance stands at 54.77%, with a circulating supply of 19.71 million BTC out of a maximum supply of 21 million BTC. The $366.52 million in liquidations represents the total value of traders' positions that have been forcibly closed due to insufficient margins. This level of liquidation indicates a considerable amount of leveraged trading, which exacerbates market volatility. If Bitcoin's price reaches $60,000, the liquidation amount could triple, potentially exceeding $1 billion. This scenario is driven by the high leverage ratios many traders employ, which could trigger a cascading effect of sell orders. The prospect of higher liquidation levels at $60,000 could lead to significant selling pressure, causing further declines in Bitcoin's price. The potential for tripled liquidations may deter investors, leading to a bearish market sentiment. Traders need to be cautious with leverage to avoid forced liquidations, especially in a highly volatile market. The current liquidation levels and the potential for tripling at $60,000 suggest that Bitcoin might experience more downward pressure. Investors should remain vigilant and manage their risk exposure carefully to navigate these turbulent market conditions. Don't forget to follow me🥹🥹 come on! Holding your short? 🤒🤒 #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC #bitcoin $BTC

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