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Kāpēc 65 000 USD varētu būt Bitcoin zemākā vērtība Bitcoin nesen pārbaudīja 65 000 USD atbalsta līmeni, taču kopš 17. maija tas nav aizvērts zem 66 000 USD. Lai gan BTC ir cīnījies, lai pārvarētu 72 000 USD pretestību, vairāki faktori liecina, ka negatīvā puse ir ierobežota, kas liecina par potenciālo zemāko līmeni 65 000 USD apmērā. 16. maijā ASV likumdevēji pieņēma Kongresa pārskatīšanas likumu, lai pārbaudītu SEC noteikumu, kas nosaka, ka biržā kotētajiem uzņēmumiem ir jāreģistrē kriptovalūtu aktīvi gan kā aktīvi, gan kā saistības. Senatore Sintija Lummisa to novērtēja kā pagrieziena punktu, atzīmējot pirmo Kongresa pieņemto atsevišķo kriptovalūtu likumu. Lai gan prezidents Baidens uzlika veto rezolūcijai, demokrātu atbalsts izceļ kriptovalūtu pieaugošo ietekmi ASV politikā. Kreigs Varmke, Bitcoin politikas institūta līdzstrādnieks, atzīmēja, ka Baidena veto ir izaicinājums, bet arī uzsver pieaugošo šifrēšanas noskaņojumu likumdevēju vidū. Arī banku sektors izrāda interesi par kriptovalūtu glabāšanas pakalpojumu piedāvāšanu, ko veicina notiekošā digitālo aktīvu ieviešana. Daniels Makkeibs, Flexa atbilstības vadītājs, uzskata, ka kriptovalūtu atbalstošie lobiji un banku nozare varētu būtiski ietekmēt turpmākos noteikumus. Digitālās tirdzniecības kameras dibinātāja Periana Boringa raksturoja demokrātu atbalstu kā Baidena administrācijas "pašķirtnes brīdi". Šis pieaugošais politiskais atbalsts varētu ietekmēt turpmākos lēmumus par labu kriptovalūtai. ASV Federālo rezervju sistēma saskaras ar spiedienu pazemināt procentu likmes, lai novērstu iespējamo recesiju. Neraugoties uz jaunākajiem inflācijas datiem, kas liecina par PCI 3,4% apmērā, kas nedaudz pārsniedz Fed 2% mērķi, un nelielu bezdarba pieaugumu, Fed piesardzīgā pieeja liecina par iespējamu politikas maiņu. ASV 2 gadu Valsts kases ienesīgums nokritās līdz 70 dienu zemākajam līmenim 4,69%, atspoguļojot bažas par ekonomikas izaugsmi. Tikmēr S&P 500 13. jūnijā sasniedza rekordaugstu līmeni, investoriem virzoties uz akcijām un ierobežotiem aktīviem, lai izvairītos no inflācijas izraisītas skaidras naudas un zemas obligāciju peļņas. Fed lēmums palēnināt kvantitatīvo stingrāku programmu liecina par piesardzīgu optimismu par inflācijas stabilizēšanos. #BTC #bitcoin #altcoins #altcoins

Kāpēc 65 000 USD varētu būt Bitcoin zemākā vērtība

Bitcoin nesen pārbaudīja 65 000 USD atbalsta līmeni, taču kopš 17. maija tas nav aizvērts zem 66 000 USD. Lai gan BTC ir cīnījies, lai pārvarētu 72 000 USD pretestību, vairāki faktori liecina, ka negatīvā puse ir ierobežota, kas liecina par potenciālo zemāko līmeni 65 000 USD apmērā.

16. maijā ASV likumdevēji pieņēma Kongresa pārskatīšanas likumu, lai pārbaudītu SEC noteikumu, kas nosaka, ka biržā kotētajiem uzņēmumiem ir jāreģistrē kriptovalūtu aktīvi gan kā aktīvi, gan kā saistības. Senatore Sintija Lummisa to novērtēja kā pagrieziena punktu, atzīmējot pirmo Kongresa pieņemto atsevišķo kriptovalūtu likumu.

Lai gan prezidents Baidens uzlika veto rezolūcijai, demokrātu atbalsts izceļ kriptovalūtu pieaugošo ietekmi ASV politikā. Kreigs Varmke, Bitcoin politikas institūta līdzstrādnieks, atzīmēja, ka Baidena veto ir izaicinājums, bet arī uzsver pieaugošo šifrēšanas noskaņojumu likumdevēju vidū.

Arī banku sektors izrāda interesi par kriptovalūtu glabāšanas pakalpojumu piedāvāšanu, ko veicina notiekošā digitālo aktīvu ieviešana. Daniels Makkeibs, Flexa atbilstības vadītājs, uzskata, ka kriptovalūtu atbalstošie lobiji un banku nozare varētu būtiski ietekmēt turpmākos noteikumus.

Digitālās tirdzniecības kameras dibinātāja Periana Boringa raksturoja demokrātu atbalstu kā Baidena administrācijas "pašķirtnes brīdi". Šis pieaugošais politiskais atbalsts varētu ietekmēt turpmākos lēmumus par labu kriptovalūtai.

ASV Federālo rezervju sistēma saskaras ar spiedienu pazemināt procentu likmes, lai novērstu iespējamo recesiju. Neraugoties uz jaunākajiem inflācijas datiem, kas liecina par PCI 3,4% apmērā, kas nedaudz pārsniedz Fed 2% mērķi, un nelielu bezdarba pieaugumu, Fed piesardzīgā pieeja liecina par iespējamu politikas maiņu.

ASV 2 gadu Valsts kases ienesīgums nokritās līdz 70 dienu zemākajam līmenim 4,69%, atspoguļojot bažas par ekonomikas izaugsmi. Tikmēr S&P 500 13. jūnijā sasniedza rekordaugstu līmeni, investoriem virzoties uz akcijām un ierobežotiem aktīviem, lai izvairītos no inflācijas izraisītas skaidras naudas un zemas obligāciju peļņas.

Fed lēmums palēnināt kvantitatīvo stingrāku programmu liecina par piesardzīgu optimismu par inflācijas stabilizēšanos.

#BTC #bitcoin #altcoins #altcoins

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Spot Ethereum ETFs Could Launch Early July, Says Bloomberg Analyst Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) might start trading in the U.S. early July, according to Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas. Balchunas posted on June 15 that the SEC's feedback on spot Ether ETF applications was minimal, asking for revisions within a week. He suggested that the SEC might approve these ETFs before the July 4 holiday. "We are moving up our over/under date for the launch of spot Ether ETFs to July 2nd," Balchunas wrote on X. "The SEC's comments were light, nothing major. There's a decent chance they work to declare them effective next week to get it off their plate before the holiday weekend." This marks a shift in confidence from the previous day when Balchunas noted that Ether ETF applicants were still awaiting feedback from the SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance. On May 23, the SEC approved eight 19b-4 filings to list spot Ether ETFs on various U.S. exchanges. However, these ETFs cannot start trading until their S-1 registration statements receive necessary approvals. SEC Chair Gary Gensler provided a broader timeframe, indicating that spot Ether ETFs might begin trading by the end of September. He mentioned that the speed of approvals would depend on how quickly issuers could address the SEC's comments. While some traders hope Ether’s price will rise like Bitcoin did after the approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs, not everyone shares this optimism. When spot Bitcoin ETFs were approved on January 11, Bitcoin surged to a record high of $73,679 by March 13. Stephen Richardson, managing director of financial markets at Fireblocks, argued on June 3 that spot Ether ETFs won't see the same day-one inflows as Bitcoin ETFs did. He pointed out that Ethereum's use cases are harder to value: "What’s missing is widespread consensus that effectively evaluates the utility or utilization rate of the Ethereum blockchain." As the potential launch date approaches, investors and analysts are watching closely to see how the approval and trading of spot Ether ETFs will unfold. $ETH
Sniper-Entry Secrets to Making Millions with Meme Coins Meme coins have taken the crypto world by storm, offering viral appeal and the potential for massive gains. Recently, trading volumes have soared, attracting both skeptics and enthusiasts. Successful meme coin trading requires thorough research, strategic execution, and constant market monitoring. Leading crypto figures like Mike Novogratz from Galaxy emphasize the growing importance of meme coins, now boasting a market cap of over $54 billion. “Meme coins – whether you love them or hate them – are now a cornerstone of the crypto economy. They’re one of the most compelling narratives,” Novogratz said. Meme coins lure investors with rapid profit potential. Atlas, a renowned crypto analyst, explains that savvy traders can achieve up to 100X returns with meme coins. “Understanding the basics of trading allows you to analyze and buy tokens. With a few clicks, you could become a millionaire if you spend a little time learning,” he asserts. Atlas recommends tools like DEX Screener and DEXTools to evaluate token holder distribution. He cautions that a high percentage of tokens held by creators can indicate a crash risk, making thorough analysis crucial to avoid scams. Token sniping, or buying tokens as soon as liquidity is provided, is another tactic. “Sniping involves purchasing tokens at the moment liquidity is added, potentially yielding a 100X increase in a short time,” Atlas explained. Popular Telegram bots like BONKbot, SolTradingBot, and Unibot can assist in meme coin sniping. When a new token pool appears, snipers copy the contract, analyze it, and swiftly buy tokens using these bots. Atlas stresses that no trader has a 100% success rate and advises against getting distracted by numerous emerging projects. Instead, traders should focus on established market leaders and remain vigilant about broader crypto trends, especially Bitcoin's movements. Monitoring new pairs on DEXScreener, emulating the strategies of top traders, using tools like AlphaTrace and RugCheck can be very helpful!
Are Ethereum (ETH) Holders Losing Confidence? Selling Pressure Halting $ETH Price Recovery Ethereum’s price has seen a significant drop, falling from nearly $4,000 to below $3,500, leading many holders to move their ETH to exchanges in an attempt to minimize losses. As Ethereum's price drops, ETH holders are becoming increasingly skeptical and are opting to sell their holdings to cut losses. The network’s realized profit and loss indicator shows a surge in profit-taking over the last few days. This recent spike is the largest in three months, indicating declining optimism for further profits. Of particular concern is the selling by long-term holders, who typically hold assets for over a year. Their decision to sell signals a lack of confidence in recovery, which adds to the bearish sentiment and further drives down the price. The Age Consumed indicator, which tracks the movement of older coins, shows a spike, indicating increased activity among long-term holders. This movement reflects a growing uncertainty about the future recovery of Ethereum’s price. A spike in this indicator is typically not a good sign for Ethereum, as it shows that even long-term holders are losing confidence in a price rebound. Currently, Ethereum’s price is trading at $3,578 and faces resistance at the 50% Fibonacci Retracement level. With growing bearish sentiment among investors, this resistance is likely to strengthen, potentially pushing ETH down to $3,400, just above the 38.2% Fibonacci level, which has previously served as support. Despite the bearish outlook, there is still a possibility for recovery. If Ethereum can break through the 50% Fibonacci level at $3,582 and turn it into support, the bearish trend could be invalidated. This breakthrough would allow Ethereum’s price to recover losses and possibly climb back to $3,800. ETH’s recent price drop has shaken investor confidence, leading to increased selling and stalling price recovery. While the short-term outlook remains bearish, reclaiming key support levels could pave the way for a potential rebound. #ETH
Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Drop Wipes Out $1 Billion in Profits: Market Indicators Signal Further Decline? Shiba Inu (SHIB) recently experienced a sharp price drop, erasing $1 billion in profits and creating uncertainty in the market. With a significant support level breached, investors are bracing for further losses. In the past few days, SHIB's price has plunged to a multi-month low, leaving investors in a tough spot. The Global In/Out of the Money (GIOM) indicator reveals that around 66.75 trillion SHIB, bought between $0.00002100 and $0.00002500, is now worth $1.38 billion. Had SHIB's price remained stable, these investments could have turned profitable. However, with the price dropping to $0.00002084, this potential has been lost. The Relative Strength Index (RSI), a key momentum oscillator, is currently in bearish territory. The RSI, which ranges from 0 to 100, indicates overbought conditions above 70 and oversold conditions below 30. Currently, it is below the neutral mark of 50.0, suggesting increasing bearish pressure. This puts the RSI at its lowest point since October 2023. For nearly two months, Shiba Inu's price fluctuated between $0.00002835 and $0.00002093. Many investors anticipated a breakout, but instead, SHIB broke below this range, now trading at $0.00002084. If the bearish trend continues, SHIB could fall further, potentially reaching lows of $0.00001600 or $0.00001473. Despite the current downturn, there is a glimmer of hope. If SHIB can reclaim the support level at $0.00002093, consolidation might resume, allowing investors to potentially recover their losses. Reestablishing this support could invalidate the bearish outlook and stabilize the market. Shiba Inu's recent price drop has shaken investor confidence and wiped out substantial profits. While market indicators point to further declines, reclaiming key support levels could offer a path to recovery. Investors should stay cautious and watch for signs of stabilization in the coming days. #BTC #bitcoin #memecoins #BinanceTournament #SHIB $SHIB
Ethereum Longs Crushed, Leaving Many Traders in $62 Million Loss😳 Ethereum (ETH) traders experienced a harsh reality the past week as the derivatives market saw a massive spike in long liquidations. Coinglass data reveals this was the largest long liquidation event since May 23rd, signaling a sharp correction for those betting on ETH's price rise. Investors heavily invested in long positions, betting on an Ethereum price increase, faced an unexpected market downturn. As prices dropped below the margin requirement set by exchanges, these positions were forcibly closed to prevent further losses. The result? Over $60 million in liquidations. Amidst the market turmoil, a positive Funding Rate provided a glimmer of optimism. This rate indicates the fees paid by short position holders to long position holders, reflecting stronger demand for long positions. Despite the massive liquidations, the Funding Rate has remained positive since May 3rd, suggesting some investors still have faith in Ethereum's long-term potential. While the positive Funding Rate offers some hope, the broader market activity paints a less optimistic picture. The past 24 hours saw a 50% drop in options trading volume and a 2% decrease in Open Interest (total outstanding contracts). This indicates a potential retreat from the market, with fewer traders actively engaging in options or holding positions. Looking ahead, CoinCodex predicts a 2.46% rise in Ethereum's price to $3,636 by July 13, 2024. Despite this positive projection, market sentiment remains mixed. The Fear & Greed Index stands at 70 (Greed), showing strong investor interest, but the overall market mood is cautious. Over the past 30 days, Ethereum has shown significant volatility, with gains on 53% of the days and an overall price fluctuation of 8.63%. While short-term predictions are hopeful, the mixed signals and recent liquidations underscore the need for careful investment in the unpredictable crypto market. #BinanceTournament #TopCoinsJune2024 #ETH #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins $ETH
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