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CVX monēta ar nenovēršamu astoņkārtīgu pieaugumu, ko šajā bullīša skrējienā veicina vaļi, investori un riska ieguldījumu fondi (222,05 miljoni USD)! Kriptovalūtas dinamiskajā jomā CVX monēta, kas ir Convex Finance vietējais marķieris, piedzīvos dramatisku cenu kāpumu, kas tuvāko mēnešu laikā, iespējams, palielināsies 8x. Šo prognozi atbalsta vaļu, institucionālo investoru un riska ieguldījumu fondu stratēģiskie manevri. Šobrīd Binance CVX tirgojas par USD 2,498, uzrādot ievērojamu pieaugumu par 24,90%. Žetons ieņem 274. vietu ar tirgus maksimālo apjomu 214,64 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā un pilnībā atšķaidītu tirgus ierobežojumu 222,05 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā, kas atspoguļo dominējošo stāvokli tirgū 0,0089%. Tirāžas piedāvājums ir 96,3 miljoni CVX no kopējā piedāvājuma 99,63 miljoni CVX. Konkrēti, CVX sasniedza savu visu laiku augstāko līmeni — USD 62,6882 — 2022. gada 1. janvārī un visu laiku zemāko līmeni — USD 1,8805 — 2024. gada 13. jūnijā. Vaļi, kas ir nozīmīgi CVX turētāji, ir klusi uzkrājuši žetonu, atspoguļojot viņu pārliecību par tā ilgtermiņa potenciālu. Šī uzkrāšanās bieži notiek pirms būtiskām cenu izmaiņām, jo ​​šie lielie investori var būtiski ietekmēt tirgus tendences. Paralēli tam institucionālie investori un riska ieguldījumu fondi arvien vairāk piešķir kapitālu CVX. Viņu interesi veicina Convex Finance novatoriskā platforma, kas optimizē ienesīgumu lietotājiem, kas piedalās programmā Curve Finance. Pieaugošā Convex Finance ieviešana palielina pieprasījumu pēc CVX, radot pamatu ievērojamam cenu rallijam. Analītiķi prognozē, ka vaļu, institucionālo investoru un riska ieguldījumu fondu kopējās darbības virzīs CVX uz jauniem augstumiem, iespējams, panākot 8x pieaugumu. Šis pieaugums sniedz ienesīgu iespēju agrīnajiem investoriem, kas atbilst plašākai DeFi ieviešanas tendencei. Noslēgumā jāsaka, ka CVX monēta atrodas uz ievērojama cenu rallija sliekšņa, ko veicina galveno tirgus dalībnieku stratēģiskās investīcijas. Neaizmirsti man sekot☺️☺️ #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BlackRock #WhalesBuying #Whalestrap $CVX

CVX monēta ar nenovēršamu astoņkārtīgu pieaugumu, ko šajā bullīša skrējienā veicina vaļi, investori un riska ieguldījumu fondi (222,05 miljoni USD)!

Kriptovalūtas dinamiskajā jomā CVX monēta, kas ir Convex Finance vietējais marķieris, piedzīvos dramatisku cenu kāpumu, kas tuvāko mēnešu laikā, iespējams, palielināsies 8x.

Šo prognozi atbalsta vaļu, institucionālo investoru un riska ieguldījumu fondu stratēģiskie manevri.

Šobrīd Binance CVX tirgojas par USD 2,498, uzrādot ievērojamu pieaugumu par 24,90%.

Žetons ieņem 274. vietu ar tirgus maksimālo apjomu 214,64 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā un pilnībā atšķaidītu tirgus ierobežojumu 222,05 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā, kas atspoguļo dominējošo stāvokli tirgū 0,0089%.

Tirāžas piedāvājums ir 96,3 miljoni CVX no kopējā piedāvājuma 99,63 miljoni CVX. Konkrēti, CVX sasniedza savu visu laiku augstāko līmeni — USD 62,6882 — 2022. gada 1. janvārī un visu laiku zemāko līmeni — USD 1,8805 — 2024. gada 13. jūnijā.

Vaļi, kas ir nozīmīgi CVX turētāji, ir klusi uzkrājuši žetonu, atspoguļojot viņu pārliecību par tā ilgtermiņa potenciālu.

Šī uzkrāšanās bieži notiek pirms būtiskām cenu izmaiņām, jo ​​šie lielie investori var būtiski ietekmēt tirgus tendences.

Paralēli tam institucionālie investori un riska ieguldījumu fondi arvien vairāk piešķir kapitālu CVX.

Viņu interesi veicina Convex Finance novatoriskā platforma, kas optimizē ienesīgumu lietotājiem, kas piedalās programmā Curve Finance.

Pieaugošā Convex Finance ieviešana palielina pieprasījumu pēc CVX, radot pamatu ievērojamam cenu rallijam.

Analītiķi prognozē, ka vaļu, institucionālo investoru un riska ieguldījumu fondu kopējās darbības virzīs CVX uz jauniem augstumiem, iespējams, panākot 8x pieaugumu.

Šis pieaugums sniedz ienesīgu iespēju agrīnajiem investoriem, kas atbilst plašākai DeFi ieviešanas tendencei.

Noslēgumā jāsaka, ka CVX monēta atrodas uz ievērojama cenu rallija sliekšņa, ko veicina galveno tirgus dalībnieku stratēģiskās investīcijas.

Neaizmirsti man sekot☺️☺️

#ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BlackRock #WhalesBuying #Whalestrap $CVX

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BNB Coin Takes Hit And Will It Fall Further? BNB, the native coin of the Binance exchange, is experiencing a dip today, dropping by 2.95%. As it stands, the BNB pair is trading at $592.5, marking a 1.90% decline from previous levels. This movement has caught the attention of analysts, who are now predicting a further downward trend for the coin. Currently ranked No. 4 in the cryptocurrency market, BNB boasts a market cap of $87.52 billion (approximately ₹7.3 trillion) and holds a market dominance of 3.72%. The circulating and total supply of BNB is 147.58 million coins, maintaining consistency in its availability since its issue date on July 8, 2017. From its modest launch price of $0.15 (around ₹12.51), BNB has seen significant growth, reaching an all-time high of $720.6726 (about ₹60,104.0949) on June 6, 2024. However, it has also experienced lows, with the lowest price recorded at $0.096 (roughly ₹8.0155) on August 1, 2017. The data presented, sourced from CoinMarketCap, indicates potential volatility in the near term. While BNB has demonstrated substantial growth since its inception, today's dip signals a cautionary period for investors. Analysts suggest monitoring the market closely as the coin could see further declines in the short term. The information provided is for informational purposes only and comes with no representation or warranty of any kind. As always, investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks. --- Risk Warning: Cryptocurrency trading involves significant risk and may result in the loss of your capital. You should not invest more than you can afford to lose and should ensure you fully understand the risks involved. Literally Binance have stopped promoting my articles😈, so now I will post 100 articles and posts in a day. so make sure to follow me.☺️ #Top50Coin #june2024 #crashthemarket #WhalesBuying #ETHETFsApproved $BNB
USTC Plummets by 25.93% as Major Investors Withdraw Funds With in Last Few Hours Caused A Dump ($104.01 Million)! USTC, TerraClassicUSD (USTC) experienced a significant decline, dropping by 25.93% to $0.01702. The cryptocurrency's recent downturn has been exacerbated by the withdrawal of funds by major investors, including prominent whale accounts. According to data provided by CoinMarketCap, USTC's trading data on Binance reveals a sharp fall in its price from $0.023 to $0.01702, indicating a severe lack of investor confidence. This dramatic decrease has pushed USTC to rank 399th in the market, with a market cap of $104.01 million (approximately ₹8.68 billion). The fully diluted market cap stands at $151.5 million, with a circulating supply of 6.15 billion USTC and a total supply of 8.96 billion USTC. USTC has seen better days; its all-time high was $1.0468 on January 30, 2021. However, the cryptocurrency hit an all-time low of $0.0062 on June 19, 2022. The current market dominance of USTC is a mere 0.0044%, reflecting its diminished position in the crypto market. The mass exodus of whale investors, who hold substantial amounts of cryptocurrency, has undoubtedly contributed to the recent plunge. Their actions typically signal broader market sentiments and can precipitate further declines as smaller investors follow suit. Investors should note that the information provided is purely informational and carries no warranty or representation of accuracy. The volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets necessitates a careful and informed approach to trading. This data highlights the inherent risks in the cryptocurrency market and serves as a reminder of the swift changes that can occur in digital asset valuations. As always, it is crucial for investors to perform thorough due diligence before making any financial decisions. Don't forget to follow me☺️☺️ #BinanceTournament #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC $USTC
Whales Are Scammer Are you the one who is watching crypto prices after every 5 minutes? Are you the one who is now addict in crypto trading? 🥹 Are you the one who have lost all of your Savings in Crypto for just a hope of making profits? Are you he one who is thinking to sui*cide?🥺🥺 Are you the one who is going to end your life due to this crypto bull sh*it? Are you the one who got liquidated due to Manipulation? 🥹 Are you the one who got stuck in the positions at the top? are you the one who is in the stress?🥹🥹 Are you the one who is curious to make your future bright? are you the one who need help? Are you the one who is now crypto addict? are you the one who blame whales? What to do Now?🤒🤒 Leave all this bull Sh*it and spend time with your family members. male sure to play outdoor games with your kids, family members, friends. 🤒🤒 Enjoy your life completely. You are the one who just have a life of 60-70 years, so don't waste your life in crypto trading.😳😳 Just imagine, if you are making profits, then 10 other people are making losses, is it good? will you get relief? 🥹🥹 what about the person who died just because of these type of losses? what about the person who forced his family to sui*cide due to crypto?🤒🤒 Leave this Bull Sh*it here and do a work which is making our environment better for out new generations. open up your life and delete all these bull sh*it from your life. 🥹🥹 You probably have less than 70 years to live your life. You are the one who will lost his eye sight due to over use of mobile? Leave this bull sh*it here otherwise you will end you life just like a failure.🥹🥹 so come lets have some fun!🤗🤗 Don't forget to follow me☺️☺️ #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BlackRock #AirdropGuide #MemeWatch2024 $BTC
Bulk Selling Transactions caused a panic selling in cryptocurrencies ($58.55 Million)! Two significant Ethereum transactions have recently caught the attention of market analysts. The first transaction involved the transfer of 5,806 ETH, valued at approximately $20.42 million, from an unknown wallet to a Kraken wallet. The second transaction saw 10,865 ETH, worth about $38.13 million, moved from another unknown wallet to a Coinbase wallet. These large transfers to major cryptocurrency exchanges have led to speculation regarding the intent behind these movements. Typically, such significant transfers to exchanges like Kraken and Coinbase are interpreted as preparatory steps for selling the cryptocurrency. When large amounts of ETH are moved to exchange wallets, it often precedes a period of increased market activity, as these platforms provide the liquidity required for large-scale sales. Analysts suggest that the timing and scale of these transactions indicate a potential selling strategy. Large transfers of this nature can influence market sentiment, often signaling bearish trends as traders anticipate a possible price drop due to increased supply on the market. As a result, these transactions are closely monitored by investors to gauge upcoming market movements and adjust their trading strategies accordingly. In conclusion, the transfer of 5,806 ETH to Kraken and 10,865 ETH to Coinbase likely signifies selling intentions. Investors should remain vigilant, as these transactions could impact Ethereum's price and market dynamics in the near future. Don't forget to follow me ☺️☺️ #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #BlackRock #BTC #WhalesWinning $ETH

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