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📉 3 iemesli, kāpēc 65 000 USD iezīmē Bitcoin zemāko vērtību Neskatoties uz 65 000 USD atbalsta testēšanu 14. jūnijā, Bitcoin kopš 17. maija nav aizvērts zem 66 000 USD. Lai gan BTC šajā četru nedēļu periodā nespēja pārvarēt 72 000 USD pretestību, daži notikumi ir uzlabojuši regulējošo noskaņojumu un uzsvēra, cik maz vietas ASV. Centrālā banka ir atstājusi manevrus, neizraisot inflāciju. Labvēlīgie tirgus apstākļi un noturība Bitcoin atvasinājumu metrikā liecina, ka negatīvie aspekti ir ārkārtīgi ierobežoti. 🔸 Vašingtona pamazām kļūst labvēlīgāka kriptovalūtām 16. maijā ASV likumdevēji pieņēma Kongresa pārskatīšanas likumu, lai izpētītu Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) noteikumu, kas nosaka, ka biržas sarakstā iekļautajiem uzņēmumiem, tostarp bankām, bilancē jāieraksta kriptovalūtu aktīvi gan kā aktīvi, gan kā saistības. Pēc senatores Sintijas Lummisas domām, šis balsojums bija pagrieziena punkts, jo tas bija pirmais Kongresa pieņemtais “atsevišķais kriptovalūtu tiesību akts”. Galu galā rezolūciju uzlika veto prezidents Džo Baidens, taču demokrātu spītība liecina par "pieaugošo kriptovalūtu dalībnieku skaitu" un "pieaugošo ietekmi" ASV politikā, uzskata Bitcoin politikas institūta līdzstrādnieks Kreigs Vārms. Lai gan Baidena veto ir izaicinājums. , abām Kongresa palātām būtu nepieciešams divu trešdaļu balsu vairākums, lai to atceltu. Banku sektoram ir ekonomisks stimuls piedāvāt kriptovalūtu glabāšanas pakalpojumus, jo arī bankas vēlas iegūt savu daļu no notiekošās kriptovalūtu ieviešanas. Daniels Makkeibs, Flexa galvenais atbilstības speciālists, uzskata, ka "kriptogrāfiju atbalstošie lobiji un banku nozare varētu noteikti ietekmēt". Periana Boringa, blokķēdes tirdzniecības asociācijas Digital Chamber dibinātāja un izpilddirektore, raksturoja demokrātu atbalstu kā Baidena administrācijas "pašķirtnes brīdi". Borings apgalvoja, ka Šūmera atbalsts Vašingtonā pavērš labvēlīgus viļņus kriptovalūtām. Būtībā Baidenam būs novērtēt, vai ir vērts uzlikt veto H.J.Res 109, jo tas var radīt iekšēju konfliktu Demokrātu partijā. $BTC #BTC #bitcoin

📉 3 iemesli, kāpēc 65 000 USD iezīmē Bitcoin zemāko vērtību

Neskatoties uz 65 000 USD atbalsta testēšanu 14. jūnijā, Bitcoin kopš 17. maija nav aizvērts zem 66 000 USD. Lai gan BTC šajā četru nedēļu periodā nespēja pārvarēt 72 000 USD pretestību, daži notikumi ir uzlabojuši regulējošo noskaņojumu un uzsvēra, cik maz vietas ASV. Centrālā banka ir atstājusi manevrus, neizraisot inflāciju. Labvēlīgie tirgus apstākļi un noturība Bitcoin atvasinājumu metrikā liecina, ka negatīvie aspekti ir ārkārtīgi ierobežoti.

🔸 Vašingtona pamazām kļūst labvēlīgāka kriptovalūtām

16. maijā ASV likumdevēji pieņēma Kongresa pārskatīšanas likumu, lai izpētītu Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas (SEC) noteikumu, kas nosaka, ka biržas sarakstā iekļautajiem uzņēmumiem, tostarp bankām, bilancē jāieraksta kriptovalūtu aktīvi gan kā aktīvi, gan kā saistības. Pēc senatores Sintijas Lummisas domām, šis balsojums bija pagrieziena punkts, jo tas bija pirmais Kongresa pieņemtais “atsevišķais kriptovalūtu tiesību akts”.

Galu galā rezolūciju uzlika veto prezidents Džo Baidens, taču demokrātu spītība liecina par "pieaugošo kriptovalūtu dalībnieku skaitu" un "pieaugošo ietekmi" ASV politikā, uzskata Bitcoin politikas institūta līdzstrādnieks Kreigs Vārms. Lai gan Baidena veto ir izaicinājums. , abām Kongresa palātām būtu nepieciešams divu trešdaļu balsu vairākums, lai to atceltu.

Banku sektoram ir ekonomisks stimuls piedāvāt kriptovalūtu glabāšanas pakalpojumus, jo arī bankas vēlas iegūt savu daļu no notiekošās kriptovalūtu ieviešanas. Daniels Makkeibs, Flexa galvenais atbilstības speciālists, uzskata, ka "kriptogrāfiju atbalstošie lobiji un banku nozare varētu noteikti ietekmēt".

Periana Boringa, blokķēdes tirdzniecības asociācijas Digital Chamber dibinātāja un izpilddirektore, raksturoja demokrātu atbalstu kā Baidena administrācijas "pašķirtnes brīdi". Borings apgalvoja, ka Šūmera atbalsts Vašingtonā pavērš labvēlīgus viļņus kriptovalūtām. Būtībā Baidenam būs novērtēt, vai ir vērts uzlikt veto H.J.Res 109, jo tas var radīt iekšēju konfliktu Demokrātu partijā.

$BTC #BTC #bitcoin

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🔥 XRP Surges Amid Market Sell-Offs: Unusual Bullish Push Sparks Buying Frenzy ● XRP’s price surged by 2.39% to $0.4997, defying Bitcoin’s decline of 0.88%. ● XRP’s trading volume increased by 202% in the past 24 hours, reaching $2,569,261,126. ● The Ripple versus SEC lawsuit nearing its end and the forthcoming stablecoin launch are key factors potentially driving XRP’s bullish momentum. The XRP ecosystem is experiencing a significant surge in positive sentiment, leading to a remarkable buying spree among traders. The origins of this bullish momentum are unclear, yet it has propelled XRP’s trading volume to extraordinary levels. While most digital currencies are facing sell-offs, XRP is demonstrating notable strength. This digital asset’s price has surged by 2.39% in the past 24 hours, reaching $0.4997, in stark contrast to Bitcoin’s (BTC) 0.88% decline to $65,638. The decoupling from Bitcoin’s mildly bearish trend highlights XRP’s unusual performance. XRP’s trading volume has skyrocketed by 202% in the past day, totaling $2,569,261,126. This increase in trading activity indicates a significant influx of interest and investment into the XRP community, with 5,141,607,216.33 XRP tokens exchanged in the same period.  Currently, the primary update from Ripple Labs pertains to its forthcoming stablecoin launch. Though this development might slightly impact XRP’s role as a cross-border payment token, analysts argue that it could ultimately benefit the digital currency. The launch is anticipated to bring additional utility to the XRP Ledger (XRPL), enhancing its use cases and potentially driving further demand and volume. As the legal battle between Ripple and the SEC approaches its conclusion, market analysts are optimistic that the resolution will remove a major growth barrier for XRP. The evolution of XRPL also plays a critical role, with new avenues for utilizing XRP expected to satisfy demand and support a more bullish long-term price trend.  $XRP #XRP
🚀 Shiba Inu To The Moon: Analyst Predicts A Run Above $0.00015 If This Happens Shiba Inu has received another bullish prediction from a crypto analyst, highlighting the expectations that the meme coin is far from done. This time around, a crypto analyst has predicted a notable surge in the SHIB price, with the expectation that it will reach a new all-time high by the time the rally is complete. 🔸 Shiba Inu Poised For New All-Time Highs In an analysis posted on X (formerly Twitter), crypto analyst Javon Marks has shared a rather bullish expectation for the Shiba Inu price. Marks, who has been quite vocal about his support for the coin, continued into the new week, predicting a new all-time high for the meme coin. The crypto analyst reveals that the Shiba Inu price had been trading inside of a small Bull Flag pattern. However, the meme coin has been able to break out of this bull flag pattern and could see a rally as a result of this development. As the crypto analyst explains, “this breakout may be enough to spark another major wave up in an already massive uphill run!” The major reason why this breakout is important is where the price could end up as a result. For one, the crypto analyst sees the price reaching its current all-time high above $0.000081 for a start. Then, if the rally were to continue from here, Marks expects SHIB to rise as high as $0.00015. The initial target would constitute an over 300% increase in price. However, the “larger breakout” which the analyst expects is on the horizon, is more important, bringing an over 800% increase in price if it comes to pass. “A break above $0.000081 and SHIB may just be set for another +90% move to $0.0001553,” Marks said. 🔸 Being Bullish On SHIB The latest Shiba Inu analysis from crypto analyst Javon Marks is only the latest in a long line of bullish predictions that he has made for Shiba Inu. Marks’ thread goes as far back as September 2023, and since that time, the SHIB price has risen more than 200%. $SHIB #SHIB
⬇️ Three reasons why the crypto market fell on Tuesday An analyst cited by CryptoQuant theorized that a bottom was in play with the recent market-wide slump. The total cryptocurrency market declined by more than 7% over the past week and more than 3% in a month. Notably, Bitcoin (BTC) dropped below the $65,000 mark while altcoins suffered massive corrections. Altcoins, typically more volatile than Bitcoin, have fared worse than the top virtual currency and lost over 4% of of market value in the last 30 days. BTC has shed around 3% in the same timeframe, but the token seems locked in a sideways pattern. 🔸 Miner Capitulation A CryptoQuant report noted that miner capitulation was a major reason for the dip in the total market cap to $2.4 trillion. Following the Bitcoin halving, block rewards were slashed by 50%, and miner revenues fell 55% in tandem. The change in market dynamics has forced miners to finance business expenses by offloading more Bitcoin, contributing to additional selling pressure on the token’s price and bolstering its ranging price movement. 🔸 Low stablecoin issuance Stablecoins offer a pathway into digital assets by on-ramping and off-ramping liquidity for the decentralized ecosystem. Tokens like Tether’s USDT and Circle’s USD Coin (USDC) are pegged to the U.S. dollar, providing a non-volatile currency for trading. Frequent stablecoin issuance usually indicates an influx of capital and liquidity into the cryptocurrency market. However, analysts noted low stablecoin issuance levels. In other words, new capital flowing into digital assets has somewhat stalled with prices. 🔸 Crypto ETF outflows Spot Bitcoin ETFs from firms like BlackRock and Fidelity broke Wall Street records by reaching multiple billions in assets within weeks. Recently, however, the funds have seen outflows, adding more pressure to Bitcoin prices and the broader digital asset market. More than $600 million exited digital asset investment products last week after a hawkish Federal Reserve policy meeting. #Crypto #Cryptocurrency
📉 Why Crypto Market is Down Today? Bitcoin has experienced a notable decline recently, with its price currently at $65,113 and a 24-hour trading volume of $169.865 million. Several factors are contributing to this downturn. Let’s dive deep to do an in-depth analysis. 🔸 Key Factors Contributing to The Downturn of Bitcoin As per the opinion of an expert named IT tech published in CryptoQuant, there are three key factors that are contributing currently to the downturn of BTC. ● Miner Revenues and Selling Pressure: Miner revenues have dropped by 55%, compelling miners to sell more Bitcoin to cover their costs. As a result, more Bitcoin is being moved from miners’ wallets to exchanges, creating a downward pressure on prices. ● ETF Withdrawals and Selling Pressure: Significant withdrawals from major ETFs like Fidelity and Grayscale are adding to the selling pressure on Bitcoin. ● Stablecoin Market Stagnation: The stablecoin market is not seeing new issuances, leading to reduced liquidity in the crypto market. This lack of new money entering the market increases price volatility. Naturally, the market price volatility has prompted short-term investors to sell off their holdings due to fears of future price drops. 🔸 Bitcoin Historical Trends and Support Levels: An Overview Despite the current fear and selling, the average realised price for short-term holders is around $62,400, which historically serves as a strong support level in bull markets. Historical trends suggest that periods of sustained low miner revenues combined with a high hashrate can indicate a potential market bottom, hinting at possible stabilisation or a market rebound. In mid-March, Bitcoin’s price was over $73,000, and since then, it has oscillated within the average range of $71,000 and $61,000, occasionally showing slips. At the beginning of May, it slightly slipped under $60,000, but recovered soon. At the beginning of this month, on June 1, 2024, the price of BTC was around $67,763. After three consistent green candles. #Crypto $BTC #BTC

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