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$BTC $ETH $BNB šŸ›‘šŸ›‘šŸ›‘BTC Steidzami steidzami steidzami atjauninājumišŸ›‘šŸ›‘šŸ›‘ 1ļøāƒ£ BTC SOON DUMP Iemesls ir tas, ka Å”odien ir daudz jaunumu, tāpēc Ŕīs ziņas pirms tam BTC sāks pakāpeniski vai ātri kristies, un tajā paŔā laikā Å”ie apgabali, kuros BTC ir no 71 500 lÄ«dz 69 000, ir svārstÄ«bu zonas , tāpēc pastāv iespēja, ka BTC kritÄ«sies, kā es runāju savā Signālā par apgabalu. 71 000 peļņa 4TP, tātad ir labs darÄ«jums par garantēto minimumu. Tagad mums var bÅ«t nepiecieÅ”ama pagaidu korekcija. Iemesls ir saistÄ«ts ar ziņām, kuras es minēju iepriekÅ”, kas ir svarÄ«gas, un piektdiena ir labs NFP, un Ŕīs ziņas var bÅ«t pirmais iemesls BTC pieaugumam. Kad iznāca ziņas, BTC tajā laikā eksplodēja, ar Å”o iespējamo korekcijas iespēju pirms Ziņas tika izlaistas tajā paŔā laikā, tāpēc BTC apgabals ir 69 800. Potenciāls ir arÄ« dievbijÄ«bas pretestÄ«ba tagad ir 71 000, tāpēc ir grÅ«ti viegli iekļūt Å”ajā apgabalā. 2ļøāƒ£ BTC iekļūt starp divām zonām neizdevās nokrist uz leju 70500 un 70300 Ŕīs divas ļoti svarÄ«gās zonas tagad izdzÄ«vo dod negatÄ«vu, ja neaizveras virs 70500 apgabala un ja atbalsta laukuma augÅ”upvērstā ir 69500 ā€‹ā€‹un atbalsta zona 69800 pārtraukuma laukums 69500 ā€‹ā€‹Atpakaļ uz 69000 atbalsta laukums un uz leju, un uz RSI 4H NFP un negatÄ«vas aizvērÅ”anas sveces pirms Ŕīs sveces ir tik liela iespējamÄ«ba, ka nosÄ“Å”anās #btc70k #BTC #LINK #SOL #XRP


šŸ›‘šŸ›‘šŸ›‘BTC Steidzami steidzami steidzami atjauninājumišŸ›‘šŸ›‘šŸ›‘

1ļøāƒ£ BTC SOON DUMP Iemesls ir tas, ka Å”odien ir daudz jaunumu, tāpēc Ŕīs ziņas pirms tam BTC sāks pakāpeniski vai ātri kristies, un tajā paŔā laikā Å”ie apgabali, kuros BTC ir no 71 500 lÄ«dz 69 000, ir svārstÄ«bu zonas , tāpēc pastāv iespēja, ka BTC kritÄ«sies, kā es runāju savā Signālā par apgabalu. 71 000 peļņa 4TP, tātad ir labs darÄ«jums par garantēto minimumu. Tagad mums var bÅ«t nepiecieÅ”ama pagaidu korekcija. Iemesls ir saistÄ«ts ar ziņām, kuras es minēju iepriekÅ”, kas ir svarÄ«gas, un piektdiena ir labs NFP, un Ŕīs ziņas var bÅ«t pirmais iemesls BTC pieaugumam. Kad iznāca ziņas, BTC tajā laikā eksplodēja, ar Å”o iespējamo korekcijas iespēju pirms Ziņas tika izlaistas tajā paŔā laikā, tāpēc BTC apgabals ir 69 800. Potenciāls ir arÄ« dievbijÄ«bas pretestÄ«ba tagad ir 71 000, tāpēc ir grÅ«ti viegli iekļūt Å”ajā apgabalā.

2ļøāƒ£ BTC iekļūt starp divām zonām neizdevās nokrist uz leju 70500 un 70300 Ŕīs divas ļoti svarÄ«gās zonas tagad izdzÄ«vo dod negatÄ«vu, ja neaizveras virs 70500 apgabala un ja atbalsta laukuma augÅ”upvērstā ir 69500 ā€‹ā€‹un atbalsta zona 69800 pārtraukuma laukums 69500 ā€‹ā€‹Atpakaļ uz 69000 atbalsta laukums un uz leju, un uz RSI 4H NFP un negatÄ«vas aizvērÅ”anas sveces pirms Ŕīs sveces ir tik liela iespējamÄ«ba, ka nosÄ“Å”anās

#btc70k #BTC #LINK #SOL #XRP

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$NOT $JASMY $PEOPLE šŸ›‘šŸ›‘šŸ›‘Urgent urgent urgent updatešŸ›‘šŸ›‘šŸ›‘ 1ļøāƒ£ Analysis of the trio NOT, JASMY and PEOPLE. Letā€™s start with NOT, as we can see that it returned from the bullish areas. Everyone was excited to go up, but I talked about these areas and I have a full CHART about this matter. The possibility of it falling to these areas, breaking the 0.016850 area, is very negative, but it will return soon because it reaches the areas. Also, the RSI has reached the oversold areas, so there is strong buying coming, but it is not certain if BTC will correct first or not. What I expect is a fall to the 0.015400 area, then a rise from the same area, or a stay close to this area. As a reminder, there is good resistance in the area. 0.017800, and the most important area so far is 0.019990, which is the bullish zone, so any rise to areas below it is not guaranteed or certain to rise, as we are at the beginning of the week, so there is a possibility that we will see a good rise for it. 2ļøāƒ£ jasmy is at the beginning of a correction due to its arrival in overbought areas. The 5 or 6 most important areas for JASMY. The first area is 0.037200, not certain. The second area is 0.037995. It is certain to rise in the event of a breakout. The second area is 0.036000, the second area is 0.035100, the third area is 0.033800, and the last area is 0.033200, meaning a break from a distance. These target areas will be the 0.030000 area 3ļøāƒ£ PEOPLE is still rising. As a reminder, the last support is 0.12250, meaning a break after this is negative and a violent decline for the currency. Then the strongest support reaches the areas of 0.11900, then comes the last area of 0.11182, so the PEOPLE currency will either rise or have another decline. šŸ”“šŸ”“šŸ”“ Note about coin : 1. Analysis in front of you, no need for questions 2. Taking profits is not my responsibility so I order it for you 3. Click the currency symbol (yellow font) in the post to buy spot. Click the rectangular box at the end of the post to buy Futures. #BTC #ETH #JASMY #NOT #PEOPLE
$BTC $ETH $BNB šŸ›‘šŸ›‘šŸ›‘BTC Urgent urgent update very urgentšŸ›‘šŸ›‘šŸ›‘ 1ļøāƒ£ BTC DUMP AND What are its expected next movements? As we see, the 1W close or weekly close has ended, and we see before positive closes. Does this mean the rise is over? Of course not. BTC is still rising, even there is an upcoming target. As I see, the closest support is below the 69000 area and on the 4H RSI indicator is 43.74, and the negative area is 43.76, so There is a possibility of either a strong rise or a violent fall to areas below the 40.00 area, and BTC must overcome three important areas, the first area 69500, the second area 69700, and the third very important area 69900. The most important areas after these come the first area 70300 and the 70500 area, so these are the important areas. 2ļøāƒ£ ETH is still negative after breaking the 3725 area. ETH must remain above the 3660 area. The reason is that it is the only support area, so any upcoming break of it is very negative, knowing that there is a rebound from the 3550 area. The reason is a confirmed rebound area for me in the chart. As we know, ETH must bounce, knowing that it is in Areas to retest the rise again. Failure means a decline in the Ibex. RSI 4H indicator area 32.27, clear rebound to areas 39.45. This thing is very good for the market, but it is not certain unless the 40.00 area is breached and the 50.00 area rises at least. Here you can know the real trend if it is negative or positive. 3ļøāƒ£ TOTAL liquidity is still negative. The reason is clear: withdrawing liquidity from alternative currencies and falling liquidity below 2.507. Negative now in the 2.470 area. Liquidity rebound from the 2.455 area is positive, provided it closes above the 2.495 area. The minimum is for us to see a real rise now. The fluctuation areas are 2.425 and the 2.437 area and on the RSI 4H indicator. Positive rise from the 34.05 area to the 39.36 area. The real goal is to break the oversold area, so there is a good rise coming. #BTC #ETH #BNB #bitcoin #ETHETFsApproved

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