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⚡️ Bitcoin jaunajam ATH var būt atlikušas tikai divas nedēļas! Analītiķis paziņo par notikumiem, kas aizvedīs BTC uz ATH! Kaut arī Bitcoin martā sasniedza jaunu ATH, pārspējot iepriekšējo ATH USD 69 000 apmērā, pēc tam tas strauji samazinājās. Lai gan ilgtermiņa investoru pārdošanas spiediens bija efektīvs šajos kritumos, jaunākie dati, kas liecina, ka pārdošanas spiediens BTC ir samazinājies, ir palielinājuši kāpuma gaidas. Šajā brīdī, kamēr investori gaida jaunu ATH no BTC īstermiņā, 10X Research dibinātājs Markus Thielen, kurš ir ļoti veiksmīgs savās prognozēs, paziņoja par notikumiem, kas aizvedīs Bitcoin uz jauno ATH. Norādot, ka jūnija inflācijas dati ir svarīgi Bitcoin, Thielen apgalvoja, ka, ja PCI dati ir 3,3 procenti vai zemāki, BTC sasniegs jaunu ATH. Paziņojot, ka tūlītējās ETF ieplūdes, izņemot ASV inflācijas datus, joprojām ir spēcīgas, pozitīvi ietekmēs cenu pieaugumu, Tīlens sacīja, ka viņš uzskata, ka tūlītējās Bitcoin ETF ieplūdes "saglabāsies spēcīgas" šajās divās nedēļās pirms jūnija PCI rezultātu paziņošanas. . Saskaņā ar Thielen, ja PCI dati ir augstāki nekā gaidīts, Bitcoin augšupejošais impulss var vājināties. 💬 “Bitcoin cenu izmaiņas lielākajai daļai cilvēku var šķist nejaušas, taču BTC cenā nav nejaušu kustību. Viss ir atkarīgs no kritiskajiem faktoriem, un galvenais BTC virzītājspēks ir inflācija. Šajā brīdī tirgotājiem, kuri zina, kā Bitcoin reaģē uz PCI datiem, vajadzētu būt pārliecinātiem par tirdzniecību pretējā virzienā, salīdzinot ar iepriekšējā mēneša PCI izmaiņām. "Ja jūnijā inflācija sasniegs 3,3 procentus vai zemāku, Bitcoin varētu sasniegt visu laiku augstāko līmeni." $BTC #BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT)

⚡️ Bitcoin jaunajam ATH var būt atlikušas tikai divas nedēļas! Analītiķis paziņo par notikumiem, kas aizvedīs BTC uz ATH!

Kaut arī Bitcoin martā sasniedza jaunu ATH, pārspējot iepriekšējo ATH USD 69 000 apmērā, pēc tam tas strauji samazinājās.

Lai gan ilgtermiņa investoru pārdošanas spiediens bija efektīvs šajos kritumos, jaunākie dati, kas liecina, ka pārdošanas spiediens BTC ir samazinājies, ir palielinājuši kāpuma gaidas.

Šajā brīdī, kamēr investori gaida jaunu ATH no BTC īstermiņā, 10X Research dibinātājs Markus Thielen, kurš ir ļoti veiksmīgs savās prognozēs, paziņoja par notikumiem, kas aizvedīs Bitcoin uz jauno ATH.

Norādot, ka jūnija inflācijas dati ir svarīgi Bitcoin, Thielen apgalvoja, ka, ja PCI dati ir 3,3 procenti vai zemāki, BTC sasniegs jaunu ATH.

Paziņojot, ka tūlītējās ETF ieplūdes, izņemot ASV inflācijas datus, joprojām ir spēcīgas, pozitīvi ietekmēs cenu pieaugumu, Tīlens sacīja, ka viņš uzskata, ka tūlītējās Bitcoin ETF ieplūdes "saglabāsies spēcīgas" šajās divās nedēļās pirms jūnija PCI rezultātu paziņošanas. .

Saskaņā ar Thielen, ja PCI dati ir augstāki nekā gaidīts, Bitcoin augšupejošais impulss var vājināties.

💬 “Bitcoin cenu izmaiņas lielākajai daļai cilvēku var šķist nejaušas, taču BTC cenā nav nejaušu kustību. Viss ir atkarīgs no kritiskajiem faktoriem, un galvenais BTC virzītājspēks ir inflācija.

Šajā brīdī tirgotājiem, kuri zina, kā Bitcoin reaģē uz PCI datiem, vajadzētu būt pārliecinātiem par tirdzniecību pretējā virzienā, salīdzinot ar iepriekšējā mēneša PCI izmaiņām.

"Ja jūnijā inflācija sasniegs 3,3 procentus vai zemāku, Bitcoin varētu sasniegt visu laiku augstāko līmeni."


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🚀 Terra Luna Classic Plans Major Upgrade The Terra Luna Classic (LUNC) community is gearing up for the much-anticipated v3.0.1 upgrade, set to commence within a few hours. According to community member Bay Diamondhandz1, the upgrade could lead to a temporary suspension of the LUNC chain. 🔸 What Changes Will the Upgrade Bring? This significant upgrade follows a near-unanimous decision by the Terra Luna Classic community. Garnering 99.9% approval from both members and validators, the proposal by the Terra Luna Classic Layer 1 development team, Original Labs, includes major updates like SDK 47 and other essential blockchain enhancements. Despite this positive development, LUNC’s price dropped by 2.95% to $0.0001163 in the last 24 hours, according to data from Analysts are puzzled by this decline, as such news usually spurs a positive price reaction. 🔸 Why Is the Market Reacting Differently? Interestingly, the market has shown positive sentiment following an agreement between the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Terraform Labs, and Do Kwon. Observers have noted the favorable outlook towards Terra tokens amid this news. According to a new LUNC report, the positive sentiment from the SEC agreement has led to price predictions aiming for a $1 target. The v3.0.1 upgrade protocol will require validators to replace the old binary file with the new one, aiming to enhance the Terra network’s performance and operations. 🔸 Key Insights for Investors – The v3.0.1 upgrade is critical for LUNC’s blockchain improvements. – Market reaction to the upgrade news has been unexpectedly negative. – Positive sentiment is observed due to the SEC agreement involving Terraform Labs and Do Kwon. – Binance‘s support through token burns is significant for LUNC’s price recovery. In its recovery efforts, Terra Luna Classic has seen Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, burn a staggering 1.35 billion tokens as part of its internal LUNC support mechanism. $LUNC #LUNC #TerraLunaClassic
🔓 June preview: $100 million token unlocks from Arbitrum and Aptos, plus APE, OP, and more Here’s a preview of the significant token unlock events across the crypto space for the month of June. $100 million unlocks from Arbitrum and Aptos lead the pack, which includes significant unlocks from Optimism, StarkNet, ImmutableX, Apecoin, and more.  June promises to be another significant month for token unlocks in the world of crypto, as significant projects unlock over $650 million worth of tokens at current prices. Much of that sum is made up of dual $100 million unlocks from Ethereum  ETH -1.49% Layer network Arbitrum  ARB -2.81% and buzzy Layer 1 Aptos  APT -2.66%, though a wide variety of projects and protocols plan to unlock tokens in June. Here are all the significant unlocks coming up this month, according to Token Unlocks data.  🔸 Aptos: June 12, $100 million Aptos, one of two projects largely staffed by former members of Facebook's Libra currency project (the other one being Sui), will unlock another 2.59% of its circulating supply on May 12, 11.31 million tokens at a current value of around $100 million.  🔸 ImmutableX: June 14, $55 million Web3 gaming firm ImmutableX  IMX -3.62% will unlock 1.72% of its circulating supply, 25.5 million tokens at a current value of $55 million, on June 13. VanEck said last December that the release of Web3 games like Illuvium  ILV -2.85% could catapult ImmutableX into a top 25 token by market cap in 2024.   🔸 StarkNet: June 15, $75 million StarkNet  STRK +1.95%, the Ethereum Layer 2 network which unveiled its 2024 roadmap in March and promised to enhance throughput and reduce transaction fees, will unlock 64 million tokens on June 15, representing 5.6% of the token's circulating supply. The current value of the tokens is about $75 million.  🔸 Arbitrum: June 16, $103 million Arbitrum, which recently became the first Layer 2 network to hit $150 billion total volume on Uniswap, will unlock 3.2% of its circulating supply on June 16. The 92.6 million tokens have a current value of about $103 million. 
⭐️ Bitcoin post-halving run may reach $130K by September 2025 Bitcoin (BTC) could reach a cycle peak of $130,000 to $150,000 between late August to early September if it follows the trajectory of previous post-halving bull markets, according to crypto trader Peter Brandt. The recently-passed April 20 Bitcoin halving is a coded-in event about every four years that slashes mining rewards by 50%, and halving dates have “represented almost perfect symmetry within past bull market cycles,” Brandt wrote in a June 2 report. He claimed historically, the Bitcoin halving date has sat almost in the middle of when a bull market starts and when it reaches its peak. The last Bitcoin bull market started about 16 months before the halving on May 11, 2020, and the cycle ended about 18 months after that, according to Brandt’s analysis. “If this sequence continues, the next bull market cycle high should occur in late Aug/early Sep 2025,” he wrote. Brandt added that “no method of analysis is fool-proof” when it comes to guessing Bitcoin’s cycle high, but past highs have followed a similar growth pattern and if it continues he puts a bull market high “in the $130,000 to $150,000 range.” 🔸 Chance Bitcoin has already topped Brandt’s analysis marks Dec. 17, 2022, as the start of the current bull market. BTC traded around $16,800 then, but it has since gained over 300% to trade at $67,882, per Cointelegraph Markets Pro. Bitcoin is down from its March 14 all-time high of $73,679, however, and Brandt believes there’s a 25% chance that Bitcoin has already hit a bull market top as each bull cycle’s gains are dropping relative to the one prior. If BTC fails to make a new all-time high and sinks below $55,000, Brandt says he’d raise the probability that the cryptocurrency is experiencing an “exponential decay.” $BTC #BTC #Bitcoin
🔴 Notcoin Achieves Over 350% Weekly Gains Telegram-based cryptocurrency Notcoin (NOT), achieved a unilateral rise, pushing weekly gains above 350%. While the broader cryptocurrency market consolidated over the weekend, Notcoin (NOT) price surged an additional 40% on Sunday, reaching an all-time high of $0.027. 🔸 350% Increase in NOT NOT is trading at $0.02373 with a market cap of $2.439 billion. In the latest rally, Notcoin’s daily trading volume increased by 220%, surpassing $4.5 billion, making it the fourth most traded cryptocurrency in the market. Experts attribute Notcoin’s value increase to its successful integration with Telegram’s extensive user base. Although the recent airdrop was initially met with a moderate reception, it has since seen a positive turnaround reflected in the token’s price increase. The significant growth in Notcoin network transactions parallels its rising popularity. The platform allows users to earn NOT tokens by completing simple games and tasks. Recently, Notcoin launched “earn missions,” enabling passive token accumulation and further boosting user engagement. 🔸 Whale Gains in NOT With social media integration, Notcoin is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing play-to-earn trend. Analysts claim Notcoin price could see potential gains up to $0.1. On-chain data provider Lookonchain reported that Notcoin’s (NOT) price increased by over 400% in the past seven days. Lookonchain highlighted that a significant investor, referred to as a whale, achieved an unrealized profit of $862,000 from NOT. This investor spent 50,550 TON ($278,000) to purchase 46.4 billion wNOT before NOT was listed. On May 21, the whale converted all 46.4 billion wNOT into 46.4 million NOT and has since held onto it, gaining approximately $862,000. As the craze for Telegram mini-apps continues, Notcoin bulls may pursue higher price targets. $NOT #NOT #Notcoinnews

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