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Vaļi uzkrāj Bitcoin (BTC) un XRP, Santiment prognozē iespējamo pieaugumu. #Santiment , tirgus izlūkošanas platforma, kas piedāvā tiešsaistes un sociālo metriku, ir atklājusi strauju tendenci, kas attīstās starp lielākajām kriptovalūtu tirgus monētām. Lai gan Bitcoin un Ethereum liecina par savu visu laiku augstāko rekordu (ATH) atgūšanu, lielas kapitalizācijas investori, t.i., vaļi, demonstrē tirgus uzvedību, kas atbilst atklātajai tendencei. Atgriežoties pie XRP virsgrāmatas, Santiment atzīmēja, ka XRP vaļi kriptovalūtā virzās pozitīvā virzienā. Santimenta veiktā #XRP analīze aptver četru gadu ciklu, kurā vaļi izjauc un no jauna saliek aktīvus. Saskaņā ar Santiment teikto, XRP vaļi saviem makiem pievienoja vēl 3,17 miljardus XRP monētu. Analītiskā platforma definēja vaļus kā tos, kuriem ir vairāk nekā 10 miljoni XRP žetonu, katra vērtība ir aptuveni 5,1 miljons USD. Četros apskatāmajos gados XRP palielinājās līdz gandrīz 2 $, kam sekoja ilgstošs lejupvērsts spiediens, kas saistīts ar ieilgušo juridisko cīņu starp Ripple un ASV SEC. Bieži vien kriptovalūtu tirgotāji pēta vaļu kustības, lai prognozētu tirgus virzienus. Tāpēc Santiment reģistrētā XRP uzkrāšanās var liecināt par iespējamu XRP drīzu pieaugumu, jo #Ripple un #SEC gadījums tuvojas galīgajam beigām. Rakstīšanas laikā #XRP tirgojas par USD 0,52491 un turpina tirdzniecību šaurā horizontālā kanālā. Pašreizējā cena atspoguļo 2.38% atsekošanu par dienu pēc 3.57% pieauguma iepriekšējā dienā. Tā kā vaļu darbība turpina veidot kriptovalūtu tirgu, lielu investoru veiktā XRP uzkrāšanās varētu būt galvenais potenciālā rallija rādītājs. Ripple-SEC juridiskajai cīņai tuvojoties noslēgumam, tirgus dalībniekiem rūpīgi jāuzrauga nākotnes investīciju iespējas. $BTC $XRP

Vaļi uzkrāj Bitcoin (BTC) un XRP, Santiment prognozē iespējamo pieaugumu.

#Santiment , tirgus izlūkošanas platforma, kas piedāvā tiešsaistes un sociālo metriku, ir atklājusi strauju tendenci, kas attīstās starp lielākajām kriptovalūtu tirgus monētām. Lai gan Bitcoin un Ethereum liecina par savu visu laiku augstāko rekordu (ATH) atgūšanu, lielas kapitalizācijas investori, t.i., vaļi, demonstrē tirgus uzvedību, kas atbilst atklātajai tendencei.

Atgriežoties pie XRP virsgrāmatas, Santiment atzīmēja, ka XRP vaļi kriptovalūtā virzās pozitīvā virzienā.

Santimenta veiktā #XRP analīze aptver četru gadu ciklu, kurā vaļi izjauc un no jauna saliek aktīvus. Saskaņā ar Santiment teikto, XRP vaļi saviem makiem pievienoja vēl 3,17 miljardus XRP monētu. Analītiskā platforma definēja vaļus kā tos, kuriem ir vairāk nekā 10 miljoni XRP žetonu, katra vērtība ir aptuveni 5,1 miljons USD.

Četros apskatāmajos gados XRP palielinājās līdz gandrīz 2 $, kam sekoja ilgstošs lejupvērsts spiediens, kas saistīts ar ieilgušo juridisko cīņu starp Ripple un ASV SEC. Bieži vien kriptovalūtu tirgotāji pēta vaļu kustības, lai prognozētu tirgus virzienus. Tāpēc Santiment reģistrētā XRP uzkrāšanās var liecināt par iespējamu XRP drīzu pieaugumu, jo #Ripple un #SEC gadījums tuvojas galīgajam beigām.

Rakstīšanas laikā #XRP tirgojas par USD 0,52491 un turpina tirdzniecību šaurā horizontālā kanālā. Pašreizējā cena atspoguļo 2.38% atsekošanu par dienu pēc 3.57% pieauguma iepriekšējā dienā.

Tā kā vaļu darbība turpina veidot kriptovalūtu tirgu, lielu investoru veiktā XRP uzkrāšanās varētu būt galvenais potenciālā rallija rādītājs. Ripple-SEC juridiskajai cīņai tuvojoties noslēgumam, tirgus dalībniekiem rūpīgi jāuzrauga nākotnes investīciju iespējas.


Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var būt iekļauts apmaksāts saturs. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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These Events Will Be Followed in Bitcoin and Altcoins Next Week! We have come to the end of another week in the cryptocurrency market. The chaotic process for the crypto industry still continues. Events that will take place next week and future economic data may affect the price movements of crypto assets. Here is the list of important developments that Bitcoin ($BTC ) and altcoin investors should follow closely next week: Monday, June 17: * #Binance will delist 4 altcoins named OMG, WAVES, WNXM and XEM. * Ethena (#ENA ) will make a tokenomic update. * ECB President Lagarde will make a speech. * The altcoin named Vanarchain (VANRY) is expected to publish a partnership announcement. * In Chiliz ($CHZ ), Dragon8 hard fork will take place. * FOMC members Williams and Harker will talk about inflation and interest rates in the USA. Tuesday, June 18: * European Region Annual Inflation Rate (#CPI ) will be announced. * FOMC members will hold a meeting and more than five FED officials will speak. Wednesday, June 19: * The financial market in the USA will be closed for Juneteenth. Thursday, June 20: * Unemployment Benefit Applications data in the USA will be announced. * The Governor of the Bank of England (BoE) will share the Inflation Report. * There will be a hard fork in the altcoin named Harmony Protocol (ONE). * $NOT and #BOME will be available for trading on Coinbase futures, while LISTA will be available for trading on the Binance spot market. Friday, June 21: * The US Federal Reserve (FED) monetary policy report will be published.
Bitcoin (BTC) Statement from BlackRock Official. The highly anticipated Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), which launched in January, have seen slow but steady adoption among financial advisors, according to Samara Cohen, BlackRock's Chief Investment Officer of ETFs and Index Investments. Speaking at the Coinbase State of Crypto Summit in New York, Cohen explained that approximately 80% of #Bitcoin ETF purchases are made by self-directed investors, likely through online brokerage accounts. iShares Bitcoin Trust (IBIT) was among the funds launched earlier this year. Cohen noted that hedge funds and brokerage firms were also active buyers, as evidenced by 13-F filings in the last quarter. However, registered investment advisors have become more cautious in their approach. “I would call them cautious…that's their job,” Cohen said of skeptical financial advisors. “An investment advisor is trustworthy to his clients. This is an asset class that has had 90% price volatility at times in history, and their job is really to build portfolios, do risk analysis and due diligence. That's what they're doing right now.” Cohen stated that this moment is important in terms of presenting key data, risk analysis and determining the role Bitcoin can play in a portfolio: “That's what an advisor is supposed to do, so I think this journey we're on is exactly the right journey and they're doing their job. ” Cohen sees #Bitcoin ETFs as a bridge between crypto and traditional finance, especially for investors who want to allocate their risk to $BTC without having to manage their risk across two different ecosystems. He noted that prior to the launch of ETFs, existing bridges to crypto were inadequate for some investors' needs.
Michael Saylor Predicts Bitcoin Could Skyrocket to $8 Million Per Coin. Michael Saylor talked about his colorful journey with Bitcoin in his speech at the Prague event; He talked about his initial skepticism and eventual adoption. He admitted that when he first came across Bitcoin in 2013, he associated it only with online betting and therefore initially rejected Bitcoin. As a result, Saylor missed the opportunity when Bitcoin was around $892 and eventually bought #Bitcoin at $9,500. “I bought it for the price I deserved,” he said. Since then, Saylor has become a strong advocate for Bitcoin, calling it “digital gold” and emphasizing its independence from central authorities. Saylor noted that although Bitcoin has gained significant value over the years, skepticism remains. Talking about a hypothetical scenario in which Bitcoin reaches $950,000, he stated that there are still those who expect it to fall and that they will miss this opportunity when #Bitcoin potentially rises to $8 million. Some may find Saylor's estimate of $8 million per Bitcoin too ambitious, but he and many other analysts argue that this can be achieved through exponential growth. Considering Bitcoin's current trading price is around $66,000, reaching a valuation of $8 million would represent an increase of almost 12,000% from the current level. This would require Bitcoin's market cap to increase approximately 150-fold to $168 trillion. Michael Saylor's prediction that Bitcoin could potentially reach $8 million is a matter for much consideration in the crypto community. While this figure may seem astronomical, it highlights Bitcoin's exponential growth potential fueled by wider mainstream and institutional adoption. Bitcoin's journey remains worth watching as companies like #Saylor and #MicroStrategy continue to invest and ambitious goals push the limits of what's possible. $BTC

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