Binance Square
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Prece, kuras vērtība ir aptuveni 68 000 USD, tika pārsūtīta, izmantojot Bitcoin maku, kas pazīstams kā Mt.Gox un kura vērtība bija gandrīz 2,93 miljardi USD. Kripto-ķēdes monitori ir izsekojuši vairākus darījumus, kuru izcelsme ir Mt.Gox maka, kuru summa ir USD 2,93 miljardi. Blockchain izlūkošanas dienests PeckShield ziņo, ka pārsūtīšanas saņēmējam bija vairāk nekā 42 909 BTC. Otrdien Bitcoin zaudēja 2,30 procentus no savas vērtības un tagad tirgojas par 68 000 USD. Tirgus spēlētāji gatavojas BTC Mt.Gox pārskaitījumiem, tāpēc Bitcoin 28. maijā, otrdien, svārstās ap $ 68 000 līmeni. Izmantojot ķēdes izlūkošanas izsekotājus, maciņš, kas saistīts ar nu jau vairs neesošo kriptovalūtu biržu, pārsūtīja Bitcoin uz citu maku. Bloomberg 2024. gada aprīlī ziņoja, ka Mt.Gox, kas atrodas Tokijā, vienā brīdī bija lielākā Bitcoin birža pasaulē. Tirdzniecības platformas uzlaušana notika 2011. gadā, un 2014. gadā tā pasludināja bankrotu. Saskaņā ar ASV varasiestāžu sniegto informāciju 2023. gadā par šo biržu tika izvirzītas apsūdzības sazvērestībā pret diviem Krievijas pilsoņiem. Birža plāno saviem klientiem atmaksāt 9 miljardus USD Bitcoin, ko viņi nepareizi ievietoja. Mt.Gox 2024. gada aprīlī pagarināja atmaksas termiņu par vienu gadu. Lietotāji sociālajos medijos ievietoja informāciju, apgalvojot, ka birža ir palielinājusi mēģinājumus atmaksāt nozagtos līdzekļus, un vairāki kreditori ir ziņojuši, ka ir saņēmuši jaunumus par savām prasībām. Kriptovalūtas marķieru summa, kas ir jāatmaksā, kā arī datumi, kad ir jāiesniedz noteiktas prasības, var būt redzams Reddit un sociālo mediju vietnē X publicētajos atjauninājumos. Blokķēdes izlūkošanas uzņēmums PeckShield atklāja ar Mt.Gox saistīto naudas makiem pārskaitīto līdzekļu specifiku. Jaunajā makā tagad ir 2,93 miljardu dolāru vērti Bitcoin pēc tam, kad tika veikti vairāki BTC darījumi no maka, kas saistīts ar Mt.Gox. Vairākas tiešsaistes sarunas ir sākušās, reaģējot uz Bitcoin pārsūtīšanu, palielinot BTC pieminējumu skaitu, ko mēra sociālās izlūkošanas uzņēmums Lunar Crush. $BTC #MtGox #btc70k #altcoins

Prece, kuras vērtība ir aptuveni 68 000 USD, tika pārsūtīta, izmantojot Bitcoin maku, kas pazīstams kā Mt.Gox un kura vērtība bija gandrīz 2,93 miljardi USD.

Kripto-ķēdes monitori ir izsekojuši vairākus darījumus, kuru izcelsme ir Mt.Gox maka, kuru summa ir USD 2,93 miljardi.

Blockchain izlūkošanas dienests PeckShield ziņo, ka pārsūtīšanas saņēmējam bija vairāk nekā 42 909 BTC.

Otrdien Bitcoin zaudēja 2,30 procentus no savas vērtības un tagad tirgojas par 68 000 USD.

Tirgus spēlētāji gatavojas BTC Mt.Gox pārskaitījumiem, tāpēc Bitcoin 28. maijā, otrdien, svārstās ap $ 68 000 līmeni. Izmantojot ķēdes izlūkošanas izsekotājus, maciņš, kas saistīts ar nu jau vairs neesošo kriptovalūtu biržu, pārsūtīja Bitcoin uz citu maku.

Bloomberg 2024. gada aprīlī ziņoja, ka Mt.Gox, kas atrodas Tokijā, vienā brīdī bija lielākā Bitcoin birža pasaulē. Tirdzniecības platformas uzlaušana notika 2011. gadā, un 2014. gadā tā pasludināja bankrotu. Saskaņā ar ASV varasiestāžu sniegto informāciju 2023. gadā par šo biržu tika izvirzītas apsūdzības sazvērestībā pret diviem Krievijas pilsoņiem.

Birža plāno saviem klientiem atmaksāt 9 miljardus USD Bitcoin, ko viņi nepareizi ievietoja. Mt.Gox 2024. gada aprīlī pagarināja atmaksas termiņu par vienu gadu.

Lietotāji sociālajos medijos ievietoja informāciju, apgalvojot, ka birža ir palielinājusi mēģinājumus atmaksāt nozagtos līdzekļus, un vairāki kreditori ir ziņojuši, ka ir saņēmuši jaunumus par savām prasībām.

Kriptovalūtas marķieru summa, kas ir jāatmaksā, kā arī datumi, kad ir jāiesniedz noteiktas prasības, var būt redzams Reddit un sociālo mediju vietnē X publicētajos atjauninājumos.

Blokķēdes izlūkošanas uzņēmums PeckShield atklāja ar Mt.Gox saistīto naudas makiem pārskaitīto līdzekļu specifiku.

Jaunajā makā tagad ir 2,93 miljardu dolāru vērti Bitcoin pēc tam, kad tika veikti vairāki BTC darījumi no maka, kas saistīts ar Mt.Gox.

Vairākas tiešsaistes sarunas ir sākušās, reaģējot uz Bitcoin pārsūtīšanu, palielinot BTC pieminējumu skaitu, ko mēra sociālās izlūkošanas uzņēmums Lunar Crush.


#MtGox #btc70k #altcoins

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Market Sees $2 Billion in Crypto Funds Due to Rate Cut Rumors With investment funds seeing an unprecedented rise in intake, the bitcoin market is teeming with fresh hope. The top digital asset management, CoinShares, announced a record-breaking $2 billion inflow into cryptocurrency funds in only one week, outstripping the net inflows for the whole month of May. The total assets under management (AUM) in crypto funds have re-entered the $100 billion range, a level not seen since March 2024, thanks to this upward trend that has persisted for five weeks in a row. Putting Gas in the Engine: Bitcoin ETFs Investors are mostly interested in Bitcoin since it is the unrivaled leader of cryptocurrencies. Market mood is being driven in large part by the recent launch and consistent inflows into US-approved spot Bitcoin ETFs. On June 4th, these exchange-traded funds had their third-largest inflow day ever, with $890 million flowing into them. These funds enable investors to hold Bitcoin without really owning the digital currency. The increasing interest in Bitcoin ETFs indicates a need for more accessible and regulated entry points into the cryptocurrency market, which might appeal to a wider audience of investors. Altcoins Show Potential, Ethereum Shines Bright Even though Bitcoin is getting all the attention, Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency, is having a great run as well. Funds for Ethereum had their biggest week since March 2024, raking in roughly $70 million. In addition to the two most valuable cryptocurrencies, altcoins such as XRP and Fantom are seeing a boom in investment, with 1.4 million and $1.2 million, respectively. There may be a resurgence of investor trust in the crypto ecosystem, as seen by this wider market involvement. #TopCoinsJune2024 #bitcoin #BTC $BTC
XRP Whales Withdraw $28 Million from Binance: Bullish Sign? On-chain data reveals XRP whales have made substantial exits from Binance, which may boost the asset's price. XRP Whales Transacted in the Last 24 Hours Whale Alert reports many huge XRP transactions within the previous day. All of these transfers have been whale-sized. Whales are massive investors that may swiftly transfer significant sums around the market, affecting asset prices. The recent 24 hours' actions by these holders might be worth knowing about, even if they don't affect the cryptocurrency. They can at least give insights about these huge investors' emotions. Depending on the whale's aim, this transfer may have implications. Address information may occasionally hint to it, but it's typically hard to tell. Details about this XRP whale transfer are below. The transmitting address was a Binance wallet, whereas the recipient was an unknown wallet. Unknown wallets are independent of centralized platforms and may represent investors' addresses. Coins going from exchanges to unknown wallets are exchange outflows. By withdrawing their coins from these central institutions, investors may retain them for longer, which might boost the price. Binance was engaged in the second whale deal today, another exchange outflow. Binance gave it 30,406,274 XRP ($15 million). Naturally, these two whale outflows may boost cryptocurrencies. But the third and oldest trade of the day wasn't bullish. It was an exchange influx, the opposite transaction. An investor deposited 30,320,000 XRP ($15 million) on Bitstamp. Coin holders send their coins to exchanges to access their services, including selling. Thus, exchange inflows may hurt prices. This enormous influx only cancels out one of the outflows, therefore a net quantity of the asset left exchanges a day ago. #BTC #XRP $XRP
Reasons Why These Industry Insiders Think Bitcoin's Major Revolution Is About To Happen There has been a lot of analysis and conjecture among traders and investors due to Bitcoin's price being below $70,000 over the last several months. Notable crypto leaders such as Adam Back and Samson Mow have shared their thoughts, providing a bright prognosis for Bitcoin's worth, while the crypto community struggles with the cryptocurrency's dismal performance. Despite Bitcoin's current price stagnation, Jan3 CEO and Bitcoin enthusiast Samson Mow has openly predicted a tremendous jump in Bitcoin's price. Adam Back, a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency sphere with historical ties to Satoshi Nakamoto, the enigmatic creator of Bitcoin, has proposed that the current suppression in Bitcoin prices could be explained by certain market participants desperately seeking liquidity, echoing Mow's optimism. Supporting this view is evidence of active basis trading using Bitcoin as collateral instead of BTC ETFs. Further evidence of underlying demand that might impact market prices is the persistence of buying activity via CME futures. Mow echoed Back's view by pointing out the new traders' increased short position, which he thinks can't continue. According to him, a dramatic price rise might be triggered by large liquidations caused by these short positions. Mow used the analogy of a "compressed coil" to characterize the present price of Bitcoin, saying that it is about to shoot upwards, suggesting a powerful comeback that may shake up the market's temporary stagnation. In a larger sense, the cryptocurrency market is exhibiting cautious fluctuations; for example, Bitcoin's price increased by 0.9% last week, but it has continued to consolidate below the $70,000 level. The cryptocurrency markets, and Bitcoin in particular, are feeling the effects of the shifting investment climate brought about by rate cuts by central banks throughout the globe, such as the European Central Bank and the Bank of Canada. #BTC #bitcoin $BTC
An astounding 70,000% increase in the burn rate of Shiba Inus (SHIBs): Is It Going to Set Off That Much-Delayed Price Explosion? Surprisingly, the Shiba Inu (SHIB) burn rate has seen a 'astronomical' spike, increasing by more than 68,000% in only one day. The cryptocurrency world is quite interested in this increase since it was recorded by Shibburn, a website that tracks the burning of SHIB tokens. The most recent statistics from Shibburn show that the Shiba Inu community as a whole has been responsible for a dramatic increase in SHIB burns. An astounding 68,316% increase in the burn rate occurred yesterday, when seven wallet addresses burned 7.6 million SHIB tokens. Particularly noteworthy were three transactions originating from these addresses; one wallet, '0x60,' burned around 4.3 million SHIB. This wallet, which processed the biggest single transaction, also had another massive burn, increasing its day total to be over 5 million Shiba Inu. Notably, the second wallet, '0xc6,' also burned 1.5 million SHIB tokens barely an hour earlier, although a lesser quantity than the first. The total amount of Shiba Inu withdrawn from circulation has reached about 410.7 trillion due to the significant rise of burnt tokens; the current circulating supply is 589.2 trillion. There will be little short-term impact on the market price of Shiba Inus, but the long-term goal is to increase prices owing to scarcity caused by their persistent removal from circulation. Market price for SHIB has not kept pace with the excitement in burn metrics, even though there has been a lot of burn activity. The price of SHIB has dropped 0.5% in the last 24 hours, reaching $0.00002325. This decline is a continuation of the general trend of declining prices; SHIB has dropped almost 6% in the last week. The chief social media marketer for the SHIB team, Lucie, discussed the possibility of a SHIB-based exchange-traded fund (ETF) on Elon Musk's X platform earlier today, amid these market actions. #SHIB $SHIB

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