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šŸ“ˆ Ethereum palielinās par 5% 24Ā stundu laikā: vai sākas sÅ«knis pēc ETF apstiprināŔanas? Ētera (ETH) cena tuvojas 4000 USD 27. maija agrÄ«nās tirdzniecÄ«bas laikā, pēdējo 24 stundu laikā pieaugot par 5% un liekot cerēt, ka tas varētu bÅ«t Ether pēc-ETF apstiprināŔanas sÅ«kņa sākums.Ā  #ETH ir palielinājies virs 3900 USD. Vai mēs redzēsim $ 4K? Tas ir devis ETH pieaugumu par 27,5% pagājuÅ”ajā nedēļā, aizēnot Bitcoin (BTC), kas tajā paŔā laika posmā ir palielinājies tikai par 3,8%. 27.Ā maijā analÄ«tiÄ·is MetjÅ« Hailends saviem 143Ā 000Ā X sekotāju paziņoja, ka ETH ir apstiprinājis strauju novirzi un lejupslÄ«des pārtraukÅ”anu, palielinoties apjomam, vēl vairāk apstiprinot izlauÅ”anos. Lielais iknedēļas solis ir veicinājis nozares analÄ«tiÄ·u un novērotāju prognožu vilni. 26. maija ziņojumā par X DeFiance Capital dibinātājs ArtÅ«rs Čeongs paredzēja, ka ETH sasniegs 4500Ā ASVĀ dolārus pat pirms tÅ«lÄ«tējo ETF izlaiÅ”anas. ViņŔ rÄ«koja aptauju X 25. maijā, jautājot, cik daudz ETH tika pieŔķirts viņa sekotāju portfeļiem. GandrÄ«z pusei no 5800 respondentiem bija no nulles lÄ«dz 25 %, kas mudināja Čeonu ievērot: "Paskatieties, cik daudz CT ir nepietiekami pieŔķirts ETH." Tikmēr Ethereum pedagogs Enotnijs Sasano paredzēja, ka MicroStrategy dibinātājs Maikls Sailors iegādāsies ETH nākamo seÅ”u lÄ«dz divpadsmit mēneÅ”u laikā. Divos mēneÅ”os, kas sekoja BTC ETF apstiprināŔanai Amerikas Savienotajās ValstÄ«s, Bitcoin cenas pieauga par vairāk nekā 70% un sasniedza visu laiku augstāko lÄ«meni. Ja Ether atdarina BTC, lÄ«dzÄ«gs solis lÄ«dz jÅ«lija beigām varētu paaugstināt cenas lÄ«dz visu laiku augstākajam lÄ«menim - aptuveni 6000 USD. Ētera lielajam gājienam ir bijusi arÄ« cita ietekme uz kriptogrāfijas ekosistēmu. Saskaņā ar DefiLlama sniegto informāciju, decentralizēto finanÅ”u (DeFi) kopējā bloķētā vērtÄ«ba ir atgriezusies divu gadu augstākajā lÄ«menÄ«Ā ā€” 117Ā miljardus USD, un 60% no Ŕīs vērtÄ«bas ir bloķēti Ethereum tÄ«klā. Tikmēr Ethereum 2.Ā slāņa tÄ«klu kopējā vērtÄ«ba tuvojas visu laiku augstākajai vērtÄ«bai, kas ir aptuveni 47Ā miljardi USD,Ā saskaņā arĀ L2beat. $ETH #ETH

šŸ“ˆ Ethereum palielinās par 5% 24Ā stundu laikā: vai sākas sÅ«knis pēc ETF apstiprināŔanas?

Ētera (ETH) cena tuvojas 4000 USD 27. maija agrÄ«nās tirdzniecÄ«bas laikā, pēdējo 24 stundu laikā pieaugot par 5% un liekot cerēt, ka tas varētu bÅ«t Ether pēc-ETF apstiprināŔanas sÅ«kņa sākums.Ā 

#ETH ir palielinājies virs 3900 USD. Vai mēs redzēsim $ 4K?

Tas ir devis ETH pieaugumu par 27,5% pagājuÅ”ajā nedēļā, aizēnot Bitcoin (BTC), kas tajā paŔā laika posmā ir palielinājies tikai par 3,8%.

27.Ā maijā analÄ«tiÄ·is MetjÅ« Hailends saviem 143Ā 000Ā X sekotāju paziņoja, ka ETH ir apstiprinājis strauju novirzi un lejupslÄ«des pārtraukÅ”anu, palielinoties apjomam, vēl vairāk apstiprinot izlauÅ”anos.

Lielais iknedēļas solis ir veicinājis nozares analītiķu un novērotāju prognožu vilni.

26. maija ziņojumā par X DeFiance Capital dibinātājs ArtÅ«rs Čeongs paredzēja, ka ETH sasniegs 4500Ā ASVĀ dolārus pat pirms tÅ«lÄ«tējo ETF izlaiÅ”anas.

ViņŔ rÄ«koja aptauju X 25. maijā, jautājot, cik daudz ETH tika pieŔķirts viņa sekotāju portfeļiem. GandrÄ«z pusei no 5800 respondentiem bija no nulles lÄ«dz 25 %, kas mudināja Čeonu ievērot: "Paskatieties, cik daudz CT ir nepietiekami pieŔķirts ETH."

Tikmēr Ethereum pedagogs Enotnijs Sasano paredzēja, ka MicroStrategy dibinātājs Maikls Sailors iegādāsies ETH nākamo seÅ”u lÄ«dz divpadsmit mēneÅ”u laikā.

Divos mēneÅ”os, kas sekoja BTC ETF apstiprināŔanai Amerikas Savienotajās ValstÄ«s, Bitcoin cenas pieauga par vairāk nekā 70% un sasniedza visu laiku augstāko lÄ«meni.

Ja Ether atdarina BTC, līdzīgs solis līdz jūlija beigām varētu paaugstināt cenas līdz visu laiku augstākajam līmenim - aptuveni 6000 USD.

Ētera lielajam gājienam ir bijusi arī cita ietekme uz kriptogrāfijas ekosistēmu.

Saskaņā ar DefiLlama sniegto informāciju, decentralizēto finanÅ”u (DeFi) kopējā bloķētā vērtÄ«ba ir atgriezusies divu gadu augstākajā lÄ«menÄ«Ā ā€” 117Ā miljardus USD, un 60% no Ŕīs vērtÄ«bas ir bloķēti Ethereum tÄ«klā.

Tikmēr Ethereum 2.Ā slāņa tÄ«klu kopējā vērtÄ«ba tuvojas visu laiku augstākajai vērtÄ«bai, kas ir aptuveni 47Ā miljardi USD,Ā saskaņā arĀ L2beat.


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šŸ”„ Arbitrum (ARB) Faces Potential $1 Price Drop as Investors Sell Arbitrum (ARB) price is at risk of falling due to its failure to break a critical resistance level. Whether the price drops further depends on whether investors decide to sell for profit or hold onto their investments. Arbitrum (ARB) price is currently vulnerable to a correction despite overall positive market signals. This vulnerability stems from ARBā€™s inability to surpass a crucial resistance level. The extent of any potential decline largely depends on whether investors choose to take profits. If investors refrain from selling off their holdings, it could prevent further price drops for ARB. šŸ”ø ARB Investors Positioned to Influence Price Amid Favorable Selling Conditions Arbitrum (ARB) facesĀ potential price fluctuations driven by investorĀ actions in the near future. The Market Value to Realized Value (MVRV) ratio, currently at 10% over 30 days, indicates profitable conditions that may prompt selling activities. Historically, ARB corrections typically occur when the MVRV ranges between 7% and 23%, marking this range as a critical zone for potential market shifts. Moreover, the Global In/Out of the Money (GIOM) indicator suggests that 1.64 billion ARB tokens, valued at over $1.8 billion, are approaching profitability. Purchased within the $1.06 to $1.16 range, ARBā€™s current price of $1.13 is nearing the threshold where these holdings will yield profits. šŸ”ø Arbitrum (ARB) Faces Critical Support and Resistance Levels Arbitrum (ARB) is currently trading at $1.13,Ā encountering resistanceĀ at $1.26 after failing to surpass this level. The altcoin has found support at $1.10, a level that has proven resilient in previous tests. Maintaining above $1.10 couldĀ signal potentialĀ for recovery, while a drop below it could indicate bearish sentiment ahead. Considering the current market dynamics, there is a possibility of ARB declining below the $1.10 support level. FurtherĀ selling pressureĀ may push it down to $0.97, potentially jeopardizing ARBā€™s position above $1.00. $ARB #ARB #Arbitrum
Former Binance CEO CZ Begins 4-Month Prison Sentence in California Binance founder Changpeng ā€œCZā€ Zhao has reported to a federal prison in California where he will spend the next four months for failing to implement an adequate know-your-customer (KYC) program at the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange. Zhao, a Canadian national, pleaded guilty to violating the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) in November. In April, a federal judge sentenced CZ to four months in prison ā€“ a much shorter sentence than the three years federal prosecutors requested, but more than other crypto executives like former BitMex CEO Arthur Hayes received for the same crime. At a net worth of $36.5 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Zhao is believed to be the richest person to ever go to prison in the U.S. In addition to his sentence, Zhao was also fined $50 million and agreed to step down as Binanceā€™s CEO. Binance, which pleaded guilty to money laundering and sanctions violations at the same time as Zhao, settled the charges earlier this year with $4.3 billion in fines to various federal regulators and the appointment of an independent compliance monitor. Lompac II, where Zhao will serve his short sentence as inmate 88087-510, is a low-security prison in Santa Barbara County, on Californiaā€™s central coast. According to the Bureau of Prisonsā€™ records, there are currently 2,160 inmates at the facility. The conditions at the prison ā€“ where some inmates work on an adjacent farm, growing produce and working with cows and horses ā€“ are in stark contrast to the notoriously dangerous facility where former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, who got a 25-year prison sentence earlier this year, is currently being held in New York. #CZ #Changpeng
šŸ“ˆ Bitcoin (BTC) Reclaims $70K. Here's Why The Bitcoin (BTC) price brieflyĀ reclaimedĀ the $70,000 level following the release of the latest US macro data. This came after business activity in the US manufacturing sector unexpectedly slowed down in May. The ISM Manufacturing PMI experienced a decline to 48.7 compared to 49.2 that was recorded during the previous month. According to analyst Matt Weller, this could be another sign that the US economy could be experiencingĀ downshiftingĀ in the second quarter. The drop in the #ISM manufacturing index in May adds to the sense that the economy is losing momentum .. driven by the new orders index falling to a 12-month low. London-based research provider Capital Economics has also noted that the US economy is likely losing momentum. "The drop in the #ISM manufacturing index in May adds to the sense that the economy is losing momentum .. driven by the new orders index falling to a 12-month low," it said. The recent macro data might prompt the U.S. Federal Reserve to speed up the pace of rate cuts. In the meantime, West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil (WTI) futures have now dropped to $75, the lowest level since Feb. 6. šŸ”ø A short-lived bounce? After briefly regaining the $70,000, Bitcoin has pared some recent gains. This might be due to renewed selling pressure. According to blockchain sleuth Lookonchain, four miners' addresses that had been dormant for over a decade transferred $7 million out shortly after the flagship cryptocurrency surpassed the much-coveted $70,000 level. $BTC #BTC #Bitcoin
ā­ļø Chainlink could solve today's NYSE stock market glitch as Berkshire Hathaway appears down 99% Trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was abruptly halted today after Berkshire Hathawayā€™s Class A shares experienced a dramatic 99.97% drop in value. The equity last traded at $185.10, down from $627,214.90. The halt, coded as M, was triggered due to volatility, and the cause of the sudden decline remains unclear. In a related incident, a glitch at the NYSE operator caused volatility trading halts in about a dozen companies other companies, as reported by Bloomberg. This follows a recent pattern of technical issues affecting major exchanges. For instance, on March 18, the Nasdaq faced a three-hour disruption in premarket trading due to connectivity issues with its matching engine, as reported by the Bangkok Post. The DTCC is currently trialing using blockchain technology with Chainlink for faster settlements of mutual funds, but it seems the stock market may need blockchain more than it knew. Chainlinkā€™s decentralized oracle network could address such issues by providing accurate and reliable data feeds. Chainlink utilizes multiple independent data providers to ensure data accuracy and tamper-proofing, reducing the risk of single points of failure common in centralized systems. This decentralized approach enhances security and reliability, which is crucial for trading systems where timely and accurate data is essential. Chainlinkā€™s oracles aggregate data from various sources and use consensus mechanisms to validate information before it is fed into the blockchain. This process ensures data integrity, preventing manipulation or corruption. Additionally, Chainlink can provide real-time data verification, quickly identifying and correcting discrepancies to prevent erroneous trades and price swings. Smart contracts supported by Chainlink can automate responses to certain conditions, such as significant stock price deviations, by halting trading or triggering alerts. $LINK #LINK #Chainlink

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