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šŸ¤” LÅ«k, kad Solana (SOL) varētu sasniegt 1000 USD Nesenā tirgus nepastāvÄ«bas apstākļos Solana (SOL) demonstrē ievērojamu noturÄ«bu un izaugsmes potenciālu, un prognozes liecina par ceļu uz 1000 USD pavērsiena punktu. Neskatoties uz nelielu kritumu, novatoriskā attÄ«stÄ«ba tās ekosistēmā un pozitÄ«vas analÄ«tiÄ·u prognozes liecina par stabilu nākotni. PaÅ”laik SOL tirgojas par USD 168,24, kas pēdējās dienas laikā ir palielinājies par 0,17% un pēdējā mēneÅ”a laikā par iespaidÄ«giem 13%. Ierindota kā piektā lielākā kriptovalÅ«ta ar tirgus kapitalizāciju aptuveni 75,71 miljarda ASV dolāru apmērā, Solana piesaista ievērojamu investoru interesi. Tas atspoguļojas ievērojamā tirdzniecÄ«bas apjoma pieaugumā, kas liecina, ka Solana ir ceļā uz atveseļoÅ”anos un ir gatava turpmākai izaugsmei mainÄ«gajā tirgÅ«. AnalÄ«tiÄ·u perspektÄ«vas Ievērojams kriptovalÅ«tu analÄ«tiÄ·is Trader Tardigrade ir konstatējis Solanas tehnisko modeļu kāpuma tendences, kas liecina, ka cena varētu pieaugt lÄ«dz 1000Ā $.Ā  šŸ’¬ Makro struktÅ«ra $SOL #Solana ir izlauzusi otro trÄ«sstÅ«ri no pēdējās apakÅ”as un virzās uzĀ 1000Ā $ Vai esat dzirdējuÅ”i par#socialfivietnē #Solana? Interesanti, ka tagad varat kopÄ«got attēlus ar draugiem, izmantojot blokķēdi, izmantojot privātas ziņas (maka uz maku)ā€¦ Viņa optimismu veicina SocialFi lietojumprogrammu, piemēram, SolChat, izaugsme Solanas ekosistēmā, kas nodroÅ”ina uz blokķēdes balstÄ«tu sociālo mijiedarbÄ«bu. Å is jauninājums ne tikai maina saziņu, bet arÄ« ievērojami palielina Solanas patieso vērtÄ«bu. Papildinot Å”o optimistisko prognozi, Daniels Jans no Matrixport velk paralēles starp Solana un Ethereum (ETH) ViņŔ atzÄ«mē, ka Ethereum iepriekÅ” guva labumu no Bitcoin ETF apstiprināŔanas, un norāda, ka Solana varētu piedzÄ«vot lÄ«dzÄ«gus ieguvumus, ja tiks apstiprināti Ethereum ETF.Ā  Jans dod priekÅ”roku Solana, nevis Ethereum, jo ā€‹ā€‹tā tirgus ir mazāk pārpildÄ«ts un lielākas peļņas iespējas, padarot to par pievilcÄ«gu iespēju investoriem, kuri vēlas gÅ«t ievērojamu peļņu. ViņŔ uzsver Solana unikālās Ä«paŔības un stratēģisko pozÄ«ciju tirgÅ«. $SOL #SOL #Solana

šŸ¤” LÅ«k, kad Solana (SOL) varētu sasniegt 1000 USD

Nesenā tirgus nepastāvības apstākļos Solana (SOL) demonstrē ievērojamu noturību un izaugsmes potenciālu, un prognozes liecina par ceļu uz 1000 USD pavērsiena punktu. Neskatoties uz nelielu kritumu, novatoriskā attīstība tās ekosistēmā un pozitīvas analītiķu prognozes liecina par stabilu nākotni.

PaÅ”laik SOL tirgojas par USD 168,24, kas pēdējās dienas laikā ir palielinājies par 0,17% un pēdējā mēneÅ”a laikā par iespaidÄ«giem 13%. Ierindota kā piektā lielākā kriptovalÅ«ta ar tirgus kapitalizāciju aptuveni 75,71 miljarda ASV dolāru apmērā, Solana piesaista ievērojamu investoru interesi.

Tas atspoguļojas ievērojamā tirdzniecÄ«bas apjoma pieaugumā, kas liecina, ka Solana ir ceļā uz atveseļoÅ”anos un ir gatava turpmākai izaugsmei mainÄ«gajā tirgÅ«.

Analītiķu perspektīvas

Ievērojams kriptovalÅ«tu analÄ«tiÄ·is Trader Tardigrade ir konstatējis Solanas tehnisko modeļu kāpuma tendences, kas liecina, ka cena varētu pieaugt lÄ«dz 1000Ā $.Ā 

šŸ’¬ Makro struktÅ«ra $SOL #Solana ir izlauzusi otro trÄ«sstÅ«ri no pēdējās apakÅ”as un virzās uzĀ 1000Ā $

Vai esat dzirdējuÅ”i par#socialfivietnē #Solana?

Interesanti, ka tagad varat kopÄ«got attēlus ar draugiem, izmantojot blokķēdi, izmantojot privātas ziņas (maka uz maku)ā€¦

Viņa optimismu veicina SocialFi lietojumprogrammu, piemēram, SolChat, izaugsme Solanas ekosistēmā, kas nodroÅ”ina uz blokķēdes balstÄ«tu sociālo mijiedarbÄ«bu. Å is jauninājums ne tikai maina saziņu, bet arÄ« ievērojami palielina Solanas patieso vērtÄ«bu.

Papildinot Å”o optimistisko prognozi, Daniels Jans no Matrixport velk paralēles starp Solana un Ethereum (ETH)

ViņŔ atzÄ«mē, ka Ethereum iepriekÅ” guva labumu no Bitcoin ETF apstiprināŔanas, un norāda, ka Solana varētu piedzÄ«vot lÄ«dzÄ«gus ieguvumus, ja tiks apstiprināti Ethereum ETF.Ā 

Jans dod priekÅ”roku Solana, nevis Ethereum, jo ā€‹ā€‹tā tirgus ir mazāk pārpildÄ«ts un lielākas peļņas iespējas, padarot to par pievilcÄ«gu iespēju investoriem, kuri vēlas gÅ«t ievērojamu peļņu. ViņŔ uzsver Solana unikālās Ä«paŔības un stratēģisko pozÄ«ciju tirgÅ«.

$SOL #SOL #Solana

Atruna: iekļauti treÅ”o puÅ”u pausti viedokļi. Å Ä« informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var bÅ«t iekļauts apmaksāts saturs.Ā Skati lietoÅ”anas noteikumus.
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Former Binance CEO CZ Begins 4-Month Prison Sentence in California Binance founder Changpeng ā€œCZā€ Zhao has reported to a federal prison in California where he will spend the next four months for failing to implement an adequate know-your-customer (KYC) program at the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange. Zhao, a Canadian national, pleaded guilty to violating the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) in November. In April, a federal judge sentenced CZ to four months in prison ā€“ a much shorter sentence than the three years federal prosecutors requested, but more than other crypto executives like former BitMex CEO Arthur Hayes received for the same crime. At a net worth of $36.5 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Zhao is believed to be the richest person to ever go to prison in the U.S. In addition to his sentence, Zhao was also fined $50 million and agreed to step down as Binanceā€™s CEO. Binance, which pleaded guilty to money laundering and sanctions violations at the same time as Zhao, settled the charges earlier this year with $4.3 billion in fines to various federal regulators and the appointment of an independent compliance monitor. Lompac II, where Zhao will serve his short sentence as inmate 88087-510, is a low-security prison in Santa Barbara County, on Californiaā€™s central coast. According to the Bureau of Prisonsā€™ records, there are currently 2,160 inmates at the facility. The conditions at the prison ā€“ where some inmates work on an adjacent farm, growing produce and working with cows and horses ā€“ are in stark contrast to the notoriously dangerous facility where former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried, who got a 25-year prison sentence earlier this year, is currently being held in New York. #CZ #Changpeng
šŸ“ˆ Bitcoin (BTC) Reclaims $70K. Here's Why The Bitcoin (BTC) price brieflyĀ reclaimedĀ the $70,000 level following the release of the latest US macro data. This came after business activity in the US manufacturing sector unexpectedly slowed down in May. The ISM Manufacturing PMI experienced a decline to 48.7 compared to 49.2 that was recorded during the previous month. According to analyst Matt Weller, this could be another sign that the US economy could be experiencingĀ downshiftingĀ in the second quarter. The drop in the #ISM manufacturing index in May adds to the sense that the economy is losing momentum .. driven by the new orders index falling to a 12-month low. London-based research provider Capital Economics has also noted that the US economy is likely losing momentum. "The drop in the #ISM manufacturing index in May adds to the sense that the economy is losing momentum .. driven by the new orders index falling to a 12-month low," it said. The recent macro data might prompt the U.S. Federal Reserve to speed up the pace of rate cuts. In the meantime, West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil (WTI) futures have now dropped to $75, the lowest level since Feb. 6. šŸ”ø A short-lived bounce? After briefly regaining the $70,000, Bitcoin has pared some recent gains. This might be due to renewed selling pressure. According to blockchain sleuth Lookonchain, four miners' addresses that had been dormant for over a decade transferred $7 million out shortly after the flagship cryptocurrency surpassed the much-coveted $70,000 level. $BTC #BTC #Bitcoin
ā­ļø Chainlink could solve today's NYSE stock market glitch as Berkshire Hathaway appears down 99% Trading on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) was abruptly halted today after Berkshire Hathawayā€™s Class A shares experienced a dramatic 99.97% drop in value. The equity last traded at $185.10, down from $627,214.90. The halt, coded as M, was triggered due to volatility, and the cause of the sudden decline remains unclear. In a related incident, a glitch at the NYSE operator caused volatility trading halts in about a dozen companies other companies, as reported by Bloomberg. This follows a recent pattern of technical issues affecting major exchanges. For instance, on March 18, the Nasdaq faced a three-hour disruption in premarket trading due to connectivity issues with its matching engine, as reported by the Bangkok Post. The DTCC is currently trialing using blockchain technology with Chainlink for faster settlements of mutual funds, but it seems the stock market may need blockchain more than it knew. Chainlinkā€™s decentralized oracle network could address such issues by providing accurate and reliable data feeds. Chainlink utilizes multiple independent data providers to ensure data accuracy and tamper-proofing, reducing the risk of single points of failure common in centralized systems. This decentralized approach enhances security and reliability, which is crucial for trading systems where timely and accurate data is essential. Chainlinkā€™s oracles aggregate data from various sources and use consensus mechanisms to validate information before it is fed into the blockchain. This process ensures data integrity, preventing manipulation or corruption. Additionally, Chainlink can provide real-time data verification, quickly identifying and correcting discrepancies to prevent erroneous trades and price swings. Smart contracts supported by Chainlink can automate responses to certain conditions, such as significant stock price deviations, by halting trading or triggering alerts. $LINK #LINK #Chainlink
šŸ¦Š Shiba Inu (SHIB) Saved? Price Makes Unexpected Return Shiba Inu has made a substantial return to the market with a bounce off of the 50 EMA, which has been considered a strong support level for the asset. Luckily, SHIB did not let us down and performed the breakthrough many expected from it. However, there are numerous resistances ahead, so relying on a quick move up might not be the wisest decision. The blue line or 50-day EMA has served as a dependable level of support, giving SHIB the boost it needed to try a comeback. This rebound gives traders hope for a reversal and the confidence essential to stopping the larger decline that began more than a week ago. Another encouraging finding from the moving averages is that SHIB is currently trading above the 100-day EMA. Being above the 100 EMA, which frequently serves as a midterm trend indicator, may indicate that the overall trend is possibly turning more bullish. Still, the 50 day EMA is above the current price and may serve as a level of resistance in the near future. There has been an increase in trading activity during the recent price movements, as indicated by the trading volume bars. This surge in volume can indicate intense market interest and frequently follows notable price changes. But in order to overcome the current barriers and experience a prolonged upward trend, SHIB requires a steady high volume. Furthermore, the RSI displays a value of 50. There is potential for movement in either direction because SHIB appears to be in a neutral zone, neither overbought nor oversold. An increase toward 70 on the RSI may indicate overbought conditions. For now, SHIB is located in the middle and is unlikely to give us any kind of hint about the upcoming move. $SHIB #SHIB
šŸ“‰ JASMY price dips as DWF Labs moves tokens to Binance šŸ”ø JASMY dips as DWF Labs sents coins to exchange JasmyCoinā€™s price soared over the past three days, reaching highs of $0.04 on June 2. However, the tokenā€™s value has slipped to $0.034 as latest on-chain data indicates a leading crypto market maker has deposited a huge amount of JASMY to Binance. According to Spot on Chain, DWF Labs has deposited millions of JASMY tokens on exchanges in the past three days. In particular, DWF Labsā€™s cumulative deposits to Binance over the past three days have reached 97 million JASMY. Thatā€™s around $3.3 million worth of the popular token. While the market maker still holds approximately 24 million JASMY worth $841,000, the tokenā€™s price has slumped each time the company sent tokens to the crypto exchange. DWF Labsā€™ liquidation of such a significant holding of the token comes as a contrast to interest in memecoins. The company recently revealed its interest in adding meme coins to its portfolio. ā€œWe are in talks with a few meme coins and willing to deploy a large amount of funds in order to let them grow faster and efficient,ā€ DWF Labs managing partner Andrei Grachev said in a post on X. Memecoins, including PEPE and WIF are up as a new frenzy takes hold. šŸ”ø JASMY price outlook: Can bulls bounce? JasmyCoin price soared earlier this year, breaking above the crucial hurdles at $0.01 and $0.02 on the back of major news. This followed the Japan-based tokenized platformā€™s announcement of its incubated Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN) project JanctionMGT. JASMY also surged amid reports of a partnership between Jasmy and tech giant Panasonic. However, despite the two companiesā€™ plans around personal data and IoT, prices remained ranged until late last month. On May 30, reports surfaced of a potentially game-changing collaboration and JASMY broke above $0.03. Todayā€™s slight dip after the DWF Labs transfers, the last of which hit Binance within the past 12 hours, may infuse new downside pressure. $JASMY #JASMY
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