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ETH ETF atjauninājums: Paredzams, ka Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) šodien pieņems lēmumu par spot Ethereum ETF apstiprināšanu, īpaši saistībā ar VanEck pieteikumu. "Pagaidām nav oficiāla SEC paziņojuma par apstiprinājuma statusu." Tirgus ar nepacietību gaida lēmumu, kas varētu būtiski ietekmēt Ethereum (ETH) cenu. SEC priekšsēdētājs Gerijs Genslers ir atteicies komentēt lēmumu, norādot, ka viņam nav nekā par šo konkrēto pieteikumu. Šis caurskatāmības trūkums ir radījis nenoteiktību un spekulācijas par iznākumu. Ievērojama kriptovalūtu birža Coinbase ir paudusi optimismu par apstiprināšanas iespējām, lēšot 30-40% apstiprinājuma iespējamību līdz mēneša beigām. Tas ir pretstatā citām prognozēm, kas ir pesimistiskākas. Tirgus reakcija uz lēmumu ir arī diskusiju tēma. Daži analītiķi uzskata, ka apstiprinājums varētu novest pie "jaunu pārdošanas" scenārija, kad investori pēc paziņojuma pārdod savus Ethereum piederumus, potenciāli izraisot īstermiņa cenu kritumu. Tomēr citi apgalvo, ka tirgum vēl ir jāpielāgojas šādam notikumam un ka ilgtermiņa perspektīva joprojām ir bullish. Galu galā lēmums par tūlītējo Ethereum ETF apstiprināšanu būs atkarīgs no SEC veiktā pieteikumu novērtējuma un to atbilstības normatīvajiem aktiem. prasībām. Rezultātam būs būtiska ietekme uz Ethereum tirgu un plašāku kriptovalūtu telpu. #ETHETFS #EthereumETFApprovalExpectations

ETH ETF atjauninājums:

Paredzams, ka Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) šodien pieņems lēmumu par spot Ethereum ETF apstiprināšanu, īpaši saistībā ar VanEck pieteikumu.

"Pagaidām nav oficiāla SEC paziņojuma par apstiprinājuma statusu."

Tirgus ar nepacietību gaida lēmumu, kas varētu būtiski ietekmēt Ethereum (ETH) cenu. SEC priekšsēdētājs Gerijs Genslers ir atteicies komentēt lēmumu, norādot, ka viņam nav nekā par šo konkrēto pieteikumu.

Šis caurskatāmības trūkums ir radījis nenoteiktību un spekulācijas par iznākumu.

Ievērojama kriptovalūtu birža Coinbase ir paudusi optimismu par apstiprināšanas iespējām, lēšot 30-40% apstiprinājuma iespējamību līdz mēneša beigām. Tas ir pretstatā citām prognozēm, kas ir pesimistiskākas. Tirgus reakcija uz lēmumu ir arī diskusiju tēma.

Daži analītiķi uzskata, ka apstiprinājums varētu novest pie "jaunu pārdošanas" scenārija, kad investori pēc paziņojuma pārdod savus Ethereum piederumus, potenciāli izraisot īstermiņa cenu kritumu.

Tomēr citi apgalvo, ka tirgum vēl ir jāpielāgojas šādam notikumam un ka ilgtermiņa perspektīva joprojām ir bullish. Galu galā lēmums par tūlītējo Ethereum ETF apstiprināšanu būs atkarīgs no SEC veiktā pieteikumu novērtējuma un to atbilstības normatīvajiem aktiem. prasībām.

Rezultātam būs būtiska ietekme uz Ethereum tirgu un plašāku kriptovalūtu telpu.

#ETHETFS #EthereumETFApprovalExpectations

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var būt iekļauts apmaksāts saturs. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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What are the arguments for and against classifying Ethereum as a security?⁉️🚨🔨 Some of the arguments for & against classifying ETH as a security: Arguments against classifying ETH as a security: 1. The SEC itself stated in 2018 that based on its understanding of ETH's decentralized structure, current offers and sales of ETH are not securities transactions. The SEC has not formally retracted this position. 2. The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has consistently recognized ETH as a commodity, most recently in a civil enforcement action against KuCoin. This dual recognition by the SEC and CFTC supports ETH's classification as a commodity. 3. Ethereum is a decentralized network with no central entity governing it or having privileged insider information, which is a key characteristic of securities. 4. There are thousands of stakeholders in Ethereum beyond the founding Ethereum Foundation, and in some areas, Ethereum is more decentralized than Bitcoin. Arguments for classifying ETH as a security: 1. The SEC is investigating potential unregistered offerings and sales of ETH dating back to 2018, suggesting it believes ETH could be a security. 2. The SEC has subpoenaed several U.S. companies for documents related to their dealings with the Ethereum Foundation, a Swiss non-profit that organized Ethereum's launch. 3. SEC Chair Gary Gensler has said proof-of-stake chains like Ethereum, which pay token rewards to users locking up their coins, resemble investment contracts and could be classified as securities. 4. The SEC has filed lawsuits against crypto exchanges for allegedly selling unregistered securities to U.S. investors, including assets like Cardano (ADA) and Solana (SOL). 5. The existence of the Ethereum Foundation casts doubt on the argument that Ethereum is fully decentralized. While the SEC has historically stated ETH is not a security and the CFTC classifies it as a commodity, the SEC's recent actions suggest it may be reconsidering ETH's status. The outcome could have significant implications for the crypto industry. #ETHETFS
Will Crypto Markets march Higher when $1.4B Bitcoin Options Expire? The upcoming expiration of $1.4 billion worth of Bitcoin options contracts on December 8 is likely to have a significant impact on the crypto markets. Around 33,000 BTC options contracts are set to expire, with a put/call ratio of 0.84, indicating slightly more call sellers than puts. The total open interest, or the value of all contracts yet to be closed or expire, is close to record levels at $16 billion, according to Deribit[1]. This suggests that the market is very active, with traders positioning themselves for potential price movements. There are currently two hot strike prices with more than 20,000 calls for both $40,000 and $50,000. Options markets are suggesting that Bitcoin will hit $50,000 by January 2024, which is the same month that Bitcoin ETF approvals are expected. However, it's important to note that history has shown that when Bitcoin runs, it runs, and the approval of Bitcoin ETFs may already be priced into crypto markets. In addition to the expiring Bitcoin options, around 207,000 Ethereum contracts will expire on December 8, with a notional value of $491 million and a put/call ratio of 0.58. Ethereum derivatives have been lackluster lately, with all eyes on Bitcoin, but this may be starting to change as speculators eye the second-largest crypto asset. The crypto market has been experiencing notable increases, with the leading sectors being Bot, Meme, and Arbitrum. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that the expiration of such a large amount of options contracts could lead to increased volatility in the markets. In conclusion, while the expiration of $1.4 billion worth of Bitcoin options contracts on December 8 is likely to have a significant impact on the crypto markets, it's difficult to predict the exact direction of the markets. Traders should be prepared for potential volatility and make informed decisions based on their risk tolerance and investment strategies. #BTC☀ #crypto #cryptoinf #Trending #ethereum
Is ETH ETFs 100% approved? and why not yet begin trading officially like BITCOIN ETFs? 🚨🔨⁉️ 🚦No, ETH ETFs are not 100% approved. While the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved the 19b-4 forms for eight spot Ethereum. ➡️ ETF applications, including those from prominent firms like BlackRock, Fidelity, and Grayscale, the S-1 registration statements still require approval before the ETFs can officially debut and begin trading. ➡️The SEC's approval of the 19b-4 forms marks a significant step forward, but it is only the first part of a two-step process. ➡️The second step involves the SEC reviewing and approving the individual ETF registration statements, which includes detailed information about the company and the securities they intend to offer. ➡️The approval process for the S-1 forms is ongoing, and it may take several months for the SEC to complete its review. ➡️This delay is due to the complexity of the filings, which contain hundreds of pages of disclosures, and the need for the SEC to ensure that the ETFs meet the necessary regulatory requirements. ➡️Additionally, even after the S-1 forms are approved, the ETFs will not immediately begin trading. The exchanges must still list the ETFs, which involves additional regulatory steps and may take some time. ➡️While the SEC has approved the 19b-4 forms for ETH ETFs, the process is not yet complete, and the ETFs will not begin trading until the S-1 registration statements are approved and the ETFs are listed on the exchanges.🔋✅ #ETFEthereum #ETHETFsapproval #ETHETFS
Will Crypto Markets march Higher when $1.4B Bitcoin Options Expire? The upcoming expiration of $1.4 billion worth of Bitcoin options contracts on December 8 is likely to have a significant impact on the crypto markets. Around 33,000 BTC options contracts are set to expire, with a put/call ratio of 0.84, indicating slightly more call sellers than puts. The total open interest, or the value of all contracts yet to be closed or expire, is close to record levels at $16 billion, according to Deribit[1]. This suggests that the market is very active, with traders positioning themselves for potential price movements. There are currently two hot strike prices with more than 20,000 calls for both $40,000 and $50,000. Options markets are suggesting that Bitcoin will hit $50,000 by January 2024, which is the same month that Bitcoin ETF approvals are expected. However, it's important to note that history has shown that when Bitcoin runs, it runs, and the approval of Bitcoin ETFs may already be priced into crypto markets. In addition to the expiring Bitcoin options, around 207,000 Ethereum contracts will expire on December 8, with a notional value of $491 million and a put/call ratio of 0.58. Ethereum derivatives have been lackluster lately, with all eyes on Bitcoin, but this may be starting to change as speculators eye the second-largest crypto asset. The crypto market has been experiencing notable increases, with the leading sectors being Bot, Meme, and Arbitrum. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that the expiration of such a large amount of options contracts could lead to increased volatility in the markets. In conclusion, while the expiration of $1.4 billion worth of Bitcoin options contracts on December 8 is likely to have a significant impact on the crypto markets, it's difficult to predict the exact direction of the markets. Traders should be prepared for potential volatility and make informed decisions based on their risk tolerance and investment strategies. #BTC☀ #crypto #cryptoinf #Trending #TrendingBinance

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