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Ripple Forms Coalition with Crypto Heavyweights, izpilddirektors sajūsmā. Revolucionārā solī Ripple ir paziņojis par savu koalīciju ar dažiem ietekmīgākajiem vārdiem tehnoloģiju nozarē. Šī alianse, kurā ietilpst tādi smagsvari kā Coinbase Meta un citi, ir stratēģiska atbilde uz satraucošo tiešsaistes krāpšanas un finanšu shēmu pieaugumu, kas ir nomocījis digitālo telpu. Saskaņā ar paziņojumu presei tehnoloģiju uzņēmumi sociālajos medijos, iepazīšanās lietotnēs, finanšu iestādēs un kriptovalūtās ir paziņojuši par jaunu koalīciju "Tech Against Scams", lai cīnītos pret krāpšanu tiešsaistē un finanšu shēmām, kuru mērķauditorija ir patērētāji visās nozarēs. Koalīcijā ietilpst Coinbase, Match Group - Tinder un Hinge - Meta, Kraken, Ripple un Gemini mātesuzņēmums, kā arī Globālā pretkrāpšanas organizācija. Programmas “Tech Against Scams” ​​mērķis ir izmantot savu dalībnieku kolektīvās zināšanas un resursus, lai cīnītos pret sarežģītiem un pastāvīgi mainīgajiem kiberkrāpniecības draudiem. Tas kalpos kā galvenais forums, kurā iesaistītie tehnoloģiju uzņēmumi strādās pie stratēģijām, lai apkarotu krāpnieku rīkus, izglītotu un aizsargātu patērētājus un izjauktu strauji mainīgas finanšu krāpniecības. Šis darbs ietvers paraugprakses, draudu izlūkošanas un citu padomu un informācijas apmaiņu, lai palīdzētu patērētājiem būt drošiem un aizsargātiem, pirms viņi kļūst par upuriem tiešsaistes krāpšanas shēmām, piemēram, krāpnieciskām viltībām vai kriptovalūtu izkrāpšanām, piemēram, "cūku nokaušanai". Breds Garlinghauss, Ripple izpilddirektors, ir paudis entuziasmu par koalīciju, uzsverot kritisko nepieciešamību rīkoties pret tiešsaistes krāpniecisko postu. Nesenā tviterī Gārlinghauss pauda sajūsmu par koalīcijas potenciālu būtiski ietekmēt: "Ir viena lieta, par ko mēs visi tehnoloģiju jomā varam vienoties – ir pēdējais laiks izjaukt krāpniekus uz visiem laikiem. Lepojamies, ka Ripple pievienojas tai. koalīciju kopā ar citiem nozares smagsvariem."

Ripple Forms Coalition with Crypto Heavyweights, izpilddirektors sajūsmā.

Revolucionārā solī Ripple ir paziņojis par savu koalīciju ar dažiem ietekmīgākajiem vārdiem tehnoloģiju nozarē. Šī alianse, kurā ietilpst tādi smagsvari kā Coinbase Meta un citi, ir stratēģiska atbilde uz satraucošo tiešsaistes krāpšanas un finanšu shēmu pieaugumu, kas ir nomocījis digitālo telpu.

Saskaņā ar paziņojumu presei tehnoloģiju uzņēmumi sociālajos medijos, iepazīšanās lietotnēs, finanšu iestādēs un kriptovalūtās ir paziņojuši par jaunu koalīciju "Tech Against Scams", lai cīnītos pret krāpšanu tiešsaistē un finanšu shēmām, kuru mērķauditorija ir patērētāji visās nozarēs.

Koalīcijā ietilpst Coinbase, Match Group - Tinder un Hinge - Meta, Kraken, Ripple un Gemini mātesuzņēmums, kā arī Globālā pretkrāpšanas organizācija.

Programmas “Tech Against Scams” ​​mērķis ir izmantot savu dalībnieku kolektīvās zināšanas un resursus, lai cīnītos pret sarežģītiem un pastāvīgi mainīgajiem kiberkrāpniecības draudiem. Tas kalpos kā galvenais forums, kurā iesaistītie tehnoloģiju uzņēmumi strādās pie stratēģijām, lai apkarotu krāpnieku rīkus, izglītotu un aizsargātu patērētājus un izjauktu strauji mainīgas finanšu krāpniecības.

Šis darbs ietvers paraugprakses, draudu izlūkošanas un citu padomu un informācijas apmaiņu, lai palīdzētu patērētājiem būt drošiem un aizsargātiem, pirms viņi kļūst par upuriem tiešsaistes krāpšanas shēmām, piemēram, krāpnieciskām viltībām vai kriptovalūtu izkrāpšanām, piemēram, "cūku nokaušanai".

Breds Garlinghauss, Ripple izpilddirektors, ir paudis entuziasmu par koalīciju, uzsverot kritisko nepieciešamību rīkoties pret tiešsaistes krāpniecisko postu.

Nesenā tviterī Gārlinghauss pauda sajūsmu par koalīcijas potenciālu būtiski ietekmēt: "Ir viena lieta, par ko mēs visi tehnoloģiju jomā varam vienoties – ir pēdējais laiks izjaukt krāpniekus uz visiem laikiem. Lepojamies, ka Ripple pievienojas tai. koalīciju kopā ar citiem nozares smagsvariem."

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var būt iekļauts apmaksāts saturs. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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XRP Ledger EVM Sidechain Receives Major Update From Ripple. Ripple has issued a new update on one of the developer community's top requests: bringing Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility to the XRP Ledger. Ripple also revealed the official name of the highly awaited sidechain, which is "XRPL EVM Sidechain." The sidechain is expected to provide new opportunities for XRPL developers in decentralized finance (DeFi) and real-world asset (RWA) tokenization, hence encouraging innovation and expanding the network's value and reach. Connecting the XRPL EVM Sidechain to the XRPL mainnet would require the use of a bridge, in which wrapped XRP (eXRP) acts as both the native asset and the gas token. This bridge allows for the easy movement of assets between XRPL and the EVM Sidechain, ensuring interoperability and quick transaction processing. It would also allow developers to take advantage of the strengths of both networks. As the XRPL EVM Sidechain launch date approaches, the top priorities are to secure the mainnet bridge and to improve the user and developer experience so that bridging assets is a seamless procedure. The XRPL EVM sidechain is also expected to launch, with Axelar serving as the exclusive bridge to source the sidechain's native gas token (eXRP) from XRPL. Axelar can also be used to connect other fungible tokens to and from the XRPL mainnet, as well as more than 55 blockchains in the Axelar ecosystem. Way forward for XLS-38 amendment. Ripple noted that the current method of transferring new tokens via XLS-38 was "arduous." Using two distinct bridges XLS-38 for XRP and Axelar for other tokens to execute cross-chain smart contracts complicates the user experience. Consolidating into a single bridge is expected to simplify the procedure, hence the use of Axelar as an exclusive bridge. XLS-38 lays the groundwork for XRPL developers looking to create custom sidechains.
This Ethereum (ETH) Move Was Unexpected. Ethereum was gaining traction on the market, but that severe and continuous consolidation that led to essentially nothing and just dragged ETH to around $3,800 was a crucial signal that was a hint at the future performance of the asset. The price action of ETH has taken many traders by surprise despite its earlier strong momentum. Ethereum went through a phase of consolidation after encountering resistance at roughly $3,800. This sideways movement, which frequently portends market indecision here, portended the most recent decline that we have seen. Ethereum experienced a significant decline in the last few days, reaching levels close to $3,500. The market had been feeling pretty bullish overall, so many people were taken aback by this abrupt decline. There could be a number of reasons behind this sudden action. First, problems with liquidity may be quite important. Low liquidity can result in more pronounced price swings, as we have seen with different trading pairs on platforms such as Binance. In the case of Ethereum the recent decline may have been caused by an abrupt decrease in buying pressure, which would have made it simpler for sellers to drive the price lower. Macroeconomic variables also always come into play, as does investor sentiment. Technical indicators indicate that ETH was heavily sold off in a short period of time. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) recently dipped into oversold territory. If buyers reenter the market, this can suggest the possibility of a rebound. Moving Averages (MAs) also exhibit a troubling pattern: shorter-term MAs cross below longer-term MAs, which is usually a sign of bearishness.
$1 Billion in Bitcoin (BTC) Disappear. Enormous volumes of BTC are being withdrawn from exchanges as the first cryptocurrency is being slowly moved to self-custody. The tendency raises questions, and, usually, the growth of scarcity on exchanges leads to price growth, but that is not the case now. Traditionally, significant withdrawals have been seen as a bullish sign suggesting that investors are choosing to hold their money in personal wallets as opposed to storing it on exchanges for quick trading. This usually lowers the amount of stock on exchanges, which could raise prices because of greater scarcity. Still the price of Bitcoin has not increased as anticipated, even with the significant volume of withdrawals. This oddity implies that there are currently other market forces affecting the dynamics of BTC prices. Macroeconomic conditions impacting the cryptocurrency market as a whole have led to cautious sentiment, which could be one explanation. The actions of institutional investors are another thing to take into account. These organizations now handle their cryptocurrency holdings in a different way. Institutions may be shifting their assets off exchanges for compliance and increased security purposes rather than getting ready to sell, as more advanced custody solutions become available. This trend is consistent with the wider adoption of decentralized financial practices and the shift toward self-custody. Furthermore, the data indicates a drop in Bitcoin reserves on exchanges during the previous month. This trend may be part of a larger plan by long-term investors, or whales, to reduce the size of their holdings in anticipation of future market movements. Though it does not always result in price increases right away, this withdrawal activity may indicate confidence in Bitcoin's long-term value. The charts show that although there have been occasional swings in price, Bitcoin's exchange reserves have been steadily dropping. According to this pattern, the market is presently consolidating, with neither bulls nor bears clearly in the lead.
Shiba Inu Whale Activity Skyrockets by 170% to Uphold 39 Trillion SHIB. Dog-themed cryptocurrency Shiba Inu (SHIB) has seen a whopping 170% in large transaction volume, an indicator that denotes whale activity. Into TheBlock classifies as large transactions those where an amount greater than $100,000 was transferred. In this case, the Large Transactions Volume indicator estimates the aggregate amount in crypto terms transferred in such transactions. That said, spikes in large transaction volume point to high activity among institutional players either buying or selling. According to Into TheBlock data, Shiba Inu's large transaction volume is up 170.84% in the last 24 hours, coming in at $467.2 million, or 21.62 trillion SHIB. The recent 170% spike in whale transactions involving SHIB suggests that large players might be actively participating in the defense of a 39 trillion SHIB price range. According to Into TheBlock data, 39.68 trillion SHIB is being held in the range of $0.000021 and $0.000022 by 41,640 addresses. As the market's whales, or large holders, intensify their activity, it might seem that there is a concerted effort to maintain the value of Shiba Inu at this pivotal level. The 39 trillion SHIB mark has become a battleground where bulls are not just passively hoping for stability but are actively working to ensure it. Successfully defending the support level could pave the way for a price rebound. If the 39 trillion SHIB level holds, it may attract more buyers, leading to upward price momentum. Bitcoin dipped on Tuesday, falling to lows near $66,000 before slightly recovering. Shiba Inu also nursed losses, down 1.21% in the last 24 hours to $0.0000219. Global markets are on edge ahead of a Federal Reserve interest-rate decision and key U.S. inflation figures. Crypto investors are particularly alert for potential volatility. In this light, eyes are on Shiba Inu's price to adjust its next move. #TopCoinsJune2024

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