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Kāds būs mans portfelis, ja ChainLink(LINK) cena sasniegs 50 USD? Nesen kriptovalūtu tirgus piedzīvoja Chainlink (LINK) cenas kāpumu, un tās vērtība vienas dienas laikā pieauga par vairāk nekā 20%. Turklāt Chainlink tirgus kapitalizācija pieauga par 14%, atspoguļojot pieaugošo interesi starp investoriem un entuziastiem. Tā kā cerības pieaug, daudzi gaida nozīmīgu pavērsienu: cena sasniedz 20 $ un vairāk, kā arī cer sasniegt kāroto 50 $ atzīmi, kas pēdējo reizi bija vērojama pirms trim gadiem. Lai gan LINK 2021. gada 10. maijā sasniedza visu laiku augstāko līmeni — 52,88 $, tā vērtība kopš tā laika ir samazinājusies par 69,48%, lai šodien tirgotos par USD 16,26. Saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem, marķiera tirgus kapitalizācija ir 9,5 miljardi ASV dolāru, tādējādi nodrošinot savu 16. lielākās kriptovalūtas pozīciju. Tomēr pēdējā dienā Chainlink tirdzniecības apjoms ir samazinājies par 9,8%, sasniedzot 871,5 miljonus ASV dolāru. Ieguldījumi Chainlink (LINK) par pašreizējo vērtību 16,2 ASV dolāri nodrošina iespēju gūt peļņu, ja cena pieaugs līdz 50 ASV dolāriem. Pieņemsim, ka jūs nolemjat palielināt ieguldījumu summu līdz 2000 USD. Izmantojot šo summu, jūsu ieguldījumu vērtība pieaugs līdz 6148 ASV dolāriem, kā rezultātā peļņa būs 4148 ASV dolāri. Tā rezultātā IA ir aptuveni 207,4%, kas atbilst 1. scenārija procentuālajam pieaugumam, kas saistīts ar lielāku ieguldījumu. Ja jūs kļūtu mazliet azartisks un ieguldītu 5000 USD par pašreizējo cenu, jūs iegūtu aptuveni 307,40 LINK monētas. Ja ieguldījuma vērtība sasniedz USD 50, jūsu kopējā vērtība būtu USD 15 370,00, kā rezultātā peļņa būtu USD 10 370,00. Tas atbilst ROI apmēram 207,4% saskaņā ar ROI rādītājiem, kas redzami iepriekšējās situācijās. Katrā scenārijā paredzamā peļņa un ieguldījumu atdeve ir atkarīga no pārliecības, ka Chainlink vērtība sasniegs 50 USD. Tomēr jāpatur prātā, ka kriptovalūtu tirgi ir neprognozējami un rezultāti var atšķirties. Veicot ieguldījumus, ir ļoti svarīgi rūpīgi izpētīt un novērtēt riska faktorus. #chainlink #ChainlinkUpdate #buythedip #MicroStrategy #altcoins

Kāds būs mans portfelis, ja ChainLink(LINK) cena sasniegs 50 USD?

Nesen kriptovalūtu tirgus piedzīvoja Chainlink (LINK) cenas kāpumu, un tās vērtība vienas dienas laikā pieauga par vairāk nekā 20%. Turklāt Chainlink tirgus kapitalizācija pieauga par 14%, atspoguļojot pieaugošo interesi starp investoriem un entuziastiem. Tā kā cerības pieaug, daudzi gaida nozīmīgu pavērsienu: cena sasniedz 20 $ un vairāk, kā arī cer sasniegt kāroto 50 $ atzīmi, kas pēdējo reizi bija vērojama pirms trim gadiem. Lai gan LINK 2021. gada 10. maijā sasniedza visu laiku augstāko līmeni — 52,88 $, tā vērtība kopš tā laika ir samazinājusies par 69,48%, lai šodien tirgotos par USD 16,26. Saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem, marķiera tirgus kapitalizācija ir 9,5 miljardi ASV dolāru, tādējādi nodrošinot savu 16. lielākās kriptovalūtas pozīciju. Tomēr pēdējā dienā Chainlink tirdzniecības apjoms ir samazinājies par 9,8%, sasniedzot 871,5 miljonus ASV dolāru. Ieguldījumi Chainlink (LINK) par pašreizējo vērtību 16,2 ASV dolāri nodrošina iespēju gūt peļņu, ja cena pieaugs līdz 50 ASV dolāriem.

Pieņemsim, ka jūs nolemjat palielināt ieguldījumu summu līdz 2000 USD. Izmantojot šo summu, jūsu ieguldījumu vērtība pieaugs līdz 6148 ASV dolāriem, kā rezultātā peļņa būs 4148 ASV dolāri. Tā rezultātā IA ir aptuveni 207,4%, kas atbilst 1. scenārija procentuālajam pieaugumam, kas saistīts ar lielāku ieguldījumu. Ja jūs kļūtu mazliet azartisks un ieguldītu 5000 USD par pašreizējo cenu, jūs iegūtu aptuveni 307,40 LINK monētas. Ja ieguldījuma vērtība sasniedz USD 50, jūsu kopējā vērtība būtu USD 15 370,00, kā rezultātā peļņa būtu USD 10 370,00. Tas atbilst ROI apmēram 207,4% saskaņā ar ROI rādītājiem, kas redzami iepriekšējās situācijās.

Katrā scenārijā paredzamā peļņa un ieguldījumu atdeve ir atkarīga no pārliecības, ka Chainlink vērtība sasniegs 50 USD. Tomēr jāpatur prātā, ka kriptovalūtu tirgi ir neprognozējami un rezultāti var atšķirties. Veicot ieguldījumus, ir ļoti svarīgi rūpīgi izpētīt un novērtēt riska faktorus.

#chainlink #ChainlinkUpdate #buythedip #MicroStrategy #altcoins

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Shiba Inu vs Dogecoin: ChatGPT Picks 2024 Summer Winner Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Dogecoin (DOGE) are two of the biggest and most popular memecoins in the market. Launched in 2013, DOGE has the advantage of being the first memecoin. However, SHIB has made significant strides in the market since its 2020 debut. DOGE is currently the 10th largest cryptocurrency by market cap, while SHIB is the 12th largest. SHIB often considers itself the “DOGE Killer” and has made notable progress in its almost four-year history. DOGE, on the other hand, has more adoption and a larger market cap. While SHIB has a market cap of about $14.1 billion, DOGE is valued at around $21.8 billion. Nonetheless, both assets have a loyal fan base and significant demand. According to ChatGPT-4, Shiba Inu (SHIB) would be the better investment for the summer of 2024. The chatbot named ongoing projects, such as Shibahub, ShibaEternity P2E, K9 Finance, and ShibaSwap 2.0, as possible catalysts for the asset’s price. ChatGPT also highlighted SHIB’s loyal community as a strength. CoinCodex paints a bullish picture for SHIB over the next few weeks. The platform predicts SHIB to surpass the $0.00008 level in June, hitting $0.00008228 on June 17, 2024. Reaching $0.00008228 from current levels would translate to a growth of nearly 244%. Changelly also predicts SHIB to rally over the next few weeks. The platform anticipates the dog-themed crypto to hit $0.00008324 on June 16, 2024. #Shibalnu #shibatrend #DogecoinDay #DogecoinPotential #altcoins
Believe the Experts: BEFE Coin Can Turn $100 into $200,000! Using BEFE Coin, you can now convert your $100 into an astounding $200,000. Prominent analysts are attesting to this extraordinary potential, indicating that BEFE Coin would be the most sought-after asset to profit from in the expanding cryptocurrency industry. Will BEFE eventually cause havoc for all other meme-focused altcoins in the market? Let's investigate. Social media is ablaze with a new craze, with “memecoins” now that appear on the cryptocurrency market, lighting up. That's where most of these internet jokes and viral cultural references went on to draw enormous interest from online communities and even celebrity endorsements.The main feature that differentiates BEFE Coin from other memecoins is that it is among the first actually to have some utility attached to it.In BEFE's case, it is the large and growing community around the project that makes it strong. The unprecedented BEFE Coin hype is likely to disrupt and challenge the landscape of established memecoins and their chieftains, DOGE and SHIB.BEFE has been on a terrific show over the past 2 months, as small corrections entertain the bulls. On March 23, the price of BEFE surged to 33.47%, trading at $0.00054318. The next day, March 24, saw it reach $0.00065322, this time by a surge of 20.29%. On March 24, the token's trading volume rose to touch the highest level at $1,722,236, as investors trooped into the token. The price of BEFE eventually came off its March high but found stability above $0.00009000 for the most part of the past month. This stability is confirmed by the constant trading volume that BEFE possesses, remaining north of $150,000 on most days in the past month. This means that BEFE has been very good at keeping the price afloat, attracting interest from investors, and maintaining liquidity in spite of intermediate market fluctuations. #BEFE #notcoin #altcoins #buythedip #MicroStrategy
Cardano: ADA Retests Before Breaking Out, Can It Hit $0.50 Mark Soon? Cardano (ADA) is yet to explore its bullish potential to the fullest. The token has adopted a rather lethargic stance this season, despite encountering robust waves of ecosystem developments. Per Sssebi, a notable crypto analyst on X, Cardano is currently retesting the upper trendline of a triangle. Retesting of a token generally refers to a phenomenon when the asset comes back to test its significant support or resistance price spot. It does so to check whether it can breach it to break into bullish momentum. Per the expert, ADA’s RSI indicators are also portraying a bullish divergence, signaling a bullish onset of the token.The analyst later shared that if ADA manages to close and breach the $0.46 mark, it can soon show some significant price action. “$ADA is now retesting the upper trendline of the triangle, which BTC already broke. Bullish divergence on the RSI is also visible. If the ADA starts closing above 0.46, we could see a rally soon.”Per CoinCodex, ADA may continue to face some friction along the line and shed 4% of its value to trade at $0.41 by May 21.The token may also gain some of its valuation back by May 23, trading at the $0.43 price level. “The Cardano price forecast for the next 30 days is a projection based on the positive and negative trends in the past 30 days. Based on these Cardano projections, ADA will be changing hands at $0.432047 on May 23, 2024, losing 5.69% in the process.”Additionally, by June 14, the platform shares that Cardano can gain nearly 4% again to trade at $0.48. #CardanoSurge #CardanoPredictions #CMEBitcoinSpotTrading #notcoin #MemeWatch2024
The Dogecoin Explosion Made Something Click In Me:' Veteran Trader Shares Secrets To Turning Pennies Into Millions With Meme Coins Meme coins, with their wild price swings and internet-fueled frenzy, have become a land of opportunity for some cryptocurrency traders.Millionaire trader Unipcs, also known as the ‘Bonk Guy‘, is a shining example, having amassed significant wealth by riding the surges of these digital assets.In an interview with Benzinga, Bonk Guy offered a rare glimpse into his strategies and insights on the meme coin market, shedding light on the world of high-risk, high-reward crypto investing. Meme coin trading is a wild ride, and Unipics acknowledges the emotional toll it can take.He advocates for a “moon or bust” mentality, where investors write off their holdings and focus solely on reaching their target profit or accepting a complete loss.“Once I buy an asset, I just write it off in my mind,” he explains.“I’m not moved or fazed if it goes to zero. I simply give myself a target and hold until it reaches my target or goes to zero. Nothing else matters.” This approach, he argues, allows for a more detached and less stressful trading experience. Bonk Guy remains bullish on Bonk, citing its association with Solana and the potential for further growth.“I’m obviously very bullish on Bonk for reasons I already listed,” he says. “I’m the ‘bonk guy’ for a reason.” He also highlights Floki FLOKI/USD + Free Alerts , another meme coin with a strong track record, as an underrated gem.“Besides Bonk, I’m very excited about Floki,” he reveals. “It is my biggest memecoin bag, and I think it is currently the most underrated major memecoin.While Floki launched in 2021, it has outperformed every other major memecoin including PEPE #DogecoinDay #DogecoinPotential #pepe⚡ #FLOKI✅ #altcoins
Binance Listing Might Be Dead End for Tokens, Shows Epic New Research A recent analysis conducted by a prominent crypto and macro researcher, known as "Flow," has brought attention to concerning trends surrounding tokens listed on Binance, the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange. The examination of the past six months' worth of listings on Binance reveals a troubling pattern: More than 80% of tokens have experienced a decline in value since their initial listing. This discovery prompts serious questions regarding the viability and sustainability of these projects, particularly given the significant valuations they command upon launch. While a handful of tokens, such as ORDI, JTO, JUP and WIF, have managed to buck the downward trend, they represent exceptions rather than the norm. Conversely, tokens like NFP, PORTAL, AEVO and others have suffered substantial losses, indicating a prevalent issue of overvaluation followed by rapid depreciation. Flow's analysis suggests that Binance listings may no longer offer lucrative investment opportunities but rather serve as exit strategies for insiders and venture capitalists. In essence, it is widely acknowledged that securing a listing on a major exchange represents a significant milestone for any new token, with investors anticipating a boost to their investment. Similarly, it is no secret that these listings often serve as opportunities for holders to capitalize on token growth and cash out their crypto holdings. However, the question arises: Is there genuine cause for concern beneath this surface drama, or is this simply an accepted consensus among market participants? #BinanceExplorers #BinanceLaunchpool #altcoins #buythedip #BinanceHerYerde

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