Binance Square
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šŸ“ˆ Bitcoin sasniedz 66 000 USD, jo maigie inflācijas dati izraisa kriptogrāfijas ralliju BTC uzkāpa lÄ«dz augstākajai cenai kopÅ” 24. aprīļa, savukārt Solana SOL un NEAR vadÄ«ja kriptovalÅ«tu pieaugumu. Swissblock teica, ka Bitcoin varētu sasniegt 84 000 USD lÄ«meni ar altcoiniem. TreÅ”dienas kriptovalÅ«tu tirgi pieauga, jo ASV inflācijas dati, kas bija vājāki, nekā gaidÄ«ts, izspieda digitālos aktÄ«vus no viņu stupora. Bitcoin (BTC) pirmo reizi kopÅ” 24. aprīļa pieauga par 66 000 USD, un nesen pēdējo 24 stundu laikā pieauga par vairāk nekā 7%. Ether (ETH) mainÄ«ja Ä«paÅ”nieku gandrÄ«z 3000Ā $, taču tajā paŔā laika posmā uzrādÄ«ja zemāku sniegumu, palielinoties par 4%. Solana (SOL) un near (NEAR) palielināja kriptovalÅ«tu uzņēmumus ar attiecÄ«gi 8% un 12% pieaugumu, un plaŔāks tirgus etalons CoinDesk 20 indekss (CD20) palielinājās par 6%. Rallijs notika, kad aprīļa ASV patēriņa cenu indeksa (PCI) rādÄ«tāji samazinājās, salÄ«dzinot ar martu, kopā ar nedaudz gausu mazumtirdzniecÄ«bas pārskatu. Å ie dati sniedza atvieglojumu investoriem, baidoties, ka inflācijas palielināŔanās un karstā ekonomika var likt Federālajai rezervju sistēmai atkāpties no sava neprātÄ«gā virziena un pat apsvērt procentu likmju paaugstināŔanu. "Investori to uzskata par strauju režīma maiņu, jo tas iezÄ«mē pirmo PCI inflācijas samazināŔanos pēdējo trÄ«s mēneÅ”u laikā," tirgus atjauninājumā sacÄ«ja Bitfinex analÄ«tiÄ·i. Tas kopā ar Federālo rezervju sistēmu, kas iepriekÅ” paziņoja par savu nodomu samazināt centrālās bankas bilances noplÅ«di, "tiek uzskatÄ«ta par labvēlÄ«gu nospiedumu riska aktÄ«viem", piebilda Bitfinex. AplÅ«kojot tradicionālos tirgus, dienas laikā pieauga arÄ« ASV akcijas, indeksam S&P 500 pieaugot par vairāk nekā 1% un sasniedzot jaunu visu laiku augstāko lÄ«meni, kas liecina par riska apetÄ«tes atgrieÅ”anos. Å odienas bitcoin pieaugums iezÄ«mēja arÄ« izrāvienu no lejupslÄ«des, kas pēdējo nedēļu laikā ierobežoja cenas, Telegram atjauninājumā sacÄ«ja Swissblock analÄ«tiÄ·i. "BTC beidzot veic lielāku gājienu," sacÄ«ja Swissblock. "Mēs esam gaidÄ«juÅ”i stimulu lielākas struktÅ«ras izlaiÅ”anai kopÅ” marta maksimuma. Å odien mēs to saņēmām," atsaucoties uz PCI un mazumtirdzniecÄ«bas skaitļiem. $BTC #BTC $SOL $NEAR

šŸ“ˆ Bitcoin sasniedz 66 000 USD, jo maigie inflācijas dati izraisa kriptogrāfijas ralliju

BTC uzkāpa līdz augstākajai cenai kopŔ 24. aprīļa, savukārt Solana SOL un NEAR vadīja kriptovalūtu pieaugumu.

Swissblock teica, ka Bitcoin varētu sasniegt 84 000 USD līmeni ar altcoiniem.

TreÅ”dienas kriptovalÅ«tu tirgi pieauga, jo ASV inflācijas dati, kas bija vājāki, nekā gaidÄ«ts, izspieda digitālos aktÄ«vus no viņu stupora.

Bitcoin (BTC) pirmo reizi kopÅ” 24. aprīļa pieauga par 66 000 USD, un nesen pēdējo 24 stundu laikā pieauga par vairāk nekā 7%. Ether (ETH) mainÄ«ja Ä«paÅ”nieku gandrÄ«z 3000Ā $, taču tajā paŔā laika posmā uzrādÄ«ja zemāku sniegumu, palielinoties par 4%.

Solana (SOL) un near (NEAR) palielināja kriptovalÅ«tu uzņēmumus ar attiecÄ«gi 8% un 12% pieaugumu, un plaŔāks tirgus etalons CoinDesk 20 indekss (CD20) palielinājās par 6%.

Rallijs notika, kad aprīļa ASV patēriņa cenu indeksa (PCI) rādÄ«tāji samazinājās, salÄ«dzinot ar martu, kopā ar nedaudz gausu mazumtirdzniecÄ«bas pārskatu. Å ie dati sniedza atvieglojumu investoriem, baidoties, ka inflācijas palielināŔanās un karstā ekonomika var likt Federālajai rezervju sistēmai atkāpties no sava neprātÄ«gā virziena un pat apsvērt procentu likmju paaugstināŔanu.

"Investori to uzskata par strauju režīma maiņu, jo tas iezÄ«mē pirmo PCI inflācijas samazināŔanos pēdējo trÄ«s mēneÅ”u laikā," tirgus atjauninājumā sacÄ«ja Bitfinex analÄ«tiÄ·i. Tas kopā ar Federālo rezervju sistēmu, kas iepriekÅ” paziņoja par savu nodomu samazināt centrālās bankas bilances noplÅ«di, "tiek uzskatÄ«ta par labvēlÄ«gu nospiedumu riska aktÄ«viem", piebilda Bitfinex.

Aplūkojot tradicionālos tirgus, dienas laikā pieauga arī ASV akcijas, indeksam S&P 500 pieaugot par vairāk nekā 1% un sasniedzot jaunu visu laiku augstāko līmeni, kas liecina par riska apetītes atgrieŔanos.

Šodienas bitcoin pieaugums iezīmēja arī izrāvienu no lejupslīdes, kas pēdējo nedēļu laikā ierobežoja cenas, Telegram atjauninājumā sacīja Swissblock analītiķi.

"BTC beidzot veic lielāku gājienu," sacÄ«ja Swissblock. "Mēs esam gaidÄ«juÅ”i stimulu lielākas struktÅ«ras izlaiÅ”anai kopÅ” marta maksimuma. Å odien mēs to saņēmām," atsaucoties uz PCI un mazumtirdzniecÄ«bas skaitļiem.


Atruna: iekļauti treÅ”o puÅ”u pausti viedokļi. Å Ä« informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var bÅ«t iekļauts apmaksāts saturs.Ā Skati lietoÅ”anas noteikumus.
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šŸ”„ 4 Altcoins for NOW ! šŸ”ø Polygon (MATIC) Price Overview: Bearish Trend and Key Levels to Watch Polygon (MATIC) is trading in the $0.67 to $0.73 range. The price is in a corrective phase, with a one-week decline of 6.04% and a one-month drop of 4.11%. The nearest resistance level is $0.78, while the nearest support is $0.64. With the RSI at 42.15 and a bearish MACD, MATIC shows potential for further downside. The six-month price dip stands at 14.63%. šŸ”ø Cosmos (ATOM) Price Struggles to Gain Momentum Cosmos (ATOM) is currently in a price range of $8.01 to $8.74. The coin faces resistance at $9.19 and $9.92, with support at $7.73 and $6.99. Its 10-day and 100-day simple moving averages are close, sitting at $8.34 and $8.35, respectively. The RSI is 42.89, and the Stochastic is 21.87, indicating weak momentum. MACD is slightly negative at -0.01. The price has dropped by 4.10% in the past week, 4.34% in the last month, and 14.66% in six months, showing corrective moves. šŸ”ø Chainlink (LINK) Price Overview: Current Trends and Predictions Chainlinkā€™s (LINK) current price range is between $16.96 and $19.28. The coin is in a corrective move. LINK recently saw a one-week price drop of 6.46% but had a one-month rise of 22.49%. The six-month change is 14.95%. Itā€™s near a support level of $15.76, with resistance at $20.42. With an RSI of 39.21, Stochastic at 37.79, and MACD at -0.11, prices are below the 100-day SMA of $18.14, indicating a potential stabilization zone. šŸ”ø Stellar (XLM) Price Overview: Eyes on Resistance Levels Stellar (XLM) is trading between $0.10 and $0.11. Over the past week, XLM has dropped by 6.63%. For the past month, itā€™s down by 6.98%, and over six months, it has fallen by 17.50%. Indicators show a corrective move, with RSI at 37.74 and Stochastic at 9.96. If the support at $0.10 holds, a push to $0.11 could be next. $MATIC $LINK $ATOM #XLM #LINK #ATOM #MATIC
šŸš€ JASMY Will Hit $17 According to JasmyCoin CFO and CEO, an Expectation for when JASMY Hits 107 Million Users JasmyCoin CFO and CEOs share bullish expectations for JASMY price.They expect JASMY to hit $17 when the platform sees over 107 million users.This price is expected to be reached tentatively by 2026, JASMY remains bullish. JasmyCoin continues its upward climb as more interest flocks to the project. The asset known as the Bitcoin of Japan began its journey in the far east and is slowly making its way to the west and the rest of the world. JASMYā€™s CFO Hara San and CEO Ando & Sato say that as JASMY hits 107 million users then the price target for the altcoin will go up to $17. This is their expectation by 2026. As former SONY executives this is no small claim adding to the fact that it is likely a conservative one. Jasmy for CFO Hara San & CEOā€™s Ando & Sato to say 107 million users price target $17 by 2026 for a Japanese former SONY executives to make that claim for them it would be a conservative one , we now learned Jasmy is not just going to take place in the Asian region ; itā€™s goingā€¦ ā€” TheDeacon This statement paired with the latest JASMY and Apple partnership via Japanā€™s My Number Card has taken the world by storm. JASMY will soon enter iPhones starting next Spring to facilitate the identity feature likely affecting JASMY price in a bullish manner. Just after the announcement about the Apple collaboration JASMY price shot up by 40% and the JASMY community has been bullish ever since. This much support and rapid adoption for JASMY points to the fact that when it does go live on iPhones the price spike could be explosive. So far all price predictions have varied between $1, $5, and $10 for JASMY ranging before and after the Apple announcement. Now with JASMY leadership expecting a $17 high for JASMY the expectations for a high JASMY price will likely go further. Presently, JASMY is on track to enter iPhones, perhaps soon other smart devices will become JASMY devices as speculated in the post above. $JASMY #JASMY #JasmyCoin
šŸ“ˆ Binance Coin (BNB) Skyrockets to New All-Time High, Market Cap Bigger Than UBS, Starbucks The native token of the worldā€™s largest cryptocurrency exchange has somewhat been on the sidelines during the 2024 bull run, but has finally managed to emerge as a top performer by soaring past $700 and tapping a new all-time high. Its market cap has gone on a tear as well, exceeding $100 billion and surpassing companies like UBS, Dell, Starbucks and others. Binance has been in a legal spat in several jurisdictions, with the most recent and active one against Nigerian authorities. Local company execs were detained while the company is trying to free them, which is not going well for now. However, the biggest blow against Binance came at the end of last year, when the exchange agreed to pay $4.3 billion in a settlement deal with the US Department of Justice without admitting guilt to failing to incorporate proper anti-money laundering rules. Moreover, its founder and then-CEO, Changpeng Zhao, had to step down and was later convicted to spend several months in US prison. Amid these regulatory issues, Binance Coin remained sluggish and failed to take the main stage as BTC did in March when it broke its 2021 all-time high or as ETH did a few weeks back when the US Securities and Exchange Commission approved spot Ethereum ETFs. Additionally, the current bull run has been dominated by old and newly popping meme coins, so the focus has been far from BNB. However, that started to change in the past day or so as the fourth-largest cryptocurrency skyrocketed by nearly $100 from $625 to a new all-time high of $715 market earlier today. Despite retracing slightly since then, BNB still stands above $700 and its market cap is close to $110 billion. As such, BNB has surpassed some giants of the traditional world like UBS, State Bank of India, Dell, Hitachi, Starbucks, and AirBNB in terms of market cap. $BNB #BNB #BNBCrossing660
šŸ¦„ UNI soars nearly 23% following cryptic social media post ā— UNI posted a 23% gain as investors await a potential bullish announcement from its mystery social media post. ā— UNI had earlier suffered a decline after postponing its fee mechanism vote. ā— UNI could see a correction following increased exchange net inflows after the price rise. Uniswap's (UNI) price spiked on Tuesday after its cryptic social media post increased bullish sentiment among investors. The rise comes off the back of an earlier decline following the postponement of UNI's fee mechanism vote. šŸ”ø UNI recovers from decline with 23% surge UNI skyrocketed nearly 23% after a cryptic post on X hinted at a key announcement, urging community members to "get ready for something super." UNI had earlier declined more than 9% after postponing its fee mechanism vote, which was scheduled for May 31. Several community members who had accumulated UNI in anticipation of the event were left disappointed after the postponement. As a result, it could have triggered selling pressure, especially from short-term holders aiming to speculate on UNI's potential rise after the vote. The fee mechanism proposal aimed to distribute part of Uniswap's revenue to UNI token holders who have staked their tokens and delegated them for governance. Uniswap hoped the proposal would incentivize participation in governance and key protocol. Many users expect the announcement to be a new date for the fee mechanism vote or a potential Uniswap v4 launch. However, an X user speculated that the announcement could be the potential launch of an NFT mystery box collaboration between Uniswap and fashion NFT figure KidSuper. šŸ’¬ so everyone is expecting the uniswap announcement to be - uni V4 - L2 - uni launching on ZK -fee switch [1% chance] this is obv not 100% confirmed, can still get liquidated shorting this ā€” hyuk If the announcement isn't as bullish as anticipated, UNI could see a correction in the coming hours, as exchanges have seen over 430.9K UNI net inflow in the past 24 hours. $UNI #UNI #Uniswap
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