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Sāka nākt 2024. gada Altcoin rallija prognozes: slaveni analītiķi gatavojas Bitcoin Super Bull periodam. Tā kā 2024. gada otrā ceturkšņa vidū kriptovalūtu tirgus atslābst, analītiķi mēģina cīnīties pret FUD, izmantojot ļoti bullish altcoin prognozes. Populārais kriptogrāfijas konts Altcoin Daily šīs nedēļas sākumā publicēja garu prognožu sarakstu, paredzot, ka #Bitcoin (BTC) sasniegs 120 000 USD, #Ether (ETH) sasniegs 8800 USD, bet #Solana (SOL) — 7 USD. Saskaņā ar šīm prognozēm Bitcoin pieaugs par gandrīz 100% līdz 60 600 USD, savukārt Ether un Solana attiecīgi pieaugs par 200% un 400%. Cits populārs kriptovalūtu analītiķis Deezy.eth dalījās savās prognozēs. Viņš prognozē, ka Cardano (ADA) pieaugs 13,25 reizes (1,225%) no pašreizējā līmeņa, pieaugot no 0,445 USD līdz 5,90 USD. Viņš prognozē, ka #XRP (XRP) pieaugs līdz USD 1,80 un #Dogecoin (DOGE) pieaugs līdz USD 0,50. Tas nozīmē pieaugumu attiecīgi par 260% un 250%. Šīs ļoti bullish altcoin prognozes nāk laikā, kad FUD (bailes, nenoteiktība un šaubas) pieaug kriptovalūtu tirgū. Daudzu altkoinu un mēmu monētu vērtība pieauga no februāra līdz martam, kad Bitcoin sasniedza jaunus rekordaugstus līmeni virs 70 000 USD. Tomēr tirgū tika novērotas asas korekcijas, jo samazinājās interese par spot Bitcoin ETF un makroekonomikas pretvēja ietekme. Kamēr Bitcoin nokritās par 17% no marta augstākā līmeņa 74 000 USD, daudzi altkoīni piedzīvoja straujāku kritumu: Solana zaudēja 30%, XRP zaudēja 32%, Dogecoin zaudēja 37%, bet Cardano zaudēja 45%. Vēsturiski ir zināms, ka BTC mītiņi parasti sākas 4-6 mēnešu laikā. Bija sagaidāms, ka samazinājums uz pusi aprīlī uzreiz neizraisīs augšupejošu vilni. Lejupslīde pēc lejupslīdes parasti sakrīt ar vasaras sezonu kriptovalūtu tirgū, kā arī konsolidācijas procesu. Tāpēc pēkšņu ralliju nevajadzētu gaidīt, taču nevar noliegt faktu, ka esam jauna buļļu tirgus vidū. Tomēr 10x Research brīdināja, ka žetonu atbloķēšana var kavēt altcoin ralliju, ja VC (riska kapitāls) atkāpsies. $SOL $XRP $DOGE

Sāka nākt 2024. gada Altcoin rallija prognozes: slaveni analītiķi gatavojas Bitcoin Super Bull periodam.

Tā kā 2024. gada otrā ceturkšņa vidū kriptovalūtu tirgus atslābst, analītiķi mēģina cīnīties pret FUD, izmantojot ļoti bullish altcoin prognozes.

Populārais kriptogrāfijas konts Altcoin Daily šīs nedēļas sākumā publicēja garu prognožu sarakstu, paredzot, ka #Bitcoin (BTC) sasniegs 120 000 USD, #Ether (ETH) sasniegs 8800 USD, bet #Solana (SOL) — 7 USD.

Saskaņā ar šīm prognozēm Bitcoin pieaugs par gandrīz 100% līdz 60 600 USD, savukārt Ether un Solana attiecīgi pieaugs par 200% un 400%.

Cits populārs kriptovalūtu analītiķis Deezy.eth dalījās savās prognozēs. Viņš prognozē, ka Cardano (ADA) pieaugs 13,25 reizes (1,225%) no pašreizējā līmeņa, pieaugot no 0,445 USD līdz 5,90 USD.

Viņš prognozē, ka #XRP (XRP) pieaugs līdz USD 1,80 un #Dogecoin (DOGE) pieaugs līdz USD 0,50. Tas nozīmē pieaugumu attiecīgi par 260% un 250%.

Šīs ļoti bullish altcoin prognozes nāk laikā, kad FUD (bailes, nenoteiktība un šaubas) pieaug kriptovalūtu tirgū. Daudzu altkoinu un mēmu monētu vērtība pieauga no februāra līdz martam, kad Bitcoin sasniedza jaunus rekordaugstus līmeni virs 70 000 USD.

Tomēr tirgū tika novērotas asas korekcijas, jo samazinājās interese par spot Bitcoin ETF un makroekonomikas pretvēja ietekme.

Kamēr Bitcoin nokritās par 17% no marta augstākā līmeņa 74 000 USD, daudzi altkoīni piedzīvoja straujāku kritumu: Solana zaudēja 30%, XRP zaudēja 32%, Dogecoin zaudēja 37%, bet Cardano zaudēja 45%.

Vēsturiski ir zināms, ka BTC mītiņi parasti sākas 4-6 mēnešu laikā. Bija sagaidāms, ka samazinājums uz pusi aprīlī uzreiz neizraisīs augšupejošu vilni. Lejupslīde pēc lejupslīdes parasti sakrīt ar vasaras sezonu kriptovalūtu tirgū, kā arī konsolidācijas procesu.

Tāpēc pēkšņu ralliju nevajadzētu gaidīt, taču nevar noliegt faktu, ka esam jauna buļļu tirgus vidū. Tomēr 10x Research brīdināja, ka žetonu atbloķēšana var kavēt altcoin ralliju, ja VC (riska kapitāls) atkāpsies.


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Bitcoin (BTC) started the week well: Will the rise continue? Bitcoin (BTC), which has been recovering in recent days, started the week strong, making its investors happy. Bitcoin (BTC), which has been recovering in recent days, started the week strong, making its investors happy. With a weekly close above $66,000, Bitcoin gave crypto investors peace of mind. The admiral of cryptocurrencies, which gives confidence to the market even though it has not yet experienced the expected rise in altcoins, is currently facing a difficult region. If BTC exceeds this region, it seems that the money flow to altcoins will accelerate. So, what are the regions that investors should follow for Bitcoin? Bitcoin, which has been moving upwards since testing $60,700, is facing an important resistance point. BTC, which has been making crypto investors happy for a few days with its momentum, will signal the altcoin bull if it settles above $ 67,100. In a possible upward movement, the resistance levels that can be followed for #BTC will be 69,017 - 71,289 and 73,684 dollars, respectively. Breaking #ATH will herald a new bull run. Increasing BTC dominance, the FED maintaining its tight interest rate policy, or the halving excitement not starting will increase sell-side transactions in BTC. In such a scenario, withdrawals up to 64,534 – 62,080 – 60,722 – 59,009 and 56,592 dollars can be observed, respectively. Short/medium term investors should especially pay attention to the range of $63,000 - $62,080. BTC's reaction will be decisive in this area. $BTC $ETH
Solana Outperforms Ethereum with 91 Million Transactions Daily. Solana once again showed that it is the fastest major blockchain with 91 million transactions processed in one day. According to CoinGecko's latest update on April 6, during the memecoin craze, Solana broke a daily record with 1,504 transactions per second. This success makes Solana 46 times faster than Ethereum and 5 times faster than #Polygon , one of the fastest #Ethereum scaling solutions. Solana Reached 1.6% of Maximum Capacity Despite being the fastest blockchain, Solana was only able to use 1.6% of its theoretical maximum capacity of 65,000 TPS. This increase in transaction volume led to network congestion and raised the question of how quickly Solana could reach high TPS values ​​with future updates. The second fastest blockchain mentioned in the report is Sui, a platform without an #Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Sui peaked at 854 TPS in July 2023, thanks to the popular on-chain game Sui 8192. Other notable non-EVM blockchains include TON at 175 TPS and Near Protocol at 118 TPS, while Aptos is at 49 TPS, Starknet at 12 TPS, Bitcoin at 11 TPS, and Thorchain at 2 TPS. Non-EVM blockchains outperformed EVM-compatible ones, with an average speed of 284 TPS, while the average speed of the 17 largest EVM-based blockchains was only 74 TPS. #Binance Smart Chain (BSC) reached 378 real TPS with increased activity on December 7, 2023, becoming the fastest among EVM blockchains. Polygon, the leader of the Ethereum scaling solution, performed 8.4 times faster than Ethereum with 190 TPS on November 16, 2023. $BTC $SOL $ETH
Ontario's 'Crypto King' Detained Over $30 Million Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) Ponzi Scheme. *Canadian self-proclaimed 'Crypto King' Aiden Pleterski has faced serious fraud and money laundering charges, marking a significant development in cryptocurrency-related criminal activity. *The arrest, which is the result of a meticulous 16-month investigation, illuminates the complexities of financial crime in the digital age. *According to the official press release, “Mr. Pleterski faces a single charge of fraud over $5,000 and a Canadian charge of money laundering.” The charges against Aiden Pleterski stem from the extensive 'Project Swan' operation carried out by Canadian authorities. This operation highlights the growing concern about fraud schemes, particularly those resembling Ponzi structures. The widespread use of financial documents and victim interviews painted a detailed picture of the alleged abuse and attracted significant media coverage and public attention in Canada. The investigation into Pleterski's activities provides a stark reminder of the potential for abuse in cryptocurrency markets. Authorities have meticulously collected evidence demonstrating the depth and breadth of the alleged fraud. This situation sets a critical precedent for regulators and investors, highlighting the need for strict oversight and diligence in crypto investments. A detail that puts a shocking twist on the incident is that Aiden Pleterski was allegedly kidnapped and attacked by individuals representing his victims. This severe reaction highlights the intense emotions and high stakes involved in high-stakes and high-profile fraud cases. The rematch, along with Pleterski's release after a ransom was paid, adds complexity and urgency to the ongoing legal proceedings and provides important clues about the charged atmosphere around this case. $BTC $ETH $BNB

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