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🐶 **Ieskats Sema Bankmena-Frīda cietuma pieredzē** 🐶 🔒 Laikā, kad viņš atradās aiz restēm, bijušais FTX izpilddirektors Sems Bankmens-Frīds nodarbojās ar rīsu maisiņu tirdzniecību, kas ir viena no cietumu sistēmas valūtas formām. 🍀 Ievērojot veģetāro diētu, viņš galvenokārt patērēja pupiņas, kā rezultātā svara zudums bija 11 kg. 👥 Sems dala cietumu ar 35 citiem ieslodzītajiem, no kuriem puse ir notiesāti par smagiem noziegumiem, tostarp slepkavībām. 💬 Par spīti tam, ka 28. martā viņam tika piespriests 25 gadu cietumsods, Sems ir paudis nožēlu un aktīvi pārsūdz spriedumu. #ETHETFS #SamBankmanFried #FTXAuction #BinanceLaunchpool 👍 Reaģēt | 💬 Komentēt | ↪️ Dalies, lai izplatītu izpratni!

🐶 **Ieskats Sema Bankmena-Frīda cietuma pieredzē** 🐶

🔒 Laikā, kad viņš atradās aiz restēm, bijušais FTX izpilddirektors Sems Bankmens-Frīds nodarbojās ar rīsu maisiņu tirdzniecību, kas ir viena no cietumu sistēmas valūtas formām.

🍀 Ievērojot veģetāro diētu, viņš galvenokārt patērēja pupiņas, kā rezultātā svara zudums bija 11 kg.

👥 Sems dala cietumu ar 35 citiem ieslodzītajiem, no kuriem puse ir notiesāti par smagiem noziegumiem, tostarp slepkavībām.

💬 Par spīti tam, ka 28. martā viņam tika piespriests 25 gadu cietumsods, Sems ir paudis nožēlu un aktīvi pārsūdz spriedumu.

#ETHETFS #SamBankmanFried #FTXAuction #BinanceLaunchpool

👍 Reaģēt | 💬 Komentēt | ↪️ Dalies, lai izplatītu izpratni!

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💡 **Secret Strategy Revealed: Earn Big with New Coin Launches!** 💰 🚀 **Unlock the Power of Smart Investing:** Follow this secret method to potentially make significant profits in a short time! 🕒 **Timing is Everything:** When a new coin launches on Binance, experts advise caution within the first 72 hours. But remember, with great risk comes great opportunity! 💼 **Here's How It Works:** 1. 🖥️ **Preparation:** Five minutes before the coin launch, be ready with your laptop or desktop. 2. 👀 **Observation:** Once the coin is live, closely monitor its price for two minutes. 3. 📱 **Quick Action:** Open the Binance app on your smartphone, navigate to Spot Options, and choose Market Rate instead of Buy Limit. 4. 💰 **Purchase Strategy:** If the coin is priced below $1 and its price is slightly higher than the issue price, buy it with 25% of your account balance. 5. 📈 **Stay Focused:** Keep your eyes glued to the screen and monitor the price movement without distractions. 6. ⏳ **Seize the Moment:** Within minutes, you may witness the coin's value skyrocketing to 10 or 20 cents above your purchase price. 7. 💸 **Strategic Selling:** Capitalize on the market hype and sell your coins within 30 minutes to maximize profits. 📈 **Potential for High Returns:** With careful execution and market awareness, this strategy can lead to lucrative gains in a short period! 🌟 **Remember:** Stay vigilant, act swiftly, and capitalize on the opportunities presented by new coin launches. Let's turn these insights into profitable actions! 💰🚀 #BinanceLaunchpool #BlackRock #MicroStrategy
🔥 **Exciting Promotion Alert!** 🔥 🚀 **Subscribe to Earn Rewards!** 🚀 🔒 Lock your assets in SOL Locked Products, BNB Locked Products, or stake ETH to earn fantastic rewards, including a share of 38,500 PORTAL in airdrop rewards! 📈 **Reward Details:** - 💰 **Up to 8.1% APR** with SOL Locked Products positions. - 💎 **Up to 1.39% APR** in BNB rewards, plus Launchpool and Megadrop rewards with BNB Locked Products positions (where applicable). - 💸 **Approximately 3% APR** in dynamic rewards with ETH Staking. 🎉 **Promotion Period:** May 14, 2024, 00:00 (UTC) - May 28, 2024, 23:59 (UTC) 📋 **How to Participate:** - Opt-in to the promotion. - Subscribe to SOL Locked Products with at least 1 SOL, BNB Locked Products with at least 0.5 BNB, or stake ETH with at least 0.05 ETH. 🏆 **Reward Structure:** - Top 500 users with the highest net eligible subscription amount will qualify to share the rewards. 💡 **Important Notes:** - Net eligible subscription amount is calculated based on the USDT equivalent value. - Direct purchases of WBETH from the WBETH/ETH spot trading pair do not count towards eligibility. 🥇🥈🥉 **Reward Breakdown:** - 1st - 10th Places: 600 PORTAL each - 11th - 20th Places: 500 PORTAL each - 21st - 30th Places: 350 PORTAL each - 31st - 40th Places: 250 PORTAL each - 41st - 50th Places: 150 PORTAL each - 51st - 100th Places: 100 PORTAL each - 101st - 300th Places: 50 PORTAL each - 301st - 500th Places: 25 PORTAL each 🎉 Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to earn rewards while maximizing your assets! Start subscribing now and secure your spot among the top earners! 💰💎 #SOLAdventure #ETH_Market #PORTALUSDT $ETH $SOL

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