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šŸ“‰ Bitcoin samazinājies par 20%, salÄ«dzinot ar martu, bet Glassnode analÄ«tiÄ·i ir ļoti uzkrÄ«toÅ”i: lÅ«k, kāpēc Bitcoin, iespējams, ir veicis visdziļāko korekciju kopÅ” FTX avārijas 2022.Ā gada novembrÄ«, samazinoties par vairāk nekā 20% no visu laiku augstākā lÄ«meņa aptuveni 74Ā 000 USD. Tomēr Glassnode analÄ«tiÄ·i, kopÄ«gojot savu priekÅ”skatÄ«jumu par X, joprojām ir piesardzÄ«gi optimistiski. šŸ”ø Bitcoin samazinās par 20% no marta augstākā lÄ«meņa, bet Glassnode ir bullish Glassnode atzÄ«mē, ka Bitcoin ā€œmakro pieauguma tendence joprojām Ŕķiet viena no izturÄ«gākajām vēsturēā€ un, lai gan ir veikti labojumi, tie ir salÄ«dzinoÅ”i sekli. Izmantojot Å”o pozÄ«ciju, blokķēdes analÄ«tikas platforma apstiprina, ka monēta ir uzlabojusies, palielinoties likviditātei, samazinot nepastāvÄ«bu. Tomēr, lai buļļi atrastu atbalstu un cenas palielinātos, to izraisÄ«tāji bÅ«tu fundamentāli faktori. Lai gan cenu darbÄ«bas struktÅ«ra varētu sniegt atbalstu, cenu katalizatori, kā liecina vēsture, ir saistÄ«ti ar tirgus notikumiem. Kā novēroja Glassnode, spēcÄ«gā makro tendence, kas ir lāga attiecÄ«bā uz Bitcoin, ir samazinājusi nepastāvÄ«bu, palÄ«dzot saglabāt augÅ”upejoÅ”u tendenci. Kā atzÄ«mē blokķēdes analÄ«tikas platforma, arvien seklākās korekcijas norāda uz nobrieduŔāku tirgu, ko atbalsta vairāk iestāžu. šŸ”ø Vaļi uzkrājas kā institÅ«cijas Eye BTC PārliecÄ«ba joprojām ir augsta. Ķēdes dati atklāj, ka viens valis ir izmantojis salÄ«dzinoÅ”i zemās cenas un monētu sakrauÅ”anas korekciju. PagājuÅ”ajā nedēļā valis nopirka vairāk nekā 100 BTC, palielinot Å”omēnes nopirkto monētu daudzumu lÄ«dz 7257 BTC. Å Ä« agresÄ«vā uzkrāŔanās liecina, ka valis, pat pie paÅ”reizējā vairāku gadu augstākā lÄ«meņa, Bitcoin varētu bÅ«t nenovērtēts. Varētu ienākt vairāk Bitcoin tailwinds. Piemēram, Å”onedēļ bijuÅ”ais ASV prezidents Donalds Tramps sāka pieņemt kriptovalÅ«tu ziedojumus notiekoÅ”ajā kampaņā. Å Ä« nostājas maiņa ir bijusi bullish kopÅ” Tramps iepriekÅ” noraidÄ«ja Bitcoin. Kamēr tas notiek, Ŕķiet, ka Eiropas regulatori ir gatavi apstiprināt Bitcoin kā ieguldāmu aktÄ«vu pārvedamu vērtspapÄ«ru kolektÄ«vo ieguldÄ«jumu uzņēmumu (PVKIU) fondos. #BTC $BTC

šŸ“‰ Bitcoin samazinājies par 20%, salÄ«dzinot ar martu, bet Glassnode analÄ«tiÄ·i ir ļoti uzkrÄ«toÅ”i: lÅ«k, kāpēc

Bitcoin, iespējams, ir veicis visdziļāko korekciju kopÅ” FTX avārijas 2022.Ā gada novembrÄ«, samazinoties par vairāk nekā 20% no visu laiku augstākā lÄ«meņa aptuveni 74Ā 000 USD. Tomēr Glassnode analÄ«tiÄ·i, kopÄ«gojot savu priekÅ”skatÄ«jumu par X, joprojām ir piesardzÄ«gi optimistiski.

šŸ”ø Bitcoin samazinās par 20% no marta augstākā lÄ«meņa, bet Glassnode ir bullish

Glassnode atzÄ«mē, ka Bitcoin ā€œmakro pieauguma tendence joprojām Ŕķiet viena no izturÄ«gākajām vēsturēā€ un, lai gan ir veikti labojumi, tie ir salÄ«dzinoÅ”i sekli. Izmantojot Å”o pozÄ«ciju, blokķēdes analÄ«tikas platforma apstiprina, ka monēta ir uzlabojusies, palielinoties likviditātei, samazinot nepastāvÄ«bu. Tomēr, lai buļļi atrastu atbalstu un cenas palielinātos, to izraisÄ«tāji bÅ«tu fundamentāli faktori. Lai gan cenu darbÄ«bas struktÅ«ra varētu sniegt atbalstu, cenu katalizatori, kā liecina vēsture, ir saistÄ«ti ar tirgus notikumiem.

Kā novēroja Glassnode, spēcÄ«gā makro tendence, kas ir lāga attiecÄ«bā uz Bitcoin, ir samazinājusi nepastāvÄ«bu, palÄ«dzot saglabāt augÅ”upejoÅ”u tendenci. Kā atzÄ«mē blokķēdes analÄ«tikas platforma, arvien seklākās korekcijas norāda uz nobrieduŔāku tirgu, ko atbalsta vairāk iestāžu.

šŸ”ø Vaļi uzkrājas kā institÅ«cijas Eye BTC

PārliecÄ«ba joprojām ir augsta. Ķēdes dati atklāj, ka viens valis ir izmantojis salÄ«dzinoÅ”i zemās cenas un monētu sakrauÅ”anas korekciju.

PagājuÅ”ajā nedēļā valis nopirka vairāk nekā 100 BTC, palielinot Å”omēnes nopirkto monētu daudzumu lÄ«dz 7257 BTC. Å Ä« agresÄ«vā uzkrāŔanās liecina, ka valis, pat pie paÅ”reizējā vairāku gadu augstākā lÄ«meņa, Bitcoin varētu bÅ«t nenovērtēts.

Varētu ienākt vairāk Bitcoin tailwinds. Piemēram, Å”onedēļ bijuÅ”ais ASV prezidents Donalds Tramps sāka pieņemt kriptovalÅ«tu ziedojumus notiekoÅ”ajā kampaņā. Å Ä« nostājas maiņa ir bijusi bullish kopÅ” Tramps iepriekÅ” noraidÄ«ja Bitcoin.

Kamēr tas notiek, Ŕķiet, ka Eiropas regulatori ir gatavi apstiprināt Bitcoin kā ieguldāmu aktÄ«vu pārvedamu vērtspapÄ«ru kolektÄ«vo ieguldÄ«jumu uzņēmumu (PVKIU) fondos.


Atruna: iekļauti treÅ”o puÅ”u pausti viedokļi. Å Ä« informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var bÅ«t iekļauts apmaksāts saturs.Ā Skati lietoÅ”anas noteikumus.
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šŸ“ˆ #Ethereum Price Pumps, But SEC Decisions Could Spoil the Party Ethereumā€™s price surged by 5.59% last week, reaching $3,089.25. However, it has experienced a modest decline of 0.56% in the past 24 hours. With a trading volume of $10.95 billion and a market capitalization of $371.1 billion, Ethereumā€™s market activity is attracting considerable attention. Technical analysis reveals that the Relative Strength Index (RSI) for Ethereum on the weekly chart sits at 55.47. This value indicates a market that is neither oversold nor overbought. Traders are therefore anticipating potential price movements in either direction. This balanced RSI suggests that the market could soon experience increased volatility. Furthermore, the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator on the weekly chart stands at 233.9, suggesting a possible bullish trend reversal. Traders often seek confirmation from other indicators before making investment decisions. Consequently, this MACD signal adds to the anticipation of a potential upward price movement. The Know Sure Thing (KST) indicator on the weekly chart also presents a strong bullish signal, reading 622.9323. This suggests that Ethereum could be a potentially lucrative buy opportunity for some investors. Meanwhile, an additional layer of uncertainty is being injected into the market by the SEC. The SEC is scheduled to deliver critical rulings on several spot Ethereum ETFs this week. VanEckā€™s application is expected to be submitted by May 23, while ARK Invest and 21Shares will receive their decisions on May 24. A number of prominent investment firms, including BlackRock, Fidelity, Bitwise, Galaxy Digital, Franklin Templeton, and Hashdex, are anxiously awaiting the SECā€™s decisions. However, industry observers predict that the SEC will likely reject these applications. This expectation stems from the agencyā€™s limited engagement with ETF issuers thus far. The reasons behind the SECā€™s anticipated decision remain unclear. Bitwiseā€™s Matt Hougan suggests that a lack of sufficient data could be a factor. $ETH #ETH #ETF
šŸ’„ Terra Luna Classic Community Passes Crucial Proposal, LUNC Price to Rally? Terra Luna Classic community passes proposal to appoint Allnodes for providing accurate circulating supply data to Binance, LUNC price to rally? Terra Luna Classic community has approved a proposal appointing Allnodes to provide accurate LUNC circulating supply data. The proposal aimed at changing the circulating supply API endpoint to Allnodes FCD, while developer Raider warned about the need to persuade Binance and CoinMarketCap to use a totally different API for total supply and circulating supply. šŸ”ø Allnodes To Handle Terra Luna Classic Circulating Supply Endpoint Proposal 12103 ā€œChange official CS API endpoint to Allnodes FCDā€ was passed by the Terra Luna Classic community, with only 57% voter turnout. The proposal has received 53% ā€œYesā€ votes, along with 2% ā€œNoā€, 12% ā€œNo with vetoā€, and 32% ā€œAbstainā€ votes. Majority of validators including Interstellar Lounge, HappyCattyCrypto, Hexxagon, and StakeBin have voted in favor of the proposal, Allnodes and a few others voted ā€œAbstainā€. Top validatorĀ AllnodesĀ will provide the endpoint. Furthermore, the proposal also seeks to get a consensus about the method of calculating the circulating supply. Allnodes will be required to update to the latest FCD version and implement the following calculation of circulating supply: Circulating Supply = Total Supply ā€“ unvested Tokens ā€“ Community Pool Holdings ā€“ Staked and bonded tokens. This will help any third-party website to refer Allnodes FCD API as the official information source for Terra Luna Classic circulating supply of LUNC, USTC, and other native tokens. This also lowers the risk of individuals changing circulating supply or total supply, without appropriate discussion and input. However, Raider revealed that the official LCD and FCD endpoints for supply calculation were rejected byĀ CoinMarketCapĀ and Binance asked to create an API consistent with the circulating supply definition of CoinMarketCap. $LUNC #LUNC #TERRALUNC
šŸ‹ Render Price Slips As Whale Offloads $3M RNDR,Ā Whatā€™sĀ Next? The price ofĀ Render (RNDR)Ā dropped by more than 4% today as a major investor, orĀ ā€œwhale,ā€Ā sold off a significant portion of their holdings. Despite this profit-taking move, which followed notable gains for RNDR in recent weeks, some market analysts remain optimistic about theĀ tokenā€™sĀ future. So,Ā letā€™sĀ take a quick tour of the recent transactions and see how the recent events may trigger a price rally of the cryptos. šŸ”ø Whale Sells $3M RNDR, MarketĀ Reacts AĀ majorĀ RNDR holder reduced their position significantly, sparking aĀ decline in theĀ tokenā€™sĀ price.Ā According to The Data Nerd, within 24 hours, theĀ Render whaleĀ known as 0x1Cb deposited 265,000 RNDR, worth about $2.78 million, to the majorĀ crypto exchange, Binance.Ā  Notably, the report showed that this whale had initially bought 365,000 RNDR at an average price of $9.20 and still retains 100,000 RNDR, worth approximately $1.1 million. Meanwhile, over the past week, other large holders ofĀ RNDRĀ have also capitalized on the cryptoā€™sĀ price rebound.Ā Last week, a report from Spot On Chain showed that six whales collectively deposited 7.16 million RNDR tokens, valued at around $77.9 million, onto exchanges likeĀ CoinbaseĀ and Binance.Ā  This move allowed them to secure around $61 million in profits. The profit-taking strategyĀ employed by these investorsĀ highlights their response to recent price surges. However, despite the selling pressure from these whales, not all investors are bearish. Some see the potential for future gains, particularly with upcoming events in the technology sector that could influence AI-related tokens like RNDR. šŸ”ø Bullish Momentum Ahead? Looking ahead, many investors areĀ keeping an eye onĀ NVIDIAā€™sĀ earnings report, scheduled for Wednesday, May 22.Ā Notably,Ā analysts expect strong results due to growing demand for AI chips and technology services.Ā PositiveĀ developments in the technology, especiallyĀ artificial intelligence (AI)Ā space, often spark rallies in AI-related cryptocurrencies, which could boostĀ RNDRā€™sĀ price. $RNDR #RNDR

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