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Pārsteidzošā notikumu pavērsienā hakeris aiz 68 miljonu dolāru zādzības, izmantojot "adreses saindēšanos", ir sazinājies ar upuri. Izsakot daļēju nožēlu, hakeris atgrieza 51 ETH, kuras vērtība ir aptuveni 153 800 USD, kā arī lūgumu upurim izveidot savienojumu, izmantojot telegrammu. Pierādījumi vietnē Etherscan apstiprina hakera ziņojumu, aicinot upuri atstāt savu Telegram kontaktinformāciju. Šī saziņa parādījās pēc tam, kad upuris 5. maijā drosmīgi pieprasīja ievērojamu daļu no saviem nozagtajiem līdzekļiem. Tomēr atgrieztā 51 ETH ir tikai daļa no pieprasītās summas, kas ir tikai 4,2%. Saskaroties ar kritisku lēmumu, cietušais uzsvēra, ka atpakaļceļa nav, un brīdināja hakeri par līdzekļu neizbēgamo izsekojamību. Ar optimisma un stratēģijas sajaukumu upuris ierosināja darījumu: hakeris varētu paturēt 10% no nozagtajiem līdzekļiem kā atradēja honorāru, bet lielākā daļa jāatdod līdz 6. maijam. Atpakaļskaitīšana notiek... ⏳ #CryptoNews #HackerAlert #Hack

Pārsteidzošā notikumu pavērsienā hakeris aiz 68 miljonu dolāru zādzības, izmantojot "adreses saindēšanos", ir sazinājies ar upuri. Izsakot daļēju nožēlu, hakeris atgrieza 51 ETH, kuras vērtība ir aptuveni 153 800 USD, kā arī lūgumu upurim izveidot savienojumu, izmantojot telegrammu.

Pierādījumi vietnē Etherscan apstiprina hakera ziņojumu, aicinot upuri atstāt savu Telegram kontaktinformāciju. Šī saziņa parādījās pēc tam, kad upuris 5. maijā drosmīgi pieprasīja ievērojamu daļu no saviem nozagtajiem līdzekļiem. Tomēr atgrieztā 51 ETH ir tikai daļa no pieprasītās summas, kas ir tikai 4,2%.

Saskaroties ar kritisku lēmumu, cietušais uzsvēra, ka atpakaļceļa nav, un brīdināja hakeri par līdzekļu neizbēgamo izsekojamību. Ar optimisma un stratēģijas sajaukumu upuris ierosināja darījumu: hakeris varētu paturēt 10% no nozagtajiem līdzekļiem kā atradēja honorāru, bet lielākā daļa jāatdod līdz 6. maijam. Atpakaļskaitīšana notiek... ⏳

#CryptoNews #HackerAlert #Hack

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Bitcoin (BTC) Money Laundering Case: Woman Receives Six-Year Sentence in $6 Billion Fraud Scheme A 42-year-old British-Chinese woman, Jian Wen, has been sentenced to six years and eight months in prison for her role in a significant Bitcoin money laundering scheme. Wen, who initially faced a potential 14-year sentence, was convicted in March on a money laundering-related charge. The case drew considerable attention due to the substantial amount of Bitcoin involved and the intricate nature of the operation. In 2018, authorities conducted a search of Wen's home, leading to the discovery of a safe containing 61,000 Bitcoins. This revelation exposed the extent of the laundering operation and the sophisticated methods employed to conceal illicit proceeds. Throughout the trial, Wen maintained her innocence, claiming she was unaware of the true nature of her associate Zhang's activities. She asserted that Zhang had portrayed himself as independently wealthy, aiming to provide a better future for his son by sending him to a private school. Wen's defense highlighted her lack of knowledge about Zhang's fraudulent scheme and her desire to support her family. The case underscores the complexities and challenges of combating financial crime in the digital era. With the proliferation of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, authorities confront new hurdles in detecting and prosecuting money laundering endeavors. Wen's conviction serves as a stark reminder of the severe repercussions associated with involvement in such illicit schemes, while Zhang's evasion underscores ongoing efforts to apprehend all perpetrators. #BTC
### Fate of Terra Founder Do Kwon Hangs in the Balance as SEC Visits Montenegro A pivotal meeting has taken place concerning Do Kwon, the founder of Terra (LUNA), whose collapse sent shockwaves through the cryptocurrency market. Montenegrin Minister of Justice Andrej Milović and Dragutin Đeković, Director General of Capital, International, and EU Fund Projects, recently met with representatives from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The SEC delegation included Gurbir Grewal, Director of Investigations; David Hirsch, Head of the Crypto Asset and Cyber Unit (CACU); Jorge Tenreiro, Deputy Director of CACU; Matthew Greiner, Deputy Director of the Office of International Affairs (OIA); and Marley Miller, Senior Special Counsel of OIA. During the meeting, Minister Milović received a comprehensive overview of the SEC’s functions, especially in monitoring and protecting investors involved in stock market and cryptocurrency trading. The discussion covered the legal framework, available remedies for investors, and the SEC's actions in various scenarios. A key focus of the meeting was the SEC’s investigation into Do Kwon. Minister Milović was updated on the investigation's findings and the ongoing legal proceedings against Kwon in the United States. Minister Milović highlighted the importance of international cooperation in protecting investors and combating financial market fraud, expressing gratitude to the SEC for their detailed presentation and valuable insights. #BTC #LUNA
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