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Web5: skats uz interneta nākotni Kas ir Web5? Web5 ir novatorisks posms interneta attīstībā, ko iepazīstināja Džeks Dorsijs, bijušais Twitter izpilddirektors. Šī novatoriskā koncepcija sola patiesu decentralizāciju un nodod lietotājiem kontroli pār saviem datiem, apvienojot Web2 un Web3 labākās iespējas. Dorsija Web3 kritika Dorsey ir izteicis kritiku Web3 par tās centralizēto kontroli, apgalvojot, ka faktiskie kontrolieri ir riska kapitālisti un viņu likviditātes nodrošinātāji. Pēc viņa teiktā, Web5 ir izstrādāts, lai cīnītos pret šo pilnībā centralizēto pieeju. Web5 pamatprincipi ⏺Unikālie digitālie identifikatori (DID): Tie ļauj lietotājiem ģenerēt un pārvaldīt savus identifikatorus, kas ir līdzīgi DNS unikalitātei. ⏺Datu kontrole: Programmā Web5 lietotāju dati paliek viņu personīgajās ierīcēs, ļaujot viņiem pēc saviem ieskatiem kopīgot informāciju. ⏺Starpnieku likvidēšana: Tas tiek panākts, atvieglojot tiešu mijiedarbību starp lietotājiem un pakalpojumiem, ievērojami samazinot vajadzību pēc starpniekiem, piemēram, sociālajiem tīkliem un meklētājprogrammām, kas pašlaik dominē digitālajā vidē. Web5 iespējamā ietekme Web5 paredz pārmaiņas digitālajā mijiedarbībā, kurā lietotāji atgūst varu un kontroli pār saviem datiem. Šī koncepcija paver ceļu būtiskām sociālām un ekonomiskām pārmaiņām. Lai gan Web5 joprojām ir konceptuāls, tā redzējums par autentisku decentralizāciju un lietotāju pilnvarošanu ir izpelnījies ievērojamu sabiedrības un izstrādātāju uzmanību. Tās īstenošanas iespējamība joprojām ir neskaidra, tomēr interese par šo novatorisko ideju turpina pieaugt. Vai jūs ar nepacietību gaidāt revolucionāru internetu? Dalieties savās domās komentāros. #crypto2024 #web5 #web3

Web5: skats uz interneta nākotni

Kas ir Web5?

Web5 ir novatorisks posms interneta attīstībā, ko iepazīstināja Džeks Dorsijs, bijušais Twitter izpilddirektors. Šī novatoriskā koncepcija sola patiesu decentralizāciju un nodod lietotājiem kontroli pār saviem datiem, apvienojot Web2 un Web3 labākās iespējas.

Dorsija Web3 kritika

Dorsey ir izteicis kritiku Web3 par tās centralizēto kontroli, apgalvojot, ka faktiskie kontrolieri ir riska kapitālisti un viņu likviditātes nodrošinātāji. Pēc viņa teiktā, Web5 ir izstrādāts, lai cīnītos pret šo pilnībā centralizēto pieeju.

Web5 pamatprincipi

⏺Unikālie digitālie identifikatori (DID):

Tie ļauj lietotājiem ģenerēt un pārvaldīt savus identifikatorus, kas ir līdzīgi DNS unikalitātei.

⏺Datu kontrole:

Programmā Web5 lietotāju dati paliek viņu personīgajās ierīcēs, ļaujot viņiem pēc saviem ieskatiem kopīgot informāciju.

⏺Starpnieku likvidēšana:

Tas tiek panākts, atvieglojot tiešu mijiedarbību starp lietotājiem un pakalpojumiem, ievērojami samazinot vajadzību pēc starpniekiem, piemēram, sociālajiem tīkliem un meklētājprogrammām, kas pašlaik dominē digitālajā vidē.

Web5 iespējamā ietekme

Web5 paredz pārmaiņas digitālajā mijiedarbībā, kurā lietotāji atgūst varu un kontroli pār saviem datiem. Šī koncepcija paver ceļu būtiskām sociālām un ekonomiskām pārmaiņām.

Lai gan Web5 joprojām ir konceptuāls, tā redzējums par autentisku decentralizāciju un lietotāju pilnvarošanu ir izpelnījies ievērojamu sabiedrības un izstrādātāju uzmanību. Tās īstenošanas iespējamība joprojām ir neskaidra, tomēr interese par šo novatorisko ideju turpina pieaugt.

Vai jūs ar nepacietību gaidāt revolucionāru internetu? Dalieties savās domās komentāros.

#crypto2024 #web5 #web3

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var būt iekļauts apmaksāts saturs. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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What is liquidity and why is it important? Liquidity refers to how easily an asset can be bought or sold without affecting its price. 🍋 Imagine you are selling lemonade : the more people want to buy it at your price, the faster you can sell it. This is an example of high liquidity! Interesting fact: cash 💵 is the most liquid asset. Why is low liquidity a problem? Low liquidity is like being stuck in a game of musical chairs 🎵 when the music stops, and there’s no chair for you. You end up with assets that no one wants. Essentially, you’re trapped in the market. What factors influence liquidity? - Market size: A larger market with more traders makes it easier to find trading partners, similar to having more players in a game. - Level of activity: More transactions mean more players and orders, leading to a more active and liquid market. - Quality and future potential: Reliable and promising projects attract more interest and speculation, like a hot new item everyone wants. - Market composition: An efficient market is like a well-organized party where everyone can communicate and make deals easily. How to determine the liquidity of a specific coin? Pay special attention to the spread: the difference between the best bid (price you can sell at) and the best ask (price you can buy at). Generally, higher liquidity means a smaller or narrower spread. A small spread indicates a liquid market with well-balanced buy and sell orders. Do you consider liquidity when trading? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬 #crypto2024 #liquidity_game
📈 We are in a bull market, but with a notable caveat. 😬 As of the beginning of the year, BTC, ETH, and SOL have seen increases of 49%, 29%, and 46%, respectively. However, the sentiment in chats about altcoins echoes the atmosphere of 2018 and 2022. 📊 CryptoCred entered the debate about the current stage of the cycle, stating, "The reason for much disagreement on our position within the cycle stems from the uneven distribution of gains in this cycle's crypto market. Traditional capital flows that the average crypto investor relied on previously did not pan out this time: 1. 💰 The usual progression of investments from BTC to ETH, then to large and mid-cap altcoins, and finally to lesser-known 'shitcoins' didn't occur. Instead, the market focus shifted towards meme-driven themes and BTC. .......... 5. 🏆The influx of numerous new tokens, bolstered by memecoins, means that a 'bull crypto market' no longer ensures that all projects, even those not immediately identifiable as scams, will experience growth over weeks or months. The market has clear winners and losers, without the widespread rotations seen in previous cycles—for example, trading within the ETH ecosystem (L1+L2) was weak compared to SOL over many years, barring some exceptions. 🔄 With these dynamics, it's plausible that Trader A, who invested at the lows in BTC, SOL, and memecoins, feels confident as the market continues to perform well. Conversely, Trader B may have seen minimal returns or invested in what turned out to be scam projects launched by Binance. ⚖️ In essence, we are navigating a bull market with distinct nuances, shaped by our diverse portfolios, trading styles, time horizons, risk tolerance, and approaches to market volatility. #crypto2024 #btc #memecoin
SocialFi: The Future of Social Networks In today's world, every one of our actions on social networks becomes a commodity for major corporations. However, there's a new beacon of change: SocialFi. This innovation combines social networking with decentralized finance (DeFi), empowering users to not only control their own data but also to profit from their content. How SocialFi Differs from Traditional Social Networks SocialFi projects leverage blockchain technology, ensuring anonymity and decentralization. Unlike traditional social networks where companies own user data, SocialFi offers a model where users possess their own information and have the ability to monetize their content. This includes earning from advertising, service sales, and even minting NFTs. Why SocialFi Deserves Your Attention - Freedom of Speech: SocialFi is devoid of censorship by any centralized authority. Content governance is managed by the community, striking a balance between free expression and controlling harmful content. - Digital Copyright: SocialFi platforms enable content creators to safeguard their rights and directly monetize their work, enjoying the full benefits without intermediaries. Additionally, SocialFi offers all the advantages of blockchain and cryptocurrency, such as resistance to cyber-attacks, and automation through smart contracts. Examples of SocialFi Projects - DeBank: What began as a simple asset tracker has transformed into a decentralized social network complete with its own messenger and content feed, allowing creators to share and monetize their work. - Cheelee: Similar to TikTok and Reels but with a twist: users can earn by both posting and viewing videos. Cheelee actually pays for views, with the option to increase earnings through purchasing special NFTs on the platform. The number of these innovative projects is rapidly increasing. Have you made the switch to SocialFi yet? Let us know in the comments which platforms you're using! #socialfi #crypto2024
Cryptocurrency Market Overview Monday, May 13, 2024 Bitcoin Activity: Over the past 24 hours, Bitcoin has fluctuated between $60,600 and $61,800. Market Metrics: - Capitalization: $2.17 trillion - Dominance Index: 55.22% - Fear Index: 57 Stock Market Trends: The stock markets opened with no significant changes. Movements in bond yields, the dollar index, and S&P 500 futures are minimal, while Asian indices showed mixed results. Key Economic Data Releases: - Today: US inflation expectations - Tomorrow: US Producer Price Index (PPI) and a speech by Powell - May 15: US Consumer Price Index (CPI) - May 16: US labor market data Altcoins Dynamics: Negative trends are noted as Ethereum drops below $2,900 and the dominance index rises above 55%. Only Core showed gains, while IMX, W, and Pendle led the declines. This dump of altcoins increases market fear, potentially exacerbated by anticipated SEC rejections of an ETH-ETF, mirroring the lack of consultations that occurred with the BTC-ETF. Support Levels: If Bitcoin loses its current support at $60,600, the next supports are at $58,600, $56,000, $55,000, and potentially down to $52,000 to $50,000. To rally, Bitcoin must surpass resistance levels at $63,000 - $63,500 and $65,000 - $65,500. Future Prospects: This week's inflation data could drive Bitcoin towards either $55,000 or $65,500. However, the likelihood of reaching $65,000, $70,000, and setting a new all-time high in the near future remains high at 98.8%. A brief dip to $55,000, if it occurs, would likely be short-lived. Investment Strategy: The best approach is to maintain Bitcoin holdings and buy on dips, remembering that Bitcoin's significant gains typically occur over just 10 days annually. The only way to capitalize on these days is by continuously holding Bitcoin. ❗️Advice: Success in the cryptocurrency market depends 20% on intellect and 80% on courage. Today's Trading Strategy: Bitcoin is expected to trade between $59,000 - $58,600 and $63,000 - $63,500. An alternative scenario is Bitcoin settling below $58,600. #btc #crypto2024 #investment

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