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Divciparu Altcoin pieaugums arī aizdedzināja bullish prognozes. Pieaugums notika pēc tam, kad tirgus spēku atdzimšana izraisīja tirgus kapitalizācijas palielināšanos. Bitcoin tirgus ierobežojums ir USD 1,2 triljoni, savukārt kriptovalūtu aktīvi sasniedza USD 2,34 triljonus pēc iknedēļas peļņas publicēšanas. Divciparu ieplūde lielākajai daļai aktīvu tirgū sekoja Fed sanāksmei, kas neietekmēja procentu likmes. Kriptolietotāji prognozē vēršu skrējiena sākumu sociālo mediju telpās, īpaši memecoinos. Tomēr daži lietotāji joprojām ir jāpārliecina par nesenajām altcoin plūsmām nepastāvīgu periodu dēļ. Pēc vāju rezultātu perioda Solana (SOL) šonedēļ ir palielinājies par 20,6%. Alkoins turpināja palielināties, pēdējo 24 stundu laikā tirgojoties par USD 155. Solana pēdējā laikā ir iemantojusi savu vārdu, pārspējot tirgu buļļu skrējienos, pamatojoties uz dažādiem faktoriem, tostarp memecoin aktivitāti. Līdzīgus skaitļus tirgū publicē arī Solana memecoins. Daži aktīvi pēc nedēļu ilgas aizplūdes pieaug virs 50%. SOL savus ikmēneša zaudējumus samazināja līdz 15%, jo buļļi prognozēja plašāku tirgus darbību. Savukārt Near šodien pieauga par 1,6% un kopumā šonedēļ pieauga par 21,57%. Aktīvu ikdienas apjomi pieauga par 8% līdz vairāk nekā 590 miljoniem pēc cenas pieauguma līdz 7,49 USD. Iknedēļas kāpums virs 20% izraisīja īstermiņa tirdzniecību, liecinot par makroekonomisko faktoru uzlabošanos. Šo ralliju var redzēt arī kriptoakcijās, lai gan lielākā daļa saglabā viencipara pieaugumu. Arī citi altkoini izraisīja ralliju tirgū, izraisot iknedēļas prognozes. Ripple (XRP) palielinājās par 7,59%, bet Cardano (ADA) un Avalanche (AVAX) palielinājās attiecīgi par 3,37% un 4,17%. Memecoins šonedēļ reģistrēja lielākos kāpumus, kā gaidīts, pateicoties ieplūdēm, ko iedvesmoja lielā nepastāvība. Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā vadošās mememonētas ir Bird Dog ar 83% pieaugumu un FindMe un WSB Coin ar attiecīgi 16,6% un 61% pieplūdumu. $BTC $ETH $BNB

Divciparu Altcoin pieaugums arī aizdedzināja bullish prognozes.

Pieaugums notika pēc tam, kad tirgus spēku atdzimšana izraisīja tirgus kapitalizācijas palielināšanos. Bitcoin tirgus ierobežojums ir USD 1,2 triljoni, savukārt kriptovalūtu aktīvi sasniedza USD 2,34 triljonus pēc iknedēļas peļņas publicēšanas.

Divciparu ieplūde lielākajai daļai aktīvu tirgū sekoja Fed sanāksmei, kas neietekmēja procentu likmes. Kriptolietotāji prognozē vēršu skrējiena sākumu sociālo mediju telpās, īpaši memecoinos. Tomēr daži lietotāji joprojām ir jāpārliecina par nesenajām altcoin plūsmām nepastāvīgu periodu dēļ.

Pēc vāju rezultātu perioda Solana (SOL) šonedēļ ir palielinājies par 20,6%. Alkoins turpināja palielināties, pēdējo 24 stundu laikā tirgojoties par USD 155. Solana pēdējā laikā ir iemantojusi savu vārdu, pārspējot tirgu buļļu skrējienos, pamatojoties uz dažādiem faktoriem, tostarp memecoin aktivitāti.

Līdzīgus skaitļus tirgū publicē arī Solana memecoins. Daži aktīvi pēc nedēļu ilgas aizplūdes pieaug virs 50%. SOL savus ikmēneša zaudējumus samazināja līdz 15%, jo buļļi prognozēja plašāku tirgus darbību.

Savukārt Near šodien pieauga par 1,6% un kopumā šonedēļ pieauga par 21,57%. Aktīvu ikdienas apjomi pieauga par 8% līdz vairāk nekā 590 miljoniem pēc cenas pieauguma līdz 7,49 USD. Iknedēļas kāpums virs 20% izraisīja īstermiņa tirdzniecību, liecinot par makroekonomisko faktoru uzlabošanos. Šo ralliju var redzēt arī kriptoakcijās, lai gan lielākā daļa saglabā viencipara pieaugumu.

Arī citi altkoini izraisīja ralliju tirgū, izraisot iknedēļas prognozes. Ripple (XRP) palielinājās par 7,59%, bet Cardano (ADA) un Avalanche (AVAX) palielinājās attiecīgi par 3,37% un 4,17%.

Memecoins šonedēļ reģistrēja lielākos kāpumus, kā gaidīts, pateicoties ieplūdēm, ko iedvesmoja lielā nepastāvība. Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā vadošās mememonētas ir Bird Dog ar 83% pieaugumu un FindMe un WSB Coin ar attiecīgi 16,6% un 61% pieplūdumu.


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Solana (SOL) Stands Out: Ranked as the Fastest Blockchain on CoinGecko, Beating Ethereum at 46X Speed. *Smart contract platform Solana (SOL) is moving up CoinGecko's fastest blockchain list. *According to a new post from CoinGecko, Solana is a staggering 46x faster than its rival #Ethereum (ETH). This makes it the fastest major blockchain on the market. *“Solana has proven to be the fastest among major blockchains, reaching an average daily transaction speed of 1,504 on April 6 during the meme coin craze.” Discover Solana's remarkable speed and impact on the blockchain ecosystem in our detailed analysis. Solana's performance metrics are impressive, with a peak capacity of 1,053.7 transactions per second (TPS), significantly outpacing Ethereum's 22.70 TPS. This comparison highlights Solana's advanced technology and potential for scalability with global transaction volumes. Challenges and Limitations Despite Its High Speed Despite its high transaction speed, #Solana achieved only 1.6% of its theoretical maximum speed of 65,000 TPS. This difference indicates areas of potential growth and the need for further optimization to reach its full capacity. Following the release of these statistics, Solana has seen a 7.63% increase in its market price and is trading at $172. This market reaction underscores investors' confidence in Solana's technology and its future in the crypto market. Solana's transaction speed analysis not only positions it as a leader among blockchain technologies, but also highlights the need to evolve to reach its full potential. As the blockchain landscape evolves, Solana's innovations could set new standards for speed and efficiency in the industry. $BTC $SOL
Famous CEO Speaks: Fed and US Government Can Ignite BTC! How Many Dollars is 1 Bitcoin? Galaxy Digital's CEO Mike Novogratz, who does not refrain from commenting on cryptocurrencies, warned that it is not possible for Bitcoin (BTC) to reach its all-time high (ATH) unless there is a change in macro conditions. Making new statements in Galaxy's podcast, the famous billionaire states that Bitcoin will probably move horizontally until interest rate cuts are made by the Fed, and then the rise for #BTC may begin. There's a resurgence of 'Oh my God, the economy is slowing down' narrative, which will help. Unless the Fed acts or makes a major regulatory breakthrough, I don't think Bitcoin will hit its previous high of $73,000. These are both probably low delta. I think we're in the $55,000 to $75,000 range. That's a pretty wide range. Probably closer to $57,000 to $73,000. We've probably identified the low and the high. I believe the next move will be up because I think we're getting closer to the election and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell will want to lower interest rates. Novogratz emphasizes that another factor that could trigger the rise in Bitcoin could be the US federal government's spending and the increasing amount of debt. He expresses the opinion that this situation in the #USA may push more people to invest in BTC as "digital gold". I'm talking about two things right now: crypto regulation and debt. And these contradict each other. If we had an administration like Biden or Trump addressing 26% of the federal budget, which should be 20% of GDP, that would not be good for Bitcoin. It's great for my net worth that there are truly terrible policymakers, wasteful spenders, and populists in Washington. This is just the story of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is rising for the same reason that gold is rising. It's rising faster because we're a newer technology, a newer commodity, and so the adoption cycle happens faster. $BTC $ETH $BNB
Target is $18! Analyst Saying 3,000 Percent Rise in XRP Shared a Chart! In addition to the lawsuit between Ripple and the SEC, which has been going on for years, community expectations continue to put great pressure on the XRP network. Despite the decline in value in the market, the XRP community has been dreaming of profitability for a long time and attention is drawn to the opportunities where the XRP price can recover. Recently, an analyst made an overly optimistic and perhaps wishful prediction that XRP could rise 3000% to $18. The analyst's prediction attracted the attention of not only #XRP investors but also the entire crypto market. So, let's see how the price can increase by 3000 percent according to the analyst. Following an increase of over 2% on XRP's weekly outlook, the price is at $0.5211 and is trading at a relatively good point. However, despite the increase, this region where XRP has been stuck for years emerged after a general price decline despite the weekly rise. Although Ripple's #XRP Token experienced a remarkable rise in a very short period of time in March, it became one of the cryptocurrencies that most clearly reflected the downward wave in the market and quickly retreated and returned to the point where it started. Besides, a cryptocurrency analyst called the situation as the last price drop before the XRP price increase. Analyst named Coinskid stated that before a possible rise in the XRP price, there may be a decline to $ 0.40 due to the five-wave price movement. Dark Defender, which attracted attention with its analysis on XRP, made a prediction of 3000% after performing an analysis on the XRP / USD charts in its monthly time period review. The analyst noted a distinct bull flag pattern that could trigger a sharp increase in price before consolidations occur.

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