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Milken Institute globālajā konferencē CFTC priekšsēdētājs Rostins Behnams deva mājienus par gaidāmajām izpildes darbībām saistībā ar kriptovalūtu sektora straujo izaugsmi un ASV noteikumu neskaidrību. 📈 Behnam uzsvēra tirgus paplašināšanos un investīciju pieaugumu, paredzot pastiprinātus regulējošos pasākumus nākamo divu gadu laikā. 🏛️ Likumdošanas izaicinājumus sarežģī ierobežotas Kongresa sesijas pirms vēlēšanām, taču Behnams joprojām ir optimistisks, atsaucoties uz likumdevēju interesi novērst regulējuma nepilnības, jo īpaši attiecībā uz stabilajām monētām. ⚖️ Nesenie notikumi ir, piemēram, Robinhood saņēma Wells paziņojumu no SEC par savām kriptogrāfijas operācijām, norādot uz gaidāmajām darbībām. Consensys ir saņēmusi arī Velsas paziņojumu saistībā ar Ethereum darījumiem, kā rezultātā tiek uzsākta preventīva tiesvedība pret SEC. 🤝 Sadarbības centieni ietver SEC galvenā jurista Dena Galahera mēģinājumus strādāt, lai izstrādātu pārredzamākus noteikumus. 🔍 Tomēr diskusijas par kriptovalūtas regulējumu joprojām turpinās ASV likumdevēju vidū, un nav vienprātības par to, vai lielākās stabilās monētas būtu jāklasificē kā vērtspapīri vai preces, kā to uzsvēra Frenshils nesenajā Kongresa uzklausīšanā. #CryptoNews🚀🔥

Milken Institute globālajā konferencē CFTC priekšsēdētājs Rostins Behnams deva mājienus par gaidāmajām izpildes darbībām saistībā ar kriptovalūtu sektora straujo izaugsmi un ASV noteikumu neskaidrību.

📈 Behnam uzsvēra tirgus paplašināšanos un investīciju pieaugumu, paredzot pastiprinātus regulējošos pasākumus nākamo divu gadu laikā.

🏛️ Likumdošanas izaicinājumus sarežģī ierobežotas Kongresa sesijas pirms vēlēšanām, taču Behnams joprojām ir optimistisks, atsaucoties uz likumdevēju interesi novērst regulējuma nepilnības, jo īpaši attiecībā uz stabilajām monētām.

⚖️ Nesenie notikumi ir, piemēram, Robinhood saņēma Wells paziņojumu no SEC par savām kriptogrāfijas operācijām, norādot uz gaidāmajām darbībām. Consensys ir saņēmusi arī Velsas paziņojumu saistībā ar Ethereum darījumiem, kā rezultātā tiek uzsākta preventīva tiesvedība pret SEC.

🤝 Sadarbības centieni ietver SEC galvenā jurista Dena Galahera mēģinājumus strādāt, lai izstrādātu pārredzamākus noteikumus.

🔍 Tomēr diskusijas par kriptovalūtas regulējumu joprojām turpinās ASV likumdevēju vidū, un nav vienprātības par to, vai lielākās stabilās monētas būtu jāklasificē kā vērtspapīri vai preces, kā to uzsvēra Frenshils nesenajā Kongresa uzklausīšanā.


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Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) saw a 5% increase in pre-market trading value, marking its first rise since January, amid a challenging period with significant market share reduction and $17.46 billion in withdrawals since becoming an ETF. The renewed interest in GBTC, totaling $63 million, likely stems from the overall positive momentum in the cryptocurrency markets, with Bitcoin's price surging from $56,000 to $65,000 in early May. 📈 Despite this boost, Grayscale remains proactive, introducing a new investment product, the "Bitcoin Mini Trust," with lower fees, and seeking SEC approval for an Ethereum ETF, a process that might be expedited due to similarities with Bitcoin's regulatory path. 🔍 However, competition in the Bitcoin ETF space is fierce, and it's unclear if GBTC's recent upturn signals a short-term response or sustained recovery. 💼 GBTC's ability to reclaim its former status depends on various factors, including the success of its Mini Trust, regulatory outcomes for its Ethereum ETF, and ongoing gains in the cryptocurrency market. 📉 Recent bankruptcies in the cryptocurrency sector have also added to GBTC's challenges, with companies selling off GBTC shares to meet debt obligations, further highlighting the volatile market environment. 🔄 As Bitcoin continues its recovery post-halving, GBTC must seize this opportunity to regain its position as a leading choice for Bitcoin investors, navigating through competitive pressures, regulatory hurdles, and the need to rebuild investor trust. #GRAYSCALE #gbtc #CryptoNews🚀🔥
Hong Kong's recent launch of spot cryptocurrency ETFs may offer insights into potential U.S. demand for Ether ETFs, especially given Ethereum's staking rewards as a crucial factor for broader adoption. 🇭🇰 The U.S. SEC's approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs earlier sparked curiosity about Ether ETFs' future, given Ether's significant market cap and existing futures market. ⌛️ While spot Ether ETFs' timeline in the U.S. remains uncertain, initial data from Hong Kong's introduction of six crypto ETFs, split evenly between Bitcoin and Ether, could offer clues. 💰 The ETFs opened with $292 million in seed capital, with Bitcoin funds initially garnering more interest than Ether funds, which attracted only 15% of the initial capital. 📊 However, differences in ETF structures between Hong Kong and the U.S. may affect the predictiveness of these data for the U.S. market. 🔍 Experts suggest that Ethereum's narrative will expand as investors learn about the benefits of staking and securing the blockchain to earn rewards, a feature proposed for some U.S. Ether ETFs but absent in Hong Kong's offerings. 📈 Christopher Jensen of Franklin Templeton notes that Ethereum's yield-generating capabilities make it more attractive to institutional investors, potentially broadening its investor base beyond speculators. 🔄 Initially targeting speculators, Ether ETFs may eventually attract a wider range of investors as Ethereum's broader benefits, beyond just being a store of value, become recognized. #ETF✅ #HongKong #CryptoNews🚀🔥
At a recent BIS Innovation Summit, Joachim Nagel, head of the Deutsche Bundesbank and an ECB member, sounded the alarm for central banks to hop on the digital currency train pronto! 🚂 Nagel pointed out how the financial world is changing fast, leaving traditional banking models vulnerable in its wake. Reflecting on the whirlwind of changes in banking over the past two decades, Nagel stressed the need to embrace new tech. He said, "We gotta shake things up and get with the times, and DLT is our ticket to ride this wave." Nagel also waved the red flag on physical cash, urging central banks to speed up their innovation game. "We gotta hustle and bustle to keep up with the times," he said. Backing Nagel's play, Francois Villeroy de Galhau, Governor of the Bank of France, gave a thumbs-up to digital currencies to keep things stable and modern. The ECB's plan to roll out a digital euro by October 2025 is a big step toward joining the digital currency party. Meanwhile, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) is cautiously dipping its toes into digital currencies through Project Helvetia III. Thomas J. Jordan, Chairman of the SNB, stressed the importance of central bank money for keeping things steady. But he's got reservations about retail CBDCs causing chaos. He's all in for wholesale CBDCs, though, seeing them as the safer bet for settling tokenized assets. The BIS Summit discussion paints a clear picture: central banks are gearing up for a digital future, mixing innovation with a pinch of caution as they navigate the ever-changing financial landscape. 🌍💼 #ai #CryptoWatchMay2024 #buythedip

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