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šŸ”„šŸ’„BernÅ”teins, kurÅ” sagaida 150 tÅ«kstoÅ”us dolāru Bitcoin: viss turpinās veseli Lielās ieguldÄ«jumu pārvaldÄ«bas kompānijas #Bernstein analÄ«tiÄ·i, kuri ir paziņojuÅ”i, ka sagaida ļoti nopietnu Bitcoin cenu kāpumu ar secÄ«giem pēdējo mēneÅ”u ziņojumiem, ir paziņojuÅ”i, ka viņi atpaliek no cerÄ«bām un ka kritums ir veselÄ«gs tirgus tendenču ziņā. Lai gan #Bitcoin kritums pagājuÅ”ajā nedēļā izraisÄ«ja bailes investoros, Bernstein analÄ«tiÄ·i uzskata, ka lielākās kriptovalÅ«tas kāpums vēl "burtiski" nav sācies. Uzņēmuma analÄ«tiÄ·i, kuri februārÄ« rakstÄ«tajā ziņojumā teica ā€œGatavojies Bitcoin FOMOā€ un pēc tam pārskatÄ«ja 150 tÅ«kstoÅ”u USD cenas prognozi laika posmam no 2025. lÄ«dz 2024. gadam, norādÄ«ja, ka kritums bija veselÄ«gs. "Mēs esam cikla sākuma stadijā" Uzņēmumam, kura pārvaldÄ«bā ir vairāk nekā 700Ā miljardu dolāru, ir Ŕādi paziņojumi klienta piezÄ«mē, kas kopÄ«gota ar Gautam Chhugani un Mahika Sapra parakstu: ā€œPar piedzÄ«votajiem cenu kritumiem domājam pozitÄ«vāk nekā iepriekÅ”. Skaitļi liecina, ka Å”obrÄ«d esam veselÄ«gā ciklā. Tas pat parāda, ka mēs joprojām esam Ŕī cikla sākuma stadijā. Riska un atlÄ«dzÄ«bas sistēma joprojām saglabā savu pievilcÄ«bu. "Pelēktoņu ieraksti ir ļoti pozitÄ«vi..." Atsaucoties uz pārdoÅ”anas viļņa beigām, kas tika novērots Bitcoin spot ETF 7 dienas pēc kārtas, un to, cik svarÄ«gi ir veikt ievērojamus ieguldÄ«jumus pat pelēktoņos, analÄ«tiÄ·i rakstÄ«ja, ka Å”ajā ziņā ir pazudis arÄ« nopietnais spiediens: ā€œPārējiem 9 ETF bija jāpaceļ un jāpārņem Grayscale milzÄ«gais pārdoÅ”anas slogs. 78Ā dienu aizplÅ«Å”anas beigas ir ļoti svarÄ«gs notikums... No otras puses, spēcÄ«gais pieplÅ«dums ETF pēdējos 3Ā mēneÅ”os, korporatÄ«vo firmu mudinājums pirkt Bitcoin, veselÄ«gas darÄ«jumu maksas pēc sadalÄ«Å”anas uz pusi un zemās kalnrÅ«pniecÄ«bas iekārtu cenas ir zÄ«me, ka tirgus ir veselÄ«gs. #MicroStrategy #binance #BTC

šŸ”„šŸ’„BernÅ”teins, kurÅ” sagaida 150 tÅ«kstoÅ”us dolāru Bitcoin: viss turpinās veseli

Lielās ieguldÄ«jumu pārvaldÄ«bas kompānijas #Bernstein analÄ«tiÄ·i, kuri ir paziņojuÅ”i, ka sagaida ļoti nopietnu Bitcoin cenu kāpumu ar secÄ«giem pēdējo mēneÅ”u ziņojumiem, ir paziņojuÅ”i, ka viņi atpaliek no cerÄ«bām un ka kritums ir veselÄ«gs tirgus tendenču ziņā.

Lai gan #Bitcoin kritums pagājuÅ”ajā nedēļā izraisÄ«ja bailes investoros, Bernstein analÄ«tiÄ·i uzskata, ka lielākās kriptovalÅ«tas kāpums vēl "burtiski" nav sācies.

Uzņēmuma analÄ«tiÄ·i, kuri februārÄ« rakstÄ«tajā ziņojumā teica ā€œGatavojies Bitcoin FOMOā€ un pēc tam pārskatÄ«ja 150 tÅ«kstoÅ”u USD cenas prognozi laika posmam no 2025. lÄ«dz 2024. gadam, norādÄ«ja, ka kritums bija veselÄ«gs.

"Mēs esam cikla sākuma stadijā"

Uzņēmumam, kura pārvaldÄ«bā ir vairāk nekā 700Ā miljardu dolāru, ir Ŕādi paziņojumi klienta piezÄ«mē, kas kopÄ«gota ar Gautam Chhugani un Mahika Sapra parakstu:

ā€œPar piedzÄ«votajiem cenu kritumiem domājam pozitÄ«vāk nekā iepriekÅ”. Skaitļi liecina, ka Å”obrÄ«d esam veselÄ«gā ciklā. Tas pat parāda, ka mēs joprojām esam Ŕī cikla sākuma stadijā. Riska un atlÄ«dzÄ«bas sistēma joprojām saglabā savu pievilcÄ«bu.

"Pelēktoņu ieraksti ir ļoti pozitīvi..."

Atsaucoties uz pārdoÅ”anas viļņa beigām, kas tika novērots Bitcoin spot ETF 7 dienas pēc kārtas, un to, cik svarÄ«gi ir veikt ievērojamus ieguldÄ«jumus pat pelēktoņos, analÄ«tiÄ·i rakstÄ«ja, ka Å”ajā ziņā ir pazudis arÄ« nopietnais spiediens:

ā€œPārējiem 9 ETF bija jāpaceļ un jāpārņem Grayscale milzÄ«gais pārdoÅ”anas slogs. 78Ā dienu aizplÅ«Å”anas beigas ir ļoti svarÄ«gs notikums... No otras puses, spēcÄ«gais pieplÅ«dums ETF pēdējos 3Ā mēneÅ”os, korporatÄ«vo firmu mudinājums pirkt Bitcoin, veselÄ«gas darÄ«jumu maksas pēc sadalÄ«Å”anas uz pusi un zemās kalnrÅ«pniecÄ«bas iekārtu cenas ir zÄ«me, ka tirgus ir veselÄ«gs.

#MicroStrategy #binance #BTC

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šŸš€šŸš€šŸ˜±Best Meme Coins that give bullish signals and can make big profitsšŸ˜±šŸš€šŸš€ With the #DOG , $FLOKI , and $WIF ranking high on the performance leaderboard, the uptrend is gaining momentum in these low-cap community-driven coins. Will the bull run in these coins continue this month for a massive jump? Letā€™s examine the price chart and technical analysis of DOG, FLOKI, and #WIF to learn more. DOG Eyes $0.010 Milestone This Week With a rounding bottom reversal in the daily chart, the DOG price trend showcased a massive jump in the past few weeks. The bullish trend in the meme coin accounts for a price jump of 341% in the last three weeks. With the market cap approaching a billion dollars, the meme coin is heading to the psychological milestone of $0.010. As per the trend-based Fibonacci retracement levels, the uptrend in DOG price is ready to challenge the 1.618 level. A bullish breakout rally above the $0.010 mark can reach the $0.015 mark for a 50% price jump. Meme Coin Rally Drives FLOKI Uptrend As the meme coin rally continues, the FLOKI price trend sustains the rounding bottom pattern in the daily chart. The bullish continuation pattern shows a neckline at the $0.00030 mark. Currently, the meme coin shows an overnight jump of 10% to reinstate the bullish tone. This reassures the uptrend continuation and bolsters the possibility of a breakout rally. As the trend-based Fibonacci levels, a bullish conclusion to the continuation pattern can target the $0.00042 level. WIF Bulls Struggle Near 50% Fibonacci Following the bearish reversal from the $4 mark, the WIF price resonates near the $3.35 mark. Nevertheless, with a solid support trendline, the meme coin presents an uptrend in motion With an overnight surge in volatility, the long-range Doji candle teases a bullish comeback. A bullish closing above the 50% Fibonacci level at $3.35 will refuel the uptrend for a price jump this week. #floki #memecoins
šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ˜±Is Cardano Preparing to Collaborate with Elon Musk? Founder Hoskinson Creates ExcitementšŸ˜±šŸ”„šŸ”„ Hoskinsonā€™s Strategic Approach Recently, a crypto enthusiast on X asked #charleshoskinson if he had ever reached out to Musk. Hoskinsonā€™s reply revealed his careful strategy for approaching high-profile figures like Musk. He responded, ā€œYou only get to pull that card once. Iā€™m saving it for something big.ā€ This suggests that Hoskinson is waiting for a particularly significant occasion before making contact, highlighting the importance he places on this potential connection. Market Reacts Positively The news of this possible collaboration has caused a 3% increase in Cardanoā€™s price, raising it to $0.46. The market capitalization now stands at $16.2 billion, and trading volume has risen by 4%, reaching $301 million. This positive trend reflects the communityā€™s optimism about the impact such a collaboration could have on #Cardano A History of Speculation This isnā€™t the first time Hoskinson has considered working with Musk. In April 2022, amid speculation about Muskā€™s interest in acquiring Twitter, Hoskinson suggested a collaboration to create a decentralized version of the platform. Though there were rumors of a meeting between Hoskinson and Musk at X headquarters, they were neither confirmed nor denied by Hoskinson. Muskā€™s Influence On $ADA Muskā€™s influence in the cryptocurrency space is well-known, with his endorsements often causing significant market movements. For example, Muskā€™s support for Dogecoin led to a dramatic increase in its value, peaking at $0.7376 in May 2021. A similar endorsement for Cardano could potentially drive ADAā€™s price to new heights. #elonmusk #ADA
šŸ˜±šŸ”„Crypto expansion from the English Football team: 10 percent will be sold as Tokens #Watford one of the English football teams, has put 10 percent of its shares up for sale digitally. The sales will be made by the digital investment platform Republic. At the end of the sales, various special rights and tokens will be given to investors. Watford, which also competed in the Premier League for a period and finished last year in the Championship, has put 10 percent of its shares up for sale digitally. Foreigners will also be able to buy The company has signed an agreement with the digital trading platform Republic and its European subsidiary Seedrs for the sale. Watford, currently valued at about 175 million pounds (about $ 220 million), will put about 17.5 million pounds of the part up for sale. Non-British investors will also be able to participate in this process through the Republic platform. The club aims to reach a much larger audience in this way. Although the tokens will not be sold in the first place, the club has announced that it will provide the transaction right through Republic again in the future. The proceeds from the sales will be spent on incentives that will improve the club's performance and the facilities of the men's football team. Scott Duxbury, the club's chairman, said that they opened the club to their fans through digital assets and that the main goal is to get promoted to the Premier League again. According to Republic, this sale is the largest digital capital offering to date in which an English football club has put its real shares up for saleā€¦ #altcoins #binance #BTC

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