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📊 Ethereum cenu tendences ceļā uz atveseļošanos Ievērojamā kriptovalūta Ethereum (ETH) nesen uzrādīja iepriecinošas atveseļošanās pazīmes, pieaugot par vairāk nekā 9% un sasniedzot 2871 USD pretestības līmeni. Šis atsitiens ir nozīmīgs, jo tas novieto cenu tuvu 100 dienu vienkāršajam mainīgajam vidējam (SMA), kas ir galvenais rādītājs gan četru stundu, gan dienas diagrammās. Investori cieši uzrauga šīs norises, kas liecina par iespējamām pozitīvām tirgus dinamikas izmaiņām. 🔺 Indikatori, kas norāda uz pozitīvām kustībām? Ethereum cenu kustības tehniskā analīze atklāj, ka, neskatoties uz to, ka tirdzniecība ir zemāka par kritiskajiem rādītājiem, piemēram, 100 dienu SMA un tendences līniju, ir vērojams augšupejošs impulss. Relatīvais spēka indekss (RSI), rīks, ko izmanto, lai novērtētu tirgus noskaņojumu un iespējamās cenu izmaiņas, joprojām ir virs 50, norādot uz iespējamu nesenā cenu pieauguma turpinājumu. Turklāt mainīgā vidējā konverģences atšķirība (MACD) arī atbalsta šo optimistisko perspektīvu, gan MACD, gan signāla līnijas virzās uz neitrālo zonu no virs nulles līnijas. 🔺 Galvenie pretestības un atbalsta līmeņi Ethereum pašlaik testē svarīgus cenu sliekšņus. Pretestības līmenis 3250 un 3355 ASV dolāru apmērā un ievērojams atbalsta līmenis 2819 ASV dolāru apmērā iezīmē tās nesenā cenu diapazona robežas. Izrāviens virs USD 3250 varētu virzīt ETH uz augstāku pretestību USD 3355 apmērā. Un otrādi, ja nepārvarēsit pašreizējo pretestību, kriptovalūta varētu slīdēt uz 2819 USD atbalsta līmeni, un, ja tiks pārkāpta šī zemākā robeža, iespējama turpmāka lejupslīde. 🔺 Stratēģisks ieskats investoriem Ja ETH saglabā stabilu pozīciju virs 50 RSI atzīmes, sagaidiet ilgstošu atveseļošanos. $2819 atbalsta līmeņa uzraudzība ir ļoti svarīga, jo, pārkāpjot zem tā, tas var izraisīt ievērojamu izpārdošanu. Investoriem jāraugās uz stabilu MACD krosoveru virs nulles līnijas. kā bullish indikators. Tā kā kriptovalūtu tirgus joprojām ir nestabils, šķiet, ka Ethereum virzās uz atveseļošanos, ko raksturo nesenie ieguvumi un pozitīvi tehniskie rādītāji. $ETH #eth‬ #Ethereum

📊 Ethereum cenu tendences ceļā uz atveseļošanos

Ievērojamā kriptovalūta Ethereum (ETH) nesen uzrādīja iepriecinošas atveseļošanās pazīmes, pieaugot par vairāk nekā 9% un sasniedzot 2871 USD pretestības līmeni. Šis atsitiens ir nozīmīgs, jo tas novieto cenu tuvu 100 dienu vienkāršajam mainīgajam vidējam (SMA), kas ir galvenais rādītājs gan četru stundu, gan dienas diagrammās. Investori cieši uzrauga šīs norises, kas liecina par iespējamām pozitīvām tirgus dinamikas izmaiņām.

🔺 Indikatori, kas norāda uz pozitīvām kustībām?

Ethereum cenu kustības tehniskā analīze atklāj, ka, neskatoties uz to, ka tirdzniecība ir zemāka par kritiskajiem rādītājiem, piemēram, 100 dienu SMA un tendences līniju, ir vērojams augšupejošs impulss. Relatīvais spēka indekss (RSI), rīks, ko izmanto, lai novērtētu tirgus noskaņojumu un iespējamās cenu izmaiņas, joprojām ir virs 50, norādot uz iespējamu nesenā cenu pieauguma turpinājumu. Turklāt mainīgā vidējā konverģences atšķirība (MACD) arī atbalsta šo optimistisko perspektīvu, gan MACD, gan signāla līnijas virzās uz neitrālo zonu no virs nulles līnijas.

🔺 Galvenie pretestības un atbalsta līmeņi

Ethereum pašlaik testē svarīgus cenu sliekšņus. Pretestības līmenis 3250 un 3355 ASV dolāru apmērā un ievērojams atbalsta līmenis 2819 ASV dolāru apmērā iezīmē tās nesenā cenu diapazona robežas. Izrāviens virs USD 3250 varētu virzīt ETH uz augstāku pretestību USD 3355 apmērā. Un otrādi, ja nepārvarēsit pašreizējo pretestību, kriptovalūta varētu slīdēt uz 2819 USD atbalsta līmeni, un, ja tiks pārkāpta šī zemākā robeža, iespējama turpmāka lejupslīde.

🔺 Stratēģisks ieskats investoriem

Ja ETH saglabā stabilu pozīciju virs 50 RSI atzīmes, sagaidiet ilgstošu atveseļošanos. $2819 atbalsta līmeņa uzraudzība ir ļoti svarīga, jo, pārkāpjot zem tā, tas var izraisīt ievērojamu izpārdošanu. Investoriem jāraugās uz stabilu MACD krosoveru virs nulles līnijas. kā bullish indikators.

Tā kā kriptovalūtu tirgus joprojām ir nestabils, šķiet, ka Ethereum virzās uz atveseļošanos, ko raksturo nesenie ieguvumi un pozitīvi tehniskie rādītāji.

$ETH #eth‬ #Ethereum

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🚀 FLOKI, WIF, BONK top gainers as meme coins take over markets The top gainer for today, rising 21%, is Floki (FLOKI), which currently sits at $0.0002813. The price surge for FLOKI followed the breakout of a horizontal level at the $0.00023 mark. Also, after breaking out from the $0.00023 level, FLOKI broke through a key resistance level at $0.00025. Now, FLOKI is heading toward its all-time high of $0.0003, according to CoinMarketCap. The price rise is due to Floki developers launching a Telegram-based trading bot for FLOKI holders on the BNB Chain network. The bot is anticipated to boost demand for FLOKI tokens and contribute to buying pressure. The bot will be charged a 1% transaction fee, half of which will be used to buy FLOKI on the open market. Upon writing this piece, dogwifhat (WIF) rose 23.25% and broke through its resistance level of $3.25. It is currently sitting at $3.33, pushing the market capitalization to approximately $3.35 billion, making it the 35th largest crypto by market cap, according to the data from CoinMarketCap. The token’s price increase has no external factor. It was just “due” to increase based on the market’s overall sentiment towards the token over the past three months. Today, BONK’s market activity included a price increase to $0.000039, reflecting a 13.11% change over the past 24 hours, reaching a new all-time high. The market capitalization rose 13.19%, reaching around $2.62 billion and positioning BONK as the 47th largest crypto by market cap. According to data from CoinMarketCap, the trading volume for BONK increased by 95.37% in the same period, totaling about $777 million. The BONK price, trading at $0.00003908, broke above the key resistance of $0.00003771. This is the closing price of the prior 2024 high when BONK reached $0.00004800 during the intra-day trading hours. Secondly, the above-mentioned factor might reduce the market’s bullishness, which could result in a consolidation. BONK could witness sideways movement between $0.00003939 and $0.00002833. $FLOKI $WIF $BONK #Memecoin #floki #wif #bonk
⭐️ Ethena USDe Custodian Certificate Shows Skyrocketing Asset Value! Ethena’s May custodian certificate reveals $2.677 billion in assets, bolstering investor confidence.Copper, Ceffu, and Cobo verified holdings contribute significantly to the custodial assets.With $15.4 million for redemptions and $42.3 million in reserves, Ethena ensures liquidity and stability. Ethena USDe has released its highly anticipated USDe asset custodian certificate for May. The certificate, unveiled as of 18:00 (UTC+8) on May 24, showcases a remarkable $2.677 billion in custodial assets, further solidifying Ethena’s position in the digital asset market. Among the key highlights of the custodian certificate is the revelation that the supply of USDe stands at 2.673 billion. This substantial supply underscores the growing demand for stablecoin assets and reflects investor confidence in Ethena’s ecosystem. Copper verified holdings amount to an impressive $1.318 billion, followed closely by Ceffu verified holdings at $1.338 billion. Additionally, Cobo verified holdings contribute $5.52 million to the overall custodial assets. The verification of these holdings reaffirms Ethena’s commitment to transparency and accountability in managing digital assets. 🔸 Ethena’s Financial Infrastructure Highlights One notable aspect of the custodian certificate is the disclosure of unrealized gains and losses by all custodians. This transparency provides investors with valuable insights into the performance and stability of Ethena’s custodial assets, fostering trust and confidence in the platform. Ethena’s minting/redemption contracts boast $15.4 million available to meet redemption needs, ensuring liquidity and flexibility for USDe holders. Additionally, the reserve fund stands at an impressive $42.3 million, further strengthening Ethena’s financial position and resilience. The release of the USDe asset custodian certificate for May underscores Ethena’s commitment to transparency, reliability, and investor protection. $ENA #ENA #Ethena
💥 Donald Trump-Inspired Meme Coins Skyrocket Over 500,000% Following Pro-Crypto Moves Former US President Donald Trump recently made headlines due to his bold political moves, particularly his continuous support for the crypto industry. This support sparked a surge in meme coins inspired by him, leading to fantastic gains in the market. 🔸 Meme Coins Inspired by Trump See Massive Gains MAGA (MAGA), a meme coin inspired by Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again,” increased by approximately 162% in the last 24 hours. DEX Screener data reveals it is now trading at $0.0006501. The on-chain tracker platform Lookonchain reported that a crypto trader made $2.7 million in just three days by trading MAGA. They achieved a return on investment (ROI) of 505%. The trader initially spent $537,500 to buy 6 billion MAGA on May 24 and 25, then sold 1.5 billion MAGA for 744,000 USDT to take profits. Currently, the trader holds 4.5 billion MAGA, valued at $2.51 million. Additionally, MAGA’s spinoff on the Solana network recorded an extraordinary increase of 534,000% over the same period. At the time of writing, it is trading at $0.1811 with a market capitalization of $8.5 million. A notable increase in these meme coins might be attributed to Trump’s latest political move. Trump made several pro-crypto statements before the upcoming election. He strongly supported the crypto industry, emphasizing that the US must strive to be a global leader in this growing sector. “I will ensure that the future of crypto and Bitcoin will be made in the USA. I will support the right to self-custody to the nation’s 50 million crypto holders,” he stated. Remarkably, the former US president also pledged to pardon Ross Ulbricht, the operator of Silk Road, if re-elected. Trump promised to commute Ulbricht’s sentence to time served on his first day in office. For the past months, Trump has been making crypto-focused political campaigns, such as hosting an exclusive dinner with the non-fungible token (NFT) community. #meme #memecoins #Trump
📈 JASMY Price Surges 30% Over Last 24 Hours, Will Price of JasmyCoin Surge Past Previous ATH to Surpass $5 This Cycle? ● JasmyCoin surged by almost 30% over the last 24 hours and over 40% in the last 7 days. ● Will the price of JASMY break its previous ATH at $4.99 and surpass $5 this cycle? ● JASMY price and other altcoin mimic BTC and ETH charts printing bullish signals. The crypto market continues a bullish rally towards new highs as Bitcoin BTC and Ether ETH head towards printing new highs. This bullish wave is reflected on popular altcoins like JASMY with over 40% increase over the last week. In detail, the renowned crypto analyst Doctor Profit, known for his accurate price predictions, draws attention to the price action of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Specifically, he highlights how both assets have reclaimed their ATHs from the last cycle.   💬 What we have seen till this day is nothing than reclaimming the all time high of 2022 for BTC and ETH only. What you have seen till this day is truly nothing, compared for what is coming in the next months Few understand — Doctor Profit 🇨🇭  To highlight, he talks of how for this cycle, the reclaiming of the previous ATHs is just the beginning. He then creates hype by saying that the market has seen nothing yet, and insinuates that what is coming in the next few months is nothing short of a string of ATHs for BTC price, ETH price, and likely every other altcoin price as well. In response to his tweet are similar bullish sentiments being expressed by the crypto community. Another point to support his prediction is that many altcoins are also printing bullish charts similar to that of Bitcoin (BTC) and Ether (ETH). For instance, JasmyCoin (JASMY) has been moving steadily high in the green region.  According to CoinMarketCap, the price of JASMY is $0.027 indicating that the price of JASMY has surged up by almost 30% in the last 23 hours and over 40% in the last week alone. The ATh of JASMY is set at $4.99 and with a market cap of $1,369,461,798 and a 24 hours trading volume of $387,390,738, $JASMY #JASMY

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