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šŸ”„šŸ’„Tron dibinātājs Džastins Suns dalās ieskatos par Ethereum Restaking #JustinSun Tron blockchain dibinātājs nesen dalÄ«jās ar savu viedokli par #Ethereum staking pakalpojumu attÄ«stÄ«bu. ViņŔ norādÄ«ja, ka ievērojams progress ir panākts atkārtotas lÄ«dzdalÄ«bas un lÄ«dzdalÄ«bas jomās, kas laika gaitā ir reÄ£istrējuÅ”as ievērojamu pieaugumu. Sun prognozē, ka uz Ŕīm nozarēm vērstie pakalpojumi drÄ«zumā kļūs par neatkarÄ«gām organizācijām. ViņŔ pauda optimismu par Å”o iniciatÄ«vu nākotni. Saskaņā ar Sun teikto, viņi var atbalstÄ«t un stiprināt visus blokķēdes protokolus visā pasaulē. ViņŔ prognozē, ka drÄ«zumā par Ŕīm iniciatÄ«vām interesi izrādÄ«s lielās starptautiskās investÄ«ciju kompānijas. Sun uzskata, ka Å”o firmu ieguldÄ«jumi ievērojami atbalstÄ«s lietotājus, izstrādātājus un plaŔāku sabiedrÄ«bu. Skaidrojot savu kā tikai konsultanta lomu Å”ajos centienos, Suns runāja par sabiedrÄ«bas uztveres maiņu. ViņŔ asprātÄ«gi stāstÄ«ja par mēmu beigām par Ethereum pirkumiem un savu jaunatklāto bagātÄ«bu. Viņi arÄ« meklēs ārējo finansējumu un pieņems ieguldÄ«jumus no vadoÅ”ajām starptautiskajām investÄ«ciju organizācijām. Grupas ienākumi atbalstÄ«s lietotājus, izstrādātājus un sabiedrÄ«bu, veicinot savstarpēju labklājÄ«bu un sadarbÄ«bu. - HE Džastins Suns 孙宇ę™Ø (@justinsuntron) 2024.Ā gada 30.Ā aprÄ«lis Ethereum atkal ir jaunais akciju pirkÅ”anas vilnis Å Ä·idruma atpirkÅ”anas jēdziens kriptovalÅ«tu nozarē uzņem apgriezienus. Ethereum novatori ir Ether fi priekÅ”galā, kas vada Å”o jauno iniciatÄ«vu. Citu spēlētāju, piemēram, EigenLayer, ienākÅ”ana liecina par spēcÄ«gu tirgus noskaņojumu. Å Ä« tendence atspoguļo kriptogrāfijas ekosistēmas dinamisko raksturu, kas bieži rada jaunus lietoÅ”anas gadÄ«jumus. Tādos projektos kā Shiba Inu tiek pētÄ«ta pārvērtÄ“Å”ana kā stratēģija, lai sniegtu vērtÄ«bu saviem lietotājiem. Tas atspoguļo plaŔāku tendenci, kurā kriptovalÅ«tas dažādo savu pakalpojumu piedāvājumu. Šādas inovācijas var no jauna definēt lietotāju lÄ«dzdalÄ«bas un investÄ«ciju modeļus nozarē. #ethā€¬ #binance #trx

šŸ”„šŸ’„Tron dibinātājs Džastins Suns dalās ieskatos par Ethereum Restaking

#JustinSun Tron blockchain dibinātājs nesen dalÄ«jās ar savu viedokli par #Ethereum staking pakalpojumu attÄ«stÄ«bu. ViņŔ norādÄ«ja, ka ievērojams progress ir panākts atkārtotas lÄ«dzdalÄ«bas un lÄ«dzdalÄ«bas jomās, kas laika gaitā ir reÄ£istrējuÅ”as ievērojamu pieaugumu. Sun prognozē, ka uz Ŕīm nozarēm vērstie pakalpojumi drÄ«zumā kļūs par neatkarÄ«gām organizācijām.

ViņŔ pauda optimismu par Å”o iniciatÄ«vu nākotni. Saskaņā ar Sun teikto, viņi var atbalstÄ«t un stiprināt visus blokķēdes protokolus visā pasaulē. ViņŔ prognozē, ka drÄ«zumā par Ŕīm iniciatÄ«vām interesi izrādÄ«s lielās starptautiskās investÄ«ciju kompānijas. Sun uzskata, ka Å”o firmu ieguldÄ«jumi ievērojami atbalstÄ«s lietotājus, izstrādātājus un plaŔāku sabiedrÄ«bu.

Skaidrojot savu kā tikai konsultanta lomu Å”ajos centienos, Suns runāja par sabiedrÄ«bas uztveres maiņu. ViņŔ asprātÄ«gi stāstÄ«ja par mēmu beigām par Ethereum pirkumiem un savu jaunatklāto bagātÄ«bu.

Viņi arÄ« meklēs ārējo finansējumu un pieņems ieguldÄ«jumus no vadoÅ”ajām starptautiskajām investÄ«ciju organizācijām. Grupas ienākumi atbalstÄ«s lietotājus, izstrādātājus un sabiedrÄ«bu, veicinot savstarpēju labklājÄ«bu un sadarbÄ«bu.

- HE Džastins Suns 孙宇ę™Ø (@justinsuntron) 2024.Ā gada 30.Ā aprÄ«lis

Ethereum atkal ir jaunais akciju pirkŔanas vilnis

Å Ä·idruma atpirkÅ”anas jēdziens kriptovalÅ«tu nozarē uzņem apgriezienus. Ethereum novatori ir Ether fi priekÅ”galā, kas vada Å”o jauno iniciatÄ«vu. Citu spēlētāju, piemēram, EigenLayer, ienākÅ”ana liecina par spēcÄ«gu tirgus noskaņojumu. Å Ä« tendence atspoguļo kriptogrāfijas ekosistēmas dinamisko raksturu, kas bieži rada jaunus lietoÅ”anas gadÄ«jumus.

Tādos projektos kā Shiba Inu tiek pētÄ«ta pārvērtÄ“Å”ana kā stratēģija, lai sniegtu vērtÄ«bu saviem lietotājiem. Tas atspoguļo plaŔāku tendenci, kurā kriptovalÅ«tas dažādo savu pakalpojumu piedāvājumu. Šādas inovācijas var no jauna definēt lietotāju lÄ«dzdalÄ«bas un investÄ«ciju modeļus nozarē.

#ethā€¬ #binance #trx

Atruna: iekļauti treÅ”o puÅ”u pausti viedokļi. Å Ä« informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu.Ā Skati lietoÅ”anas noteikumus.
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šŸ”„šŸ’„Pantera Capital announced that it made its largest investment in the Telegram coin TON Token Pantera Capital, which has made a noise with its bullish report published in recent weeks and is known for its investments in the crypto field, has announced that it has made its largest token investment so far in #TON , Telegram's coin. The statement came from Panetra CEO Dan Morehead, but no details or figures were given on the issue. The #Telegram application, which has been the most prominent of the social communication tools in recent years, has also received investment from the cryptocurrency world. Pantera Capial, one of the most important investment companies in this world, has announced that it has invested in Telegram's TON coin. ā€œThe biggest investment made so farā€ In a statement made on the company's official website, CEO Dan Morehead could not finish praising Telegram and its founder Pavel Durov, while a figure related to the investment was not pronounced. It was just said, ā€Pantera Capital has made its biggest investment so far in TON token". The statement stated that the reason why Telegram has received so much attention worldwide, especially the fact that it does not sell user data in any way and its respect for privacy, is that the application is gaining as many as 2.5 million new users per day. "Mini applications will introduce TON and crypto to the worldā€ More than 360 million users use Telegram's Mini Apps, also known as ā€œMini Appsā€ on a monthly basis, and hundreds of millions of users have been integrated into these applications along with TON, and thus hundreds of millions of users have started to become familiar with crypto, the statement said. #binance #altcoins
šŸ˜±šŸš€šŸš€Shiba Inu May Increase by 1.126% to $0.0002858 According to These Developments #ShibaInu May Increase by 1.126% to $ 0.0002858 #SHIB 's extraordinary rise from $0.000007 to $0.000088 at that time serves as a testament to its resilience and explosive growth potential. Lucie stressed that this leap has happened without token burning or major adoption, and suggested that the current, more robust ecosystem could catalyze an even bigger rise. Shiba Inu is currently trading at $0.00002331, up 135% this year. the 2021 rally took place at the peak of the bull market. With the current bull season gradually moving towards maturity, if Shiba Inu also sees a similar increase of 1.126%, its price could reach $ 0.0002858, marking an all-time high. But it is worth noting that this is speculative, and the rise of the SHIB could be much higher or lower than this. In March, responding to an earlier report by The Crypto Basic, Shiba Inu chief developer Shytoshi Kusama stressed that price targets such as $0.00012 are a low estimate for SHIB. Important Developments That Catalyze This Optimism Lucie said in her last speech that the strength of $SHIB lies in the strong community of its backbone and the robust Shibarium ecosystem. The unwavering support of the community and advances in the ecosystem have set the stage for SHIB to transcend its meme coin origins and solidify its place in the broader crypto scene. In addition, another important factor that increases Lucie's confidence is that SHIB is ready to play an important role as a management token in Shiba prefecture. Oct. This is in line with the vision expressed by Shiba Inu developer Kaal Dhairya, who envisions that all ecosystem tokens should have management and utility. Such a representation took place at the TOKEN2049 conference in Dubai last month. In particular, the participation of Shiba Inu as one of the gold sponsors of the event helped to increase visibility. Also last March, Shiba Inu was represented at the 2023 Outer Edge Los Angeles event. #memecoins #binance
šŸ˜±šŸ«ØCardano Creator Says Joe Biden Is Trying to 'Kill Crypto' A fight over a non-binding resolution passed in the US House of Representatives has turned into a broader battle, pitting the crypto industry against the Biden administration. ā€The Biden administration has made a coordinated effort to kill crypto," #Cardano creator #charleshoskinson wrote on Twitter. Yesterday, the White House said the US President. #JoeBiden ,H.J. Res., who demanded that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) withdraw a staff newsletter related to digital asset retention accounting. he would veto resolution 109. The resolution won a bipartisan vote of 229-193, Decrying the Sec's views as impeding American innovation in the digital asset space. Hoskinson declared the move only the latest in what he called "Operation Chokepoint 2.0."" ā€This November, if you vote for Joe Biden as a cryptocurrency holder, please understand that the goal of this administration is to destroy the American cryptocurrency industry," he said in a Twitter livestream late Wednesday. "Understand this. It's obvious.ā€ The White House argued that the decision would harm the Sec's efforts to protect investors in crypto markets and protect the broader financial system. But crypto enthusiasts don't see it that way - and many believe that former president Donald Trump will be a better option in the November elections. ā€The [Trump] administration has had problems, but for the most part it has ignored our industry," Hoskinson said. "The executive is tone deaf and continues to pursue the same policy, which has cost tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of American jobs, as well as the loss of a trillion-dollar industry," Hoskinson said. #binance #BTC
šŸ«ØšŸ”„Elon Musk Enables Dogecoin (DOGE) Payment For Tesla, Is DOGE Integration Imminent for X Too? #elonMusk has strongly supported DOGE for several years, dating back to his first tweet about the token in 2019. Since then, Musk has made multiple moves to incorporate DOGE into his various business ventures. Most recently, he has enabled #DOGE as a form of payment for #Tesla merchandise and is securing payment licenses for his social media platform, X. These moves signal that Musk is intent on providing DOGE payments on X, which could have a huge impact on the cryptocurrency industry In early May 2024, Musk and Tesla quietly enabled DOGE payments on the Tesla website. The new feature came after Musk visited the Berlin gigafactory, where he was asked about enabling DOGE payments. "We should enable that," Musk responded. Tesla customers can now send DOGE to the Tesla wallet in exchange for merchandise. Though Tesla did not formally announce the change, DOGE enthusiasts were quick to spot it and the price of DOGE rallied more than 20% in the following days. Additionally, Musk and X have been acquiring payment licenses in U.S. states. At the time of this report, they hold 25 licenses, and the count is growing monthly. These licenses are necessary for enabling peer-to-peer (P2P) payments, similar to how Venmo and Cash App operate. Also, an interesting anecdote from Musk's biography notes that he had dreamed of offering DOGE as a form of payment on a social media platform long before he even acquired X. So, the money transmitter licenses could indicate that the X team is moving closer toward DOGE payments on the platform. This idea was furthered by a retweet from Musk that had a picture of the old logo next to the current logo with the caption "The Everything App." The post was originally tweeted by a DogeDesigner on X. The account says that they work for DOGE, doing UX/UI design. Musk commented on the retweet saying, "The circle will be complete." The post currently has over 65 million views and 126,000 likes. #memecoins #binance

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