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😱🫨 ​​"Tuvojas finansiālais sabrukums," brīdināja Kiyosaki: "Pērciet Bitcoin un zeltu." #robertkiyosaki kurš ar saviem tvītiem gadiem sniedz padomus par #Bitcoin , zelta un sudraba iegādi, kā arī apgalvo, ka gaidāms liels krahs, norādīja, ka šoreiz sācies finansiālais krahs. "Sabrukumi ir iespējas" Slavenais rakstnieks, kurš tvītoja no X konta, sacīja: “Sabrukums ir sācies. Tas būs slikti,” viņš teica un lietoja šādus izteicienus: "Man ir sliktas ziņas. Sabrukums ir sācies. Šoreiz būs ļoti slikti. Labā ziņa ir tā, ka avārijas ir labas, lai kļūtu bagāts. Lēti aktīvi izceļas. Ir noteikumi, kas ir jāatceras sabrukšanas laikā. Krītošais nazis netiek turēts: Neesiet mantkārīgs, jo cenas krītas. Pagaidiet, līdz redzat dibenu, tas ir, kamēr neviens nevēlēsies atņemt šo jūsu īpašumu. Iegūstiet jaunus draugus: atrodiet jaunus draugus, kuri dodas jūsu virzienā. Izvairieties no upura vai upuriem, kuri vaino citus savā pieredzē. Turieties tālāk no marksistiem, kuri uzskata, ka valsts atrisinās problēmas. Sāciet savu otro biznesu: mākslīgais intelekts iznīcinās miljoniem darbavietu. Sāciet savu biznesu. Sāciet mazu biznesu un kļūstiet par uzņēmēju. Neesiet strādnieks, kurš baidās zaudēt darbu. Izvēlieties labus skolotājus/skolotājus: vietnē Youtube ir daudz skolotāju. Daži no tiem ir labi, lielākā daļa ir slikti... Iesaku izvēlēties manus skolotājus. Mans nekustamo īpašumu skolotājs ir Kens Makelrojs. Es sekoju Tomam Wheelwright par nodokļiem, Džonam Makgregoram par akcijām un Maikam Maučelli par naftu. Viņiem visiem ir savas grāmatas un aplādes. Pievērsiet uzmanību tam, kurš jūs ietekmē. Rūpējieties par savu attieksmi un garu. Netaupiet naudu: netaupiet viltotas monētas, piemēram, ASV dolārus, eiro, Japānas jenas un peso. Tie zaudē vērtību. Tādi aktīvi kā zelts, sudrabs, Bitcoin ir īsta nauda, ​​kas pieaug tirgus sabrukumu laikā. Parūpējies par sevi un pārvērt šo sabrukumu par labāko, kas ar tevi jebkad ir noticis...” #BTC #binance

😱🫨 ​​"Tuvojas finansiālais sabrukums," brīdināja Kiyosaki: "Pērciet Bitcoin un zeltu."

#robertkiyosaki kurš ar saviem tvītiem gadiem sniedz padomus par #Bitcoin , zelta un sudraba iegādi, kā arī apgalvo, ka gaidāms liels krahs, norādīja, ka šoreiz sācies finansiālais krahs.

"Sabrukumi ir iespējas"

Slavenais rakstnieks, kurš tvītoja no X konta, sacīja: “Sabrukums ir sācies. Tas būs slikti,” viņš teica un lietoja šādus izteicienus:

"Man ir sliktas ziņas. Sabrukums ir sācies. Šoreiz būs ļoti slikti. Labā ziņa ir tā, ka avārijas ir labas, lai kļūtu bagāts. Lēti aktīvi izceļas.

Ir noteikumi, kas ir jāatceras sabrukšanas laikā.

Krītošais nazis netiek turēts: Neesiet mantkārīgs, jo cenas krītas. Pagaidiet, līdz redzat dibenu, tas ir, kamēr neviens nevēlēsies atņemt šo jūsu īpašumu.

Iegūstiet jaunus draugus: atrodiet jaunus draugus, kuri dodas jūsu virzienā. Izvairieties no upura vai upuriem, kuri vaino citus savā pieredzē. Turieties tālāk no marksistiem, kuri uzskata, ka valsts atrisinās problēmas.

Sāciet savu otro biznesu: mākslīgais intelekts iznīcinās miljoniem darbavietu. Sāciet savu biznesu. Sāciet mazu biznesu un kļūstiet par uzņēmēju. Neesiet strādnieks, kurš baidās zaudēt darbu.

Izvēlieties labus skolotājus/skolotājus: vietnē Youtube ir daudz skolotāju. Daži no tiem ir labi, lielākā daļa ir slikti... Iesaku izvēlēties manus skolotājus. Mans nekustamo īpašumu skolotājs ir Kens Makelrojs. Es sekoju Tomam Wheelwright par nodokļiem, Džonam Makgregoram par akcijām un Maikam Maučelli par naftu. Viņiem visiem ir savas grāmatas un aplādes. Pievērsiet uzmanību tam, kurš jūs ietekmē. Rūpējieties par savu attieksmi un garu.

Netaupiet naudu: netaupiet viltotas monētas, piemēram, ASV dolārus, eiro, Japānas jenas un peso. Tie zaudē vērtību. Tādi aktīvi kā zelts, sudrabs, Bitcoin ir īsta nauda, ​​kas pieaug tirgus sabrukumu laikā. Parūpējies par sevi un pārvērt šo sabrukumu par labāko, kas ar tevi jebkad ir noticis...”

#BTC #binance

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var būt iekļauts apmaksāts saturs. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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🔥💥Shiba Inu Takes Center Stage With Dedicated Payment Page On Binance Pay payment service by Binance, has recently introduced a dedicated page to facilitate #ShibaInu (#SHIB ) payments. This new feature opens up a host of opportunities for SHIB holders, streamlining the process for businesses and individuals to transact with this increasingly popular token. Binance Pay Launches Dedicated Page For Shiba Inu The newly launched page is designed to simplify the acceptance of SHIB payments, according to a report by ‘The Shib Daily’. Hence, this demonstrates Binance Pay’s commitment to enhancing the utility of cryptocurrencies in everyday transactions. Binance Pay supports seamless payments with over 80 tokens, including SHIB. Moreover, it offers users a convenient and secure method to utilize their crypto assets. A standout feature of using SHIB through Binance Pay is the absence of gas fees, which have historically been a significant barrier to crypto spending. By eliminating these fees, Binance Pay has significantly boosted Shiba Inu’s transaction volume. This elevates it to one of the most popular tokens on the platform. This ‘fee-free’ environment encourages more frequent and varied transactions, making SHIB a more attractive option for both consumers and merchants. Beyond facilitating payments, Binance Pay extends its versatility with the Binance Marketplace, a hub where users can purchase a variety of products and services using Shiba Inu. The marketplace is particularly appealing due to its exclusive deals, discounts, and token rewards, providing added value to SHIB holders. This integration enhances the practical application of SHIB, transforming it from a speculative asset to a viable medium of exchange. Furthermore, Shiba Inu’s integration into Binance Pay underscores the platform’s broader strategy to expand the everyday utility of cryptocurrencies. Meanwhile, the SHIB price surged amid the broader market rally today. #binance #Memecoins
😱🦈🦈Dogecoin: Whales' $130 million entry could lead to another rally Whale Investors Bought 820 Million DOGE in May 2024. At the time of writing, #DOGE has risen by over 0.15%, erasing last week's losses. While the retail campaign surrounding Gamestop has dominated the headlines of the crypto media, on-chain data shows that whale investors are imitating the #Dogecoin rally behind the scenes. The Centimeter graph below shows the cumulative balances held in whale wallets with a minimum balance of 1 million DOGE (~$150,000). This measurement mainly provides information about real-time fluctuations in the buying and selling trend of whale investors. As can be seen above, whales had a total of 57.06 billion DOGE in their possession as of May 1, 2024. On May 16, 2024, the assets of these whales had jumped to 57.9 billion DOGE. This means that crypto whales have achieved 822 million DOGE since the beginning of May 2024. Judging by current prices, whales has invested an additional $130 million, taking advantage of the bullish headwinds from Dogecoin's recent tie-ups with Tesla and Gamestop. The fact that whales make such large purchases during a rally usually intensifies the upward price movement for two main reasons. For one, the positive sentiment surrounding the whales' upward trend may encourage potential buyers who have been standing on the sidelines to join the fray. In addition, large volume purchases from these whales add a significant amount of liquidity to the markets and allow early profit Octobers to exit the market without dragging down Dogecoin prices. #Memecoins #binance
😱🇹🇷 The draft law regarding the legalization of crypto assets in Turkey will be presented to the Parliament today. The crypto law is being submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly today The AKP will present its legislative proposal for the identification of #crypto assets to the Turkish Grand National Assembly today at 15.30. Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek stated that crypto assets will be legally defined for the first time with this proposal. The AKP will present its law proposal on the identification of crypto assets to the Turkish Grand National Assembly today at 15.30. Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek stated that crypto assets will be legally defined for the first time with this proposal. The AKP will submit its law proposal containing the legal definition of crypto assets to the Turkish Grand National Assembly Presidency. AKP Group Chairman Abdullah Güler will announce the details about the "Proposed Law on Amendments to the Capital Markets Law" at a press conference to be held at the Turkish Grand National Assembly at 15.30. Treasury and Finance Minister Mehmet Simsek stated that crypto assets will be legally defined for the first time with the proposal to be presented today. This arrangement also includes the last condition required for #Turkey to exit the gray list. Crypto assets will be defined as "intangible assets that can be created and stored electronically using distributed ledger technology or similar technology, distributed over digital networks, and can express value or rights". The FATF, which oversees the compliance of countries in the fight against financial crimes, had placed Turkey on the gray list in 2021 because it was insufficient in the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Turkey is compatible with 39 out of 40 standards and this regulation aims to eliminate the last deficiency in the crypto field. #Binance #BTC
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