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$500 000 000 Bitcoin ETF aizplūde: analītiķi runā par “līdz šim sliktāko dienu”. Kamēr Bitcoin (BTC) cena noslīdēja zem divu mēnešu zemākajām atkāpēm, tūlītējo Bitcoin ETF segmentu pārņem panika. Augstākie analītiķi nav pārliecināti, ka šī panikas pārdošana ir racionāla. "Līdz šim sliktākā diena BTC ETF": vairāk nekā 500 miljoni ASV dolāru ir izdzēsti no tūlītējiem Bitcoin ETF. Qiao Wang, pieredzējis kriptovalūtu investors un Messari līdzdibinātājs, 1. maija sesiju sauc par "līdz šim sliktāko dienu" biržā tirgotajiem fondiem, kuru pamatā ir tūlītējais Bitcoin (BTC). Šīs dramatiskās sesijas laikā neto līdzekļu apjoms BTC ETF zaudēja 500 miljonus USD. Fidelity Investments Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund (FBTC) ir atbildīgs par to, ka lielākā daļa šī viļņa ir samazinājusies par 191 miljonu USD, savukārt Grayscale un ARK produkti kopā sedz vairāk nekā 50% no pusmiljarda zaudējumiem. Analizējot tūlītējo Bitcoin ETF turētāju kustības, Qiao Wang piekrita savam kolēģim Džimam Bianko. Bianco norādīja uz lielo "papīra roku" procentuālo daļu pirmās paaudzes Bitcoin spot ETF turētāju vidū: Bitcoin ETF segments arī piedzīvoja trīs sāpīgas tirdzniecības dienas 24., 25. un 30. aprīlī. 1. maija sesija ar savu bēdīgo rekordu ir sestā "sarkanā" diena Bitcoin ETF pēc kārtas. iepriekš, pamaniet Bitcoin ETF, kas tika uzsākti Honkongā. Pirmā tirdzniecības diena beidzās ar viduvēju AUM USD 140 miljonu apmērā un tirdzniecības apjomu USD 12,1 miljona ekvivalentā. Analītiķis saka, ka dimanta roku institūcijas vēl ir priekšā. Tomēr Van kungs ir mēreni optimistisks attiecībā uz nākamajām Bitcoin Spot ETF pircēju paaudzēm. Uz skatuves varēja redzēt arvien vairāk dimanta roku institūciju. Smagsvara līdzekļu pārvaldītājiem vienkārši "vajadzīgs laiks, lai justos ērti", secināja eksperts. Pēc Bitcoin (BTC) cenas krituma zem 57 000 USD, pēdējo divu dienu laikā tika reģistrēti gandrīz 600 miljoni USD likvidētas garās pozīcijas, liecina CoinGlass dati.

$500 000 000 Bitcoin ETF aizplūde: analītiķi runā par “līdz šim sliktāko dienu”.

Kamēr Bitcoin (BTC) cena noslīdēja zem divu mēnešu zemākajām atkāpēm, tūlītējo Bitcoin ETF segmentu pārņem panika. Augstākie analītiķi nav pārliecināti, ka šī panikas pārdošana ir racionāla.

"Līdz šim sliktākā diena BTC ETF": vairāk nekā 500 miljoni ASV dolāru ir izdzēsti no tūlītējiem Bitcoin ETF.

Qiao Wang, pieredzējis kriptovalūtu investors un Messari līdzdibinātājs, 1. maija sesiju sauc par "līdz šim sliktāko dienu" biržā tirgotajiem fondiem, kuru pamatā ir tūlītējais Bitcoin (BTC). Šīs dramatiskās sesijas laikā neto līdzekļu apjoms BTC ETF zaudēja 500 miljonus USD.

Fidelity Investments Fidelity Wise Origin Bitcoin Fund (FBTC) ir atbildīgs par to, ka lielākā daļa šī viļņa ir samazinājusies par 191 miljonu USD, savukārt Grayscale un ARK produkti kopā sedz vairāk nekā 50% no pusmiljarda zaudējumiem.

Analizējot tūlītējo Bitcoin ETF turētāju kustības, Qiao Wang piekrita savam kolēģim Džimam Bianko. Bianco norādīja uz lielo "papīra roku" procentuālo daļu pirmās paaudzes Bitcoin spot ETF turētāju vidū:

Bitcoin ETF segments arī piedzīvoja trīs sāpīgas tirdzniecības dienas 24., 25. un 30. aprīlī. 1. maija sesija ar savu bēdīgo rekordu ir sestā "sarkanā" diena Bitcoin ETF pēc kārtas.

iepriekš, pamaniet Bitcoin ETF, kas tika uzsākti Honkongā. Pirmā tirdzniecības diena beidzās ar viduvēju AUM USD 140 miljonu apmērā un tirdzniecības apjomu USD 12,1 miljona ekvivalentā.

Analītiķis saka, ka dimanta roku institūcijas vēl ir priekšā.

Tomēr Van kungs ir mēreni optimistisks attiecībā uz nākamajām Bitcoin Spot ETF pircēju paaudzēm. Uz skatuves varēja redzēt arvien vairāk dimanta roku institūciju.

Smagsvara līdzekļu pārvaldītājiem vienkārši "vajadzīgs laiks, lai justos ērti", secināja eksperts.

Pēc Bitcoin (BTC) cenas krituma zem 57 000 USD, pēdējo divu dienu laikā tika reģistrēti gandrīz 600 miljoni USD likvidētas garās pozīcijas, liecina CoinGlass dati.

Atruna: iekļauti trešo pušu pausti viedokļi. Šī informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Skati lietošanas noteikumus.
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Cardano Skyrockets 90% in Volume as ADA Price Makes Surprising Reversal. Cardano (ADA), the 10th-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, has recently experienced a remarkable surge in trading volume, coinciding with a surprising reversal in its price trajectory. This sudden uptick in activity has caught the attention of traders and investors, sparking speculation. According to CoinMarketCap data, Cardano's (ADA) trading volume has risen over 90% in the last 24 hours, with nearly half a billion dollars ($500 million) exchanged. This surge in volume suggests a significant influx of buying and selling activity, indicative of higher market activity and increased liquidity for the cryptocurrency. With the spike in trading volume, ADA's price has unexpectedly reversed. After three consecutive days of declines, ADA's price rebounded to reach highs of $0.469 on May 8. ADA was still sustaining its prior day gains at the time of writing, unlike the majority in the top 10, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, which traded in the red. ADA was up 1.56% in the last 24 hours at the time of writing to $0.452, having erased some of its gains. This seeming reversal has sparked renewed enthusiasm among the Cardano community and potential investors, who are now keenly observing ADA price performance. Also, several cryptocurrencies are seeing a decline in trading volume, indicating that traders have been indecisive. This context makes Cardano's volume increase all the more significant, as it bucks the general market trend. Given the recent increase in both volume and price for ADA, the crypto community is keeping a careful eye on whether this trend will continue. On the upside, ADA meets its next resistance level at $0.476; if prices fall, support will be seen near the $0.418 level.
Shiba Inu's Shibarium Skyrockets 65% in Key Indicator of Network Activity. Layer-2 blockchain Shibarium from the Shiba Inu ecosystem has experienced a significant increase in activity on its network over the past 24 hours. Thus, according to data from Shibariumscan, the number of active accounts in Shiba Inu's network increased from 1,034 to 1,706 overnight, an increase of almost 65%. The number of new accounts, however, increased by only four, which means that the increase in activity was mainly due to old accounts, not new ones. Against this background, transactions per day on the S hibarium network increased from 6,791 to 8,091. Despite the exponential growth in new accounts, transactional activity within Shibarium has not yet returned to its previous heights. Only 8,091 transactions were recorded within the Shiba Inu network over the preceding day, a notable decline compared to its peak of multiple millions of transactions per day at the beginning of the year. The question now looms: can the resurgence of old users eventually drive transactional activity on Shibarium back to its all-time high levels? Worth keeping in mind is that this is only a small fraction at 1.6% of the total 106,612 accounts registered with Shibarium. As attention remains fixated on Shibarium's on-chain resurgence, speculation abounds regarding the potential impact of this soaring online activity on Shiba Inu's ecosystem, particularly on the tokens' market dynamics. Market participants should closely scrutinize the performance charts of Shiba Inu (SHIB) and BONE, anticipating the ripple effects of this development.
Satoshi Nakamoto Praised by Gabor Gurbacs, Here's Why. Strategic advisor at Tether and VanEck Gabor Gurbacs has published a tweet to say where things really stand when it comes to Wall Street - when institutions say they support Bitcoin. Or, rather, when they pretend to support it, according to his X post. "'Thank Satoshi' for very few actual Bitcoin supporters in Wall Street". Without naming any hedge fund in particular, Gurbacs cited their Bitcoin- based strategy, where they say they support BTC, while offering to buy products based on altcoins (s-coins, as the top executive referred to them) and pay management fees for them. Gurbacs believes that there are only a few entrepreneurs out there who actually support BTC and "believe in the money and capital markets revolution." Those few in the tradfi space, Gurbacs specified, usually tend to be "family offices and quiet billionaires." Agreeing with the point made by X user @MrHodl, Gurbacs said, "Thank Satoshi” for having the opportunity to stack Sats. "If they all got it, we'd be stacking much less sats today," the user tweeted. Ripple CTO denies being Satoshi Nakamoto once again. In a recent tweet, Ripple's chief technology officer David Schwartz again commented on allegations about him being the enigmatic creator of Bitcoin - Satoshi Nakamoto. Schwartz was one of the original creators of the XRP Ledger. They were fascinated by Bitcoin and decided to create a better version of it under a different name to surpass its limitations in 2011. Schwartz admitted that he indeed possesses all the necessary coding skills to be Satoshi. However, he said that he does not know Qt - a cross-platform framework of the C+ coding language. Still, Schwartz admitted that the idea that he could be Satoshi or part of the team who were Satoshi is plausible but not true.
It Just Got Easier to Mine Single Bitcoin (BTC), Here's Reason. Recent market data shows there is a dramatic shift in the Bitcoin (BTC) network as it relates to mining difficulty. This shift has reduced the mining difficulty, with the hashrate dropping by over 5.6% to 83,148,355,189,239 (83.15 trillion). Per data from, this Bitcoin mining difficulty adjustment took place at block height 842,688, with the average hashrate coming in at 646.96 EH/s. Bitcoin network difficulty is a measure of how hard it is for miners to verify transactions and add them to a block for rewards. Network difficulty is computed every two weeks, and the metric rises with increasing computers plugging in to mine more Bitcoin. The opposite trend occurs when there are fewer entities plugged into the network. According to the data, the average network hashrate over the trailing seven- day period comes in at 572.18 EH/s, the biggest slump since at least December 2022. This drop, if sustained, means that for the same resources, miners can get additional output with amplified profitability. With the earnings report by crypto mining firms underway, thus far, the favorable mining difficulty is showcased in their enhanced revenue for the first quarter. The Bitcoin ecosystem is under an intense spotlight with the price of the underlying asset down by $61,135.59, or 2.29%, in 24 hours. The coin has been sliding since it recorded an all-time high (ATH) of $73,750.07. However, long-term traders are confident in the asset's ability to stay resilient and potentially plot a rebound soon. At the moment, bullish sentiment hinges on the take by CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young Ju, who said the network can support more than 3x of its current valuation. For Bitcoin, this would imply a high of $256,000. With Morgan Stanley and Susquehanna reportedly embracing spot Bitcoin ETFs, the optics and potentials are notably well aligned.
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