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šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„Populārākie analÄ«tiÄ·i ir vienisprātis, ka #bitcoin Korekcija beidzas pie 56Ā 000 USD Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā tirgus #cryptocurrency ir piedzÄ«vojis ievērojamu lejupslÄ«di, kas atgādina asinspirti. Jo Ä«paÅ”i Bitcoin ir nospiests atpakaļ 50Ā 000 USD diapazonā, kas nav redzēts kopÅ” diviem mēneÅ”iem pirms tā visu laiku augstākā lÄ«meņa martāĀ ā€” 73 750 USD. Bitcoin sasniedza dienas minimumu 56 555 USD apmērā, kas iezÄ«mē strauju 9% kritumu no iepriekŔējā diapazona aptuveni 60 000 USD. Å Ä« lejupvērstā kustÄ«ba ir ļoti ietekmējusi arÄ« altcoin tirgu, jo tādi aktÄ«vi kā #Dogecoinā€¬ā© (DOGE) un #Toncoin (TON) ir piedzÄ«vojuÅ”i divciparu procentuālo zaudējumu. Å Ä« ilgstoŔā lejupslÄ«des tendence Bitcoin tirgÅ« ir saglabājusies gandrÄ«z piecas nedēļas, kā rezultātā ir satriecoÅ”s 22,35% kritums no visu laiku augstākās vērtÄ«bas. Tomēr ievērojami analÄ«tiÄ·i kriptovalÅ«tu jomā uzskata, ka Bitcoin cena var nepiedzÄ«vot turpmākas bÅ«tiskas avārijas. AnalÄ«tiÄ·i liek domāt, ka Bitcoin dibens ir sasniegts - Rekt Capital atjauninātajā Bitcoin analÄ«zē uzsvēra, ka kritums lÄ«dz USD 56Ā 000 lÄ«menim ir visnozÄ«mÄ«gākais kritums, kas novērots Å”ajā ciklā. Viņu diagramma liecina, ka pēc lÄ«dzÄ«giem 20% kritumiem pagātnē ir tendence uz ilgstoÅ”u atvieglojumu ralliju uz augstāku cenu lÄ«meni. - Slavenais analÄ«tiÄ·is Maikls van de Pope piebalsoja lÄ«dzÄ«gu noskaņojumu, liekot domāt, ka Bitcoin ir sasniedzis pēdējo cenu konsolidācijas posmu. AtzÄ«stot turpmākas izsekoÅ”anas iespēju, viņŔ uzsvēra, ka bÅ«s ļoti svarÄ«gi ievērot diapazonu no 56 000 USD lÄ«dz 58 000 USD. Turklāt viņŔ ierosināja, ka altcoin tirgus var atgÅ«ties agrāk nekā Bitcoin tirgus. - Serhio Tesla, kriptogrāfijas statistiÄ·is, dalās ar bullish noskaņojumu, kas ir lÄ«dzÄ«gs Van de Poppe un Rekt Capital. ViņŔ precÄ«zi prognozēja Bitcoin kritumu lÄ«dz 56Ā 000 USD, sasniedzot visu laiku augstāko lÄ«meni martā. Serhio uzskata, ka Bitcoin ir zemākā vērtÄ«ba 56Ā 000 USD, pirms viņŔ gaida strauju ralliju atpakaļ lÄ«dz 80Ā 000 USD diapazonam. - Å obrÄ«d Bitcoin tirgojas par USD 57 495, uzrādot nelielu pieaugumu aptuveni USD 1000 apmērā pēc nesenā straujā krituma. Avots -

šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„Populārākie analÄ«tiÄ·i ir vienisprātis, ka #bitcoin Korekcija beidzas pie 56Ā 000 USD

Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā tirgus #cryptocurrency ir piedzÄ«vojis ievērojamu lejupslÄ«di, kas atgādina asinspirti. Jo Ä«paÅ”i Bitcoin ir nospiests atpakaļ 50Ā 000 USD diapazonā, kas nav redzēts kopÅ” diviem mēneÅ”iem pirms tā visu laiku augstākā lÄ«meņa martāĀ ā€” 73 750 USD.

Bitcoin sasniedza dienas minimumu 56 555 USD apmērā, kas iezÄ«mē strauju 9% kritumu no iepriekŔējā diapazona aptuveni 60 000 USD. Å Ä« lejupvērstā kustÄ«ba ir ļoti ietekmējusi arÄ« altcoin tirgu, jo tādi aktÄ«vi kā #Dogecoinā€¬ā© (DOGE) un #Toncoin (TON) ir piedzÄ«vojuÅ”i divciparu procentuālo zaudējumu.

Å Ä« ilgstoŔā lejupslÄ«des tendence Bitcoin tirgÅ« ir saglabājusies gandrÄ«z piecas nedēļas, kā rezultātā ir satriecoÅ”s 22,35% kritums no visu laiku augstākās vērtÄ«bas. Tomēr ievērojami analÄ«tiÄ·i kriptovalÅ«tu jomā uzskata, ka Bitcoin cena var nepiedzÄ«vot turpmākas bÅ«tiskas avārijas.

Analītiķi liek domāt, ka Bitcoin dibens ir sasniegts

- Rekt Capital atjauninātajā Bitcoin analÄ«zē uzsvēra, ka kritums lÄ«dz USD 56Ā 000 lÄ«menim ir visnozÄ«mÄ«gākais kritums, kas novērots Å”ajā ciklā. Viņu diagramma liecina, ka pēc lÄ«dzÄ«giem 20% kritumiem pagātnē ir tendence uz ilgstoÅ”u atvieglojumu ralliju uz augstāku cenu lÄ«meni.

- Slavenais analÄ«tiÄ·is Maikls van de Pope piebalsoja lÄ«dzÄ«gu noskaņojumu, liekot domāt, ka Bitcoin ir sasniedzis pēdējo cenu konsolidācijas posmu. AtzÄ«stot turpmākas izsekoÅ”anas iespēju, viņŔ uzsvēra, ka bÅ«s ļoti svarÄ«gi ievērot diapazonu no 56 000 USD lÄ«dz 58 000 USD. Turklāt viņŔ ierosināja, ka altcoin tirgus var atgÅ«ties agrāk nekā Bitcoin tirgus.

- Serhio Tesla, kriptogrāfijas statistiÄ·is, dalās ar bullish noskaņojumu, kas ir lÄ«dzÄ«gs Van de Poppe un Rekt Capital. ViņŔ precÄ«zi prognozēja Bitcoin kritumu lÄ«dz 56Ā 000 USD, sasniedzot visu laiku augstāko lÄ«meni martā. Serhio uzskata, ka Bitcoin ir zemākā vērtÄ«ba 56Ā 000 USD, pirms viņŔ gaida strauju ralliju atpakaļ lÄ«dz 80Ā 000 USD diapazonam.

- Šobrīd Bitcoin tirgojas par USD 57 495, uzrādot nelielu pieaugumu aptuveni USD 1000 apmērā pēc nesenā straujā krituma.

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šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ Solana ($SOL ) #Skyrockets 1,966% in Fund Flows: Is Solana ETF Possibility? Solana (SOL) has recently witnessed an extraordinary surge in fund inflows, experiencing a remarkable increase of 1,966% within just a week. This surge firmly positions SOL as a standout leader in alternative #cryptocurrency -focused investment products, marking a significant milestone in its trajectory. According to the latest report from CoinShares, an impressive $5.9 million has been directed towards SOL-related products during this short timeframe. This surge not only underscores SOL's dominance but also represents a nearly twenty-fold increase in inflows into Solana ETPs, amounting to a noteworthy $17 million since the beginning of the year. While SOL experiences this notable uptrend, the broader market landscape tells a different story. Although investment products for digital assets saw a commendable $130 million inflow, volumes for ETPs witnessed a significant decline, dropping from April's $17 billion to $8 billion. This trend indicates a decreasing involvement of ETP investors in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, now accounting for only 22% of the total volume on reputable global exchanges. Speculation Surrounding a Solana ETF - With the growing interest from traditional investors in SOL, speculation arises regarding the possibility of a Solana ETF. - However, the feasibility of such an ETF closely hinges on the fate of the #EthereumETF . Given the regulatory obstacles it faces, the path to a Solana ETF appears equally challenging. - Notably, regulatory uncertainty looms over the status of the Ethereum ETF, compounded by the SEC's classification of SOL as an unregistered security in last year's case against the Kraken exchange, further adding to the ambiguity. - As investors eagerly await clarity on the ETF front, the potential for a Solana ETF remains speculative, contingent upon regulatory developments and the resolution of Ethereum's ETF dilemma. Source - #CryptoNewsšŸ”’šŸ“°šŸš« #BinanceSquareTalks
šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰šŸ‘‰ Expert Gives Timeline When $XRP Can Break 7-Year Symmetrical Triangle In a recent analysis on X platform, XRP is poised for significant price shifts, driven by long-term accumulation phases and the formation of a triangle pattern. These trends suggest a potential breakout after seven years. Identifying Accumulation Phases and Triangle Formation - XRP has undergone two significant accumulation phases: from 2013 to 2017 (Zone A) and from 2018 to 2024 (Zones B and C). The current phase indicates price stabilization, with a triangle pattern evolving since early 2020, expected to converge by May 2024. Critical Time Frame and Future Outlook - The period from May 15 to August 2024 is crucial, with the triangle formation expected to influence XRP's price trajectory. Analysts anticipate a bullish cycle in 2024, driven by the accumulation phase's conclusion and the triangle pattern breakout. Supporting Evidence from Previous Predictions - Historical patterns support this outlook, with similarities to patterns observed during the 2018 bull run. Analysts project significant price increases for XRP upon breaking out from the multi-year symmetrical triangle formation. Current Status - XRP is currently trading at $0.5062, with a market capitalization of $27.39 billion, despite a recent price decline. Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose also do your own research. Source - #CryptoTrends2024 #BinanceSquareTalks
šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€ #bitcoin Price Forecast: $65k Rally or $59k Reversal in the Week Ahead? Bitcoin opened trading at $62,000 on May 13, marking a 4% weekend increase. However, key on-chain metrics signal potential volatility ahead. As #BitcoinETF inflows slow and miners start selling off reserves due to the halving's impact, the market faces heightened risk of volatility. Over the past 10 days, Bitcoin price has ranged between $59,000 and $63,000. With over $200 million outflows from Grayscale's GBTC ETF and declining inflows into new spot BTC funds, downward pressure has mounted. Bitcoin miners have sold over 100,000 BTC since May 3, reducing their balances from 1.93 million to 1.92 million BTC as of May 13. At $62,300 per coin, this represents over $623 million in sales in 10 days. The halving event has slashed miners' revenue per block, prompting many to sell reserves to cover costs amid stagnant outflows from #grayscale 's GBTC ETF. If Bitcoin fails to see a significant price increase, miners may continue selling, risking a reversal below $60,000. This sell-off could deter strategic traders from investing further to avoid market inflation from new BTC issuance. BTC's price forecast suggests a possible reversal towards $58,000, with support expected around $59,600. If this level fails, $BTC could drop further. On the upside, a rally to $65,000 may occur if Bitcoin ETFs see strong inflows. However, continued miner sell-offs may keep BTC consolidating below $64,000. Remember, investing in cryptocurrencies is highly speculative and involves a significant risk of loss. You should never invest more than you can afford to lose also do your own research. Source - #CryptoTrends2024 #BinanceSquareBTC
šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ’„ #analyst Shares Secret to Find 100x #Solanaā© #MemecoinsšŸ¤‘šŸ¤‘ A crypto analyst, known as "TRACER" on X, has recently unveiled a clandestine method for uncovering memecoins with the potential for 100x profits. TRACER shared the success story of his friend, who transformed a modest investment of $3,000 into a staggering $274,000 through SOL coins. The friend primarily focused on acquiring $WIF and $BONK tokens, which reportedly resulted in a significant profit of up to 154x. Analyst Shares Insider Tips for Achieving 100x Returns on SOL Memecoins - In a post on their official X account, the analyst divulged the utilization of a specific tool for this endeavor. TRACER highlighted that many individuals misuse this tool, but assured to provide guidance on how to leverage it effectively for gains ranging from 10x to 100x. The analyst emphasized their extensive research on the subject and offered assistance free of charge based on this knowledge. - TRACER asserted that SOL LowCaps function as treasure troves, holding the potential for substantial rewards. They suggested that Block Explorers serve as the key to unlocking these treasures, facilitating the discovery of top-tier memecoins. To this end, TRACER directed users to a specific block explorer for accessing valuable information related to Solana. Block Explorer Offers Comprehensive Analysis at No Cost - The tool TRACER introduced is a free #Blockchain monitoring tool that allows users to track blockchain transfers. TRACER emphasized the advantages of block explorers, including the ability to find new memecoins, track exclusive pools, explore smart contracts, and monitor wallets. One of TRACER's friends turned a $3,000 investment into approximately $274,000 using these insights. - The friend reportedly invested nearly $8.6 million in $WIF tokens and $BONK coins, with the use of the block explorer resulting in profits of 154x on these tokens. TRACER urged followers to utilize the block explorer to capitalize on potentially lucrative opportunities. Source -
šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ #shibaInu ($SHIB ) transitions to a ā€˜more practical assetā€™ following CoinGateā€™sĀ integrationĀ  Fintech firm CoinGate has expanded its reach by integrating the memecoin Shiba Inu (SHIB) into the #BinanceSmartChain and #Polygon blockchains. This integration enables SHIB holders to use their tokens to purchase products from major brands like Nike and book services such as Airbnb. CoinGate aims to facilitate digital token transactions for a wide range of goods and services, bridging the gap between traditional finance and #cryptocurrencies . The addition of Shiba Inu to its platform enhances the versatility of the meme-inspired coin in real-world applications, driving its mainstream acceptance. Shiba Inu's developers have been actively working to elevate the digital currency beyond its memecoin status. The introduction of Shibarium, an Ethereum Layer 2 scaling solution, has garnered significant attention within the crypto community. Shibarium promises faster transactions and user-friendly transaction fees, aiming to enhance the overall user experience. Shiba Inu's recent listings on platforms like Robinhood and the launch of its magazine have sparked optimism in the SHIB community. Notably, developers raised $12 million for a new #Layer2 network, backed by major players like Animoca Brands, Mechanism Capital, and Polygon Ventures, signaling increased confidence in the project. Despite recent market downturns, Shiba Inu (SHIB) has demonstrated resilience. Data indicates that more than 700 trillion SHIB tokens held by over 650,000 wallet addresses remain profitable, underscoring the steadfast confidence of holders in the token's long-term value. At $0.00002177, Shiba Inu has experienced a modest 4% decline in the last 24 hours. Trading within a range of $0.00002379 to $0.00002227 in the past week, a breakout could propel it up by 13% to $0.00002558. Conversely, selling pressure might drive it down to $0.00002080, marking an 8% dip from its current level. Source -Ā
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