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šŸ˜±šŸ”„DOGE cenu analÄ«ze: vadoÅ”ais analÄ«tiÄ·is prognozē eksplozÄ«vu dogecoin pieaugumu, pamatojoties uz vēsturisko modeli! Neskatoties uz Ŕīm tirgus izmaiņām, vadoÅ”ais kriptovalÅ«tu analÄ«tiÄ·is Ali Martiness joprojām raugās uz noteiktu aktÄ«vu, tostarp Dogecoin, perspektÄ«vām. Martinesa analÄ«ze norāda uz lejupejoŔā modeļa pārtraukÅ”anu #Dogecoin diagrammā, kas norāda uz iespēju, ka drÄ«zumā tuvosies vērÅ”u skrējiens. AnalÄ«tiÄ·is uzlabo perspektÄ«vu par Dogecoin Ali Martiness nesen tviterÄ« publicēja pārliecinoÅ”u novērojumu, kas balstÄ«ts uz vēsturiskiem datiem, norādot, ka Dogecoin paÅ”reizējā cenu korekcija ir cieÅ”i saistÄ«ta ar iepriekŔējiem piemēriem, kuriem vēsturiski ir bijuÅ”as ievērojamas vērtÄ«bas svārstÄ«bas. #DOGE 2017.Ā gadā piedzÄ«voja izrāvienu no dilstoŔā trÄ«sstÅ«ra modeļa, kam sekoja ievērojama atkāpÅ”anās par 40%. Å Ä« korekcija bija priekÅ”tecis pārsteidzoÅ”am 982% vērÅ”u skrējienam un demonstrēja monētas ievērojamo izaugsmes spēju pēc konsolidācijas periodiem. LÄ«dzÄ«gi, 2021.Ā gada kriptovalÅ«tu uzplaukuma laikā Dogecoin atkal izlauzās no lejupejoÅ”a trÄ«sstÅ«ra un atkāpās par 56%, pirms sasniedza ārkārtēju pieaugumu par 12Ā 197%. Å is neparastais pieaugums ir piesaistÄ«jis globālu uzmanÄ«bu un nostiprinājis Dogecoin kā unikāla spēlētāja pozÄ«ciju digitālo aktÄ«vu vidē. Modeļa pārtraukuma samazināŔana ātri uz priekÅ”u lÄ«dz 2024.Ā gadam, un Dogecoin atrodas pazÄ«stamā stāvoklÄ«, izlaužoties no vēl viena lejupejoÅ”a trÄ«sstÅ«ra veidojuma. Å obrÄ«d kriptovalÅ«ta piedzÄ«vo ievērojamu 47% cenu korekciju, kas ir lÄ«dzÄ«gs iepriekŔējiem cikliem, kuriem vēsturiski ir notikuÅ”as ievērojamas augÅ”upejoÅ”as kustÄ«bas. Dogecoin aizstāvju noskaņojums joprojām ir optimistisks, un daudzi Å”os modeļus atÅ”ifrē kā nākotnes izaugsmes potenciāla sākumu. Dogecoin cenu analÄ«ze Dogecoin paÅ”laik tiek tirgots par USD 0,126189, kas atspoguļo cenas kritumu par 3,43% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Neskatoties uz Å”o kritumu, tirdzniecÄ«bas apjoms pieauga par iespaidÄ«giem 49,83%, un Dogecoin tirgus kapitalizācija sasniedza 18 miljardus USD. #Memecoins #binance

šŸ˜±šŸ”„DOGE cenu analÄ«ze: vadoÅ”ais analÄ«tiÄ·is prognozē eksplozÄ«vu dogecoin pieaugumu, pamatojoties uz vēsturisko modeli!

Neskatoties uz Ŕīm tirgus izmaiņām, vadoÅ”ais kriptovalÅ«tu analÄ«tiÄ·is Ali Martiness joprojām raugās uz noteiktu aktÄ«vu, tostarp Dogecoin, perspektÄ«vām. Martinesa analÄ«ze norāda uz lejupejoŔā modeļa pārtraukÅ”anu #Dogecoin diagrammā, kas norāda uz iespēju, ka drÄ«zumā tuvosies vērÅ”u skrējiens.

Analītiķis uzlabo perspektīvu par Dogecoin

Ali Martiness nesen tviterÄ« publicēja pārliecinoÅ”u novērojumu, kas balstÄ«ts uz vēsturiskiem datiem, norādot, ka Dogecoin paÅ”reizējā cenu korekcija ir cieÅ”i saistÄ«ta ar iepriekŔējiem piemēriem, kuriem vēsturiski ir bijuÅ”as ievērojamas vērtÄ«bas svārstÄ«bas.

#DOGE 2017.Ā gadā piedzÄ«voja izrāvienu no dilstoŔā trÄ«sstÅ«ra modeļa, kam sekoja ievērojama atkāpÅ”anās par 40%. Å Ä« korekcija bija priekÅ”tecis pārsteidzoÅ”am 982% vērÅ”u skrējienam un demonstrēja monētas ievērojamo izaugsmes spēju pēc konsolidācijas periodiem.

LÄ«dzÄ«gi, 2021.Ā gada kriptovalÅ«tu uzplaukuma laikā Dogecoin atkal izlauzās no lejupejoÅ”a trÄ«sstÅ«ra un atkāpās par 56%, pirms sasniedza ārkārtēju pieaugumu par 12Ā 197%. Å is neparastais pieaugums ir piesaistÄ«jis globālu uzmanÄ«bu un nostiprinājis Dogecoin kā unikāla spēlētāja pozÄ«ciju digitālo aktÄ«vu vidē.

Modeļa pārtraukuma samazināŔana

ātri uz priekÅ”u lÄ«dz 2024.Ā gadam, un Dogecoin atrodas pazÄ«stamā stāvoklÄ«, izlaužoties no vēl viena lejupejoÅ”a trÄ«sstÅ«ra veidojuma. Å obrÄ«d kriptovalÅ«ta piedzÄ«vo ievērojamu 47% cenu korekciju, kas ir lÄ«dzÄ«gs iepriekŔējiem cikliem, kuriem vēsturiski ir notikuÅ”as ievērojamas augÅ”upejoÅ”as kustÄ«bas.

Dogecoin aizstāvju noskaņojums joprojām ir optimistisks, un daudzi Å”os modeļus atÅ”ifrē kā nākotnes izaugsmes potenciāla sākumu.

Dogecoin cenu analīze

Dogecoin paÅ”laik tiek tirgots par USD 0,126189, kas atspoguļo cenas kritumu par 3,43% pēdējo 24 stundu laikā. Neskatoties uz Å”o kritumu, tirdzniecÄ«bas apjoms pieauga par iespaidÄ«giem 49,83%, un Dogecoin tirgus kapitalizācija sasniedza 18 miljardus USD.

#Memecoins #binance

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šŸ”“šŸ˜±In June, close to $750M worth of Tokens will be unlockedšŸ˜±šŸ”“ June will also be an important month for token expansions. Arbitrum and Aptos seem to have the biggest share in the expansions. Aptos will have a token opening of $102 million on June 12. This opening will correspond to 2.59% of the total supply. Arbitrum, which recently made an important token opening, will also circulate 100 million dollars worth of tokens. Here, the unlocked token rate will be 3.20% of the total supply. Apart from these two projects, very important unlockings from ImmutableX to Starknet, from YGG to APECoin, from Optimism to Pixels will mark June. The total value of the tokens to be unlocked this month will reach $750 million. Some of the tokens that will be unlocked are as follows: Aptos: June 12, 11.3 million tokens worth $100 million #Arbitrum : June 16, 92.6 million tokens worth $103 million StarkNet: June 15, 64 million tokens worth $75 million Optimism: June 30, 31.3 million tokens worth $77 million Space ID: June 22, 78.5 million tokens worth $56 million ImmutableX: June 14, 25.5 million tokens worth $55 million #AltLayer : June 25, 105 million tokens worth $36 million Prime: June 30, 1.7 million tokens worth $28 million Pixels: June 19, 54 million tokens worth $25 million #ApeCoin : June 17, 15.6 million tokens worth $20 million YGG: June 27, 16.6 million tokens worth $18.5 million MANTA: June 18, 6,660,000 tokens worth $12 million CYBER: June 14, 881 thousand tokens worth $7.84 million Render: June 15, 765,000 tokens worth $7.65 million. #binance
šŸ˜±šŸ«ØBreaking News: Binance is preparing to Delist These 3 Altcoins Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has announced the delisting of NEM (#XEM ), #OMG Network (OMG), and Waves (WAVES). These pairs will not be available for either spot or margin trading. The exchange is going to remove a total of six trading pairs: WNXM/USDT, XEM/USDT, OMG/USDT, WAVES/BTC, WAVES/ETH, WAVES/TRY, and WAVES/USDT. The three aforementioned cryptocurrencies recorded double-digit price increases following the announcement. According to data provided by CoinMarketCap, XEM is down 12.88%. Meanwhile, OMG and WAVES are down 14.51% and 18.17%, respectively, over the past 24 hours. Binance will ditch these three cryptocurrencies on June 17, according to its Monday announcement. The exchange's users will not be able to deposit the tokens starting from June 18. After Sept. 18, it will not be possible to withdraw these three tokens either. It is worth noting that these tokens might be converted into stablecoins by the exchange, but there is no guarantee that this conversion will take place. The cryptocurrency giant says that it routinely reviews the cryptocurrencies listed on its platform in order to make sure that they meet industry requirements. Binance's delisting decisions hinge on a slew of factors such as the current state of development activity, the commitment of the team behind a certain cryptocurrency, the level of liquidity, regulatory requirements, the stability of the network, and so on. #binance #altcoins
šŸ˜±šŸ”„SHIB Supply Goes in Flames as Shiba Inu Burn Rate IncreasesšŸ”„šŸ˜± Dog-themed cryptocurrency #ShibaInu ($SHIB ) has witnessed a significant surge in token burns, with a remarkable 192% increase in the last 24 hours. The recent surge in burns has led to the removal of millions of #SHIB tokens from circulation, with the Shiba Inu community taking part in the activity to create scarcity. According to the Shibburn X account, a total of 4,796,486 SHIB tokens were burned in the last 24 hours, representing a 207.81% increase in burn rate. This notable spike in SHIB token burns comes at a time when the market is eagerly anticipating a significant price shift amid lackluster trading activity in Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies, including SHIB. This week's muted action in Bitcoin, which has generally remained in the $67,000-$69,000 zone, coincided with struggles for other risk assets, U.S. stocks among them. Shiba Inu is also experiencing profit-taking, declining into its fourth day after an impressive surge earlier in the week. After three consecutive days of increases, Shiba Inu jumped as much as 20% to reach highs of $0.0000294 on May 29. However, following this impressive ascent, the dog-themed coin is now experiencing a phase of profit-taking as investors seek to capitalize on the gains. At the time of writing, SHIB was down 2.18% in the last 24 hours to $0.00002473, coinciding with a broader market decline that saw most cryptocurrencies trading in red. The market's reaction to the present profit-taking phase might be crucial in determining SHIB's short-term price trajectory. If the selling pressure is absorbed by buyers, the price may stabilize or even continue its upward trajectory. On the other hand, if the profit-taking leads to a more sustained sell-off, it could test the support levels of the SHIB price. In this scenario, Shiba Inu sustaining above the daily SMA 50 at $0.00002454 could be critical in maintaining SHIB's upward price momentum and preventing additional losses. #memecoins #binance
šŸ˜±šŸš€Top 3 Altcoins you would like to see in your portfolio before the Altcoin Rally SeasonšŸš€šŸ˜± $AAVE 's Market Sentiment Shows Cautious Optimism Amid Recent Gains Despite some mixed signals, #Aave has shown durability and moderate growth. The latest price increases over the past month suggest a resurgence of interest, but the long-term trend is less clear. The cryptocurrency is currently trading in a narrow December, which indicates potential volatility. The fact that the support and resistance levels are well defined indicates a strategic entry for cautious buyers. Aave's fundamentals remain solid, but sentiment suggests a watch-and-wait approach for many investors. $PYTH Network Shows Signs of Weakness Amid Decaying Short-Term Prices The price trend of the Pyth Network reveals the recent declines, which indicates that the market is pointing to a downward trend. Despite the moderate long-term gain, technical indicators point to caution for short-term investors. The coin's struggle to stay above support levels and falling moving averages point to potential further declines. Without significant positive changes, #PYTH may continue to face downward pressure and possibly test lower support zones. Investors should be wary of significant market developments. #Starknet Faces Mixed Emotions Amid Recent Price Swings Starknet is showing mixed signals in the market. At the moment, it Decelerates between price limits that are close to each other, where certain levels act as resistance and support points. Indicators and recent price changes reveal a neutral to slightly bearish trend. The strong growth of $STRK over time still attracts the attention of investors. Coin's technology and use cases may continue to increase interest and stability despite the current hesitant feelings. #altcoins

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