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Esmu ievietojis rakstu par to, ka BTC noteikti nokritīs zem 60 000‼️🔥 Es arī publicēju stratēģiju, kas paredz, ka ETC ir jāiet uz ilgu laiku diapazonā no 3316 līdz 3356 pakalpojumā Binance, norādot precīzus punktus un virzienu. Pirms šī atsitiena Bitcoin jau bija nokrities zem 60 000 līdz zemākajam punktam aptuveni 59 000, likvidējot visus buļļus. Ja ETH turpinātu pieaugt, tas noteikti turpinātu pieaugt līdz 70 000, kamēr buļļi tiktu likvidēti, taču pēc pieauguma līdz 66 800 tas tikai pazeminās. Šis ir galvenais punkts, kurā mēs nevaram atpelnīt naudu, ilgstoši strādājot, un varam piesaistīt vairāk cilvēku, lai iegādātos ‼ Tāpēc kāpums ir licis investoriem iekrist slazdā, kas tiek vilināts uz ilgu laiku un novērst šīs ilgtermiņa lejupslīdes. Tagad ir pagājušas 15 dienas, un Bitcoin nokritās zem 60 000 tieši aprīļa beigās‼ Ps. Lai gan es izteicu precīzu prognozi par BTC iztrūkumu, es neveicu šo darījumu, jo tas pieaug pārāk pēkšņi. Es nevaru būt pārliecināts, ka varu gūt peļņu mūžīgi tāpat kā citi tā sauktie profesionālie tirgotāji. Es varu teikt tikai to, ka mana tirgus tendenču prognoze ir precīza. Tajā pašā laikā, ja es gūstu peļņu, es visiem parādītu savu ienākumu attēlu un pastāstītu visiem, ka mana prognoze ir precīza un kā es veicu tirgus tendenču analīzi bez rezervēm. #buythedip #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #bitcoin

Esmu ievietojis rakstu par to, ka BTC noteikti nokritīs zem 60 000‼️🔥

Es arī publicēju stratēģiju, kas paredz, ka ETC ir jāiet uz ilgu laiku diapazonā no 3316 līdz 3356 pakalpojumā Binance, norādot precīzus punktus un virzienu. Pirms šī atsitiena Bitcoin jau bija nokrities zem 60 000 līdz zemākajam punktam aptuveni 59 000, likvidējot visus buļļus. Ja ETH turpinātu pieaugt, tas noteikti turpinātu pieaugt līdz 70 000, kamēr buļļi tiktu likvidēti, taču pēc pieauguma līdz 66 800 tas tikai pazeminās. Šis ir galvenais punkts, kurā mēs nevaram atpelnīt naudu, ilgstoši strādājot, un varam piesaistīt vairāk cilvēku, lai iegādātos ‼

Tāpēc kāpums ir licis investoriem iekrist slazdā, kas tiek vilināts uz ilgu laiku un novērst šīs ilgtermiņa lejupslīdes. Tagad ir pagājušas 15 dienas, un Bitcoin nokritās zem 60 000 tieši aprīļa beigās‼

Ps. Lai gan es izteicu precīzu prognozi par BTC iztrūkumu, es neveicu šo darījumu, jo tas pieaug pārāk pēkšņi. Es nevaru būt pārliecināts, ka varu gūt peļņu mūžīgi tāpat kā citi tā sauktie profesionālie tirgotāji. Es varu teikt tikai to, ka mana tirgus tendenču prognoze ir precīza. Tajā pašā laikā, ja es gūstu peļņu, es visiem parādītu savu ienākumu attēlu un pastāstītu visiem, ka mana prognoze ir precīza un kā es veicu tirgus tendenču analīzi bez rezervēm. #buythedip #BinanceLaunchpool #BullorBear #bitcoin

Patiešām, mans ideālais ETH īsās pārdošanas mērķis ir virs 3300, aptuveni no 3316 līdz 3356, 😅 Bet šis BTC turpina pieaugt, un šis ETH apstājas pie 3230. Es esmu ļoti neizpratnē, vai tas ir tukšs vai ne. #比特币减半 36702702793
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Many people are asking me if the bull market is over⁉Where will the next bull market start and where is the lowest point for bottom fishing⁉ “Don’t talk about the highest point in bull market and don’t talk about the lowest point in the bear market.” This means that everyone should not to be too greedy to keep holding the positions when you are in the bull or bear market. You can make 60% profit by just operating according to the market only need to eat 60% of the market trends and you can’t make enough money‼ Do you still remember the group of people who poened the long position at 70,000, and those who called for bottom fishing at 60,000? Do you still remember the people who desperately said that the technical indicators diverged and took short position at 32,000 when the bull market started? The technical indicators have diverged from 32,000 to 70,000‼ You can imagine the consequences‼ I don’t know where the bull market willon ETH at come back, but I know where the stronger resistance line is. I am not sure that whether going short at 4086 is the end of the bull market or not. What I know is that this falling below 3,000 is to make those bulls lose money‼ That is why we can keep taking the short positions from 4,000 to 2,888 in the past two months, and our operation by opening long position with this fluctuation is amazing‼ If you can opreate the band trade to the extreme, then you can make huge profits within this fluctuating market trend.#MayMarketHighlights #Megadrop #Memecoins #bitcoinhalving #BTC
As I said, BTC will definitely fall below 60,000 in April‼ Does anyone think it will be bullish when they see a rebound? I have already said that the market has changed from the long position before the crash to eliminate those long-term bears, but these short sellersare more dangerous than I expected. Everyone knows that I called for going long at 3086 and I kept holdding this position untill it rose to 3320 on Sunday. At that time, I also told everyone that I would try to open short positions from 3316 to 3356, but I expected the highest point to appear at noon or afternoon on Monday, so I didn’t rush to open the short position. And it turned out that BTC rose to the highest point of 3369 in the early morning of Sunday, and I failed to open the short position. I am telling the truth and I have given everyone this analysis that BTC will rise from 3316 to 3356 then fall. Everyone has seen this and it is estimated that many fans have opened short position at this point. I will not be like a blogger said that he is always right and brags his analysis and predictions. As I said, the analysis and prediction of market trend I give to fans is the best and the most real. I mentioned that I would consider to go long within the range from 2688 to 2588. If it falls slowly, then I woulld consider to take the long position at 2756 and 2726, but the overall downward trend remains unchanged. I will continue to take the short position if there is a rebound, because I have always said that 60,000 is absolutely impossible to be the lowest point of Bitcoin‼#BinanceLaunchpool #BTC #bitcoin #Memecoins
On April 15, I posted an article that BTC would inevitably fall below 60,000‼ You can click on the link below to see this market trend of BTC‼ Based on the previous trend, why we can clearly predict that Bitcoin will fall below 60,000 on April 15? Do you remember that the first wave of Bitcoin rebound occurred at that time?I called for opening short position on ETH at 3254 to everyone on Binance, and it rose to 3269, and then plummeted to 2900. At that time, Bitcoin reached a high of around 66,800, which is a very obvious trend to lure long positions, because before this rebound Bitcoin had already fell below the 60,000 to the lowest point of around 59,000, having eliminated all the bulls. If ETH continued to rise, it would definitely continue to rise to 70,000 while the bulls were eliminated, but it just plunge after rising to 66,800. This is the key point where we cannot make money back by going long and can lure more people to buy in ‼ Therefore, the rise has made investors fall into the trap of being lured to going long and and eliminate those long-term bearish. Now 15 days have passed, and Bitcoin fell below 60,000 exactly at the end of April‼ Then the resistance line of ETH presented to everyone at that time was from 3316 to 3356. The highest point of ETH is 3369. I don't know if you have go short at this point‼ The point and analysis I presented to you were accurate, but I didn't make this trade. Because ETH was expected to rise to the highest point on Monday afternoon, so this prediction was accurate. Although it was a few hours behind my expected time and I didn't get this short sale, I did make a profit from this long sale.#bitcoin #BTC #Memecoins #BullorBear

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