Binance Square
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@CZ Pazemīgākais, konstruktīvākais un gudrākais cilvēks Blockchain industrijā četrus mēnešus pavadīs cietumā 😥. Tas ļoti sāp, bet tas ir neizbēgami. Es vēlos, lai es varētu ieņemt viņa vietu, bet tas nav iespējams. Ziniet, ka pateicoties jums, kriptovalūtu un tehnoloģiju entuziastu skaits pieaug. Jūs esat izglītojis vairāk nekā 300 000 cilvēku Āfrikā vien ar Binance akadēmijas sertifikātiem. Šodien man sāp, bet tajā pašā laikā esmu pateicīga un laimīga, ka esmu bijusi jūsu pasaulē. Paldies. Tu vienmēr būsi vispazemīgākais cilvēks, mans mīļotais mentors @CZ . ❤️ #CZBİNANCE #Fed

@CZ Pazemīgākais, konstruktīvākais un gudrākais cilvēks Blockchain industrijā četrus mēnešus pavadīs cietumā 😥. Tas ļoti sāp, bet tas ir neizbēgami. Es vēlos, lai es varētu ieņemt viņa vietu, bet tas nav iespējams.

Ziniet, ka pateicoties jums, kriptovalūtu un tehnoloģiju entuziastu skaits pieaug. Jūs esat izglītojis vairāk nekā 300 000 cilvēku Āfrikā vien ar Binance akadēmijas sertifikātiem.

Šodien man sāp, bet tajā pašā laikā esmu pateicīga un laimīga, ka esmu bijusi jūsu pasaulē. Paldies. Tu vienmēr būsi vispazemīgākais cilvēks, mans mīļotais mentors @CZ . ❤️



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The top projects that can make a X20 in this bull market!! 🚀 1- Sui Friends of $SUI, don't overlook this. They just surpassed Solana in daily transactions with 40 million (personally, I don't know if these are real transactions or bots ahaha) transactions compared to 26 million on Solana. Applications on Solana attract users with point systems and #airdrops. On $Sui, it's more organic, thus real usage. The only #blockchain that impressed me when I tested it is $Sui. I've always thought $Sui is the blockchain for video games. 🎮 2- Tia It's an amazing project. Celestia (TIA) is the first modular blockchain network that allows anyone to easily deploy their own blockchain with minimal overhead costs. Celestia disrupts blockchain architecture from the ground up. It's a minimal blockchain that reimagines consensus execution by introducing a new primitive, availability data sampling. Since Celestia doesn't impose any execution or settlement constraints, developers are free to define their own execution and settlement environments. This unlocks new, unrealized possibilities for builders and developers. 3- Tao The hub of AI projects, let's say Tao is like the bitcoin of AI. Currently not talked about much. 4- GRT The Graph is currently at the 50th rank in the cryptocurrency market. It had an all-time high of $2.88 on February 12, 2021, while the current price is around $0.2735, down by 80% from its all-time high. 5- RSR Guys, I don't need to talk too much about the potential of this token. NB: Guys, do your own research. Don't forget to support me by liking and sharing my post. 👍📈 #CryptoWatchMay2024 #BullorBear

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