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Laboratorijas #Terraform dibinātājs nepiedalījās savā tiesā un kāpēc Kriptogrāfijas uzņēmums un tā dibinātājs Do Kwon tika atzīti par vainīgiem krāpšanā saistībā ar Terra-Luna avāriju aprīļa sākumā. Viņu advokāti apgalvo, ka ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas piedāvātā 5,3 miljardu dolāru vietā ir jāpiemēro naudas sods 1 miljona dolāru apmērā. Pēc SEC lūguma piespriest soda naudu 4,7 miljardu ASV dolāru apmērā par atbrīvošanu un iepriekšēju spriedumu, kā arī kopumā 520 miljonu ASV dolāru civilsodu par dalību Terra-Luna sabrukumā, ceturtdien tiek iesniegts tiesas process. Vai Kwon un Terraform Labs cīnās pret miljardu dolāru soda naudu Saskaņā ar juristiem, kas pārstāvēja Kwon un Terraform Labs, blokķēdes platformai "jāpieliek ne vairāk kā 1 miljona dolāru civilsods". Prasībā teikts, ka SEC nav pierādījusi savas tiesības uz apjomīgo izpildrakstu un finansiālos sodus, ko tā pieprasa pret TFL. Kvons neieradās uz tiesas prāvu, kurā viņš tika atzīts par vainīgu 5. aprīlī. Savukārt Terraform Labs radītājs pēc negadījuma nevarēja pamest Melnkalni, jo bija izmantojis viltotu pasi, lai izvairītos no soda. "Neskatoties uz daudzajiem potenciālajiem kriptovalūtas ieguvumiem, pareizas reģistrācijas un atbilstības neesamībai ir nopietna un taustāma ietekme uz faktiskajām personām," sacīja Gurbirs S. Grevals, SEC izpildes direktors, paziņojumā, kas tika izdots vēlāk tajā pašā dienā. "Pateicoties ikviena centieniem, mēs turpināsim izmantot visus rīkus, kas mums ir pieejami, lai aizsargātu investorus. Tomēr kriptovalūtu tirgiem patiešām ir jāatbilst mūsu noteikumiem." Terraform Labs dibinātājs nepiedalījās savā tiesā un kāpēc Kvona izdošana ir strīdīgs jautājums starp viņa mītnes valsti Dienvidkoreju un ASV. Terra-Luna dibinātāja advokāti cenšas panākt viņa pārvešanu uz Dienvidkoreju, kur sods ir mērenāks. Ripple Labs tika sodīts vairāk nekā 2 miljardu dolāru apmērā, un Binance, savulaik vadošā kriptovalūtu birža, tika sodīts ar naudas sodu 4,3 miljardu dolāru apmērā; SEC pēdējā laikā ir agresīvi sodījusi vainīgos kriptogrāfijas uzņēmumus. #LUNC #LUNA $LUNA

Laboratorijas #Terraform dibinātājs nepiedalījās savā tiesā un kāpēc

Kriptogrāfijas uzņēmums un tā dibinātājs Do Kwon tika atzīti par vainīgiem krāpšanā saistībā ar Terra-Luna avāriju aprīļa sākumā. Viņu advokāti apgalvo, ka ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisijas piedāvātā 5,3 miljardu dolāru vietā ir jāpiemēro naudas sods 1 miljona dolāru apmērā.

Pēc SEC lūguma piespriest soda naudu 4,7 miljardu ASV dolāru apmērā par atbrīvošanu un iepriekšēju spriedumu, kā arī kopumā 520 miljonu ASV dolāru civilsodu par dalību Terra-Luna sabrukumā, ceturtdien tiek iesniegts tiesas process.

Vai Kwon un Terraform Labs cīnās pret miljardu dolāru soda naudu

Saskaņā ar juristiem, kas pārstāvēja Kwon un Terraform Labs, blokķēdes platformai "jāpieliek ne vairāk kā 1 miljona dolāru civilsods".

Prasībā teikts, ka SEC nav pierādījusi savas tiesības uz apjomīgo izpildrakstu un finansiālos sodus, ko tā pieprasa pret TFL.

Kvons neieradās uz tiesas prāvu, kurā viņš tika atzīts par vainīgu 5. aprīlī. Savukārt Terraform Labs radītājs pēc negadījuma nevarēja pamest Melnkalni, jo bija izmantojis viltotu pasi, lai izvairītos no soda.

"Neskatoties uz daudzajiem potenciālajiem kriptovalūtas ieguvumiem, pareizas reģistrācijas un atbilstības neesamībai ir nopietna un taustāma ietekme uz faktiskajām personām," sacīja Gurbirs S. Grevals, SEC izpildes direktors, paziņojumā, kas tika izdots vēlāk tajā pašā dienā. "Pateicoties ikviena centieniem, mēs turpināsim izmantot visus rīkus, kas mums ir pieejami, lai aizsargātu investorus. Tomēr kriptovalūtu tirgiem patiešām ir jāatbilst mūsu noteikumiem."

Terraform Labs dibinātājs nepiedalījās savā tiesā un kāpēc

Kvona izdošana ir strīdīgs jautājums starp viņa mītnes valsti Dienvidkoreju un ASV. Terra-Luna dibinātāja advokāti cenšas panākt viņa pārvešanu uz Dienvidkoreju, kur sods ir mērenāks.

Ripple Labs tika sodīts vairāk nekā 2 miljardu dolāru apmērā, un Binance, savulaik vadošā kriptovalūtu birža, tika sodīts ar naudas sodu 4,3 miljardu dolāru apmērā; SEC pēdējā laikā ir agresīvi sodījusi vainīgos kriptogrāfijas uzņēmumus.


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FTX files consensus-based restructuring, awaiting bankruptcy court approval The expected updated plan of reorganization from FTX Trading and its affiliates was filed today. FTX exchange shared a customer and creditor compensation scheme. Though still awaiting bankruptcy court approval, the strategy might boost sector liquidity. FTX submitted a consensus-based reorganization plan over two years (almost 17 months) after filing for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy in the District of Delaware. Thanking all stakeholders and promising to “return 100% of bankruptcy claim amounts plus interest for non-governmental creditors,” FTX CEO and CRO John J. Ray III said: We, the independent Board of Directors of FTX, send our sincerest gratitude.Finally, I appreciate FTX consumers and creditors' patience during this process. The concept has two main benefits for clients and creditors: “98% of FTX creditors to receive 118% of allowed claims in cash within 60 days of effectiveness. Other creditors to get 100% of allowable claims plus billions for investment time value.” Government and commercial partners would settle conflicts without expensive and lengthy litigation under the concept. The plan describes how the exchange would divide “virtually all of the assets associated with FTX at the time of its collapse in November 2022” to clients and creditors, pending Bankruptcy Court approval. No matter the asset price, they will be paid at 2022 crypto values. Assets controlled by the Joint Official Liquidators of FTX Digital Markets, Ltd. (Bahamas), the Securities Commission of The Bahamas, FTX Australia, the US Department of Justice, and dozens of private parties that assisted in recovery. Bloomberg reports that FTX has billions more than it needs to compensate clients for a November 2022 collapse. This allows the corporation to recover fully in bankruptcy. Creditor payments would boost crypto prices by increasing market liquidity. FTX coin FTT increased approximately 25% to $2.06 following this announcement. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #altcoins #ftt $FTT #ftx
Dogecoin may rise 15% before investors worry about sell-off. Dogecoin rose 30% between May 1 and 4. DOGE may surge 15% to $0.181 soon. A correction following this initial move might cause a severe drop to $0.116. Dogecoin (DOGE) price may reverse over a longer timeline. It might cause a short-term uptrend. Crossroads for Dogecoin On May 1, dogecoin price fell below the March 20 swing low, breaking the bullish market structure. This implies market uncertainty, which might reverse the upswing or foreshadow a bull market downturn that restarts the climb. Due to this market structure breach, DOGE might sweep the $0.181 weekly resistance level and correct to the $0.116 support floor or directly fall to $0.116 in the following days. The three-day Relative Strength Index (RSI) has dropped below the 50 mean level for the first time since February 24, and the Awesome Oscillator is about to drop below zero. On a high period, both momentum indicators indicate decreasing bullish momentum. Dogecoin price is expected to fall owing to a probable mean reversion play after a parabolic spike in March and liquidity below the equal lows created just above the $0.116 support floor. Dogecoin's price will likely fall in the next weeks as Bitcoin's prognosis remains unclear. DOGE's on-chain measurements indicate relief. The IntoTheBlock Global In/Out of the Money (GIOM) indicator reveals 82.67% of investors are “in the money.” However, the $0.152–$0.143 support zone is tiny and unlikely to hold if selling pressure spikes. Thus, 676,000 addresses bought 31 billion DOGE at $0.116, the following important milestone. If the price drops below their entry level, these investors will purchase more, creating a support zone. GIOM also indicates a weak immediate resistance zone at $0.176. DOGE bulls face a ceiling of $0.182–0.671, where 751,000 addresses that bought approximately 13.5 billion DOGE are “out of the money.” If DOGE reaches breakeven, these investors may sell. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Memecoins #DOGE $DOGE
PEPE Whales Move $21 Million Coins Here Are Destinations PEPE whales traded a lot of memecoin yesterday, according to on-chain statistics. These tokens are going here. PEPE whales were online today. Last day, Whale Alert reported two huge PEPE trades in a few hours. Both of these actions are characteristic of whales, who may impact the market due to their massive transfers. Their network position may affect bitcoin prices, thus their movements should be watched. What these investors wanted to accomplish determines how their transfers may affect the asset. As seen, this PEPE whale transaction's sending address was an unknown wallet, unaffiliated with any centralized platform like an exchange. These wallets are generally investors' self-control addresses. However, Binance is associated with the receiving address. This suggests that the whale transferred 1,238,332,920,144 PEPE (worth approximately $10.5 million at the time) from their wallet to the exchange. Such transfers are exchange inflows. When investors wish to sell on these platforms, they make exchange inflows. Thus, exchange inflows may hurt prices. Given the size of the transaction, PEPE may suffer if the whale made the deposit to sell. However, the second transaction from today is an exchange outflow, which is good news for meme coin investors. In this transaction, this PEPE whale shifted money from Binance to an unknown wallet. Long-term investors shift to personal addresses since it's safer outside central entities' control. Possibly, this whale will HODL these currencies. Interesting, this trade involves 1,241,850,000,000 PEPE ($10.5 million), identical to the exchange influx. Since the same trade is engaged in both, the same whale may be responsible. But because the addresses don't match, it's still unclear. In principle, an equal-sized exchange outflow hours following the influx should offset any negative consequences. PEPE is now trading at $0.000008445479, up 21% in a week. #altcoins #CryptoWatchMay2024 #pepe $PEPE
Whale Moves 800 Billion SHIB in 1 Minute: Big News, Shiba Inu Price Prediction SHIB has lost 6% in 24 hours, bringing the Shiba Inu price to $0.00002401 as the crypto market fell 1.5%. Despite a 2% weekly gain, the meme currency has dropped 10% in two weeks and 15% in 30 days. However, SHIB has gained 150% in the last year and remains popular with traders despite its ups and downs. Today's rise followed a whale's 875 billion SHIB transfer from Robinhood on May 2, indicating that the meme currency might rebound shortly. The purple relative strength indicator fell as low as 35 this morning, but it has since risen near 50, indicating that SHIB's cheap price is enticing buyers. SHIB's 30-day moving average (orange) is close below its 200-day (blue), indicating additional losses. It also suggests a bottom is near and the currency will shortly return. Additionally, SHIB's resistance (red) and support (green) levels are converging, which is promising. Convergence usually generates a pinch point that compels an asset to shift significantly in either direction. SHIB has been punished enough in recent days, so this decision should be helpful. In the tweet above, one huge trader acquired $20 million in SHIB a few days ago, which whales may anticipate. Smart money expects SHIB to rise shortly, and where whales lead, retail follows. The larger market will assist SHIB gain in the next weeks and months, since rate cuts will revive the crypto market. Since its creators raised $12 million for a privacy-focused layer-three network, Shiba Inu may have the best meme token foundations. Thus, by summer's end, Shiba Inu might hit $0.00004. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Memecoins #SHIB $SHIB
FLOKI's Price Declines 7% Monday saw a decline in the price of Floki Inu (FLOKI) as investors were cautious after the weekend's crypto market excitement and piled on the intriguing new GambleFi coin, Mega Dice As of recent trade, FLOKI was trading just south of $0.00017, a 7% daily decline. At its 50-day moving average (DMA), the meme currency has encountered firm resistance again, indicating that the bulls have not yet regained control. However, a closer glance at the charts reveals promising conditions for a possible upward surge in the near future. Floki Won't Drop to Zero Any Day Now, According to Favorable Chart Analysis The downward trend in the Floki price from its March highs was broken in late April. A highly positive indicator is that it found firm support in the last downturn at the beginning of May. Also, it seems that the Floki price has spent the last few weeks creating an ascending triangle. This pattern usually comes before bullish breakouts. If FLOKI manages to break out above $0.00020 shortly, we may see a return to the March highs over $0.00030 in no time. After breaking over this level of resistance, the Floki price may shortly test its previous highs. If the Floki price can overcome this resistance region, it may shortly test the recent highs. According to TradingView Floki isn't going down soon, according to bullish short-term technicals and long-term tailwinds like its solid community. Still, investing in FLOKI is a very risky move. There may be opportunity for growth, but with a market valuation of $1.7 billion, it will be challenging to achieve any increases. Floki and similar meme currencies may be easily dumped when pessimism sets in since they don't have any clear practical use. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #FLOKI #altcoins #Memecoins $FLOKI

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