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$XRP Cenu uzraudzība: vai šis 23 miljonu žetonu pirkšanas rallijs? Bitcoin tirgus joprojām ir lēns. XRP, Ripple vietējā kriptovalūta, ir optimisms pēc nesenās vaļu uzvedības. Otrdien valis nopirka 23 miljonus XRP, atdzīvinot interesi par apspriesto monētu. Whale Alert, kas seko milzīgiem bitcoin darījumiem, atrada pirkumu. Binance maiņas maka marķieru saņēmēja adrese nav zināma. Tomēr saņēmēja Binance lietojums liecina par notiekošu tirdzniecību. XRP var mainīties ar šo vaļu kustību, saka eksperti. Vaļu pirkumi parasti ir bijuši pirms cenu pieauguma. Daži eksperti brīdina par pārmērīgu interpretāciju. Vaļu darbību izraisa vairāki iemesli, un viens pirkums nenodrošina XRP pieaugumu. Nesenais XRP Open Interest kritums sarežģī lietas. Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Coinalyze ziņo, ka XRP OI ir samazinājies par 2,12%. Open Interest parāda visu kriptovalūtas nākotnes līgumu vērtību. Līdzdalības ar aizņemto līdzekļu īpatsvara samazināšanās var nozīmēt īstermiņa pārdošanas spiedienu. Analītiķi atzīmē, ka pastāvīgie līgumi, kas veido lielāko daļu XRP OI, joprojām sver vairāk nekā 374 miljonus ASV dolāru. Jauna iepirkšanās var mainīt Open Interest tendenci, paaugstinot cenu. XRP nākotni nevar apspriest, neminot tās SEC prāvu. Tiesas prāva, kurā tiek apgalvots, ka XRP ir nereģistrēti vērtspapīri, noteikti ir kavējusi tās darbību. Nesenajā lietu "ārstniecības līdzekļu fāzē" ir sniegti mājieni par izlīgumu, taču investori joprojām ir skeptiski. Galīgais rezultāts un grafiks joprojām nav zināmi, atstājot neskaidru XRP reglamentējošo statusu. XRP cenu perspektīva: spilgta vieta? XRP ir aptuveni USD 0,50, kas ir zemāks par 3 USD maksimumu. Tirgus lejupslīde un tiesiskā cīņa ietekmē cenas. Vaļu pirkšanas un SEC tiesas prāvas diskusijas XRP buļļos rada optimismu. Ilgstošs cenu kāpums ir atkarīgs no dažādām lietām. Lai XRP atveseļotos, lieta ir jāatrisina un tirgum jāatgūstas. #XRP #Ripple #HKETF

$XRP Cenu uzraudzība: vai šis 23 miljonu žetonu pirkšanas rallijs?

Bitcoin tirgus joprojām ir lēns. XRP, Ripple vietējā kriptovalūta, ir optimisms pēc nesenās vaļu uzvedības. Otrdien valis nopirka 23 miljonus XRP, atdzīvinot interesi par apspriesto monētu.

Whale Alert, kas seko milzīgiem bitcoin darījumiem, atrada pirkumu. Binance maiņas maka marķieru saņēmēja adrese nav zināma. Tomēr saņēmēja Binance lietojums liecina par notiekošu tirdzniecību.

XRP var mainīties ar šo vaļu kustību, saka eksperti. Vaļu pirkumi parasti ir bijuši pirms cenu pieauguma. Daži eksperti brīdina par pārmērīgu interpretāciju. Vaļu darbību izraisa vairāki iemesli, un viens pirkums nenodrošina XRP pieaugumu.

Nesenais XRP Open Interest kritums sarežģī lietas. Pēdējo 24 stundu laikā Coinalyze ziņo, ka XRP OI ir samazinājies par 2,12%. Open Interest parāda visu kriptovalūtas nākotnes līgumu vērtību. Līdzdalības ar aizņemto līdzekļu īpatsvara samazināšanās var nozīmēt īstermiņa pārdošanas spiedienu.

Analītiķi atzīmē, ka pastāvīgie līgumi, kas veido lielāko daļu XRP OI, joprojām sver vairāk nekā 374 miljonus ASV dolāru. Jauna iepirkšanās var mainīt Open Interest tendenci, paaugstinot cenu.

XRP nākotni nevar apspriest, neminot tās SEC prāvu. Tiesas prāva, kurā tiek apgalvots, ka XRP ir nereģistrēti vērtspapīri, noteikti ir kavējusi tās darbību.

Nesenajā lietu "ārstniecības līdzekļu fāzē" ir sniegti mājieni par izlīgumu, taču investori joprojām ir skeptiski. Galīgais rezultāts un grafiks joprojām nav zināmi, atstājot neskaidru XRP reglamentējošo statusu.

XRP cenu perspektīva: spilgta vieta?

XRP ir aptuveni USD 0,50, kas ir zemāks par 3 USD maksimumu. Tirgus lejupslīde un tiesiskā cīņa ietekmē cenas.

Vaļu pirkšanas un SEC tiesas prāvas diskusijas XRP buļļos rada optimismu. Ilgstošs cenu kāpums ir atkarīgs no dažādām lietām. Lai XRP atveseļotos, lieta ir jāatrisina un tirgum jāatgūstas.

#XRP #Ripple #HKETF

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As PEPE dips from recent high, will it rise again? After hitting an all-time high of $0.00001526 yesterday, Pepe has lost 4.5% to $0.00001365 in 24 hours. The meme currency is the best-performing top-100 token, up 37% in a week and 74% in a month. PEPE has risen 820% in a month, showing strong long-term momentum that should resume after today's fall. After ETH ETFs were approved yesterday, the market may turn optimistic, pushing Pepe to a new ATH. PEPE seems to be losing momentum after surging aggressively at the start of the week, with its signs indicating a pullback. Its purple relative strength index fell from 70 this morning to almost 40 as of writing, and it may continue to plummet during the next day. After many days of aggressively soaring over the 200-day (blue), the coin's 30-day average (orange) has began falling and may now go below it. PEPE may see a week-long retracement after achieving numerous fresh record highs in recent days. However, its volumes remain around record highs at $2.4 billion, with whales continuing buying the token in the previous 24 hours. Since demand and interest are still strong, the PEPE price may rebound and break its record high again. The SEC's approval of eight Ethereum ETFs yesterday bodes well for the meme token and market. Such ETFs may start next month, adding demand and volume to Ethereum and the market. This will boost bullishness across the board, particularly for PEPE, an Ethereum-based coin that whales have been buying for over a year. Thus, the Pepe price may grow to $0.0000150 in the next weeks and $0.000020 by Q4. #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #PEPE‏ $PEPE
Forecast for Bonk Price as $900 Million in Daily Volume While the price of BONK experiences a brief dip, the 24-hour trading volume has surged to $900M, suggesting the possibility of whale activity. In the last day, the price of BONK has dropped 5.64 percent, to $0.000033. This coincides with a general retracement in the cryptocurrency market. With a 35.43% rise over the last week, BONK has maintained its 21.82% monthly price increase. According to Binance statistics, the cryptocurrency has had a phenomenal return of 7,990.65% in the last year. This indicates that BONK is attracting a lot of attention from investors, as it is far higher than the returns of big tokens like BTC, ETH, and SOL in the last year. The 24-hour trade volume has increased to $902.9 million in the last few hours, suggesting that there may be a comeback in the near future. The purple relative strength indicator, in instance, has dropped from 90 to 35 in the last day. This indicates that BONK may be cheap and that a price rebound is possible, as it is oversold. Additional evidence, such as the persistence of a positive trendline (Yellow), lend credence to this. So, it seems like the recent pullback was just that—temporary—and not indicative of a full change in momentum. Moreover, the rising trend that began last week is being confirmed by the fact that the orange 30-day moving average of the meme currency is now heading higher than the blue 200-day average. With a 33% increase in only the previous week, the coin's trading volume has reached $900 million, lending credence to this viewpoint. This might be a sign that some major players are about to enter the market. Even though BONK is only a meme token with no underlying value, it often follows market trends. Hence, BONK may be propelled further by the return of 2021 market catalyst Roaring Kitty, the trader famous for starting the GameStop mania, and the recent approval of many US Ethereum Spot ETFs. So, by summertime, the Bonk price may hit $0.000040. #BONK #PEPE‏ #btc70k #buythedip $BONK
Leading developer Shytoshi Kusama Hints about SHIB Spot ETF The lively Shiba Inu community is excited as team member and head developer Shytoshi Kusama revives SHIB Spot ETF discussions. This tease comes amid mounting excitement over the SEC's approval of Ethereum Spot ETFs on Thursday, May 23. Shiba Inu Lead Dev Discusses SHIB Spot ETFs Shytoshi Kusama's suggestion on X (previously Twitter) has piqued Shiba Inu investors' and enthusiasts' curiosity, suggesting the project may be ready for a cryptocurrency sector shift. Kusama first congratulated the team on the newly authorized Ethereum spot ETFs in the X article. He said, “Congrats to our friends at Ethereum on the ETF approval.” He also wondered whether the discovery may lead to SHIB, specifically a spot ETF. The primary developer has let the Shiba Inu community or ShibArmy decide while he works on future improvements. Since Bitcoin exchange funds were approved in January, crypto enthusiasts have discussed a SHIB spot ETF. In February, the team discussed introducing SHIB items in its 10th magazine issue. The community was curious and hopeful when the cover page said “Wen SHIB ETF”. Many have been questioning, “Why not?” even though the SHIB magazine did not cover this prospective investment offering. Current initiatives may make SHIB a good option for institutional investment, notwithstanding industry reservations about its short-term viability. SHIB is also better off than other cryptocurrencies that are having problems being classed as commodities or securities since the SEC has never called it a security. Shiba Inu previously petitioned Grayscale Investments, the biggest asset management organization, for the items. said that the petition targeted former Grayscale CEO Michael Sonnenshein. The team highly urges the former CEO to apply for a SHIB spot ETF as the token meets the Howey test to be a non-security. They believe that without regulatory issues, the firm can go ahead more easily. #ETHETFsApproved #FIT21 #SHIB $SHIB #altcoins

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