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#MarketSentimentToday Bitcoin's Bull Flag Spurs $ 100 000 pieprasījumu Bitcoin vērša karogs liecina par tendences maiņu drīz, jo vadošais kriptovalūts sasniegs ievērojamus ieguvumus. Kripto analītiķis: kriptovalūta var sasniegt 100 000 USD, kad tā veiks šo kustību. Zivoe finanšu vadītājs produktu Deniss Baca atzīmēja, ka Bitcoin ikdienas buļļa karoga modelis parasti norāda uz lielāku peļņu. Viņš teica, ka bullish tendence "veidojas labi" un Bitcoin varētu sasniegt 100 000 USD, tiklīdz apjoms samazināsies. Baca teica, ka Bitcoin varētu pazemināties zem 60 000 USD pirms eksponenciālās izaugsmes. Viņš teica, ka kriptonauda parasti atkārtoti pārbauda 20 nedēļu SMA maijā. Tas var samazināt Bitcoin līdz 56 000 USD, viņš teica. Pašreizējā kriptovalūtu tirgus maksimālā robeža: USD 2,2 triljoni. TradingView diagramma Baca teica, ka šāds cenu kritums varētu būt “veselīgs” Bitcoin pirms maiņas. Viņš teica, ka šie kritumi "piedāvā stabilas pirkšanas iespējas", kas varētu palielināt Bitcoin līdz rekordaugstiem līmeņiem. Kripto analītiķis Mikybull Crypto arī apsprieda Bitcoin bullish tendenci. Viņš teica, ka struktūra atbalsta Bitcoin vēršu palaišanu un izslēdz negatīvu apvērsumu. Saskaņā ar Vaikofa cēloņu un seku noteikumu, “jo ilgāka konsolidācija, jo eksplozīvāks būs uzcenojums”. Viņš brīdināja, ka nākamais solis uz augšu var būt milzīgs. Bitcoin ir nepieciešams katalizators, lai pieaugtu Nexo Prime Brokerage vadītājs Andrejs Stoičevs sacīja, ka Bitcoin cenas nepaaugstināsies bez sprūda. Viņš teica, ka vadošajam kriptogrāfijas aktīvam ir spēcīgs atbalsts gandrīz 64 000 USD, taču bez sprūda tas tirgosies aptuveni USD 67 000. Par Spot Bitcoin ETF, kas izraisīja Bitcoin cenu pieaugumu, ir kritusies interese. Ievērojama neto aizplūde šajā mēnesī mudināja fondu emitentus pārdot Bitcoin, lai apmierinātu izpirkšanu. Tomēr Stoychev uzskata, ka Bitcoin nesasniegs 60 000 USD. Viņš sagaida, ka Bitcoin atgriezīsies līdz šim līmenim tikai tad, ja augstās procentu likmes saglabāsies ilgāk, nekā prognozēts, kas var sabojāt kriptovalūtu aktīvu noskaņojumu. Saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem Bitcoin tagad tiek pārdots par USD 62 900, kas ir par vairāk nekā 2% mazāks 24 stundu laikā. #bitcoin #BTC $BTC


Bitcoin's Bull Flag Spurs $ 100 000 pieprasījumu

Bitcoin vērša karogs liecina par tendences maiņu drīz, jo vadošais kriptovalūts sasniegs ievērojamus ieguvumus. Kripto analītiķis: kriptovalūta var sasniegt 100 000 USD, kad tā veiks šo kustību.

Zivoe finanšu vadītājs produktu Deniss Baca atzīmēja, ka Bitcoin ikdienas buļļa karoga modelis parasti norāda uz lielāku peļņu. Viņš teica, ka bullish tendence "veidojas labi" un Bitcoin varētu sasniegt 100 000 USD, tiklīdz apjoms samazināsies.

Baca teica, ka Bitcoin varētu pazemināties zem 60 000 USD pirms eksponenciālās izaugsmes. Viņš teica, ka kriptonauda parasti atkārtoti pārbauda 20 nedēļu SMA maijā. Tas var samazināt Bitcoin līdz 56 000 USD, viņš teica.

Pašreizējā kriptovalūtu tirgus maksimālā robeža: USD 2,2 triljoni. TradingView diagramma

Baca teica, ka šāds cenu kritums varētu būt “veselīgs” Bitcoin pirms maiņas. Viņš teica, ka šie kritumi "piedāvā stabilas pirkšanas iespējas", kas varētu palielināt Bitcoin līdz rekordaugstiem līmeņiem.

Kripto analītiķis Mikybull Crypto arī apsprieda Bitcoin bullish tendenci. Viņš teica, ka struktūra atbalsta Bitcoin vēršu palaišanu un izslēdz negatīvu apvērsumu.

Saskaņā ar Vaikofa cēloņu un seku noteikumu, “jo ilgāka konsolidācija, jo eksplozīvāks būs uzcenojums”. Viņš brīdināja, ka nākamais solis uz augšu var būt milzīgs.

Bitcoin ir nepieciešams katalizators, lai pieaugtu

Nexo Prime Brokerage vadītājs Andrejs Stoičevs sacīja, ka Bitcoin cenas nepaaugstināsies bez sprūda. Viņš teica, ka vadošajam kriptogrāfijas aktīvam ir spēcīgs atbalsts gandrīz 64 000 USD, taču bez sprūda tas tirgosies aptuveni USD 67 000.

Par Spot Bitcoin ETF, kas izraisīja Bitcoin cenu pieaugumu, ir kritusies interese. Ievērojama neto aizplūde šajā mēnesī mudināja fondu emitentus pārdot Bitcoin, lai apmierinātu izpirkšanu.

Tomēr Stoychev uzskata, ka Bitcoin nesasniegs 60 000 USD. Viņš sagaida, ka Bitcoin atgriezīsies līdz šim līmenim tikai tad, ja augstās procentu likmes saglabāsies ilgāk, nekā prognozēts, kas var sabojāt kriptovalūtu aktīvu noskaņojumu.

Saskaņā ar CoinMarketCap datiem Bitcoin tagad tiek pārdots par USD 62 900, kas ir par vairāk nekā 2% mazāks 24 stundu laikā.

#bitcoin #BTC $BTC

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#MarketSentimentToday Market Analysis: Will Mt. Gox's Bitcoin Distribution Impact Crypto Prices? Some investors worry about Bitcoin pricing after Mt. Gox distributes $9 billion worth of Bitcoin. Industry experts and large creditors think BTC's long-term optimistic potential will overcome its short-term volatility. After US spot Bitcoin ETFs are approved, many market professionals expect the market to absorb the new tokens. Nobuaki Kobayashi, Mt. Gox's Japanese trustee, revealed intentions to distribute Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash to creditors, Most applicants should get tokens by October. However, Bitcoin's price may be affected by this large-scale dispersion. Despite worries, major creditors and long-time market players believe Bitcoin will survive, Bloomberg reports. Many want to keep the allocated coins for price appreciation. Adam Back, CEO of blockchain technology startup Blockstream and a creditor, calls selling early in a bull market “illogical”. After a decade, Back shows waiting longer may provide better profits. CEO Brian Dixon says other creditors, such Off the Chain Capital, would sell Bitcoin only when “better investment opportunities arise,” citing Bitcoin's recent success as the best-performing asset. Dixon emphasizes the Bitcoin market's maturity following Mt. Gox's collapse. Despite its magnitude, he believes the distribution will not affect pricing. Pantera Capital portfolio manager Cosmo Jiang says the sum is large, but the distribution will take time, making it less market-actionable. Distributed tokens should be absorbed without disturbance due to $26.6 billion in daily Bitcoin trade. Mt. Gox BCH Sales in Distribution? Creditors don't expect the same token allocation to all claims. Instead, they anticipate the trustee to issue coins in tranches, maybe favoring earlier claims. This may reduce immediate market pressure. Galaxy Research forecasts that credit funds with 20,000 BTC will not sell large amounts. Their limited partners (LPs) should get Bitcoin in kind. #MtGox #btc70k #BTC $BTC
Crypto Altcoin Rises 20% on Apple Partnership Rumor After a recent statement by the Prime Minister's Office of Japan, JasmyCoin (JASMY), the “Bitcoin of Japan,” is causing a frenzy of conjecture. In a video call with Prime Minister Kishida and Apple CEO Tim Cook yesterday, Japan's My Number Card capability was confirmed for iPhones by next spring. Crypto Investors Expect Apple Partnership The revelation has caused JASMY's market value to rise 20% in 24 hours, making it the 67th biggest cryptocurrency by market cap. Altcoin 24-hour trading volume has increased 400% to $570 million. Despite months of speculations, JasmyCoin and the Japanese government's My Number Card scheme are not formally linked. Investors are betting on a connection based on Japan's digital strategy, which promotes Web3 technologies like blockchain and IoT, where JasmyCoin is a major participant. Kazumasa Sato, a former Sony executive, founded JasmyCoin in 2016 to protect IoT data transfers and storage. The coin may be part of Japan's Metaverse and NFTs-focused strategy to integrating modern technology into daily life. Jason's objective is to democratize data via safe management and storage solutions, enabling everyone to own their personal data. An incorrect Binance Square article suggests JASMY's direct connection with iPhone's My Number Card capability, fueling speculation over JasmyCoin's participation. No authoritative sources support this allegation. In recent public speeches, the Japanese Prime Minister has stressed the significance of digital changes and Web3 advances for economic development. The Japanese government's digital agenda indirectly benefits JasmyCoin due to its bullish view for blockchain technology. JASMY's recent market action shows how fickle cryptocurrency markets are, where rumors and expectations may cause price changes. Although JasmyCoin indirectly supports Japan's digital goals, direct agreements or connections with government programs like the My Number Card have not been verified. #Apple #Jasmy #altcoins #btc70k $JASMY
PayPal Launches PYUSD on Solana: Will SOL Reach $1,000? Market growth and PayPal's stablecoin PYUSD's introduction on Solana have eased selling pressure, raising the Solana price. Amid market development, the SOL price rose 1.52% to $169.57 in 24 hours. In a turnaround from recent days, SOL gained 1.75% weekly and 36.54% monthly. SOL outperformed BTC and ETH with a 727.06% return last year. SOL has considerable investor interest due to its great performance. Additionally, SOL's 24-hour volume has dropped 7.95% to $2,561B, indicating reduced selling pressure. Will SOL Reach $1,000? SOL dropped in the previous 24 hours but has subsequently shown indications of recovery and may be ready to break out of consolidation. Technical analysis of Solana pricing. Source: Binance. SOL has found strong support around $164.97 but resistance at $173.16 in recent days, leading it to consolidate within the price range (yellow). SOL may enter an uptrend if it breaks above this zone. Other signs include the purple Relative Strength Index, which has risen from 40 to 80 in 24 hours. As purchasing pressure exceeds selling pressure, momentum may turn upward. SOL's 24-hour volume fell 7.95% to $2,561B, supporting this possibility. SOL outflows have decreased, indicating easing selling pressure. Additionally, SOL's 30-day moving average (orange) is approaching the 200-day (blue). If it crosses over the 200-day moving average, this short-term bullish momentum may impact the long-term trend upward. Technical indications predict short-term price gains, but fundamentals will likely drive long-term development. Given Solana's market valuation of $78.37B, it would need to hit $460B to reach $1000 per token, matching Ethereum. #ETHETFsApproved #Sol #Paypal #Solana $SOL
#MarketSentimentToday PEPE Nears Shiba Inu's Market Cap: Can It Overtake SHIB and DOGE? As selling pressure eases and market growth continues, Pepe is up, challenging Shiba Inu and Dogecoin for the top meme currency by market valuation. The PEPE price rose 9.43% to $0.00001479 in 24 hours with market expansion. PEPE's 24-hour volume fell 13.94% to $1.92B billion, indicating reduced selling pressure. Despite recent losses, PEPE has gained 8.36% this week, extending its 143.81% monthly gain. PEPE outperformed BTC, ETH, and SOL last year with 1,087.50%. Can Pepe Beat SHIB and DOGE? After falling for 48 hours, PEPE may be rallying. Its Relative Strength Index (Purple) rose from 25 to 60 in 24 hours. As purchasing pressure exceeds selling pressure, momentum may turn upward. This prognosis is backed by PEPE's 13.94% drop to $1.92B in 24-hour volume. PEPE has less inflows, indicating a decrease in selling pressure. A negative trendline (yellow) has held PEPE back for 48 hours. PEPE may enter an uptrend if it breaks above this trendline. Since their crossing, the meme coin's 30-day moving average (orange) has trended below the 200-day (blue). This means the downturn may continue before a full uptrend. The negative price movement may be a transitory correction in an uptrend. PEPE is the third-largest meme currency with a $6.21B market value. SHIB at $15.59B and DOGE at $24.38B are two of the most established meme currencies. PEPE has to treble its market value to become the biggest meme currency, but its potential upside makes this ambition plausible. While DOGE and SHIB have significant market capitalization, their gains are limited. This may encourage investors to choose PEPE. #PEPE #DOGE #memecoins $PEPE #SHIB
Mid-2020 Bitcoin Whale Indicator Flashes Signal Before 500% Surge CryptoQuant CEO Ki Young-Ju saw parallels in Bitcoin's market behavior between now and mid-2020, when prices stagnated but on-chain activity was considerable. Two charts and a post on X highlighted Young-Ju's findings, suggesting a strong undercurrent of large-volume transactions outside public exchange networks. The first graphic, showing data until 2020, displays Bitcoin's price and the realized cap for new whales, a statistic that records the aggregate value at which wealthy investors last bought Bitcoin. It values each UTXO at its last traded price rather than its current market price. This indicator shows the network's coins' realized worth, not their market value. This value spiked in mid-2020, when Bitcoin's price was bored like in previous months, trading around $10,000. Young-Ju said this time was marked by strong on-chain activity, which subsequent investigation revealed featured institutional OTC transactions. Despite Bitcoin's price being sideways for nearly 100 days, the second chart, extending to 2024, shows even more rise in the realized cap for new whales. The figure shows a daily $1 billion increase to new whale wallets, which are addresses storing massive sums of Bitcoin and commonly owned by institutional or well-funded individuals. Ki Young-Ju added: “Same vibe on Bitcoin as mid-2020. BTC was about $10k for 6 months with heavy on-chain activity, ultimately disclosed as OTC trades. Despite little price volatility, $1B is added daily to new whale accounts, presumably custody. He supported his findings with a September 2020 tweet that said, "BTC transferred hits the year-high, and those TXs are not from exchanges." All exchanges' FFR falls to a year-low. Something’s occurring. Possible OTC deals.” This contrast and the high realized cap for new whales imply large-scale investors are still accumulating, as in mid-2020. #btc70k #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved $BTC

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