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Kā Ripple reaģēja uz SEC smalko pieprasījumu? Kāda bija tirgus reakcija? Juridiskajā cīņā starp Ripple un SEC galvenā uzmanība tika pievērsta 2 miljardu dolāru lielajam sodam, ko SEC pieprasīja no Blockchain uzņēmuma. Lai gan SEC pieprasa no Ripple kompensāciju 876 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā, tā pieprasa arī gandrīz 200 miljonus ASV dolāru procentus. Regulators arī norādīja, ka uzņēmumam ir jāmaksā papildu 876 miljoni ASV dolāru, lai segtu civiltiesiskos sodus. Tas nozīmē, ka Ripple var izbeigt juridisko procesu, samaksājot sodu gandrīz 2 miljardu dolāru apmērā. Tomēr šķiet, ka Blockchain uzņēmums nepieņem SEC naudas sodu. Vai neesat pārliecināts, kā izpirkt kodu? Varat noskatīties video, ko mēs rādām soli pa solim. Atbildē tiesai 22.aprīlī Ripple norādīja, ka lieta nav izraisījusi neuzmanīgus darījumus vai nav krāpšana, un piedāvāja maksāt daudz mazāku sodu. Attiecīgi Ripple savā kopsavilkuma atbildē plāno samaksāt civiltiesisko sodu 10 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā. Savā paziņojumā Ripple advokāts Stjuarts Alderotijs SEC lūgumu interpretēja kā soli, kas sperts, lai iebiedētu kriptovalūtu nozari ASV. Ripple izpilddirektors Breds Gārlinghauss izteica līdzīgus paziņojumus, noraidot naudas sodu, brīdinot, ka SEC darbībām un politikai būs negatīva ietekme ilgtermiņā. Savā kopsavilkuma atbildē Ripple arī apgalvoja, ka ir veikti nepieciešamie atjauninājumi, ka XRP tirdzniecība ir panākta saskaņā ar tiesas rīkojumu un ka tā atbilst normatīvajām prasībām gan ASV, gan starptautiskā mērogā. Ripple arī norādīja, ka ir gatavi sadarboties likuma ietvaros arī turpmāk. Šķiet, ka XRP kopienai kopumā ir pievīlusi zemā izlīguma iespējamība tiesvedības procesā, kas tiek uzskatīta par lielāko XRP tirdzniecības problēmu. $BTC $XRP

Kā Ripple reaģēja uz SEC smalko pieprasījumu? Kāda bija tirgus reakcija?

Juridiskajā cīņā starp Ripple un SEC galvenā uzmanība tika pievērsta 2 miljardu dolāru lielajam sodam, ko SEC pieprasīja no Blockchain uzņēmuma.

Lai gan SEC pieprasa no Ripple kompensāciju 876 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā, tā pieprasa arī gandrīz 200 miljonus ASV dolāru procentus. Regulators arī norādīja, ka uzņēmumam ir jāmaksā papildu 876 miljoni ASV dolāru, lai segtu civiltiesiskos sodus. Tas nozīmē, ka Ripple var izbeigt juridisko procesu, samaksājot sodu gandrīz 2 miljardu dolāru apmērā. Tomēr šķiet, ka Blockchain uzņēmums nepieņem SEC naudas sodu.

Vai neesat pārliecināts, kā izpirkt kodu? Varat noskatīties video, ko mēs rādām soli pa solim.

Atbildē tiesai 22.aprīlī Ripple norādīja, ka lieta nav izraisījusi neuzmanīgus darījumus vai nav krāpšana, un piedāvāja maksāt daudz mazāku sodu. Attiecīgi Ripple savā kopsavilkuma atbildē plāno samaksāt civiltiesisko sodu 10 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā.

Savā paziņojumā Ripple advokāts Stjuarts Alderotijs SEC lūgumu interpretēja kā soli, kas sperts, lai iebiedētu kriptovalūtu nozari ASV. Ripple izpilddirektors Breds Gārlinghauss izteica līdzīgus paziņojumus, noraidot naudas sodu, brīdinot, ka SEC darbībām un politikai būs negatīva ietekme ilgtermiņā.

Savā kopsavilkuma atbildē Ripple arī apgalvoja, ka ir veikti nepieciešamie atjauninājumi, ka XRP tirdzniecība ir panākta saskaņā ar tiesas rīkojumu un ka tā atbilst normatīvajām prasībām gan ASV, gan starptautiskā mērogā. Ripple arī norādīja, ka ir gatavi sadarboties likuma ietvaros arī turpmāk.

Šķiet, ka XRP kopienai kopumā ir pievīlusi zemā izlīguma iespējamība tiesvedības procesā, kas tiek uzskatīta par lielāko XRP tirdzniecības problēmu.


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Ripple CEO Made the Final Point: SEC Will Lose! A 10-fold Increase in Cryptocurrencies is Possible in 10 Years! Important statements continue to come one after another in the #Ripple-SEC case, one of the biggest unknowns of cryptocurrencies. After the victorious decisions about the company and its officials in July last year, there was movement in the XRP price, and this attracted great attention from XRP supporters around the world. Recently, company official Brad Garlinghouse also made an important statement about the future of the case. Brad Garlinghouse, #CEO of Ripple Labs, one of the important names in the cryptocurrency world and who is currently fighting an individual fight with the SEC, states that the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will lose at the end of the day in its long-term fight against cryptocurrencies. CEO Garlinghouse joined the World Class podcast. In a new interview on the podcast he participated in, he stated that the SEC's anti-crypto stance and sanctions do not mean much. They will lose in the long run. If you look at crypto's continued growth over a ten-year period, it's nothing. This is a speed bump because I am very optimistic about the future of crypto. Twenty years from now we'll look back and say, 'God, that was terrible.' But you know what, it's a little bump. To me, the market will be measured in many, many, many, many trillions, changing the way a lot of transactions work because it's a way to reduce friction, reduce cost, [and] make things more efficient. It will win in the long run, the best technology usually wins in the long run. On the other hand, Garlinghouse also made a statement about the development of the crypto industry. Stating that the progress in cryptocurrencies is certain, Garlinghouse also added that even the US dollar, one of the best managed fiat currencies in the world, has lost its purchasing power over time This is inevitable. We're currently talking about a $2.5 trillion. Look, do I think this will grow 10-fold in the next five to 10 years? Yes, no problem… It feels safe. $BTC $XRP
No XRP, DOGE, SHIB on the list! Here are 3 Altcoins with the Potential to Take Over the Market in Bullishness! In the crypto market, everyone's eyes seem to be turned to the altcoin season, which is thought to start at the end of the summer and will continue until the end of the year. In this process, everyone's eyes turned to altcoins that were thought to rise further. Considering that there are thousands of altcoins in the market, it may not be easy to predict which ones will show clearer increases in this situation. Despite this, let's examine some altcoins that have rising potential. In the process that started in mid-2023, Solana influenced the entire market. Being at the forefront of every price rise has positioned it differently. Solana was again behind the meme coin craze of March 2024. #Solana meme coins have taken over the market, so to speak. While all this is happening, at the point we have reached today, SOL, the native token of the Solana network, is currently trading at $ 146 after a slight price increase in the last 24 hours. The increase in demand on the token side was crowned with a 151% increase in the transaction volume in the last 24 hours, and this increase brought a volume of 2.3 billion dollars. On the other hand, SOL's market volume surpassed 65 billion dollars again after the increase. #SOL continues to follow BNB, currently ranking 5th among the top 10 cryptocurrencies in terms of volume on CoinmarketCap. Polygon appears before investors as a layer-2 solution that emerged with the motto of being one of the best alternatives for the Ethereum network. Polygon gained great popularity after its emergence. In this context, it should be noted that MATIC, the native token of the network, is among the top 20 cryptocurrencies in terms of volume with a market value of over 6.6 billion dollars. $BTC $SOL $DOGE
Here is the Bitcoin (BTC) and Altcoin Portfolio of Celebrities! While Arkham stated that the wallets of many famous names have already been detected, it announced their current portfolios in its latest post. Stating that he identified the addresses of more than 100 celebrities with more than 1 million followers in his post, Arkham announced the cryptocurrency portfolios of the top five famous names according to the number of followers. 1.Justin Bieber Arkham, which first examined Justin Bieber, stated that the famous name has 451 thousand dollars worth of cryptocurrency. Accordingly, while Bieber's biggest investment is Ethereum, he also has altcoins such as #APE and DOG in his wallet. 2.Donald Trump Secondly, examining Donald Trump, Arkham said that Trump owns $7 million worth of crypto. While TRUMP is his biggest investment, he also has various meme tokens such as ETH and #PEPE in his wallet. 3.Neymar JR Arkham thirdly examined Neymar JR, who has 63.4 million followers. Accordingly, while the biggest investment of the famous name, who has 55.7 thousand dollars worth of crypto money, is ETH, he also has various altcoins such as APE, #POODLE and ENG in his wallet. 4. Jimmy Fallon Examining Jimmy Fallon, who has 49.8 million followers, Arkham said that the famous name has 112.8 thousand dollars worth of crypto. While his biggest investment is ETH, his wallet also includes various altcoins such as APE, #LCX , JUSTICE. 5.Kevin Hart Arkham, which last examined Kevin Hart, who has 36.7 million followers, said that the famous name has crypto worth 39.8 thousand dollars. While Hart's biggest investment is ETH, he also has altcoins such as POODLE and #JUSTICE in his wallet. $BTC $ETH $APE

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