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šŸ˜° Kritiski jauna attÄ«stÄ«ba Terra (LUNA) un SEC lietā: Miljardi dolāru sarunās ASV VērtspapÄ«ru un biržu komisija (SEC) lÅ«dza Ņujorkas tiesu piespriest uzņēmumam Terraform Labs un tās lÄ«dzdibinātājam Do Kvonam lielu naudassodu 5,3 miljardu dolāru apmērā, pamatojoties uz to, ka viņi bija iesaistÄ«ti Terra (LUNA) sabrukumā 40 miljardu dolāru apmērā. ekosistēma 2022. gadā. Terraform Labs un Kwon tika notiesāti par apsÅ«dzÄ«bām krāpÅ”anā Ŕī mēneÅ”a sākumā. Manhetenas žūrija konstatēja, ka uzņēmums un Kwon maldināja investorus par viņu tā sauktās ā€œalgoritmiskāsā€ vietējās stabilās monētas Terra USD (UST) stabilitāti un Terra blokķēdes izmantoÅ”anas gadÄ«jumiem. SEC, kas iesniedza galÄ«go spriedumu divas nedēļas pēc sēdes beigām, pieprasa Terraform Labs un Kwon samaksāt zaudējumu atlÄ«dzÄ«bu un piesardzÄ«bas procentus USD 4,74 miljardu apmērā. Turklāt regulators pieprasa atlÄ«dzināt zaudējumus 520 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā, tostarp 420 miljonus ASV dolāru no Terraform Labs un 100 miljonus ASV dolāru tieÅ”i no Kwon. SEC pamatoja kopējo summu pievienotajā memorandā, kas iesniegts tiesai, norādot, ka Kwon un Terraform Labs "ieguva vairāk nekā 4 miljardus USD nelikumÄ«gu peļņu (un, iespējams, daudz vairāk) no savas nelikumÄ«gās rÄ«cÄ«bas." Saskaņā ar tiesas dokumentiem LUNA un MIR pārdoÅ”anas apjomi institucionālajiem investoriem sasniedza attiecÄ«gi 65,2 miljonus un 4,3 miljonus ASV dolāru. LUNA un UST pārdoÅ”anas apjoms ar Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) starpniecÄ«bu sasniedza 1,8 miljardus USD. Turklāt investori no 2021.Ā gada jÅ«nija lÄ«dz 2022.Ā gada maijam dažādās kriptovalÅ«tas tirdzniecÄ«bas platformās iegādājās UST 2,3 miljardu dolāru vērtÄ«bā. SEC piebilda, ka soda summa ir "konservatÄ«va", bet "saprātÄ«ga pieeja" Terraform un Kwon "nelikumÄ«gi iegÅ«tajiem ieguvumiem". Papildus lielajiem naudas sodiem SEC arÄ« meklē pagaidu atvieglojumus, lai neļautu Kwon un Terraform Labs izdarÄ«t turpmākus vērtspapÄ«ru pārkāpumus un pirkt vai pārdot "jebkurus kriptoaktÄ«vu vērtspapÄ«rus". Regulators arÄ« vēlas noteikt amatpersonu un direktora aizliegumu, kas aizliegtu Kvonam strādāt par amatpersonu vai direktoru publiskajā uzņēmumā, par ko ziņo SEC. $LUNA #LUNA #TerraLabs

šŸ˜° Kritiski jauna attÄ«stÄ«ba Terra (LUNA) un SEC lietā: Miljardi dolāru sarunās

ASV Vērtspapīru un biržu komisija (SEC) lūdza Ņujorkas tiesu piespriest uzņēmumam Terraform Labs un tās līdzdibinātājam Do Kvonam lielu naudassodu 5,3 miljardu dolāru apmērā, pamatojoties uz to, ka viņi bija iesaistīti Terra (LUNA) sabrukumā 40 miljardu dolāru apmērā. ekosistēma 2022. gadā.

Terraform Labs un Kwon tika notiesāti par apsÅ«dzÄ«bām krāpÅ”anā Ŕī mēneÅ”a sākumā. Manhetenas žūrija konstatēja, ka uzņēmums un Kwon maldināja investorus par viņu tā sauktās ā€œalgoritmiskāsā€ vietējās stabilās monētas Terra USD (UST) stabilitāti un Terra blokķēdes izmantoÅ”anas gadÄ«jumiem.

SEC, kas iesniedza galÄ«go spriedumu divas nedēļas pēc sēdes beigām, pieprasa Terraform Labs un Kwon samaksāt zaudējumu atlÄ«dzÄ«bu un piesardzÄ«bas procentus USD 4,74 miljardu apmērā. Turklāt regulators pieprasa atlÄ«dzināt zaudējumus 520 miljonu ASV dolāru apmērā, tostarp 420 miljonus ASV dolāru no Terraform Labs un 100 miljonus ASV dolāru tieÅ”i no Kwon.

SEC pamatoja kopējo summu pievienotajā memorandā, kas iesniegts tiesai, norādot, ka Kwon un Terraform Labs "ieguva vairāk nekā 4 miljardus USD nelikumīgu peļņu (un, iespējams, daudz vairāk) no savas nelikumīgās rīcības."

Saskaņā ar tiesas dokumentiem LUNA un MIR pārdoÅ”anas apjomi institucionālajiem investoriem sasniedza attiecÄ«gi 65,2 miljonus un 4,3 miljonus ASV dolāru. LUNA un UST pārdoÅ”anas apjoms ar Luna Foundation Guard (LFG) starpniecÄ«bu sasniedza 1,8 miljardus USD. Turklāt investori no 2021.Ā gada jÅ«nija lÄ«dz 2022.Ā gada maijam dažādās kriptovalÅ«tas tirdzniecÄ«bas platformās iegādājās UST 2,3 miljardu dolāru vērtÄ«bā.

SEC piebilda, ka soda summa ir "konservatīva", bet "saprātīga pieeja" Terraform un Kwon "nelikumīgi iegūtajiem ieguvumiem".

Papildus lielajiem naudas sodiem SEC arī meklē pagaidu atvieglojumus, lai neļautu Kwon un Terraform Labs izdarīt turpmākus vērtspapīru pārkāpumus un pirkt vai pārdot "jebkurus kriptoaktīvu vērtspapīrus". Regulators arī vēlas noteikt amatpersonu un direktora aizliegumu, kas aizliegtu Kvonam strādāt par amatpersonu vai direktoru publiskajā uzņēmumā, par ko ziņo SEC.

$LUNA #LUNA #TerraLabs

Atruna: iekļauti treÅ”o puÅ”u pausti viedokļi. Å Ä« informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu.Ā Skati lietoÅ”anas noteikumus.
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šŸ”„ Here are Two Crucial Dates for Shiba Inu (SHIB) In the wake of the recent market downturn, weā€™ve outlined how May 11 and 12 could significantly impact Shiba Inuā€™s short and medium-term price movements. The recent market downturn has put various crypto assets, like Shiba Inu (SHIB), in hot waters. Shiba Inu has recorded massive losses in the past few days, plunging 8.45% in the weekly charts. šŸ”ø Importance of May 11 and 12 to Shiba Inu Amid the ongoing downturn across the broader market, Shiba Inu faces two crucial dates ā€“ May 11 and 12 ā€“ which could potentially determine the assetā€™s short-term trajectory. May 11 and 12 are imperative for SHIB because they represent the days when the asset is expected to test a significant resistance around the 50-day EMA (Exponential Moving Average). In the meantime, Shiba Inu is signaling an imminent price spike after it found support at the 100 EMA indicator. Historically, the 100 EMA indicator has served as a robust base for price rebounds, with recent trends suggesting that SHIB is primed for such a resurgence. With Shiba Inu recently finding support around the 100 EMA indicator, there is a likelihood that the canine-themed token will attempt to breach the resistance at 50 EMA in the coming days, particularly on May 11 and 12 It bears mentioning that the 50 EMA indicator marks the most significant resistance level currently facing SHIB. Breaching this resistance could pave the way for a bullish rally for SHIB and vice versa. šŸ”ø Massive Volatility Ahead Meanwhile, Shiba Inu has been experiencing narrowing price bands, which usually occur before a period of heightened volatility. This narrowing suggests that Shiba Inuā€™s price is consolidating, gathering momentum before a substantial move occurs. As the price compression intensifies, it establishes a buildup of potential energy, thus increasing the chances of a spike in volatility. Interestingly, movements characterized by increased volatility, as anticipated due to the narrowing price bands, usually act as potential triggers for breaching resistance. $SHIB #SHIB
šŸ‹ Whale Activity Boosts Dogecoin Holdings DogecoinĀ investors, during recentĀ marketĀ movements, saw theĀ priceĀ drop from $0.1686 to $0.1423 and accumulated DOGE. Recently, on May 6th, DOGE moved above the price level of $0.168, which brought 5.21 million addresses into a profitable position. However, after this, the situation reversed. A minor correction in the price was observed throughout May 7th. According to on-chain data provided by Santiment, DOGE whales took advantage of this drop and purchased 265.86 million DOGE tokens. šŸ”ø DOGE Accumulating Whales According to data from the on-chain platform Santiment, addresses holding between 100 million and 1 billion DOGE increased their holdings by 1%, capturing 21% of the total supply on May 7th. Interestingly, the number of tokens held by these whales increased by 265.86 million DOGE, valued at approximately $41.2 million. This increase was significant in the market compared to the 342 million DOGE that left their possession the day before the whale entry. The latest data reveals that accumulation on exchanges is still ongoing. Meanwhile, recent data shared by the whale tracking platform Whale Alerts indicates that 120 million DOGE tokens, valued at 18 million dollars, were purchased from the cryptocurrency exchange Robinhood and transferred to wallets within a few hours. šŸ”ø The Significance of DOGE and Whale Movements Whale activity and sentiment are essential for any cryptocurrency, especially for aĀ meme tokenĀ like Dogecoin, whose value is mostly driven by hype and market sentiment rather than demand for utility. These whales typically move the market, and accumulation or selling by a few large traders can alter the sentiment of other investors. At the time of writing, DOGE was trading at $0.1448. The price correction that occurred between May 6th and May 9th seems to be continuing. Despite this, the price is still above the $0.143 level it jumped to during that period. Currently, DOGE has seen a 4% decrease in the last 24 hours and a 4% decrease over the last seven days. $DOGE #DOGE
šŸ”„ Ethereum and Solanaā€™s Market Dynamics In the volatile landscape of cryptocurrencyĀ markets, Ethereum andĀ SolanaĀ have become notable focal points forĀ investorsĀ and analysts alike. Ethereum, the leading altcoin by volume, and Solana, often dubbed as a significant contender, are both experiencing pivotal price movements. These fluctuations highlight the intricacies and uncertainties inherent in theĀ market, raising questions about their future trajectories. šŸ”ŗ Insights into Solanaā€™s Market Position Solana shows signs of gearing up for a potential rise above the $160 mark, a key resistance level identified by the 50-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA). This EMA is not only a crucial indicator of mid-term market trends but also often acts as a robust level of resistance or support. If Solana successfully surpasses this threshold, it could trigger a substantial upward price movement. However, the current bearish market sentiment and low trading volumes complicate this outlook. Historical trends suggest that reduced volumes might reflect a lack of market confidence in sustained positive momentum. šŸ”ŗ Assessing Ethereumā€™s Current Challenges On the other hand, Ethereum is currently struggling to breach the 100 EMA mark. Remaining below this critical point suggests a reluctance among traders to commit to a bullish stance on Ethereum. This reluctance is also mirrored by its price hovering below $3,100, distancing it further from a clear upward trajectory. Should Ethereum continue to operate below the 100 EMA, it could prompt a retest of the lower 50 EMA, potentially redefining its market strategy. šŸ”ŗ Key Takeaways for Investors ā–«ļø The 50 EMA and 100 EMA are critical technical indicators that could dictate the short-to-medium term price movements of Solana and Ethereum respectively. ā–«ļø A successful break above these levels may signify a turning point, whereas failure to do so could reinforce bearish trends. ā–«ļø InvestorsĀ should monitor trading volumes as they provide clues about the marketā€™s confidence and potential price directions. $SOL $ETH #SOL #ETH
āš ļø š—–š—暝˜‚š—°š—¶š—®š—¹ š—„š—¶š—½š—½š—¹š—² (š—«š—„š—£) š— š—¼š˜ƒš—² š—³š—暝—¼š—ŗ š—¢š—»š—² š—¼š—³ š—š—®š—½š—®š—»ā€™š˜€ š—Ÿš—®š—暝—“š—²š˜€š˜ š—™š—¶š—»š—®š—»š—°š—¶š—®š—¹ š—œš—»š˜€š˜š—¶š˜š˜‚š˜š—¶š—¼š—»š˜€ SBI Holdings, one of Japan's leading financial institutions, announced its decision to join XRP Ledger (XRPL) as a validator. The company's cryptocurrency subsidiary, SBI VC Trade, will begin operating as a node operator for the protocol starting May 10, 2024, to support the growth of the XRPL ecosystem. SBI Holdings has a long-standing history of using XRP Ledger through Ripple Payments, a blockchain payment infrastructure provider that leverages XRP to facilitate global payments. Building on this relationship, SBI Holdings has expanded its relationship with XRPL through SBI VC Trade, becoming the latest node operator to join the network. A representative from SBI VC Trade said: šŸ’¬ ā€œš™Šš™Ŗš™§ š™˜š™¤š™¢š™„š™–š™£š™® š™Øš™©š™–š™§š™©š™šš™™ š™Ŗš™Øš™žš™£š™œ š™“š™š™‹ š™‡š™šš™™š™œš™šš™§ š™–š™Ø š™– š™«š™–š™”š™žš™™š™–š™©š™¤š™§. š˜½š™® š™˜š™¤š™£š™Øš™žš™™š™šš™§š™žš™£š™œ š™–š™£ š™¤š™„š™šš™§š™–š™©š™žš™¤š™£š™–š™” š™Øš™®š™Øš™©š™šš™¢ š™©š™š™–š™© š™§š™šš™›š™”š™šš™˜š™©š™Ø š™©š™š™š š™«š™¤š™žš™˜š™š š™¤š™› š™“š™š™‹-š™š™¤š™”š™™š™žš™£š™œ š™˜š™Ŗš™Øš™©š™¤š™¢š™šš™§š™Ø, š™¬š™š š™¬š™žš™”š™” š™—š™š š™–š™—š™”š™š š™©š™¤ š™Ŗš™Øš™š š™©š™š™š š™“š™š™‹ š™‡š™šš™™š™œš™šš™§ š™–š™£š™™ š™„š™§š™¤š™˜š™šš™Øš™Ø š™“š™š™‹ š™©š™§š™–š™£š™Øš™–š™˜š™©š™žš™¤š™£š™Ø š™¢š™¤š™§š™š š™™š™žš™§š™šš™˜š™©š™”š™®.ā€ Apart from joining the protocol as a validator, SBI VC Trade also aims to enter the Unique Node List (UNL), a list of trusted node operators that play an important role in ensuring the integrity of the network. However, the company's contributions and achievements as a protocol node operator will determine its eligibility for the list. $XRP #XRP #Japan

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