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šŸ˜±šŸ”„PubļoÅ”ana ir oficiāli notikusi: kas notiek tagad? Visas acis ir vērstas uz Bitcoin Uz pusi ir notikusi #Bitcoin , un bloka atlÄ«dzÄ«bas ir samazinājuŔās no 6,25 #BTC lÄ«dz 3,125 BTC, paredzamā Bitcoin samazināŔana uz pusi ir oficiāli notikusi. AtlÄ«dzÄ«bas, kas pieŔķirtas kalnračiem, samazinājās uz pusi 840 000. blokā plkst. 00.09 pēc UTC laika. Saskaņā ar to kalnrači no bloka atlÄ«dzÄ«bas nopelnÄ«s 3125Ā BTC, nevis 6,25Ā BTC, lÄ«dz nākamajai pusei 2028.Ā gadā. Tādējādi dienā saražoto Bitcoins apjoms arÄ« tika ierobežots lÄ«dz 450Ā BTC, kamēr tas bija 900Ā BTC. Kriptonaudas tirgÅ« visi gaidÄ«ja Å”odienu. pēc iepriekŔējās samazināŔanas uz pusi 2020.Ā gadā investori bija sākuÅ”i gaidÄ«t 2024.Ā gadu. 4Ā gadu gaidÄ«Å”ana beidzās ar Å”odienu, un sadalÄ«Å”ana uz pusi tika pabeigta bez traucējumiem. Kā pusizināŔana ietekmēs Bitcoin? Uz pusi samazināŔana ir mehānisms, kas ļauj Bitcoin nodroÅ”ināt paredzamu inflāciju. Pateicoties sadalÄ«Å”anai uz pusi, kas notiek ik pēc četriem gadiem, jaunu Bitcoin palaiÅ”anas ātrums pakāpeniski palēninās. Å is noteikums, ko noteica Bitcoin radÄ«tājs SatoÅ”i Nakamoto, padara Bitcoin par deflācijas aktÄ«vu. Tā kā dienā saražotā Bitcoin daudzums samazināsies no 900 BTC lÄ«dz 450 BTC, ogļraču radÄ«tais pārdoÅ”anas spiediens Ä«stermiņā samazināsies. Vidējā un ilgtermiņā tiks izlaists uz pusi mazāk Bitcoin nekā iepriekÅ”. Domājams, ka Ŕī situācija arÄ« pozitÄ«vi ietekmēs cenu. RetrospektÄ«vi izceļas kāpumi, kas novēroti pēc sadalÄ«Å”anas uz pusēm. Bitcoin bija palielinājies par 9 tÅ«kstoÅ”iem procentu 12 mēneÅ”u laikā pēc pirmās uz pusi 2012. gadā. 2016. gadā tas bija 375 procenti, bet 2020. gadā ā€“ 600 procenti. Palēninājums, ko piedzÄ«voja Bitcoin pēc samazinājuma uz pusi, ir ļāvis izveidot saikni starp samazinājumu uz pusi un cenu pieaugumu. Investori ar nepacietÄ«bu gaida, lai redzētu, kā Bitcoin cenai veiksies pēc pēdējās uz pusi, ko mēs atstājām. #bitcoinhalving #binance

šŸ˜±šŸ”„PubļoÅ”ana ir oficiāli notikusi: kas notiek tagad? Visas acis ir vērstas uz Bitcoin

Uz pusi ir notikusi #Bitcoin , un bloka atlÄ«dzÄ«bas ir samazinājuŔās no 6,25 #BTC lÄ«dz 3,125 BTC, paredzamā Bitcoin samazināŔana uz pusi ir oficiāli notikusi. AtlÄ«dzÄ«bas, kas pieŔķirtas kalnračiem, samazinājās uz pusi 840 000. blokā plkst. 00.09 pēc UTC laika. Saskaņā ar to kalnrači no bloka atlÄ«dzÄ«bas nopelnÄ«s 3125Ā BTC, nevis 6,25Ā BTC, lÄ«dz nākamajai pusei 2028.Ā gadā. Tādējādi dienā saražoto Bitcoins apjoms arÄ« tika ierobežots lÄ«dz 450Ā BTC, kamēr tas bija 900Ā BTC.

Kriptonaudas tirgÅ« visi gaidÄ«ja Å”odienu. pēc iepriekŔējās samazināŔanas uz pusi 2020.Ā gadā investori bija sākuÅ”i gaidÄ«t 2024.Ā gadu. 4Ā gadu gaidÄ«Å”ana beidzās ar Å”odienu, un sadalÄ«Å”ana uz pusi tika pabeigta bez traucējumiem.

Kā pusizināŔana ietekmēs Bitcoin?

Uz pusi samazināŔana ir mehānisms, kas ļauj Bitcoin nodroÅ”ināt paredzamu inflāciju. Pateicoties sadalÄ«Å”anai uz pusi, kas notiek ik pēc četriem gadiem, jaunu Bitcoin palaiÅ”anas ātrums pakāpeniski palēninās. Å is noteikums, ko noteica Bitcoin radÄ«tājs SatoÅ”i Nakamoto, padara Bitcoin par deflācijas aktÄ«vu.

Tā kā dienā saražotā Bitcoin daudzums samazināsies no 900 BTC lÄ«dz 450 BTC, ogļraču radÄ«tais pārdoÅ”anas spiediens Ä«stermiņā samazināsies. Vidējā un ilgtermiņā tiks izlaists uz pusi mazāk Bitcoin nekā iepriekÅ”. Domājams, ka Ŕī situācija arÄ« pozitÄ«vi ietekmēs cenu.

RetrospektÄ«vi izceļas kāpumi, kas novēroti pēc sadalÄ«Å”anas uz pusēm. Bitcoin bija palielinājies par 9 tÅ«kstoÅ”iem procentu 12 mēneÅ”u laikā pēc pirmās uz pusi 2012. gadā. 2016. gadā tas bija 375 procenti, bet 2020. gadā ā€“ 600 procenti. Palēninājums, ko piedzÄ«voja Bitcoin pēc samazinājuma uz pusi, ir ļāvis izveidot saikni starp samazinājumu uz pusi un cenu pieaugumu.

Investori ar nepacietību gaida, lai redzētu, kā Bitcoin cenai veiksies pēc pēdējās uz pusi, ko mēs atstājām.

#bitcoinhalving #binance

Atruna: iekļauti treÅ”o puÅ”u pausti viedokļi. Å Ä« informācija nav uzskatāma par finansiālu padomu. Var bÅ«t iekļauts apmaksāts saturs.Ā Skati lietoÅ”anas noteikumus.
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šŸ˜±šŸ‡®šŸ‡·Iranian President Ibrahim Reisi passed away: Gold, silver and Bitcoin are moving While the world was talking about the death of the country's president Ibrahim Reisi and foreign minister Hussein Emir Abdullahiyan as a result of yesterday's helicopter crash in Iran, the night hours were busy for gold, silver and #Bitcoin While the yellow metal refreshed the record, silver also continued its rise. Bitcoin, on the other hand, experienced a decline in the first place and then rose again. While the deaths of Iranian President Ibrahim Reisi and Foreign Minister Hussein Emir Abdullahiyan in yesterday's helicopter crash are sitting on the world agenda at night, the repercussions of the incident on the markets that will be opened today are also eagerly awaited. Gold and silver are rising Ounces of gold and silver, which have experienced sharp rises in recent days, continued their upward trend after the news of the accident spread. Last week, an ounce of silver, which exceeded $ 30 for the first time in 11 years, also passed $ 32 during the night hours. An ounce of gold also continued its rise again and reached an all-time peak, surpassing $ 2440. Bitcoin fell first, then rose The emergence of the accident news brought a decline in Bitcoin in the first place, unlike gold and silver. The largest cryptocurrency, while trading above 67 thousand dollars, fell to 66 thousand dollars with the news. Bitcoin, on the other hand, snapped above 67 thousand dollars again in the morning. #BTC #binance #Iranian
šŸ”„šŸ’„ChatGPT Comparison: Which Meme Coin Will Perform Best This Year? #DOGE and #SHIB are Among the Contenders Dec. The Memecoin sector has attracted the attention of industry participants over the past few months, and a large number of assets have experienced priority price fluctuations. The engagement has witnessed the progress of some of its tokens, which have been on the market recently, and the success of others that have been part of the industry for years. Taking into account the intense interest in the topic, he decided to show chatgpt which memecoin will perform the best in 2024. The artificial intelligence-powered chatbot began to predict the market capitalization with the description - Dogecoin and Shiba Inu. Although DOGE was created as a joke in 2013, it has been an eventful rally image over the past few years and has risen above the all-time high of $0.70 in 2021. Currently, it is hovering around $0.15, which represents a significant downgrade from the peak but also represents a 100% upside to competitors tracked in May 2023. Endorsements from high-profile figures such as Elon Musk, Tesla's CEO, are there for performance. Not so long ago, the HOME giant integrated doge as a paying option on its website. Shiba Inu (SHIB), known as Dogecoin, has also made great strides. While the price has increased by over 180% year on year, a recent study estimates that meme has the strongest supporter base in the coin field. Its future success is based on many factors, such as the further development of the layer-2 blockchain solution - Shibarium, the place of combustion, utility lovers and general investment interest. #MemeWatch2024 #binance #memecoins
šŸŽ™ļøšŸ”„Crypto love of the music world: Paris Hilton Madonna Justin Bieber Which altcoins are in your portfolio? Paris Hilton The famous singer Paris Hilton, who also has many followers in our country, is also one of those who invest in #altcoins Hilton's wallet contains Origin Protocol (OGN) worth 26 thousand dollars, #ApeCoin (APE) worth 12 thousand dollars, Wrapped Ethereum (WETH) worth 5 thousand 600 dollars. Paris Hilton Hilton, on the NFT side, has a total of 3 thousand 915 unique works. The most valuable part of the digital artwork portfolio is an NFT bearing the name Paris Hilton Drip. The piece in question has a base price of 62 thousand 240 dollars. The financial value of Hilton's total altcoin and NFT wallets is 415 thousand dollars. Justin Bieber With close to 300 million Instagram followers, Justin Bieber, one of the most well-known music artists in the world, is closely interested in cryptocurrencies. The presence of Ethereum as a weight in Bieber's cryptocurrency wallet catches the eye. The world star has ETH worth 455 thousand dollars, APE worth 15 thousand dollars and DIONE worth 4 thousand dollars. Justin Bieber's NFT wallet contains a total of 13 thousand 997 NFTs, while the most expensive product is ā€œMy Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy by BEEBLEā€ with an estimated valuation of 50 thousand 700 dollars. The current value of Bieber's crypto and NFT investments is $ 1 million. Madonna Popstar Madonna, who defies the years, is a name close to cryptocurrencies, unlike most of her peers. Although Madonna's investments are small compared to other names, the famous name has not neglected altcoins and NFTs. Madonna's crypto wallet contains only 1 Ethereum (ETH) worth 3 thousand 100 dollars. The famous name has 182 works from 81 collections on the NFT side. In addition to two works worth 50 thousand dollars in the NFT wallet of the world star, Donald Trump's cartoonish image attracts attention. The value of Madonna's total investment is currently 110 thousand dollars. #ETH #binance #BTC
šŸ˜±šŸ”„Elon Musk's Latest Critical Statement Excited Dogecoin and XRP Armies Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has recently used X (formerly Twitter) to announce several major developments on the platform. This announcement created a wave of enthusiastic anticipation in the #Dogecoin (DOGE) and #XRP communities, igniting speculation about the future course of X. Musk's tweet revealed that a very important milestone for X has been completed: all core systems moving to the field. This news received enthusiastic reactions, especially from users associated with DOGE and XRP. Many users filled the comments section with an ever-recurring question: Will X now include DOGE as a pay option? Cryptocurrency Integration in X: Is It a Possibility? Although there are no official announcements regarding the integration of Dogecoin (DOGE) or XRP, X is expected to be announced soon its move to has sparked controversy within the cryptocurrency community. Speculations regarding the potential impact that X's adoption of any cryptocurrency, such as DOGE, could have on its adoption and value. This is especially meaningful given Elon Musk's influence on DOGE price. It is important to note that similar rumors about XRP payouts have recently been debunked, emphasizing the need for official approval of X before finalization. X Announces Humorous Artificial Intelligence Feature Musk, beyond the news of the transition to, the XAI-powered X chatbot announced a future-oriented feature for Grok AI. Grok AI "will soon offer a humorous take on the news, in keeping with the spirit of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report in ancient times." This addition instills a dose of personality into X, especially targeting users who like cheerful news comments. It is not yet known how this feature will affect user engagement, but it represents a unique approach in the social media environment. #binance #MemeWatch2024 #memecoins

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