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#MarketSentimentToday #Binance Nostiprina savu pozīciju AAE Binance FZE, Binance Dubaijas uzņēmums, saņēma pilnu virtuālo aktīvu pakalpojumu sniedzēja (VASP) licenci no Dubaijas, blokķēdei draudzīgas pilsētas. Piekļuvi var iegūt privātie un institucionālie investori Binance FZE VASP licence ļauj tai apkalpot privātos un institucionālos investorus Dubaijā, ziņo vietējie mediji. Binance FZE tagad var nodrošināt tūlītēju tirdzniecību, maržinālo tirdzniecību kvalificētiem lietotājiem un likmju likšanu atsevišķiem patērētājiem ar šo licenci. Binance izpilddirektors Ričards Tengs bija sajūsmā par licenci: Sasniedzot atzīto pilna tirgus VASP licenci, tas būtiski akcentē mūsu pastāvīgo apņemšanos mainīt finanšu vidi, izmantojot atbilstību un inovācijas. Šis sasniegums parāda mūsu apņemšanos nodrošināt atvērtību, atbilstību normatīvajiem aktiem un atbildīgu dinamisko digitālo līdzekļu paplašināšanu. VASP licences iegāde parāda Binance apņemšanos nodrošināt atbilstību un regulētus kriptovalūtas pakalpojumus. Pēc Nigērijas un ASV varas iestāžu kritikas birža iecēla jaunu direktoru padomi, lai nodrošinātu atbilstību globālajiem tiesību aktiem. Saskaņā ar Binance FZE ģenerāldirektora Aleksa Čehada teikto, šis regulējuma sasniegums biržai ir ļoti svarīgs: Tas ir milzīgs sasniegums, kas apliecina mūsu centību nodrošināt drošus, prasībām atbilstošus un augstas kvalitātes pakalpojumus. Dubaija ir tālredzīga pilsēta, kas atzīst blockchain finansiālās iespējas. Binance aug AAE Binance FZE tagad var pārdot nākotnes līgumus un opcijas kvalificētiem un institucionāliem investoriem ar jauno licenci. Atbilstības amatpersona un riska nodaļas vadītājs Meera Judge teica, ka Binance FZE ir apņēmusies nodrošināt atbilstību un riska pārvaldību: Binance FZE VASP licence pastiprina uzņēmuma atbilstības un riska pārvaldības centienus. Šī licence parāda mūsu apņemšanos pret lietotājiem un regulatoriem un pastiprina mūsu pārredzamo un atbildīgo praksi. Stefānija Emīla, operāciju vadītāja, sacīja, ka VASP licence sniedz jaunas izredzes un ka organizācija ir “satraukta par šo nākamo nodaļu.” #Megadrop #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear


#Binance Nostiprina savu pozīciju AAE

Binance FZE, Binance Dubaijas uzņēmums, saņēma pilnu virtuālo aktīvu pakalpojumu sniedzēja (VASP) licenci no Dubaijas, blokķēdei draudzīgas pilsētas.

Piekļuvi var iegūt privātie un institucionālie investori

Binance FZE VASP licence ļauj tai apkalpot privātos un institucionālos investorus Dubaijā, ziņo vietējie mediji.

Binance FZE tagad var nodrošināt tūlītēju tirdzniecību, maržinālo tirdzniecību kvalificētiem lietotājiem un likmju likšanu atsevišķiem patērētājiem ar šo licenci. Binance izpilddirektors Ričards Tengs bija sajūsmā par licenci:

Sasniedzot atzīto pilna tirgus VASP licenci, tas būtiski akcentē mūsu pastāvīgo apņemšanos mainīt finanšu vidi, izmantojot atbilstību un inovācijas. Šis sasniegums parāda mūsu apņemšanos nodrošināt atvērtību, atbilstību normatīvajiem aktiem un atbildīgu dinamisko digitālo līdzekļu paplašināšanu.

VASP licences iegāde parāda Binance apņemšanos nodrošināt atbilstību un regulētus kriptovalūtas pakalpojumus. Pēc Nigērijas un ASV varas iestāžu kritikas birža iecēla jaunu direktoru padomi, lai nodrošinātu atbilstību globālajiem tiesību aktiem.

Saskaņā ar Binance FZE ģenerāldirektora Aleksa Čehada teikto, šis regulējuma sasniegums biržai ir ļoti svarīgs:

Tas ir milzīgs sasniegums, kas apliecina mūsu centību nodrošināt drošus, prasībām atbilstošus un augstas kvalitātes pakalpojumus. Dubaija ir tālredzīga pilsēta, kas atzīst blockchain finansiālās iespējas.

Binance aug AAE

Binance FZE tagad var pārdot nākotnes līgumus un opcijas kvalificētiem un institucionāliem investoriem ar jauno licenci.

Atbilstības amatpersona un riska nodaļas vadītājs Meera Judge teica, ka Binance FZE ir apņēmusies nodrošināt atbilstību un riska pārvaldību:

Binance FZE VASP licence pastiprina uzņēmuma atbilstības un riska pārvaldības centienus. Šī licence parāda mūsu apņemšanos pret lietotājiem un regulatoriem un pastiprina mūsu pārredzamo un atbildīgo praksi.

Stefānija Emīla, operāciju vadītāja, sacīja, ka VASP licence sniedz jaunas izredzes un ka organizācija ir “satraukta par šo nākamo nodaļu.”

#Megadrop #bitcoinhalving #BullorBear

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Will You Be a Good Investor Today If the Price of Pepe Falls 5% in the Next 24 Hours? In the last 24 hours, the cryptocurrency market has lost 3%, while the PEPE price has fallen 5% to $0.056866. In spite of this decline, PEPE is still up 7% for the week and 22.5% over the previous 14 days, even if the meme currency has down 14% in the past month. Even then, one might argue that the only thing these losses do is provide traders a chance to purchase the token at a relative bargain; PEPE is still riding high after a remarkable 2,000% rise in a year. This indicates that PEPE has a lot of medium- and long-term momentum, which might lead to additional rallies for the token soon. Is It Time to Invest in Pepe Now That Its Price Has Dropped to 9.7 Percent? While PEPE's chart and indicators aren't looking great right now, that should change shortly. The currency is now in an oversold position, from which it often recovers, as its relative strength index (purple) fell to 30 this morning. Simultaneously, the 30-day average (orange) of PEPE is trending downwards, and it is almost touching the 200-day average (blue). If it falls below, PEPE will be selling at a steep discount, which might attract investors who would likely send the price soaring again. The fact that the meme token's 24-hour trading volume is still quite high is reassuring. At $600 million, it's up more than 750% in the last three months. Accordingly, we may be seeing the start of a market turnaround soon, and the Federal Reserve may announce several interest rate decreases this year. Under these conditions, PEPE may hit $0.000010 in the summer and $0.000020 in the fourth quarter. #Fed #Memecoins #pepe $PEPE
Bitcoin To $300,000? Crypto Pundit Reveals Drivers Crypto analyst: Bitcoin's price swings might lead to $300,000. Key technical signs and patterns outlined by the expert might lead BTC to a new all-time high. Bitcoin to Enter Aggressive Bull Cycle TradingView analyst ‘TradingShot’ predicted Bitcoin will reach $300,000. TradingShot found that Bitcoin has tested and maintained the Mayer Multiple (MM) Mean and is consolidating after analyzing its price movements from 2012 to 2024. The Mayer Multiple (MM) Mean technical indicator calculates the price-200-day moving average ratio. It also determines Bitcoin's undervaluation, overvaluation, or fairness. The crypto researcher showed a BTC price chart with multiple green arrows indicating the bull cycle's most active stage. Green arrows were highlighted in different places from 2013, 2017, and 2021, following Bitcoin halving dates. Interestingly, the research included Fibonacci extensions from earlier cycles. TradingShot found a unique pattern to Bitcoin's price cycles by analyzing Fibonacci extensions from the MM Mean's lows to highs preceding it. The crypto expert said that Cycle 1 had risen slightly beyond Fib 2.0 and Cycle 2 was double its Fibonacci extension at 4.0. At 6.0, Cycle 3 was twice Cycle 2's Fibonacci extension. The expert predicted a twofold spike in Cycle 4 of the 2024 Bitcoin cycle, reaching a Fibonacci extension of 8.0. Though speculative, my prediction would push BTC to $300,000. TradingShot admitted that his estimates were technical due to exact measurements from past high-to-low cycles since Bitcoin reached the MM Mean. He said that when the MM Mean was slightly violated, the recovery was strong. BTC Price Falling Although TradingShot is hopeful about Bitcoin's future, the cryptocurrency has been falling lately. Over the last month, the cryptocurrency has fallen 11.16%. Thus, crypto expert Michael van de Poppe predicted more devastating downturns for Bitcoin. #bitcoin #BTC #Fed $BTC
Latest Meme Coin Pre-Sale Drops Soon, Causing a 10% Drop in $BONK Price As the market cap of market leaders Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) dropped, the value of Solana's second-largest meme currency, Bonk (BONK), also dropped, falling 8% overnight. The current price of one Bonk is $0.00002427, as of Monday AM UTC. From its all-time high of $0.00004547 on March 4 of this year, it has fallen by over 50%. For context, according to CoinGecko, Bitcoin fell 2.3% overnight and is now trading at about $62,309, and Ethereum fell 4.3% and is now trading at $3,171. Meme currencies, in comparison to the market leaders, have taken a beating recently. The market cap of Dogecoin (DOGE), the leading cryptocurrency in this space, dropped 5.3% to $0.1413. While Bonk's chain mate and #1 Solana meme currency DogWifHat (WIF) declined 3.5% in the previous 24 hours, Pepe (PEPE) and Floki (FLOKI) both plummeted 8% overnight. Cryptocurrency investors have become more risk cautious due to concerns that the U.S. central bank may decide to maintain interest rates higher for an extended period of time at this week's Federal Reserve meeting. But there is one indicator that Bonk is doing well. Its value has increased by 17.5% from last week at the current pricing. This seven-day gain outpaces the market valuation of every single cryptocurrency in the top 100 today. On BONK's trading chart, we can see the usual ups and downs of token prices over the last three months. Although Bonk has been trading fairly steadily after its market-wide jump in late February and early March, it did rally to its ATH. Bonk is expected to maintain its current degree of stability in the near future, thanks to the token's solid support around its current price and an RSI reading of 40 and rising. #Fed #Memecoins #BONK
$SHIB Retraces With Market Volatility—Is It Time to Load Up? Shiba Inu fell 4% in 24 hours to $0.00002358 while the crypto market fell 2%. SHIB is down 12% in a week and 21% in a month, but it still has a 128% gain in the last year. Since SHIB is on a long-term uptrend, today's selloff may be a good time to buy the coin. Since the market is expected to recover shortly, this chance won't continue long. SHIB's chart shows the coin's performance during the last week, although its indications are reaching historical thresholds for a rebound. The chart below's biggest characteristic is the coin's resistance (red) and support (green) levels converging, reaching a pinch point when a huge move generally occurs. SHIB's relative strength index (purple) suggests a favorable advance, since the RSI went below 30 this morning. This indicates that the coin is oversold and inexpensive compared to previous price swings. The weekend saw SHIB's 30-day average (orange) fall below its 200-day (blue), indicating a need to reverse course. Less positive is Shiba Inu's trade volume, which is $400 million today compared to $13 billion in early March. This signals a large reduction in token demand, yet the market may still ignore SHIB despite its fundamentals. Last week, Polygon Ventures and other investors gave Shiba Inu's creators $12 million to construct a privacy-focused layer-three network. This indicates how Shiba Inu plans its development and evolution, making it an ecosystem rather than a meme token. This is shown by ShibaSwap, its DEX, and Shibarium, its layer-two network that has completed over 400 million transactions. Due of its usefulness, the Shiba Inu price may rise to $0.000040 by summer. #SHIB #Memecoins #Fed
💰💰💰💰💰5 Key Takeaways from Bitcoin's Hardest Month Since 2022 Bear Run Bitcoin (BTC) is at a ten-day low ahead of April's closing. Market experts are scrutinizing key support points as selling activity remains strong. As April ends, Bitcoin (BTC) is at ten-day lows, causing concern. The cryptocurrency is under substantial resistance after a week of Wall Street trading hours dumping. Bitcoin's Worst 2024 Month? Bitcoin bulls face economic and geopolitical uncertainty throughout April. Bitcoin might have its worst month of 2024 by the April candle closure. With seller interest between the current price and fresh all-time highs, the situation remains challenging. The price discovery is just $12,000 away, but these levels appear unattainable. Thus, market analysts are looking on important support zones if bearish pressure continues. Future View Some optimists believe the BTC/USD is just fluctuating and will continue the Q1 bull market. This recovery may be encouraged by the introduction of its own spot Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong, less than four months after a similar debut in the US. BTC/USD fell into the Asia session after the weekly close, disappointing Bitcoin traders. Even at $62,000, April may lose more than 12%. This would be Bitcoin's worst month since November 2022. The debut of spot Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong next week is anticipated to revolutionize Bitcoin institutional usage. This might boost Bitcoin liquidity and stabilize prices. However, regulatory settings, investor opinion, and macroeconomic variables affecting bitcoin prices will determine its success and market influence. Analysts are increasingly interested in Bitcoin's short-term holders' aggregate cost basis as it approaches critical support levels. This speculative investor group holds BTC for a maximum of 155 days. Despite weak BTC price movement, smaller retail investor interest is returning. Bitcoin wallets under 100 BTC are expanding exposure, suggesting retail holders are acquiring Bitcoin again. #BullorBear #bitcoin #BTC $BTC

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