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Shiba Inu cenu prognoze kā meme monētu tirgus vāciņš pirmo reizi samazinās kopš marta Shiba Inu cena šodien nokritās par 8% līdz 0,0000216 USD, savukārt kriptovalūtu tirgus 24 stundu laikā nokritās par 4,5%. SHIB nedēļas laikā ir samazinājies par 24% un 30 dienu laikā par 16%, savukārt mēmu marķieris gada laikā ir palielinājies par 85%. Laikā, kad mēmu žetonu tirgus ir piedzīvojis pirmo ievērojamo ierobežojumu samazināšanos kopš marta, SHIB un Dogecoin ir cietuši. Tomēr noteiktas mēmu valūtas, jo īpaši pirmspārdošanas marķieri, nepakļaujas šai tendencei un demonstrē izaugsmi. SHIB ir vidēja termiņa lejupslīde, ar vājām indikācijām un bez izredzēm uz atveseļošanos. Pēc tam, kad vakar nedaudz atguvās līdz 60, tā relatīvā spēka indekss (violeta) pēc 24 stundām atkal ir samazinājies. SHIB 30 dienu mainīgais vidējais rādītājs (oranžs) turpina kristies, bet ir krietni zem 200 dienu vidējā rādītāja (zils), norādot uz pārpārdoto teritoriju. Tirgus var aizņemt dažas dienas, lai atgūtos, bet SHIB 1 miljarda ASV dolāru tirdzniecības apjoms liecina par tirgus interesi. Pašlaik tā pretestības (sarkans) un atbalsta (zaļais) līmenis ir vērsts uz leju, tāpēc tirgotājiem ir jābūt pacietīgiem. Tā kā vismaz viens valis iepriekšējā nedēļā radīja intriģējošu materiālu, tas drīz var atgriezties pie izaugsmes. Viedā nauda prognozē, ka SHIB drīz atsāksies, un tirgus, visticamāk, atbalstīs to atveseļošanos, ja entuziasms atgriezīsies. Kalnračiem zaudējot 50% no saviem ieņēmumiem, Bitcoin samazinājums uz pusi varētu būtiski ietekmēt cenas, taču kalnrači var izpārdot, lai tiktu galā. Tas varētu kaitēt SHIB un citām valūtām tuvākajā un vidējā termiņā, taču Bitcoin ETF apjomi un procentu likmes stabilizēsies, veicinot tirgu visa gada garumā. Shiba Inu būtībā ir viens no spēcīgākajiem mēmu žetoniem, tāpēc mītiņi paaugstinās tā cenu. Dažu mēnešu laikā tas varētu sasniegt USD 0,00004, pēc tam līdz gada beigām USD 0,00006. #SHIB #Memecoins #bitcoinhalving $SHIB

Shiba Inu cenu prognoze kā meme monētu tirgus vāciņš pirmo reizi samazinās kopš marta

Shiba Inu cena šodien nokritās par 8% līdz 0,0000216 USD, savukārt kriptovalūtu tirgus 24 stundu laikā nokritās par 4,5%.

SHIB nedēļas laikā ir samazinājies par 24% un 30 dienu laikā par 16%, savukārt mēmu marķieris gada laikā ir palielinājies par 85%.

Laikā, kad mēmu žetonu tirgus ir piedzīvojis pirmo ievērojamo ierobežojumu samazināšanos kopš marta, SHIB un Dogecoin ir cietuši.

Tomēr noteiktas mēmu valūtas, jo īpaši pirmspārdošanas marķieri, nepakļaujas šai tendencei un demonstrē izaugsmi.

SHIB ir vidēja termiņa lejupslīde, ar vājām indikācijām un bez izredzēm uz atveseļošanos.

Pēc tam, kad vakar nedaudz atguvās līdz 60, tā relatīvā spēka indekss (violeta) pēc 24 stundām atkal ir samazinājies.

SHIB 30 dienu mainīgais vidējais rādītājs (oranžs) turpina kristies, bet ir krietni zem 200 dienu vidējā rādītāja (zils), norādot uz pārpārdoto teritoriju.

Tirgus var aizņemt dažas dienas, lai atgūtos, bet SHIB 1 miljarda ASV dolāru tirdzniecības apjoms liecina par tirgus interesi.

Pašlaik tā pretestības (sarkans) un atbalsta (zaļais) līmenis ir vērsts uz leju, tāpēc tirgotājiem ir jābūt pacietīgiem.

Tā kā vismaz viens valis iepriekšējā nedēļā radīja intriģējošu materiālu, tas drīz var atgriezties pie izaugsmes.

Viedā nauda prognozē, ka SHIB drīz atsāksies, un tirgus, visticamāk, atbalstīs to atveseļošanos, ja entuziasms atgriezīsies.

Kalnračiem zaudējot 50% no saviem ieņēmumiem, Bitcoin samazinājums uz pusi varētu būtiski ietekmēt cenas, taču kalnrači var izpārdot, lai tiktu galā.

Tas varētu kaitēt SHIB un citām valūtām tuvākajā un vidējā termiņā, taču Bitcoin ETF apjomi un procentu likmes stabilizēsies, veicinot tirgu visa gada garumā.

Shiba Inu būtībā ir viens no spēcīgākajiem mēmu žetoniem, tāpēc mītiņi paaugstinās tā cenu.

Dažu mēnešu laikā tas varētu sasniegt USD 0,00004, pēc tam līdz gada beigām USD 0,00006.

#SHIB #Memecoins #bitcoinhalving $SHIB

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Prediction for Ethena as it approaches $1 The Ethena price rose 13% today to $0.9165 as the cryptocurrency market rose 1% in 24 hours. ENA, the Ethena synthetic dollar protocol's governance token, is up 16.5% in a week but down almost the same in a month. Ethena has risen just over 70% since listing at the start of April, with some market heavyweights, including Delphi Ventures, predicting that it may become a major DeFi player. ENA is expected to reach $1 in the coming weeks, and possibly higher in the coming months. Should I Buy Ethena as It Nears $1? ENA's indicators are bullish and close to overbought, but there may be room for more rises. Its relative strength index (purple) soared to 80 this morning, which might be worrisome, but it has started climbing again after sliding below 70 in the past two hours. ENA's 30-day average (orange) passed over the 200-day (blue) today, indicating a breakout phase. Today, the coin's 24-hour trading volume rose to $400 million, although it's still far below its early April listing volume of $3 billion. It's promising that whales are still accumulating ENA, suggesting greater growth in the next days and weeks. Delphi recently predicted that Ethena will “become the highest revenue generating project in all of crypto.” Ethena has promising prospects despite these powerful words. It debuted last month as an Ethereum-based stablecoin initiative, issuing USDe, a dollar-pegged stablecoin with substantial staker rewards. USDe has a market cap of $2.3 billion, and investors can issue additional tokens by depositing USDT and USDC. The Ethena price may rise further due to its strong first growth. The latter may hit $1 next week before recovering to $1.50 by summer. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #altcoins #BTC #ENA $ENA
Following a shocking week, bitcoin prices continue to fall below $60,000. As this is written, Bitcoin is having a hard time recovering from an April decline reminiscent of November 2022 and reclaiming the $60,000 mark at the beginning of May. The idea that Bitcoin could serve as "digital gold" has taken another hit in the past week's price decline, as analysts have pointed out that Bitcoin is more correlated with conventional markets than it is with Gold. The Nasdaq plummeted 2% and the S&P 500 fell 1.6% on the day due to the Federal Reserve's 'higher for longer' monetary policy forecast, which was announced on May day. Despite prolonged tight monetary conditions, the US economy is nevertheless solid. Zach Pandl, head of research at Grayscale Investments, claims that if interest rates stay high for a longer period of time, it will keep the dollar strong and discourage investments in assets like Bitcoin. A halving event that happened during Bitcoin's last peak yet didn't bother miners and, looking back, seems to have been factored in didn't help matters either. Big money washed out of US Bitcoin ETFs last week, and Hong Kong's lackluster reaction to the much-publicized debut of spot-Bitcoin ETFs was the icing on the cake. Despite the spot-Bitcoin ETFs' bad first day performance, analysts are optimistic that they would gain popularity among Chinese investors. After raising more than $123 million in assets during its initial trading session, ChinaAMC's Bitcoin product is already one of the top twenty percent biggest exchange-traded funds (ETFs), according to Bloomberg's senior ETF analyst Eric Balchunas. Bitcoin is still in buy area on the weekly chart, which means that some purchasers may take advantage of the bargain to buy, even if April was a down month. The lower $50,000 region could be a potential taker if the slide continues, but if prices continue to decline, fresh selloffs could bring prices towards the $42,000 support level. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #buythedip #BTC #bitcoinhalving $BTC
Wormhole Develops Attractive Pattern: What to Do? There is a cross-chain protocol known as Wormhole that was developed by Jump Crypto, which is a division of Jump Trading Group. This protocol allows for the secure transfer of data and tokens between different blockchain networks. Wormhole V2 supports 30 networks and 200 applications after connecting Ethereum and Solana. Interoperability allows cross-chain dApp operation. Wormhole Crypto has engaged traders well in recent days. A steady rise in crypto trade volume shows this. At press time, CoinMarketCap showed a 43% increase in crypto trade volume over the past 24 hours. Wormhole's market cap rose 2.9%. Crypto has good liquidity and a 23.91% volume/market cap ratio. Bitcoin's market cap gives it 4% liquidity. CoinMarketCap ranked the crypto 68th, giving it 0.05% market dominance. It indicated that crypto is well-represented globally. Wormhole crypto's fear and greed index was 43, showing investor fear. Short-term investors should be concerned because technicals predict price drop. The Wormhole crypto liquidation chart displays bull-bear ambiguity. Both sides have had nearly equal liquidation for a long time. Despite traders' high engagement, data suggests a substantial buyer-seller struggle. To see a bitcoin price trend, someone must dominate. Technical charts may aid with levels and crypto trend clarity. W crypto is trading in a rising wedge pattern with shallow swing highs on the 4H chart. This shows that purchasers are working hard but cannot control the price. Even yet, sellers can easily pull the price to the wedge pattern's lower band when the swing high is removed. Investors need the W crypto price to break the rising wedge for a better confluence. The next breakout may indicate a direction. W bitcoin prices are taking support at the 20- and 50-day EMAs, which are crossing bullishly. The MACD indicator and signal line are both positive, and a bullish cross suggests purchasing momentum. #CryptoWatchMay2024 #Wormhole #altcoins #BlackRock
Shiba Inu Gets Another Big Listing That Could Rocket Price PayPal users in the US can now buy Shiba Inu through MoonPay, expanding adoption and possibly raising prices. PayPal and MoonPay Offer Shiba Inu Access PayPal's strategic cooperation with MoonPay allows US consumers to access cryptocurrency assets like Shiba Inu. MoonPay announced on X (previously Twitter) that PayPal now offers US fiat-to-crypto transactions. MoonPay's inclusion with PayPal is a milestone in US cryptocurrency democratization. MoonPay will let PayPal users buy 110 cryptocurrencies, including Shiba Inu, a dog-themed cryptocurrency. Through the agreement, millions of users in all 50 US states will be exposed to Shiba Inu tokens, advancing the cryptocurrency's mainstream adoption. This might boost cryptocurrency prices by attracting new investors from around the nation. After the collaboration announcement, Shiba Inu prices rose significantly. CoinMarketCap reported a 7.72% increase in the coin from $0.000022 to $0.000024 in 24 hours. MoonPay has shown how new PayPal customers can easily access its huge coin library and transact online. Bitcoin trades at $63.866. TradingView chart The crypto payment platform said PayPal users can finance their crypto accounts via direct bank withdrawal, PayPal balance, and debit card. MoonPay co-founder and CEO Ivan Soto-Wright welcomed the milestone agreement to promote bitcoin adoption in familiar ecosystems. He said MoonPay's integration into PayPal shows the crypto platform's dedication to trusted networks for cryptocurrency access. MoonPay Will Change PayPal Crypto Access Shiba Inu and MoonPay will give US PayPal customers access to prominent cryptocurrencies like Solana (SOL), Ethereum (ETH), Dogecoin (DOGE), Bitcoin (BTC), and others. The crypto service platform also announced that US customers will not be able to access Pepe (PEPE), Cosmos (ATOM), Toncoin (TON), Binance Coin (BNB), and others. MoonPay will give PayPal flexible payment ways, a wide range of cryptocurrencies #CryptoWatchMay2024 #SHIB #altcoins #BTC $SHIB

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