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Altcoin Bloodbath: analītiķis vaino apstājusies impulsu un lāču maiņu Nesenais altkoina vērtību kritums daudziem investoriem ir licis kasīt galvu. Mēģinot atšifrēt avārijas mehāniku, vadošais analītiķis Pentoši norāda uz impulsa zudumu un sekojošu lāča pārņemšanu. Pentoši, plaši sekots kriptovalūtu stratēģis, kurš pazīstams ar savu pseidonimitāti, nesen sociālajos tīklos izskaidroja savu skatījumu uz altcoin sabrukumu. Pēc viņa teiktā, strauja jaunu altkoinu laišana tirgū pārņēma tirgu, radot pārprodukcijas situāciju. Tas savukārt izraisīja pieprasījuma nelīdzsvarotību, izraisot sākotnējo impulsu izzušanu. "Es domāju, ka lielākoties tā bija vienkārša piedāvājuma un pieprasījuma dinamika," sacīja Pentoši. Viņš precizēja situāciju, pielīdzinot situāciju "līdzsvara punkta" sasniegšanai, pēc kura tirgus noskaņojums mainījās par labu pārdevējiem jeb "lāčiem". Šīs maiņas ietekme bija nenoliedzama. TOTAL3 — metrika, ko izmanto, lai izsekotu altkoinu kopējai tirgus kapitalizācijai, no augstākā līmeņa 788,85 miljardiem USD samazinājās līdz zemākajam līmenim — 563,85 miljardiem USD, kas ir satriecošs kritums par 30%. Neskatoties uz slaktiņu, Pentoshi joprojām ir optimistisks par kriptovalūtu tirgus ilgtermiņa perspektīvām. Viņš uzskata, ka tas ir tikai "vietējais tops", nevis kopējā vēršu skrējiena beigas. "Buļļu tirgus vienmēr beidzas, kad piedāvājums būtībā kļūst bezgalīgs un vairs nav neviena, ko pirkt," viņš teica. "Manuprāt, mēs vēl neesam tur." Pentoshi analīze izceļ tirgus tempa trauslo raksturu kriptovalūtas telpā. Straujie jauninājumi un jaunu projektu pieplūdums var radīt sprādzienbīstamas izaugsmes periodus, kā arī radīt pārsātinājuma un korekcijas risku. #BullorBear

Altcoin Bloodbath: analītiķis vaino apstājusies impulsu un lāču maiņu

Nesenais altkoina vērtību kritums daudziem investoriem ir licis kasīt galvu. Mēģinot atšifrēt avārijas mehāniku, vadošais analītiķis Pentoši norāda uz impulsa zudumu un sekojošu lāča pārņemšanu.

Pentoši, plaši sekots kriptovalūtu stratēģis, kurš pazīstams ar savu pseidonimitāti, nesen sociālajos tīklos izskaidroja savu skatījumu uz altcoin sabrukumu. Pēc viņa teiktā, strauja jaunu altkoinu laišana tirgū pārņēma tirgu, radot pārprodukcijas situāciju. Tas savukārt izraisīja pieprasījuma nelīdzsvarotību, izraisot sākotnējo impulsu izzušanu.

"Es domāju, ka lielākoties tā bija vienkārša piedāvājuma un pieprasījuma dinamika," sacīja Pentoši. Viņš precizēja situāciju, pielīdzinot situāciju "līdzsvara punkta" sasniegšanai, pēc kura tirgus noskaņojums mainījās par labu pārdevējiem jeb "lāčiem".

Šīs maiņas ietekme bija nenoliedzama. TOTAL3 — metrika, ko izmanto, lai izsekotu altkoinu kopējai tirgus kapitalizācijai, no augstākā līmeņa 788,85 miljardiem USD samazinājās līdz zemākajam līmenim — 563,85 miljardiem USD, kas ir satriecošs kritums par 30%.

Neskatoties uz slaktiņu, Pentoshi joprojām ir optimistisks par kriptovalūtu tirgus ilgtermiņa perspektīvām. Viņš uzskata, ka tas ir tikai "vietējais tops", nevis kopējā vēršu skrējiena beigas.

"Buļļu tirgus vienmēr beidzas, kad piedāvājums būtībā kļūst bezgalīgs un vairs nav neviena, ko pirkt," viņš teica. "Manuprāt, mēs vēl neesam tur."

Pentoshi analīze izceļ tirgus tempa trauslo raksturu kriptovalūtas telpā. Straujie jauninājumi un jaunu projektu pieplūdums var radīt sprādzienbīstamas izaugsmes periodus, kā arī radīt pārsātinājuma un korekcijas risku.


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IO.NET Lands on Binance Launchpool as Project 55 Binance has unveiled IO.NET (IO) as the latest addition to its Launchpool platform, marking the 55th project to join the program. IO.NET is a decentralized AI computing and cloud platform aiming to democratize access to AI processing power. Farming IO Tokens The Launchpool event allows users to farm IO tokens by staking their holdings of BNB (Binance Coin) and FDUSD (First Digital USD) in separate pools. This four-day farming period kicks off on June 7th and concludes on June 10th at 23:59 UTC. It's important to note that users can only stake their tokens in one pool at a time, but they can allocate their holdings between the two pools if they wish. IO Tokenomics With a total initial supply of 500 million IO tokens, only 19%, roughly 95 million tokens, will be released initially. The project has set a maximum supply of 800 million IO tokens. Additionally, 4% of the initial supply, 20 million tokens, have been allocated for mining purposes. Binance Listing and Trading Following the farming period, Binance will officially list the IO token. The exact date for trading to commence is set for June 11th at 15:00 UTC. The expected trading pairs include IO/BTC, IO/USDT, IO/BNB, IO/FDUSD, and IO/TRY. A Step Forward for Decentralized AI IO.NET's arrival on Binance Launchpool signifies a significant development for the project. This exposure will bolster IO.NET's position within the AI and cloud computing sectors. With its focus on decentralized solutions, IO.NET offers a glimpse into the future of accessible AI processing. #Binance55thProject(IO) #StartInvestingInCrypto #Launchpoolrewards
Shiba Inu Price Jumps on Whale Activity and Token Burns Shiba Inu (SHIB), the popular meme coin, has experienced a price surge recently, fueled by two key factors: large whale purchases and a significant increase in token burn rate. Whales Accumulate SHIB According to recent reports, a major SHIB whale, inactive for the past three years, has re-entered the market, accumulating a staggering 323 billion Shiba Inu tokens. This significant buy-in of over $8 million worth of SHIB has instilled confidence among investors, sparking a buying frenzy. Token Burns Add Fuel to the Fire Alongside the whale activity, the Shiba Inu burn rate has skyrocketed by over 16,600% in the last 24 hours. This burning process essentially removes tokens from circulation, potentially leading to scarcity and a price increase in the long run. Market Responds Positively The combined effect of whale accumulation and token burns has been a positive response from the market. The SHIB price surged over 7% on June 4th, reaching an intra-day high of $0.00002627. Additionally, trading volume jumped by a significant 44%, indicating renewed investor interest. Is This a Bullish Trend? While it's still early to predict a definitive bull run, these recent developments paint a hopeful picture for Shiba Inu. The whale activity suggests potential confidence from large investors, and the rising burn rate indicates a focus on reducing supply. These factors, coupled with increased trading activity, could signal a potential price upswing for SHIB. Important to Remember The cryptocurrency market remains volatile, and SHIB's price can fluctuate rapidly. Investors should always conduct their own research before making any investment decisions. #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #shiba⚡
Memecoin Market Rejoices as Roaring Kitty Returns with $200M GameStop Bet In a move sending shockwaves through the cryptocurrency market, legendary meme investor Keith Gill, better known online as Roaring Kitty, has revealed a whopping $200 million position in GameStop. This significant development has reignited the memecoin frenzy, with tokens like $FLOKI, $DOGE, $WIF, $PEPE, $SHIB, and $BONK experiencing a surge in value. Gill's return to the limelight, specifically his bullish stance on GameStop, has fueled speculation of a similar rally for memecoins. Crypto analyst Scofield, a popular figure on platform X, believes this is a bullish sign for the memecoin industry. Scofield highlights several established memecoins with strong fundamentals that stand to benefit the most, including Dogecoin (DOGE), Dogwifhat (WIF), Pepe (PEPE), Floki Inu (FLOKI), Shiba Inu (SHIB), and Bonk (BONK). Floki Inu (FLOKI) appears to be a major beneficiary in the early stages, experiencing a significant 16% price increase in the last 24 hours, currently trading around $0.00028. Notably, FLOKI boasts an impressive track record with a total value locked (TVL) of around half a billion. This development comes amidst a period of relative stagnation for memecoins. However, Roaring Kitty's multi-million dollar bet on GameStop has injected a renewed sense of optimism into the market. Analysts like Scofield predict a busy few days for the memecoin sector, with potential for significant gains for these internet-driven cryptocurrencies. #StartInvestingInCrypto #MemeWatch2024 #RemotecryptoSignal
Binance to Delist Four Altcoins in Move to Safeguard Trading Environment Binance, the world's leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced plans to delist four altcoins: OMG Network (OMG/USD), Waves (WAVES/USD), Wrapped NXM (WNXM/USD), and NEM (XEM/USD). The delisting, effective June 17, 2024, follows a thorough review conducted by Binance to ensure a safe and secure trading environment for its users. This decision will have a significant impact on the delisted currencies. Trading for all associated currency pairs will cease on the exchange, and the market prices of the affected altcoins are expected to experience major fluctuations. While Binance hasn't disclosed specific details about the reasons behind the delisting, it highlights their commitment to maintaining a high standard within their platform. This often involves reviewing the listed currencies to identify potential risks that could compromise user safety. Impact on Investors Investors holding these delisted coins on the Binance exchange will need to take action before June 17th. Here's a breakdown of the key dates: Trading Halt: All trading orders for the aforementioned coins will be automatically cancelled after trading stops at 06:00 AM UTC on June 17, 2024. Deposit Freeze: Deposits of the delisted tokens will no longer be accepted after June 18, 2024, at 06:00 AM UTC. Withdrawal Window: Users will have until September 17, 2024, at 06:00 AM UTC, to withdraw their delisted coins from their Binance wallets. Investors are advised to closely monitor the situation and make informed decisions regarding their holdings of these delisted altcoins. They may consider transferring them to a different exchange that still supports them before the withdrawal window closes. #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #DelistingNotice
Cryptocurrency Adoption on the Rise: Over 6.8% of the World Now Owns Digital Assets A recent report by Triple A indicates a significant surge in cryptocurrency adoption worldwide. According to the findings, over 562 million people, translating to roughly 6.8% of the global population, now own some form of digital asset in 2024. This represents a substantial 34% increase compared to 2023, which saw approximately 420 million digital currency owners. This rise in crypto ownership comes amidst speculation of a potential Bitcoin bull run. The leading cryptocurrency has experienced significant price fluctuations in recent years, and analysts predict a period of sustained growth on the horizon. The increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies could be attributed to several factors, including: Growing awareness and understanding: Cryptocurrencies are becoming more mainstream, with increased media coverage and educational resources. Accessibility: The rise of user-friendly crypto exchanges and platforms makes it easier for individuals to buy and sell digital assets. Potential for high returns: While inherently volatile, cryptocurrencies offer the possibility of significant returns compared to traditional investment options. However, it's important to remember that cryptocurrency ownership also comes with inherent risks. The market is still relatively young and unregulated, and investors should be prepared for potential price swings. Here are some additional points to consider: The report by Triple A doesn't specify the types of digital assets people are holding. Bitcoin is likely the most common, but other cryptocurrencies and tokens exist. The geographical distribution of crypto ownership is likely uneven. Developed nations might have a higher percentage of ownership compared to developing ones. This surge in cryptocurrency adoption signifies a growing interest in this new asset class. As the market continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how this trend develops in the coming years. #StartInvestingInCrypto #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool #Write2Earn!
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