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Reiz kāds puisis nopirka 2 🍕 par 10 000 bitkoiniem. 🤔 Vai viņam vēl ir palicis kāds BTC? 📅 Pirms desmit gadiem izstrādātājs Laszlo Hanyecz iegāja vēsturē, iegādājoties divas picas par 10 000 BTC. saņemiet kriptovalūtu atlīdzību šeit 🏟🏟🏟 💰 Tajā laikā šie bitkoini bija aptuveni 41 USD vērti. 📈 Tagad, kad BTC katra maksā 70 000 USD, šīs picas maksā milzīgus 700 miljonus USD! Runājiet par dārgo 🍕! 🎉 22. maijs tagad kriptovalstu pasaulē tiek atzīmēts kā “Bitcoin Picas diena”. ❓ Bet vai viņam vēl ir palicis kāds BTC? 🤫 Laszlo Hanyecz nav publiski atklājis, vai viņam joprojām ir kāds no sākotnējiem 10 000 BTC. Viņš tagad varētu būt kluss miljonārs, bet mēs varam tikai minēt. 💭 Es uzskatu, ka viņam joprojām varētu būt kāds BTC. Diemžēl daudzi pārdeva savu pārāk agri, zaudējot peļņu. 💀 Daži pazaudēja atslēgas vai aizgāja mūžībā, atstājot savu BTC nelietojamu uz visiem laikiem. 📷 Attēls zemāk: "Ko jūs saņemat par 10 000 BTC 2010. gadā pret 0,0015 BTC 2024. gadā" $XRP $BNB $BTC #BinanceLaunchpool 72493548274640592829282828

Reiz kāds puisis nopirka 2 🍕 par 10 000 bitkoiniem.

🤔 Vai viņam vēl ir palicis kāds BTC?

📅 Pirms desmit gadiem izstrādātājs Laszlo Hanyecz iegāja vēsturē, iegādājoties divas picas par 10 000 BTC.

saņemiet kriptovalūtu atlīdzību šeit 🏟🏟🏟

💰 Tajā laikā šie bitkoini bija aptuveni 41 USD vērti.

📈 Tagad, kad BTC katra maksā 70 000 USD, šīs picas maksā milzīgus 700 miljonus USD! Runājiet par dārgo 🍕!

🎉 22. maijs tagad kriptovalstu pasaulē tiek atzīmēts kā “Bitcoin Picas diena”.

❓ Bet vai viņam vēl ir palicis kāds BTC?

🤫 Laszlo Hanyecz nav publiski atklājis, vai viņam joprojām ir kāds no sākotnējiem 10 000 BTC. Viņš tagad varētu būt kluss miljonārs, bet mēs varam tikai minēt.

💭 Es uzskatu, ka viņam joprojām varētu būt kāds BTC. Diemžēl daudzi pārdeva savu pārāk agri, zaudējot peļņu.

💀 Daži pazaudēja atslēgas vai aizgāja mūžībā, atstājot savu BTC nelietojamu uz visiem laikiem.

📷 Attēls zemāk: "Ko jūs saņemat par 10 000 BTC 2010. gadā pret 0,0015 BTC 2024. gadā" $XRP $BNB $BTC #BinanceLaunchpool 72493548274640592829282828

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🎴Urgent update about MANTA📊 👉Manta Network is making waves with its innovative CeDeFi product and cutting-edge ZK technology. Let's dive in:🎴  📌 Real Token Returns with Manta CeDeFi 🔮Manta's new CeDeFi product offers real token returns! Here's how it works🚩 🔍Deposit & Earn:🎯 💰Deposit wBTC, wETH, or stablecoins. Custodian Service: Assets are managed by Ceffu. 🥌Institutional Strategies: Assets are used to generate returns through strategies like rate arbitrage. 💠On-Chain Access: These strategies are now accessible to everyone on-chain. Token Returns: Earn returns in tokens, not just in dollar value. 🎴Bull Market Benefits🎴 🔔Double Gain: Enjoy token appreciation and RWA yields. 💡Unique Opportunity: One of the few DeFi products offering real token-denominated returns. 🔧 Manta's Modular and ZK Proof Tech 📙Manta Network uses modular blockchain and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs)📈 📈Modular Design:🖍   🔴Real Token Returns with Manta CeDeFi 🎴 Earn what matters: Unlike traditional DeFi, Manta CeDeFi lets you earn returns directly in tokens, not just dollar value. Deposit & Earn: Simply deposit wBTC, wETH, or stablecoins to start generating returns. 🔘Manta Network utilizes a modular blockchain architecture and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) for a superior DeFi experience💥 🎴Modular Design🔵 Manta Pacific: An EVM-compatible Layer 2 solution for scalable and cost-effective ZK applications. Manta Atlantic: (Details TBA) Likely a ZK-powered Layer 1 for broader applications. Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs): Enhanced Privacy: Keep your transactions confidential. Faster Transactions: Reduce computational load for smoother DeFi interactions. 📌The Future of ZK Tech with Manta 💡 ZKPs hold immense potential for the future of blockchain: Manta Network's commitment to business development (BD) and research positions them for continued success: Strong Partnerships: Manta actively builds partnerships to expand their ecosystem. Cutting-edge Research.but always DYOR🎯 $MANTA #MantaRWA
🎴Why will $MANTA coin explode and reach the moon in this bull market? 💡 📘What's Manta? 🕯 📌Manta Network is a privacy-preserving decentralized network built on Substrate, designed to offer on-chain privacy for blockchain transactions. 🗑 It utilizes zk-SNARKs to provide complete end-to-end anonymity, scalable and high-throughput transactions. Manta Network is divided into two main components: 🔵Manta Atlantic A ZK Layer1 blockchain on Polkadot, focusing on programmable privacy and decentralized identities using zkSBTs (zero-knowledge Soulbound Tokens) ⚫Manta Pacific A Layer 2 solution on Ethereum, enhancing scalability and cost-effectiveness for deploying ZK applications compatible with Solidity. 🔶Manta CeDeFi Products and Real Returns 💸: Manta Network offers CeDeFi (Centralized Decentralized Finance) products designed to bridge the gap between traditional finance and decentralized networks, enhancing privacy and user control. These products aim to provide real returns through various mechanisms like staking, liquidity provision, and yield farming, all while leveraging the privacy-preserving . 🔘Manta's Modular and ZK Proof Technology Advantages Manta Network leverages modular and zero-knowledge (ZK) proof technologies to enhance privacy and scalability in blockchain applications. Here are the key advantages: Modular Architecture 🔺Scalability Manta's modular design allows for offloading certain computations to specialized layers, improving transaction throughput and efficiency. 📈 💠Flexibility Developers can choose the most suitable modules for their applications, whether focusing on privacy, scalability, or interoperability. 🔧 💠Maintainability Easier upgrades and maintenance without affecting the entire network. 🔄 🔴Manta Network's Business Developmen Manta Atlantic : Focuses on ZK Layer1 solutions on Polkadot, enhancing programmable privacy and decentralized identities. Manta Pacific A Layer 2 ecosystem on Ethereum, providing a scalable environment for ZK applications.$MANTA #MantaRWA
💥Urgent update about MANTA📊 🔍 Dive into Manta Network's CeDeFi and ZK Tech🎴 🚀 Real Token Returns with Manta CeDeFi 🔮Manta's new CeDeFi product offers real token returns! Here's how it works🚩 🔍Deposit & Earn:🎯 Deposit wBTC, wETH, or stablecoins. Custodian Service: Assets are managed by Ceffu. 🥌Institutional Strategies: Assets are used to generate returns through strategies like rate arbitrage. On-Chain Access: These strategies are now accessible to everyone on-chain. Token Returns: Earn returns in tokens, not just in dollar value. 🎴Bull Market Benefits🎴 🔔Double Gain: Enjoy token appreciation and RWA yields. 💡Unique Opportunity: One of the few DeFi products offering real token-denominated returns. 🔧 Manta's Modular and ZK Proof Tech 📙Manta Network uses modular blockchain and zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs)📈 📈Modular Design:🖍 Manta Pacific: EVM-compatible Layer2 for scalable, low-cost ZK apps. Manta Atlantic: Likely a ZK-powered Layer1 for broader applications. Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs): Enhanced Privacy: Transactions stay private. Scalability: Faster transactions with less computational load. 📌Future of ZK Tech: Scalable Blockchains: Solve current scalability issues. Privacy in Various Sectors: Healthcare, supply chain, and more can benefit from ZKPs. 🌟 Manta's BD and Research Excellence🖊 🖍Manta excels in business development (BD) and research🗂 BD: Building partnerships to grow the ecosystem. Check out "[Manta Network Fundraising Outlook]" and "[Relentless Builders Behind Manta Network]" for more. *Research: Innovative research team driving continuous innovation. Stay tuned for Manta's MEME Season for new developments! Manta Network is poised to lead in privacy-focused DeFi with cutting-edge tech and strong BD and research.$MANTA #MantaRWA

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